90 Years to Remember HOMECOMING A special publication of The Murray State News The News 2 Homecoming 2012 October 12, 2012 Of equal or lesser value. Present this Of Present ad check equal when you out. or lesser value. Buy one burrito, get one Buy 50% one off! burrito, The News October 12, 2012 Homecoming 2012 3 From the Editor The News 2609 University Station Homecoming is a special time Indeed, it was the writers of Murray State histo- at any institution. A time of a sight to see ry has never changed, and we Murray State University recognition and remembrence, our student edi- take seriously the role we serve Murray, Ky. 42071-3301 this year’s theme celebrating the tors buried in in helping inform and entertain E-mail: [email protected] University’s 90th year of exis- local history the students, faculty, staff and Fax: 809-3175 tence should make this event a books Tuesday adiministrators that make Murray truly unique time in the evening as we State what it is. TheNews.org University’s history. compiled these Over the past few years, the In the production of the annual pages, exploring newspaper has felt priviledged to Austin Ramsey Homecoming special section, the background watch the University grow and Editor-in-Ch ief • 809-6877 The Murray State News’ student Austin stories to impor- thrive in good times and bad. It Austin Ramsey editors and reporters had the Ramsey tant places on seems, sometimes, as if there’s a News Editor • 809-4468 opportunity to delve into Murray campus. Like little bit of good luck and a whole Devin Griggs State’s rich history and experi- Editor-in-Chief Ordway and lot of Racer spirit that makes Opinion Editor • 809-5873 ence what Murray State has Wells halls, which used to be Murray State a step above the encompassed over the years dormitories on campus, or rest. Anna Taylor since its founding in 1922. In pho- Wilson Hall, where the news- Happy Homecoming, every- Features Editor • 809-5871 tographs, year books and word of room in which we work was once body. Enjoy your weekend and Jonathan Ferris mouth, we’ve taken a trip to the occupied by college’s basketball stay safe. To the visiting alumni, Sports Editor • 809-4480 past and seen the University in facility – the storied halls and welcome. Help us make this time Ryan Richardson so many lights. The Quad, the pathways at Murray State contain of the semester exactly what it’s Shoe Tree, the buildings around more to learn than the books and meant to be. Let us enjoy this Online Editor • 809-5877 it – this place reflects the region classes for which we attend. time of reflection without forget- Brandon Orr of Kentucky and the surrounding The Murray State News, which ting what is ahead. Adverti sing Manager • 809-4478 states that it seeks to serve, and has its own relevant history at There is so much in store for Wes Yonts we dedicate this publication to this University, is only four years Murray State in the coming years Production Manager • 809-5874 individuals who make that hap- younger than the founding of the and we look forward to sharing it pen every day and have done so normal school it once was. Since with you, and your Murray State Joe Hedges for for nearly a century. our first edition, our drive to be memories. Advi ser • 809-2998 Welcome Home... “Family Reunion” for Library Student Workers We invite all former student workers and graduate assistants who worked in either Pogue Library or Waterfield Library to join us during Homecoming 2012 for an informal reception and open house. Saturday, October 13 11 a.m. + 1p.m. Waterfield Library Lobby Free for you and your family. If possible, RSVP to Laura Dziekonski at [email protected] The News 4 Homecoming 2012 October 12, 2012 Office of Alumni Affairs bridges gaps, builds events Maddie Mucci || Staff writer Tent City is one of the largest jobs in terms of [email protected] planning Homecoming weekend. “Controlled chaos is kind of what we term it here at the Alumni Homecoming serves as means of bringing alumni Center,” Sabrina Mathis, Associate Director of back to campus and keeping them connected after Alumni Affairs, said. “This year we’ll have 52 tents they leave Murray State. The Office of Alumni inside the stadium.” Affairs plays an active and important role in the “The tent city event is something unique to Homecoming preparations every year. Murray State and I think there’s a mystique that our “In general, our role is to stay in touch with alum- alumni want to come back. That’s not the case at ni when they are out in the world,” Jim Carter, Vice other universities.” President of Institutional Advancement, said. “To Alumni come back to see the University’s many help them stay connected, to keep them informed, changes, and the alumni that come back annually help them where they are in trying to connect with will experience the changes in events from year to other Murray State alumni, and attracting them year. back for various events throughout the year, home- This year Alumni Affairs has been working on coming being the biggest.” bringing back a live band made up of alumni, In Murray State’s 90th year, Alumni Affairs is adding new organizations to Tent City, and cele- working harder than usual to make this year’s brating anniversary years for different organiza- Homecoming weekend a special event for those tions. returning to Murray. Alumni Affairs developed the theme of “This year is exciting in particular because it’s the Homecoming this year, “90 years to remember.” 90th anniversary and there are some special events “They’ve got 90 years worth of history to work going on this year,” Carter said. “Special events that with,” Mathis said. “So, if they want to do some- are going on during the weekend that we’re a part thing that’s geared towards the 20s or the 30s, of celebrating are the success of the capital cam- there’s enough history for them to get it.” paign, the opening of Heritage Hall, which is a Once the theme has been set and preparations donor recognition area, and, of course, the Tent have been made, the staff of Alumni Affairs attends Photo courtesy of Alumni Affairs City event which will be even bigger this year with as many events as possible and enjoys seeing its Tent City is one of many events Alumni Affairs undertakes dur- all of the other things going on.” hard work paid off. ing Homecoming weekend. Alpha Delta Pi Welcome Back for Homecoming, MSU Alumnae! Join us for our Lionshare Challenge, “The Cornhole Games!” October 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Hamilton Fields Contact Philanthropy Chair Christian Hall at [email protected] with any questions. The News October 12, 2012 Homecoming 2012 5 WinslowWinsloow LocatedLocated in n the heart heart of the residentialresidentiaal collegescolleges HoursHours of Operation: Opperation: MondayMonday – Thursday, Thurh sdayy,, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m.p.m. What you need FridayFFridariday 7 a.m. a.mm. – 8 p.m.; p.m.; Saturday Saturday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; p.m.; SundaySunday 8 a.m. a.m. – 11 p.m. p.m. when you ThoroughbredThorouughbred Room Room LocatedLocated on n the second second floor of the CurrisCuurris Center, Centerr,, just acrossacross the e bridge bridge from from the residential residential ccolleges.olleges. need it TossedTTosossed for forr you you entrée entrée salads and one fantasticfantastic salad bar.bar. Don’t forgetforget the grill. HoursHours of Operation: Opperation: Monday Monday – Friday, FFridaridayy,, 7 a.m. a.m. – 2:30 p.m.,p.m., hot line closescloses at 2 p.m.p.m. Dunker’sDunkeer’s Deli LocatedLocated next neext to to the T-Room T-Room on the 2ndd floor of the CurrisCurris Center.Center.F Freshreesh for for you you – sandwiches, subsbs and wrapswr aps HoursHours of Operation: Opperation: MondayMonday - Thursday, Thursdayy,, 10:30 100:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.p.m. Friday,FFridaridayy,, 10:30 10:330 a.m. - 3 p.m.p .m. ; closed weekendsweekendds ThoroughbrewedThorouughbrewed Cafés Cafés TwoTTwwo campus camppus locations “Proudly “Proudly Serving Serving Starbucks” Starbucks” Locations:Locations:: 2nd floor of Curris Curris Center Center and main levellevel of Hart Hart College. College. HartHHart Hours: HHours:: MondayM Monda d y - Friday,F Fridaridaid yy,, 3 - 10:30 10 30 p.m.p.m.. and SundaySunday 3 - 11 p.m.; p.m.; ClosedClosed Saturday Saturday CurrisCurris Center Centeer Hours: Hours: Monday Monday – Thursday, Thursdayy,, 7:30 7::30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.p.m. Friday,FFridaridayy,, 7:30 7:300 a.m. – 6 p.m.p.m. ; Saturday: Saturday: 10 a.m.m. - 4 p.m.p .m. Check out our mini convenience store in Regents College, and our quick LateLate Night Niight Pizza Pizza snack cart in the business building. DeliveryDelivery and and Pick-up Pick-up ĉĐćēđćĒēĊĊĈĉĉĐćēđćĒēĊĊĈĉ ě ĊĊĈĊ ě ĊĊĈČ 7 daysdays a week, weeekek, 6 p.m. p.m.m – Midnight StarbooksStarbooks LocatedLocated in n Waterfield Waterfield Library. Library. Don’t hit thethe booksbooks hungry. hungry. Grab Grab a snackack and LET’S GO a beveragebeverage to to get get you you through through your your study study session. session. RACERS! www.murraystate.edu/diningwwww.murr.murrayyststate.edu//diningdining Equal education and employment opportunities M/F/D, AA employer The News 6 Homecoming 2012 October 12, 2012 Homecoming weekend offers abundance of activities Shannon MacAllister || Staff writer the event with live look-ins on [email protected] Murray State and 12 other schools.
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