California Directory of Radio & pres; Bill McNulty, gen mgr & opns mgr; Kim Martinez, gen sis mgr; KUTY(AM)-See Palmdale Lotus. Format: Sp. adult contemp. Nelson Gomez, pres: Richard Dwight Arnold, prom mgr; Kelli Cluque, progmg dir; Lisa Axe, mus dir; Torez, progmg dir; Juan Carlos Ibarra, news dir: Chet Hughes. chief Fred Folmer, chief of engrg. of engrg. Le Grand Lake Isabella Lodi 'KEFR(FM)- Jan 11, 1985: 89.9 mhz; 1.8 kw. 2.142 ft. TL: N37 32 01 W120 01 50. Stereo. Box 52, 13306 Jefferson St. (95333). (209) KCVR(AM)- 1946: 1570 khz; 5 kw -D. 34 w -N, DA -2. TL: N34 09 18 KOAB(AM) - July 15, 1977: 1140 khz; 1 kw-D. TL: N35 38 20 W118 389-4659. Fax: (209) 389 -0215. E -mail: kdovefk.org. Web Site: W121 17 39. (CP: 500 w -N. TL: N38 0510 W121 12 57). Suite 3, 6820 28 22. Hrs opn: Sunrise- sunset. Box 2008, 14 Sierra Dr., Kerrville www.fk.org. Licensee: Family Stations Inc. (group owner) Format: Pacific Ave., Stockton (95207). 1436 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento (93238). (760) 379 -5636. Fax: (760) 379 -3119. E -mail: gabecare- Educ, relg. Target aud: General, Harold Camping, pres; Craig (95207). (209) 474 -0154. (916) 646 -4000. Fax: (209) 747 -0316. ems.com. Web Site: www.care- ems.com. Licensee: Robert J. and Hulsebos, progmg mgr: Larry Milliken, an mgr & chief of engrg. Licensee: KCVR License Co. L.L.C. (acq 4-17-98: grpsl) Rep: Lotus. Katherine M. Bohn. (acq 7- 24 -97; $300,000 with co-located FM) Format: Sp. Sunday. gen mgr: Lupe Nests, news dir, Lee *Net: ABC/SMN. Format: News/alk. News staff: one; news progmg Lisa Gremlin, chief of engrg. 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: 50 plus; mature. Robert Bohn, pres; Bonnie Lemoore Dennison, progmg dir, Robert Pinney, news dir; Bob Jamison, chief of engrg. *Rates: $11; 11; 11; 8.80. KWIN(FM)- Dec 24, 1959: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. 300 ft. TL: N38 03 05 KJOP(AM)- Dec 23, 1963: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N36 18 47 W119 W121 15 05. Stereo. 6820 Pacific Ave., Stockton (95207). (209) 43 51. Box 327, 15279 Hanford Armons Rd. (93245). (559) 584-5242. 476.1230. Fax: (314) 957 -1833. Licensee: Silverado Broadcasting Co. KVLFFM -Co -owned with KOAB. Oct 29, 1992: 104.5 mhz; 200 w. Fax: (559) 584 -0310. Licensee: KJOP Radio L.L.C. (acq 9-4-98; (acq 1994; $3.3 million with co-located AM) Rep: Eastman Radio. 1,260 ft. TL: N35 37 21 W118 2616, Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Net: CNN. $120,000) Rep: Lotus. Format: Catholic. Madeene House, gen mgr, Format: CHR. Don Kirkish, CFO; Roy Williams, pres & gen mgr; Format: Rock, oldies. Target aud: 27.55. *Bonnie Dennison, mus Jesues Gonzalez. opns mgr: Anna Guerrero. progmg dir. John Buckley, sis VP & gen sis mgr; Roy Kin)i, prom dir; John dir.Same as AM. Christian, progmg dir: Dirk Kooyman, pub affrs dir: Phil Moore. engrg Lenwood dir. Lakeport KBTW(FM) -Not on air. target date: unknown: 104.5 mhz: 2.5 kw. 515 Loma Linda KNTI(FM)- Oct 21, 1984: 99.5 mhz, 2.5 kw. 1,920 8. TL: N39 07 50 ft. TL: N34 51 20 W117 02 59. Later Broadcasting Corp., 200 S. A St., W123 04 32. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 140 N. Main St. (95453). 534 S. 4th FI., Oxnard (93030). (805) 240 -2070. Licensee: Lazer Broadcast- KBBV(AM)- Nov 1, 1964: 1050 khz; 250 w -D, DA. TL: 1434 00 42 State St., Ukiah (95453). (707) 263.6113. Fax: (707) 468 -8795. ing (group 10- -99) Plascencia, Corp. owner: acq 27 Alfredo gen mgr. W117 11 03. Box 9494, Katy (92556). 19939 Getting Ct., Katy. TX E -mail: kntiesonic.net. Licensee: Bicoastal Media L.L.C. (group (77449). (909) 866 -8299. Fax: (909) 866 -9660. Licensee: Mountain owner; acq 7- 28 -99; grpsl) Wash arty: Keck, Mahin & Cate. Format: KIXW -FM- November 1994: 107.3 mhz: 440 w. 771 ft. TL: N34 5813 Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 2 -3 -99) Format: Country. talk. Target aud: Adult contemp. News staff: one; news progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: W117 02 19. 1611 E. Main St., Barstow (92311). (760) 256-0326. Fax: General. Rates: $10: 7.50: 10: na. 25-54; family oriented, upscale, professional adults. Spec prog: Sp 3 (760) 256 -9507. Web Site: www.thehighwaystations.com. Licensee: hrs, new adult contemp 3 hrs wkly. Randy Sahae, CEO & chmn; Highway Radio Inc. Group owner: KHWY Inc. (acq 2-18-98; KSGN(FM)--See Riverside Kenn Cunningham, pres & CFO; Mike Wilson, gen mgr; George Feola, $1,741,444 with KIXF(FM) Baker) Format: Country. *Tim Anderson. gen as mgr, news dir & pub affrs dir; Ray Oresco. opns dir, progmg gen mgr. dir & mus dir. Lompoc KXBX(AM)- June 17, 1966: 1270 khz; 500 w -D, 97 w -N. TL: N39 00 Lindsay KBOX(FM)- Licensed to Lompoc. See Santa Maria 50 W122 53 39. Hrs opn: 24. Box 759, 140 N. Main St. (95453). (707) 263 -6113. Fax: (707) 263 -0939. Licensee: Bicoastal Media LLC. KZPO(FM) -Not on air. target date: unknown: 103.3 mhz; 528 w. 751 KROK(FM)- Dec 18, 1979: 100.3 mhz: 3.65 kw. 863 ft. TL: N34 44 (group owner; acq 7- 28 -99; grpsl) Net: UPI, Westwood One. Format: ft. R: N36 14 45 W119 03 37. Suite A. 12550 Brookhurst St., Garden 24 W120 26 42. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite J. 2325 Skyway Dr.. Santa MOR, nostalgia. News staff: one; news progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: Grove (92640). Licensee: Lindsay Broadcasting. (acq 1- 28 -91; FTR: Maria (93455). (805) 922 -1041. Licensee: AGM -Birmingham L.L.C. 40 plus; retirees. Spec prog: Sp 3 hrs, toc talk & info 5 hrs wkly. Bill 2- 18 -91) Group owner: American General Media (acq 10.29 -99: $1.3 million) Groody, pres; Bob Cross, exec VP; Geraldine Groody, VP; Mike Format: Contemp Mexican. Target aud: 18 -49. Marc Robro. gen Wilson, gen mgr & gen sis mgr; Gregg Allan, opns mgr; Paul Reading, mgr, gen sis mgr & mktg mgr; Oscar Baez, prom mgr: Dale Williams. news dir; Bill Rett, chief of engrg. *Rates: $16; 14; 16; 12. Livermore chief of engrg. KXBX-FM- Aug 31, 1984: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. 300 ft. TL N39 02 54 KKIO(FM)- May 1969: 101.7 mhz; 4.5 kw. 382 ft. TL: N37 35 42 'KROZ(FM) -Not on air. target date: unknown: 91.5 mhz: 1 kw vert. W122 45 59. Stereo. Format: Hot adult contemp. W121 39 42. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 525. 7901 Stoneridge Dr.. 413 ft. Trinity Church of the Nazarene, 500 E. North Ave. (93436). Pleasanton (94588). (925) 455 -4500. Fax: (925) 416-1211. Web Site: Licensee: Trinity Church of the Nazarene. Lancaster www.kkiq.com. Licensee: Coast Radio Company Inc. (acq 6.19 -98: $9 million) Net: AP. Wash airy: Haley. Bader & Potts. Format: Adult KSMY(FM)- 1997: 106.7 mhz; 1.65 kw. 1.237 ft. IL: N34 35 34 contemp. News staff: one; news progmg 28 hrs wkly. Target aud: W120 30 23. Suite 1150, 2100 W. Northwest Hwy.. Grapevine, TX KAVL(AM)- Sept 8, 1950: 610 khz; 4.9 kw -D, 4 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N34 25 -54: high income & highly educated adults. Jim Levitt. CEO: John (76051). (817) 424 -2336. Fax: (817) 949 -1101. Licensee: McRae 42 22 W118 10 36. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.2501 W. Ave. I (93536). (661) Levitt, chmn; Jack Chunn, pres & gen mgr; Jim Hampton, opns dir & Media Corp. Wash atty: Rothman, Gordon. Foreman & Groudine. 942 -1121. Fax: (661) 723-5512. Web Sae: www.xtrasports610.com. progmg dir; Debi Covello, sls dir; Steve Fox. prom mgr & mus dir; Eva *Stuart McRae, pres. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Adams, news dir; John Buckham, chief of engrg. Rates: $120; 110; Communications Inc. (acq 5 -4 -99; grpsl) Net: USA. Wash atty: 120; 60. Pepper & Corazzini. Format: Sports. News staff: 2. Target aud: 25 -54: KTME(AL1)- May 25, 1963: 1410 khz: 500 w -D, 77 w -N. DA -2. TL: predominantly male, commuters, sports fans. Henry Schindel, gen N34 39 46 W120 23 03. Hrs opn: 24. 716 E. Chapel!. Santa Barbara sis mgr; Larry Thornhill, gen mgr & progmg dir; Bruce Gary, chief of Livingston (93454). (805) 735 -1410. Fax: (805) 349 -0265. Licensee: Blackhawk engrg. Communications Inc. (acq 12- 24 -97; 580,000) *Net: ABC. Format: All talk. Target aud: 25 -54. Roger Blaemire, pres; Larry Laske, gen mgr: ' KCJH(FM)- 1997:: 89.1 mhz; 230 w non. 5.8 kw vert. 233 ft. TL: Ben Heighes, news dir. KGMX(FM)- Listing follows KHJJ. N37 18 57 W120 43 20. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KCJH(FM) Stockton 100% 9019 N. West Ln.. Stockton (95210). (209) 477 -3690. KWSZ(FM)-Not on air. target date: unknown: 105.1 mhz: 330 w. KHJJ(AM)- August 1956: 1380 khz; 1 kw-D, DA. TL: N34 42 43 Fax: (209) 477 -2762. Licensee: Your Christian Companion Network 1,000 ft. TL: N34 35 01 W120 31 53. Hrs opn: 24. Lompoc Minority W118 10 34. Hrs opn: 24. 0-9, 570 East Ave., Palmdale (93550). Inc. (acq 7-20-98) Wash airy: Cohn & Marks. Format: Gospel, Bcstrs P /ship. 4909 Stockdale Hwy., Bakersfield (93309). Licensee; (805) 947 -3107. Fax: (805) 272 -5688. Licensee: High Desert inspirational, adult contemp. Target aud: 35-55. Shirley Gamer, gen Rock It Radio L.L.C. (acq 2 -8-00: $460.000 in stock) Richard Broadcasting Co.
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