PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCESINTERIM SUBCOMMITTEE Annual Report to the Joint Committeeon Governmentand Finance 2007- 2008 January8,2008 I I t In2007 the Subcommitteecontinued its oversightrole of the WestVirginia statepark systemand wasalso actively involved in otherwildlife resourcesand outdoor recreation issues of importance t to the State. I Parks RelatedIssues Parks issuesof interestin2007 andspeakers who appearedbefore the Subcommitteeto address I theseissues included: - Lewis Ledford, Director of the North Carolina Divisionof Partrsand Reqeation, who I discussedNorth Carolinaosimplementation of a dedicatedfunding source for the North Carolina parkssystem and the positive impactit had on the parkssystem; I - Don Strilcer,Superintendent of New RiverGorge National River,Gauley RiverNational RecreationArea and BluestoneNational Scenic River. Mr. Strikerdiscussed a recenteconomic impact study which cited the tremendouseconomic impact of thesenational park sites on the I economyofsouthern West Virginia, and discussedhis ideas forbetterfacilitating atourismeconomy in West Virginia throughincreased cooperation with West Virginia stateparks and other state I govemmentagencies; - Bob Beanblossom,West Virginia State Parks DistrictAdministrator, who discussedthe I legacyof thedepression era Civilian ConservationCorps in buildingthe initial facilitiesthat would lay the foundationfor the beginningsof our statepark system. t I Wildlife ResourcesRelated Issues In the 2007interim year, the Subcommiffeealso continued its oversightrole of outdoorrecreation activitiesmanaged bythe Wildlife ResourcesSection. Wildlife Resourcesissues of interestin2007 I andspeakers who appearedbefore the Subcommitteeto addressthese issues included: - ChristopherW. Ryan, Black Bear Project Leader, Wildlife Resources, who discussedhis I work on the WestVirginia BearResearch and Monitoring project; - Paul Johansen,Assistant Chief for GameManagement, Wildlife Resources, provided a I preliminaryreview of theresults of theFall2007 big gamehunting season, and also discussed other issuessuch as Chronic Wasting Disease in thedeer herd. A summaryof theharvest figures from the I 2007big gamehunting season is includedin the appendix. I I I I I I Law EnforcementIssues west virginia DNR Law enforcementissues of inierestin2007 included: I LieutenantTim Coleman,West Virginia DNRLavt Enforcemenr,discussed recreational boating issuesand ways to better improve boatersafety through increasedboater education and I broaderenforcement powers for DNR law enforcementofficers. I StateParks and other DNR sitesvisited by the Subcommitteein 2007 In furtheranceof its traditionaloversight role, the Subcommittee has made a substantialcommitment I to visit statepark sites,as well asother sites managed by the Division of NaturalResources. This yeartheSubcommittee conductedon-site visitationsto Capcapon State Park, HawksNest State Park, Plum OrchardWildlife ManagementArea, Prickett'sFort StatePark, Tygart Lake StatePark and I ValleyFalls State Park. Summaries ofthese visitation sites are located in ttri appendixof thisreport. I I t I I I I I I 2 I Respectfullysubmitted, il,.ffa/*,1* Jeff Eldridge Co-chair StateSenate Houseof Delegates DannyWells Co-Chair Houseof Delegates APPENDIX 4 I I SUMMARY I OF OPERATIONS TygartLake StatePark I I BackgroundInformation The dam that createdTygart Lake was completedby the US Army Corpsof Engineersin 1938. I In 1945 the Federalgovernment deeded 1,775 aCt.r aro*d the tat<-eto the State of West Virginia, and 539 acresof this land were usedto begin TygartLake StatePark. An additional 715 acres were added in 1947, through a long-term licenseagreement. The 1947license I agreementwas for 25 yearsand was renewedin 1972 and l997.Initial developmentincluded boatdocks and picnic areasand in the early 1950'sa bathhouse,roads, water systems, residence and maintenancebuildings were completed.One of the first campgroundsin the Parkssystem I openedat TygartLake in 1953,and the rentalcabins opened four yearslater. Construction of the lodge I beganin 1964and it wasopened for businessin igO6. I I Four ExecutiveSuites (deck, refrigerator, microwave, DVDA/cR, sofa,large TV) ComputerReservation System I New parking areanearpark office Re-builtfireplaces in ten cabins Acceptingreservations in campground I Wirelessinternet service at lodge New lighting in lobby,restaurant and conference rooms I New freezerfor restaurantkitchen New automaticfire retentionsystem over cook's station (restaurant kitchen) Marina retainingwall Lodgeretaining wall constructedby WVDOH I Picnic shelter(financed by the TygartLake statepark Foundation) I New sidewalksat lodge I I I I t Major Needs I Capital Improvements Build additionallodge rooms Build additionalconference rooms I Outdooramphitheater NatureCenter with displays t Swimmingpool ADA accessiblemulti-purpose trail Marina parking lot expansionand paving I Picnicshelters Laundry building t Relocatecampground and increasesize Equipment Tractorwith long arm brushhog I Lodge,restaurant and conferenceroom furniture Conferenceroom audio/visualequipment Conferenceroom amplifierw/ speakersystem I Four wheeldrive vehicle Riding mowers Weedeaters I Woodsplitter Major Repairsand Alterations I Lodgeroof replacement Pavecabin parking areas Pavecampsites/walkways I A/c units needed(conference rooms & restaurantkitchen) Replaceproblematic phone system I Renovateadditional rooms to ExecutiveSuites I I Personnel Tygart Lake operateswith sevenfull-time personnelcovering administrative and maintenance functions.The total of summer/seasonalworkers is 27 for opiration of the campground,cabin I and lodge housekeeping,security, grounds maintenance,lodge front desk- clerks, and t nature/recreationprograms.A total of 17 staffersare scheduledon an as neededbasis for I t I I restaurantoperations in additionto the seasonalmanager position. The park also utilizes court mandated I communityservice workers and prisoners from the Pruntlrto*o-Corr".tionalFacility. I We must continueto provideclean, comfortable facilities for park patrons,maintain courteous, t informative employees,ilId be revenueconscious while providing enjoyableand effective servicesto all park users.An aggressivesales / marketingand advert'isingjrogram are two key factors that can enhancerevenue growth in future y.*r. The park restiurant has been under t direct Statemanagement for the past severalyears and visitor saiisfactionwith the restauranthas beenmuch improved as reflected on commentcards received. I In keepingwith the ever changingrecreational trends, such as the influx of Jet Ski userson the lake,sound judgment must be exercisedto protectthe quality of the park experiencefor all users I as well as to protectthe naturalresources of the area. With the spectacularnatural beauty of Tygart Lake as a background,we have the potential to I attract visitors from all walks of life. The Tygart Lake State Park Foundationhas been instrumentalin providing for our park by purchasingequipment, tools and playgroundsfor improvementsto the park. lVe are hopeful that the fuiure will bring more giving Uy tfr. private sectorswith improvementsfrom the statethat will makeour park the destinationarea of North I CentralW.V. I t I I I t t t I StatisticalTrends Tygart Lake StatePark FY 2006 F'Y2005 FY 2004 Attendance 193.899 233.979 143.644 LodgeOceupancy 53.t7% 47.87% 46.00% Cabin Occunancv 56.00% 55.3s% 52.13o/o Camosite Occunancv 21.22% 20.78% 20.38% Oper4ting Revenue 674.82s 646.r40 554.842 OperatingExnenditures 900.423 907.633 846.642 Surplus/(Subsidv) Q25.s98\ Q61.492\ (291.800) Self-Sufficiencv 75o/o 7t% 66% I I ThreeYear RevenueComparison I Tygart Lake Statepark I Revenue FY 2006 FY 2005 FY 2004 BoatDock Concession 15.903 26.445 24.161 T Cabin Rentals 150.40s 153"221 1r3.239 CampsiteRentals 29.998 27-39s 27.175 I Coin MachineConcession 375 Cot Rental 4.124 2.082 1.603 I Facili8 UseRental 331 300 27s FirewoodSales 4.7t| 4.480 3.882 I Games 156 150 t34 Gift ShopSales 33.578 33.82r 24.899 I 178.547 r54.022 r34.656 Marina 14.682 MiscellaneousCollections @.922\ 2.537 17.949 I MiscellaneousConcessions 13.568 PicnicShelter Fees 2.r76 2.278 2.t52 t Pro,Shop (52) Restaurant 238^897 2t9.9r2 198.348 I SwimminsFees 4.609 4.054 4.672 VendinsMachines 2.745 815 1.324 I TOTAL REVENUE 674.825 646.140 554,842 I t t t 9 I t I - ThreeYear ExpenseComparison t Tygart Lake Statepark I Expense FY 2006 FY 2005 FY 2004 Total PersonalServices 395.283 400.797 389.2t6 Total EmploveeBenefits t27.402 123.917 r09.044 I CURRENT EXPENSE OffrcePostal/Freisht 5.589 6.t45 6.330 I Prlnjine/Bindine 347 546 951 I RentalExpense I7 utilities 77.r20 70.791 72.842 I Telephone 16.r44 12"108 6.873 Contract/Profe ssi onal 21.502 16.574 8.61l Travel 1.248 3.283 1.009 I 306 VehicleRental 2l I Machine Rental 3.2r7 2.008 753 Clothine/HouseholdSuonlies 39.162 57.411 48.174 I Advertising 3.50s 2,672 4.tt3 Vehicle MaintenanceExnense l3.5ls 13.r25 10.439 I Research/Educati on/Medi cal 253 170 614 MaintgnanceContracts ll0 572 723 t Merchandisefor Resale 152.37r 1s5.932 147.448 HospitaliE 2 95 I RecreationSupplies Miscellaneous 2,799 4.737 1"648 I CreditCard Processins Fees 7.889 7.136 7.802 Irainine 535 t.645 372 I MiscellaneousEouioment 6.724 99s TOTAL CURRENT I EXPENSE 353.328 355,962 318.720 I l0 I FY 2006 FY 2005 FY 2004 REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Equipment _QlEqe .t34 s34 524 Building/House/Repairs 4 ?47 4.590 5.141 Buildine Repairs/Alterations 11.s28 13.412 12.57s VehicleRepairs 1"535 1.038 (620) Improvenents -.lQround 1.924 461 4.828 Farm/Construction Equioment
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