Booming Brazil Study Tour 2010 “Foundations for a Sustainable Future” Final Report Booming Brazil 2010 Final Report Booming Brazil Final report Prefaces I Colophon ThisreportispublishedbyBoomingBrazil,acommitteeofstudyassociationConcepT.ConcepT -isassociatedwiththeDepartmentofCivilEngineeringattheUniversityofTwente,theNether lands. Lay-out, editorial and Joël Meijers design Stephan Meijers Reinier Reijnhoudt Niels Vossebeld Publisher Booming Brazil Study Tour 2010 Student Association ConcepT P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands Telephone +31 53 489 38 84 Circulation 100 copies E-mail [email protected] Internet www.boomingbrazil.nl Printed in The Netherlands by the VDA-group, Enschede 1st Edition: January 2011 © ConcepT, Enschede, the Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or made public, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, with- out prior written permission of the copyright owner. II BoomingBrazil—FinalReport Preface by Booming Brazil Skyscrapers, stadiums, bridges, hydroe- lectric dams, universities and favelas. The Amazon jungle, Copacabana, churrascarias, cerveja and girls. How are these keywords related? Let’s add some more and answer this question; contradictions, ambitious plans, sustainability and finally: new experi- ences. This is ‘Booming Brazil’ in a nutshell. Finally the moment was there! On the 18th of September 2010, we were ready. Ready to head for Brazil! Everybody was curious, uncertain and excited. We as an organizing committee in particular. What to expect? Will everything go according to plan? How will the group behave? Worries disappeared after three weeks of traveling together, through such a beautiful country as Brazil. I’m proud to conclude that our study tour was big success! The leisure activities allowed us to experi- ence the Brazilian life. We discovered both The study tour was not only an organizatio- nature and culture. We experienced the nal success. Also the research activities and Amazon on a two day jungle trip, had a great supervision progressed without many pro- time in the vibrant nightlife of Rio and tried blems. We visited many companies, institu- the Brazilian cuisine at São Paulo’s hotspots. tions, organizations and universities during our stay in São Paulo, Manaus and Rio de Finally, I must acknowledge that all of this Janeiro. We discussed our preliminary fin- would have never been possible without the dings and questioned which role sustainabi- hospitality of all companies, institutions, and lity plays in civil engineering projects in Bra- universities in Brazil, our financial sponsors, zil. The Brazilians were eager to receive us our university, and study association Con- and discuss the role of sustainability in their cepT. Special thanks for their contribution to projects. We summarized our results and this report are for our supervisors Eric van conclusions in this final report. Without pre- Berkum, Maarten Krol and Gerrit Snellink, judging our own conclusions, I could say that and all participants. I would like to thank the Brazilians approach sustainability from everybody who was involved in the organi- another level. Wealth, economy, politics and zation, no matter in which way, for their con- living conditions have another dimension tribution and support. They made our tour compared to the Netherlands. While we in possible, it was an experience which we will the Netherlands focus on optimizing exis- never forget! ting systems, the Brazilians first have to cre- ate them. This creates many opportunities Muito obrigado! for both Brazil as the Netherlands. Reinier Reijnhoudt President study tour committee Prefaces III Preface by ConcepT Booming Brazil a Sustainable future for Con- cepT The world is changing. Demands of consum- ers grow skyhigh, but earth has her limits. The last decades people realize that we should take care of our world and not use all our resources. The western countries try to take care of sustainability, but how are de- veloping countries thinking in this respect? This is important, because countries like Bra- zil may be the leading nations of the future. Brazil is one of the fastest growing econo- mies in the world, how do companies, uni- versities, and governmental bodies in Brazil think about sustainability? A big group of civil engineering students asked themselves the same question. They went to Brazil to find out if companies help to create a sustainable case of emergencies. It was very well orga- future. Six students took place in the study nized and I can only thank the committee for tour committee of study association Con- making a dream come true for so many stu- cepT. Not only did they organize this trip to dents. Thanks for making this happen. companies in Brazil, they also arranged edu- cation for all 27 students before departure. All the stories of the participants have made This final report contains company reports me very enthusiastic about the study tour. I from the visits in Brazil and the final studies hope next trip will be as good as this one, I’ll conducted. make sure I will personally join that one. Every second year a new group of civil en- Ruben Langeveld gineering students goes abroad. Last seven ChairmanConcepT years ConcepT went to China, India, South Africa and Brazil. I’m really proud to see that every single trip we made became such a success. This year we even had to select a few students, based on their motivation and CV, because so many students subscribed to join this amazing trip. The board of ConcepT was the homefront for this study tour. We read all the stories of this special trip. And we were available in IV BoomingBrazil—FinalReport Preface by prof. dr. ir. E.C. van Berkum The preliminary report of the Booming Brazil Study Tour 2010 showed that preparation of this tour has been considered a very serious job. In fact the Dutch consul in Sao Paulo did use similar words when we visited his home. He was sincerely impressed by the amount of work and also by the depth of this study of a country that he had begun to like a lot. Indeed, Brazil as a country has all the fea- tures to host a group of students in Civil Engineering. Its economy is booming, many projects are ongoing, its population has a great spirit to move forward, and sustaina- bility issues, which were a main objective of this tour, were tangible and could be wit- nessed in real life. With these two observations, what could go wrong? Actually many things. Making appointments in Brazil has some other di- mensions as in our country. Health and also crime are serious issues, which, without the necessary precautions, could potentially spoil a tour as this. And then, travelling with a group of 30 without too much privacy, so- metimes without a lot of sleep or in a stifling heat could easily result in irritations which could emerge in some serious disputes. Well, none of the above happened. All mem- bers of the group and especially the orga- nizing committee have been excellent in all respects. I have had a wonderful time in Brazil, and the tour has been a great success. Eric van Berkum -Professor Transport Engineering & Manage .ment,studytoursupervisor Content V Content Part I - about the tour 1 1. Introduction 3 2. People 4 3. Theme & country 13 4. Research 15 5. Travel plan 17 6. Week reports 19 Part II - comPany rePorts 21 1. Expansão-SP: Metro Expansion São Paulo 25 2. ANTT: TAV Brasil & Dutch Consulate 26 3. LOGOS: Coastal Sanitation Project 28 4. INPE: Remote Sensing & COHAB: Renova Centro 29 5. Arena Amazôna & Inpa: Balbina Dam 31 6. SEPLAN: Monorail & Prosamim 33 7. Bridge over the Rio Negro 36 8. Amazonas Energia: Balbina DAm 37 9. CEDAE: Guanabara Bay Clean-up program 38 10. CET: Traffic Management & Maracana Stadium 39 11. SECTRAN: T5 Bus Rapid Transit 40 12. IBISS: Favela’s 41 Part III - mIcro study 43 1. The Olympics and World Cup: Future Perspectives 45 2. Developing the Brazilian economy 73 3. Contradictions in the Amazon 103 4. Social sustainability 131 5. Sustainable stadium construction in Brazil and the Netherlands 159 6. Improving life 171 7. Final words 199 Part IV - Partners 201 Part I About the Tour 1. IntroductIon 3 2. PeoPle 4 3. theme & country 13 4. research 15 5. travel schedule 17 6. Week rePorts by suPervIsors 19 3 Part I - About the Tour About the Tour 1. INTRODUCTION After visiting India, China and South Africa the study tour of study association ConcepT has visited Brazil this year. ConcepT is the study association of the department of Civil Enginee- ring and Management at the University of Twente. The ‘Booming Brazil’ study tour is a pro- ject set up by a committee of 6 students studying civil engineering, and is a project that has lasted over a year. The study tour itself includes a 3 week stay in Brazil, where twenty-seven students and three academic researchers have visited companies, projects and universities related to civil engineering. We have visited Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Manaus. To facili- tate this, students followed preparatory master courses and conducted research on the dif- ferent aspects of civil engineering within the central theme. This chapter shortly introduces the University of Twente, Study association ConcepT and this preliminairy report. The University of Twente is a research university that focuses on technological develop- ments in a social context within an active knowledge economy. This focus is reflected in 22 bachelor’s and 31 master’s programs in the fields of engineering, social and behavioral scien- ces.
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