European Geoparks Magazine Ú Issue 17 YEARS 2000 - 2020 74 Geoparks | 24 Countries Haute-Provence Geopark, FRANCE Vulkaneifel Geopark, GERMANY Lesvos Island Geopark, GREECE Psiloritis Geopark, GREECE TERRA.vita Geopark, GERMANY Copper Coast Geopark, IRELAND Marble Arch Caves Geopark, IRELAND & UK Madonie Geopark, ITALY Rocca di Cerere Geopark, ITALY Styrian Eisenwurzen Geopark, AUSTRIA Bergstraße-Odenwald Geopark, GERMANY North Pennines AONB Geopark, UK Luberon Geopark, FRANCE North West Highlands Geopark, Scotland, UK Swabian Albs Geopark, GERMANY Harz – Braunschweiger Land Geopark, GERMANY '@ƅDF©"NTMSQX©#HMNR@TQR©&DNO@QJ ©1., -( Beigua Geopark, ITALY Fforest Fawr Geopark, UΚ Bohemian Paradise Geopark, CZECHIA THE EUROPEAN GEOPARKS NETWORK www.europeangeoparks.org 2020 2-8 March 2020: International Geological Congress – IGC European CALENDAR Ö@PBGÖ ITB Berlin – Participation with GGN Stand Geoparks Network in ITB Berlin 19 March 2020: IGGP Open Session - Paris Magazine 24 - 30 March 2020: 45th European Geoparks Network Meeting - Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark, Croatia Issue No 17 / 2020 24 March – 3 April 2020: 209th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board – IGGP Evaluation Published by: 22nd April 2020: International Earth Day - Geopark Activities Natural History Museum 22-28 April 2020: 1st APGN Geoparks Week 2020 MDÐRFCÐ*CQTMQÐ.CRPG˿CBÐ$MPCQR on behalf of the European Geoparks Network 22-23 April 2020: 2nd International Meeting and Workshop on UNESCO Global Geoparks in Qeshm Iran (with Executive editor: Nickolas Zouros emphasis on Central Asia) 26-29 April 2020: Geoparks Conference in Vietnam Publication Editor: Tony Ramsay May 2020: 1st Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks in Africa - Tanzania Editorial board: 24th May – 7th June 2020: European Geoparks Week Tony Ramsay, Jutta Weber, Nickolas Zouros 1 - 11th June 2020: International Intensive Course on Geoparks: UNESCO Global Geoparks and Sustanability - Contributors: Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece Tony Ramsay, Alberto Gil Toja, 25-27 June 2020: 3rd Geoparks Conference on UNESCO José Mª Barrera, Kristin Rangnes, Global Geoparks in Greece and Cyprus: Geoparks- !F?P?J?KNMQÐ$?QQMSJ?Q Ð ?PL?@ĖQÐ)MP@hJW Ð+?LDPCBÐ Protected areas Biodiversity and Geodiversity )SNCRX Ð,?LAWÐ1?SCP Ð(?ACIÐ)MƘK? Ð(MQhÐĂLECJÐ 1ĖLAFCXÐ$?@G?L Ð)?PK?FÐ1?JK?LÐ+MLRC Ð'Q?@CJÐ0CSRCP Ð Conservation and Management – Vikos Aoos UNESCO CPEJGLBÐ1GEKSLBQBĜRRGP Ð!FG?P?Ð%P?QQG Ð4?HMJCRÐ+?Qi Ð Global Geopark, Greece LRMLGMÐ"S?PRC Ð+CJ?LGCÐ MPBCP Ð!J?PGQQ?Ð.PGAC Ð1?P?Ð 14-22 September 2020: 9th INTERNATIONAL Gentilini, Cathrine Johannessen Skogen, Pål Thjømøe, CONFERENCE ON GEOPARKS - Jeju Island UNESCO Global &MPQRÐ'@CRQ@CPECP Ð1?JT?RMPCÐ2PMĘ? Ð$?SQRMÐKGAM Ð Geopark, Republic of Korea Evangelos Perakis, Leire Barriuso, Asier Hilario, Jutta 14-16/9/20 UNESCO Global Geoparks Council Meeting 5C@CP Ð0MJ?LBÐ+?WCP Ð"P Ð#?KMLÐ"MWJC Ð1Ð(SQRGAC Ð 16/9/2020 APGN – EGN – GEOLAG Regional Meetings Ð%GPMSV ÐĂLAFCJÐ CJKMLRCÐ0G@?Q Ð2CPCQ?Ð CLXGLE Ð 18.00 GGN Executive Board Meeting +?PRGLÐ)PdKCP ÐLBPC?QÐ1AFvJJCP Ð#JCLGÐ)MSKMSRQMS Ð 17/9/2020 Opening of the Conference – Conference Sessions %CMPECÐ'JGMNMSJMQ Ð,GIMJCRRÐ!QMPTĖQG Ð-JGTCPÐ%SJ?QÐ+1A Ð GGN AC Meeting Bjørn Magnus Mowinckel Nilsen Narum, Cathrien 18/9/2020 Conference Sessions .MQRFSKSQ Ð+MHA?Ð%MPHSNÐ)?TıGı Ð'Q?@CJÐ CR?LAMPRÐ GGN General Assembly "CJE?BM Ð(MėMÐBMJDMÐ%CP?JBCQ Ð(?IM@Ð5?JJîCÐ&?LQCL Ð !?J?@PCQCÐ#EGBGM Ð JMGQCÐ*SGEG Ð+SRMÐ$P?LACQAM Ð Ø&IEKDØ4QIOØAMDØ'AKAØ$IMMEQØ^Ø!VAQDØØ#EQSIÜCASERØ 2PGNMBGÐ4GLACLXM Ð1AFG?RR?PCJJ?Ð+?PACJJM Ð1GCEDPGCBÐ Ceremony 0MRF Ð'PGQÐ MFL?AICP Ð&?PGR?IGQÐ.?N?GM?LLMS Ð%CMPEG?Ð 20/9/2020 Sessions – Evaluator’s Seminar )GRQ?IG ÐPGQRMRCJGQÐ1R?EIGI?Q ÐJCQQG?ÐKMP˿LG Ð Closing Ceremony LRMLGMÐ ?PRCJJCRRG Ð%GSQCNNCÐ-RRPG? Ð)MLQR?LRGL?Ð 21-22/9/20 Post Congress Field Trips Bentana, Nickolas Zouros, Alain Petitgeopark, Simon 5-10 October 2020: Regional Course on UNESCO Global 4?LICCP@CPEFCL Ð.?SJGLCÐ!MQRCP Ð1RhNF?LCÐ*CE?J Ð Geopark 2020 - Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark, Malaysia 2M@G?QÐ$GQAFCP Ð.?RPGAIÐ!FCJJMSAFC Ð!?PGL?Ð)rLLGLE Ð 13th October 2020: International Day for Disaster 'TĖLÐ!MPRGHM Ð(MQhÐ+ԃÐ ?PPCP? Ð(MėMÐ!?PJMQÐ,SLCQ Ð reduction - Geopark Activities (?ICÐ+MPRML Ð#̃FWKGMQÐ2QGMJ?IGQ Ð1WJT?L?Ð.GJGBMS Ð 25th – 30th October 2020: 6th International Course on 'MPB?LGQÐ"GKGRPG?BGQ Ð#JCL?Ð SP?AAFG ÐJCQQ?LBP?Ð!?QGLG Ð UNESCO Global Geoparks, China University of Geosciences Giancarlo Pagani, Marco Porciani, Giulia Castello, Beijing, China !J?SBG?Ð$GMPG Ð4ęRÐ.PCGQJCP Ð+?PRGL?Ð.ĖQIMTĖ Ð+?ELCÐ 11th December 2020: International Mountain Day - Geopark #IICP Ð!F?PJMRRCÐ% Ð-JQCL Ð(MQIMÐ MX?LGA Activities Editing: Tony Ramsay 2021 Publication manager: !FPGQRMQÐ.?P?QICT?GBGQ January 2021: International Tourism Fair in Madrid FITUR March 2021: 47th European Geoparks Network Meeting, Print: #NGIGLMLG?ÐGE?GMSÐ1 Katla UNESCO Global Geopark, Iceland September 2021:Ö QH@LÖ/@BHÚBÖ&DMN@PIQÖ-DRUMPIÖ Copyright: The magazine and all the contributions and illus- Coordination Committee Meeting, Satun UNESCO Global trations contained therein are protected by copyright. No part Geopark, Thailand of this magazine may be copied or reproduced without the written approval of the publishers. This also includes com- September 2021:ÖRGÖ QH@LÖ/@BHÚBÖ&DMN@PIQÖ-DRUMPIÖ mercial reproduction as an electronic data base and copying Symposium, Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Thailand on cd rom. © 2019 %#-.0)1 5FCPCÐQF?PGLEÐEMMBÐ practice for 20 years FORWORD K?ICQÐ?ÐBG˾ÐCPCLAC he European Geoparks Network (EGN) is one of jo Islands, Rocca di Cerere and Sobrarbe – Pireneos. Tthree regional networks designated as UNES- English Riviera UGGp highlights its new “Associate CO Global Geoparks (UGGps). Partners” scheme. Cooperation with the new Jom- The European Geoparks Network’s main achieve- fruland National Park protects the landscape for ments during 2019 include the very successful 15th the future in Gea Norvegica UGGp. In the North European Geoparks Conference, hosted by the Nat- Pennines AONB and UGGp a traineeship involving ural Park Sierra Norte de Sevilla UGGp (Spain),the geoheritage protection was funded by the UK’s creation of the “The transnational Geoparks Fo- National Lottery Heritage Fund and the INTERREG rum” initiated in Muskau Arch UGGp (Germany/Po- Atlantic Area Programme. land) and the addition of Courel Mountains UGGp Geoparks also engage in marketing and pro- &QAMCE Ø 4QNKKÙØEKKØ 5''OØ .NQVAX Ø AMDØ 6IRØ !QCHI motional initiatives for sustainable development. pelago UGGp (Croatia) to the EGN’s list of mem- Arouca and Magma UGGps use local food produc- bers. However, 2020 is a very special year because tion for developing a sustainable local economy. it marks the EGN’s 20th anniversary. Through 20 “The Local Quality Pact” ensures the quality of ser- years of successful networking, the EGN expanded vices provided in Sitia UGGp. Chablais UGGp cre- from four founding members in four countries in ated a communication kit for its tourism partners. 2000 into a vibrant network with 74 Geoparks in 26 Geo-quotes are used as a strategy for online and countries. The variety of articles in EGN Magazine NßØØIMEØLAQJESIMGØIMØSHEØ"ARPTEØ#NARSØ5''OØ4HEØ Issue 17 celebrates 20 years of networking and ac- "TQQEMØAMDØ#KIÛØRØNFØ-NHEQØ5''OØOQNLNSERØGEMDEQØ tively engaging in common projects. equality and empowering women as a driver for Successful outcomes achieved by networking are sustainable development. showcased in the following articles: The European Communications about fossils as evidence of an- Geoparks Week 2019; UNESCO Global Geoparks cient life are always exciting. Lesvos Island UGGp target cooperation (Harz- Braunschweiger Land describes the discovery and geo-conservation of - Ostfalen UGGp); V Open Days of the Spanish giant fossil tree trunks. Luberon UGGp reports the Geoparks Forum (Las Loras UGGp); Education and rediscovery of an outstanding site with 33 million UNESCO Global Geoparks. year old fossil footprints. TERRA.vita UGGp high- All geoparks engage in formal and informal KIGHSRØ SHEØ ÜØQRSØ QECNQDØ NFØ -EGAKADNM Ø SHEØ KAQGERSØ education. Beigua UGGp introduces its “Junior known shark in Earth’s history, from NW Germany. Geoparker” programme; Bohemian Paradise UGGp The earliest remains of bio-mineralized metazoans is actively involved in the “Guardians of the Earth” and complex trace fossils were the subject of a ma- international programme. Collections of rocks and jor international meeting in Villuercas- Ibores-Jara minerals illustrate the geodiversity of the Azores UGGp. and Tuscan Mining Park. Chelmos Vouraikos UGGp Geoparks deliver a bottom-up approach for en- focuses on the interaction between abiotic and bi- gaging with the worsening global climate and en- ological factors. De Hondsrug UGGp has created vironmental crisis, the threat to biodiversity and two new educational trails. The formation of oce- the impact of plastic pollution resulting from the anic crust in Troodos UGGp is revealed in 2D and world’s carbon based economy and agricultural 3D animations. The 1920 Garfagnana-Lunigiana practices. “Together for our Future - Climate pro- Earthquake and the centenary of the eruption of tection is environmental protection” is a LEADER the Katla Volcano were used by the Apuan Alps funded educational project in Ore of the Alps UGGp. UGGp and Katla UGGp to inform the public about Promoting green travel is one of Fforest Fawr the catastrophic consequences of tectonic and vol- UGGp’s aims in becoming a greener Geopark. Vul- canic processes. caneifel UGGp describes the potential of an energy Geoparks develop geotourism by promoting their crop for enhancing biodiversity and mitigating soil geological and cultural heritage. Contributions by erosion. “Fruit Trees of the Year”,a project in Berg- UNESCO Global Geoparks Bakony – Balaton, Idri- strasse – Odenwald UGGp, is concerned with con- ja, Pollino, Rocca di Cerere, Styrian Eisenwurzen, serving biodiversity. The plastic pollution problem is Swabian Alb, Odsherred and Vikos-Aoos describe addressed in Adamello Brenta UGGp’s “Plastic Free” new developments for extending their geotourism campaign.
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