October 2006 Visit us at www.nycla.org Volume 2 / Number 8 NYCLA launches Article 81 Guardianship Project INSIDE NYCLA announced the launch of a new pro ing this pro bono initiative that focuses on the they do not always understand their obligations bono program, the Article 81 Guardianship Pro- special needs of our City's older citizens and and are often in need of assistance. The way the ELECTION LAW ject, which will provide assistance in Article 81 those who oversee their affairs under the aegis NYCLA program will work is that lay COMMITTEE’S PUBLIC proceedings to lay guardians residing in New of Article 81,” said Edwin David Robertson, guardians will be referred by the judges as- York County who are managing estates that are NYCLA President. “Both the Court and the signed to Article 81 cases, the Article 81 Special FORUM - NEW YORK’S considered either low-asset or no-asset. Attorney guardians need our help in implementing effec- Referee or the Article 81 Fiduciary Clerk. The SELECTION OF VOTING training for the program is scheduled for tive and efficient ways to address the variety of lay guardian would, in turn, schedule an ap- Wednesday, November 1 and Wednesday, No- situations that arise and we welcome this op- pointment for a consultation clinic at NYCLA. MACHINES vember 8 at NYCLA from 6:00-9:00 PM. portunity to serve the public interest and dis- According to Anthony L. Soudatt, Co-Chair OCTOBER 19 Given the increasing number of New York charge our professional duty.” of the Pro Bono Committee, “This program County residents who are 60 years and older, the “Lay guardians, who are often close relatives does not only benefit the lay guardians but it number of active guardianship cases is on the of their wards, are frequently dealing with emo- also assists the judges who administer Article 81 rise. According to a report presented to tional trauma, as well as the legal requirements cases as they will not have to spend as much NYCLA’s Board by the Association’s Supreme of being a guardian,” explained Carol A. Sig- time ensuring that the required guardianship re- Court and Pro Bono Committees, “the best op- mond, a member of the Supreme Court Com- ports and accountings are properly prepared.” 3 tion for obtaining legal services for lay guardians mittee. “Hopefully,” she continued, “this pro Attorneys can register for the Article 81 … is on a pro bono basis.” (The 2000 census re- bono program will ease the stress experienced Training Program that will take place on port indicated that there were 1,537,195 people by the lay guardians while also providing a ser- Wednesday, November 1 and Wednesday, No- MEMBERS’ PROFILES residing in New York County and approximately vice to the Court and the community.” vember 8, from 6:00-9:00 PM, by contacting RUTH LANSNER, one third of them were 60 years of age or older.) Those who become lay guardians have al- Lois Davis, Director of Pro Bono Programs, at DAVID LANSNER AND “We look forward to launching and nurtur- ready taken a required six-hour course; however, 212-267-6646, ext. 217 or [email protected]. CAROLYN KUBITSCHEK Meet the Chairs by Allison Slotnick responsibilities under international law regard- real estate law, in- ing undersea telecommunication cables. He also cluding contractual 4 We are continuing our series of profiling served as Chairman of the Committee on Inter- negotiations, condo newly appointed committee and section chairs national Law of the Sea from 1994-2000. and co-op closings, and co-chairs. Below are six profiles. As co-chair of the Admiralty and Maritime commercial leasing Law Committee, Mr. Burnett is organizing a and litigation. Her Douglas R. Burnett lecture/CLE series entitled “Legends and Rising practice also han- MESSAGE FROM THE Partner, Holland & Knight LLP Stars of the Admiralty Bar” that will begin on dles drafting wills, RESIDENT Co-Chair, Admiralty and Maritime Law October 18. Mr. Burnett says that the series, trusts, estates and P Committee which will give members an introduction to contested Surrogate PROMOTING ‘BEST As a partner at maritime law topics and access to top attorneys Court litigation. PRACTICES’ IN Holland & Knight in the field, is an “education opportunity…[that] Sylvia E. DiPietro She is a graduate of THE NONPROFIT LLP, Mr. Burnett cannot be duplicated anywhere else in New Brooklyn Law COMMUNITY practices primarily York." Committee members will also be invited School. in the areas of to attend an afternoon seminar on October 26 at As a native New Yorker, Ms. Di Pietro is ac- EDWIN DAVID ROBERTSON telecommunica- Fordham Law School that will cover the impor- tively involved in many bar associations through- tions (submarine tance of New York to the maritime industry. out the city and state. In addition to serving as 5 cables) and inter- With degrees from the U.S. Naval Academy chair of the Association’s Real Property Section, national and mar- and the Defense Language Institute in Por- she has acted as a Delegate to the State Board of BOOK REVIEW: itime law litigation tuguese and Spanish, Mr. Burnett has had a dis- Directors for the New York State Women’s Bar and arbitration. He tinguished career outside of the law. He holds Association and as a member of the Special ENDING THE GAUNTLET: the rank of Captain in the Navy and has partici- Committee on Cyberspace Law for the New York Douglas R. Burnett has argued before the U.S. Supreme pated in special assignments in Latin America. State Bar Association. Ms. Di Pietro has already REMOVING BARRIERS Court in Argentine organized several events for the coming months TO WOMEN’S SUCCESS Republic v. Amerada Hess Shipping Corp. et at NYCLA, including a talk in November featur- al, 488 U.S. 428 (1988). Mr. Burnett is graduate Sylvia E. Di Pietro ing representatives of the Attorney General’s Bu- IN THE LAW of the University of Denver College of Law. Law Office of Sylvia E. Di Pietro, LLC reau of Consumer Frauds and Protection, who 8 As the International Law Advisor to the In- Chair, Real Property Section will speak on filing for condo and co-op conver- ternational Cable Protection Committee (ICPC), A solo practitioner, Ms. Di Pietro maintains sions. In December, Scott Bloom, a real estate Mr. Burnett advises members of their rights and a practice that focuses on traditional areas of leasing agent, will speak on how to interpret commercial lease contracts. NYCLA’S HIDDEN Ms. Di Pietro has taken an active part in ‘LIONS’ OF THE BAR making information readily available to all NYCLA’S 92ND ANNUAL DINNER NYCLA members. Recently, she led an effort to Honoring Law Schools post downloadable real estate forms such as Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 6:30 PM lease agreements and power of attorney papers Waldorf Astoria Hotel on NYCLA Express, the members-only portal 301 Park Avenue on the NYCLA website. Outside of her practice, Ms. DiPietro has Dinner Chair William Nelson Cromwell Awardee served as a Pro Bono Employer/Mentor to John D. Feerick Richard J. Bartlett, Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, P.C. paralegal students with CUNY’s Associate De- For more information, contact Christina Andujar at 212-267-6646, ext. 221 gree Program at New York City College of Tech- or email at [email protected]. nology, Legal Assistant Studies Department. 11 See MEET THE CHAIRS Page 8 Is there a better way to run your back office? Introducing LexisNexis® PCLaw™ 8 *The leading time & billing software “We are truly impressed with LexisNexis PCLaw Version 8. The program is totally reliable and on those rare occasions when technical support is needed, they excel in friendliness, knowledge and response time. A truly excellent program with numerous timesaving must-have features.” Brenda Hawthorne A. 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October 2006 / New York County Lawyer 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS New York County Lawyers’ Association Invites you to a Events are subject to change; please check the Association’s website, www.nycla.org, for schedule changes and additions. MEET & GREET OCTOBER will read an excerpt from his book following a Li- brary tour. A book signing and reception will also Halloween Reception RECEPTION FOR U.S. BANKRUPTCY Welcoming New Members to the JUDGE take place. Ticket price includes an autographed Home of Law Wednesday, October 11 hard-cover copy of the book. Event proceeds will be 6:00 PM used to catalog and preserve archives in NYCLA’s 14 Vesey Street Place: NYCLA Home of Law – 14 Vesey Street Library. Col. Bogdanos donates all of his book roy- Monday, October 30th at 6:00 pm FREE alties to the National Museum of Iraq. RSVP: Katharine Wells at [email protected] Honoree: Hon. James M. Peck, U.S. Bankruptcy Tickets: NYCLA Member: $50, Nonmember: Judge, Southern District of New York $60, Sponsor: $250, Patron: $500, Benefactor: $1000 (Contributions are tax deductible to the ex- Sponsors: NYCLA’s Consumer Bankruptcy Law ETROPOLITAN USEUM ONCERT ERIES Committee tent provided by law.) M M C S Refreshments will be served.
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