YODERNEWSLETTER Apri1, u*-iu Vol. I No. 3 P.O. Box594 Goshen,IN 45526 1984w- MtlCH0lR YODERResearch Summary hrr"J Mrs . i'I.Fred Cof f man There is not much evidence on thi_s family and their descendants and what is available con- fli.cts to some extent. Census records for Northumberland Co. PA (see note #1) for 1810 l-ists a ivlelchior Yoder, over 45 wlth wife, and the following males, all aged 26- 45, all married and with children: John,Jacob, Henry, Ivlelchior,Jr, and Peter. Since they all appear on the same census page (288) of Center Twp., one could reasonably expect that there was '1800 a relationship. fn the census, same p1ace, there are 5 Youter families l-isted, again all on the same page. They are Mj-lear (lvlelchior?), Ben- jamin, John & Jacob (these aged 26-45, and Henry, age 16-26. In 1790, only Melchior Yoder is listed in l,lontgomeryCo. with J mafes under 16, 3 males l'iin l:lechlxrut aut dcm obcrcn Ohi(t. over 16, and 2 females. From the lax l,j_sts: of 'm Phitadelphia county (became Montgomery in 1784) lk'r rr'l( l larhlrxrtschilfcr allf d(nl ()hio $ir dcr l)cillsch'' .lrkt'h .todcr' lir ftrhr wc-find Melchoir Yoder taxed in 1774 for 13O l.rhrr 1757 r||.r! slrr.nt hiililr. acres of land. lle is still in ilatf j.e'ld Twp. of Captain Jacob Yoder-llarl-y Adventurer Phrl-a.Co. in 1779 & 1740. Then in 178J, Mglchoir lhe iffustration above was provided by Mr. Karl- Yoder is taxed for 170 acres of Land in Limerick Joder, the prominent German researcher of our family. Twp. He remains therej through 1796 when he and Captain Jacob Yoder, a member of the Oley Va11ey, sons John and Jacob all disappear. There are no ynrlen femi] v- is recorded as the f i-rst man to take land records recorded in Montgomery county for a flatboat down the Ohio and Mississlppi to New lvlelchoir Yoder ( of any speLl ings ) . Orfeans. look for an article on his life in a (The real future edition of the Yoder.1 Newsl-etter. Dunkelberser. in his Storv of invder Countv. date of thls event was 782) [PA), 1948, p 166, says rrThis land extended as ---ooo0ooo--- far west as the land known later as the Peter R Yoder farm. Beyond thj-s was the land of Melchoir Yetter.rr In another Snyder County book4 a sec- Why? Because you heve eupported and shotrn faith tion on the Yoder family says |tMel,cholr Yoder, in the success our paper. When you resubscribe You remember Senior, came to the section now known as Globe """ *ifi eet the neit three leeues' I'iills before 1800. He seems to have had a bro- tn"t "" piomised a non-profit operation and wlsh ther named i{enry. Melchior and Henry were born it to so renaln. The editors recelve absolutely in Germany and after corn.ingto thls country no monetary gain--rather we've donated our rnoneyt settleci in i'lcntgorneryCountyr(PA). In 1796, tlne, rnlleage, etc. towards the succe€ts of the Irielchoir Junior, and hls wife, Anna, came tcr YN!. All we isk le for your continued support year now the Middle Creek Valley and bought some land bv belne a subacriber. Itts been one werve come a from Judah Roberts in what is now Middle *i."" oir flrst issue and we feel ilreek Township. In a short time hjs father, . Yes, we too are paying subscrlbers' orothers, and uncle also came to the section. ---oooOooo--- MelchoirrSeniorrs children were: Peter, Jacob, (continued previous colunn) John, and MelcholrrJunj-or. Some think he also fron had a son named Abraham. Ihere is evldence which Snyder Co. Glatfelter? does not list any early indicates that Melchoir died in 1BO2 (but he .'l Lutheran Church at that location by that name, appears in the census of 810 ! ) . John succeeded but it could welL bc known today by another to the ownership of his fatherrs estate. In 1790, name. his family consisted of three males over and "l J.PA Census: 1810, NorthumberlandCorCenter Twp.l three under 6 years, and two females.rr Roll#51,p288; sameCo. lBOOReel- 142rOt,p747i Co,1790,p159. The above quotation would appear to conflict Montgomery Archives,3rd S.Vol-.XIV p1491611 with census records and Orphans Court records of 2.PA ;Vol.XV'p50, Snyder Co. {18;Vo1 XIV P598. J.Original Tax ListsrMontgomery Co.Hist. Soc. Dr. Charl-es A. cOUNTYPIONtsilRS' fhe Godshalk/Gottschall f'amily 4. Fi;her, 'SNYDER records2 state p 1o2. that Ann Godshalk the daughter of Godshalk God- 1938, MontgomeryCounty Historical shalk who died in 1786 was married to Me]cholr 5.MSS-coll-ection' society, TH9 G0DSHALK/GottScH.g.i,lFAMILY,Rev.N.B. Yoder, a carpenter of Phila. Co. PA. Whether (1924) this is the father or the son is open to conjec- Grubb 5.Flsher, op.cit. l. Glatfelter, Charles H. 'GERMANLUTHERAN AND CHURCHIIIjIN THd PIINNSYLVANIAFIOL])'1717' While John Yoder (born 1768) son of Melchoir REI'ORME! 1'ljJ, Breinigsville, PA,1980. Sr. is listed as a weaver in the tax records, the other sons were carpenterso. Together they built the Seiberts of Globe Mi1ls Lutheran Church and Rd. rl'lalvernrPa. 19355, would be interested in a public school in 1BO5in I,1i-ddl"eOreek Twp., heaiing from any readers who may have knowledge (contlnue next column) of this Yoder familY. ++++++I*$+9+$"+$* S+S* +P*l*J *T*9*S* S"**r*+++ {.++++++ IETTERS l RoM oUR 8E_AD_!RS Chrls Yoder, Battl-e Creek, Michigan Ben F. Yoder, Goshen, Indiana EXCER]"TSOF =a=-== a=====-==E================== =============== ==Eghlisls4=g!=Iggs!= lgigg= glggsllr==== === === ==e== LETTERSFROI| OURREAIEFS BACK ISSUESI We certainly appreciate all l-etters tha.t we've Vol. I No. 1-free copies avail-able. Send SASE received. Those that contain inforrnation that #to. vol. r, No. 2 or No. 3--$3.00 for both or might be of interest to sone of you we print. 31:13=:::L=!::::g:=!319:=-==e==================="f am most harpy to see in the l4l'ii that you have ft was a little over a year ago that we put a newsletter. I am deeplv interesteC in this. together the first issue of the YNL. We really f an a Yorler.(My mother's maiderr name was Yoder didn't know what to expect in terns of intereet. and al1 my brothers and sisters had "Y" as mid- dle initial except me!)" Ira A. Kurtz, Jr. As issue #3 goes to press we are happy to_ Ivlennonite Centre,76 Waterloo Rd, t/7 Kowloon, say that your'n-wslettei' has grown to over 5t{ Hong Kong. subscribers across the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Africa, Germany, Framce and Hon54 "f was very hanpy to be able to answer' the Kong. query of iean Yoder of High Foint NC. She ask- ed about the Jacob Eschbach Yoder 1ine. He was Our 500th subseriber was Elioise Cunninghan the son of Jacob Fiaurer Yorier 1B04-1854 and of Yucaipa CA (a descendant of Caleb Yoder and Anna Eschbach 1808-1881 of Lehigh Co FA. Jacob Susanna Hochstettler ) . M. Yoder was the son of Abraham Yoder t?61- 1836 and Elizabslth llTaurer l"i7l-1843. Abrahan READERSCHA],tr,ENGEI ! CAN YOU ANSWER?? Yoder was the son of Casner ancj Rarbara Yoder AmonEthe iterns contributed bv our readers was of Lower Milford Twp, Bucks Co PA. Casper was a cryptic reference obtained by Mr. Lester Yoder the sorr of the immigrant, Hans Yoder and his of Leesburg FL. One of the bits of data he has wlfe, Anna." Richard J. Yothers Jr. tsoston l4A +-.-i------ collected over the years is about a tornbstone "My inscrlption from Eplers Churchyard, Berne Twp., husband's grandmother, Plargreet Anelia Berks County PA. It reads "Here lies Johan Yoder narrjed Joseph Thompson. She was the Nicholas Yoder, is born 5th day Iebruary 1698, dau. of Willian Shermanr YoCer who sett1ed in died 15 October l?59" (in German). We at the Jefferson Co. PA. I believe they are from the newsletter cannot link this early settler to any 01ev Yoders. particular Yoder irnmigrant line. Can any of you I researched the Thornpsons and traced them tc tell us where Er:lers Churchyard is, and who this It'lary1and, Harford Co., but I am stuck there. gentleman may have been? f have always wanted to do the YoCers. I like I= ===': ====E=================================== === the newsle:tter very much." I'lorence Thonpson ARTICIES WEIC0ME--Share your research with fellow Uniontovm OH 44685 readers! The Yoder Newsletter would welcome the "1 subrnission of any origina} research and findings am interested in developing a char.t of des- by Yoder historians. Because of space limitations cendants of ny Yoder forbears. My grandfa'ther was John Yoder and the need to prloritize the sequence of pub- A. of Srnithville and ny mother was Crissie C. we cannot guarantee early use, but do Yoder." Ernest C. Shank, Cooke- lication, ville TN invite contributions. They rnay be edited. 18501 ======================-=========================== == l'rom Fa.uline Yorler, Greencroft, Goshen fN: F'lease send me the Yoder Newsletter. I am Rr:,L.ll.rUl,U?l;?:... I'lost family reunions take place very interested. f was a Yoder and married i.r the sumrnernonths. Our sprinE edriron of the q Ynrler--rnv grandna Yoder was a loder--and irev.'sl-etrt:rshoulci be a ttr,rely p1-acr io anr:ounce my mother's side has Yoders--no rnatter which then for the inierest of other.
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