WWD Application Form Version 6/08 This is a draft document and is subject to revision. Waste Water Discharge Licence Application Form For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyrighto owner required for any other use. EPA Ref. N : (Office use only) Environmental Protection Agency PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford Lo Call: 1890 335599 Telephone: 053-9160600 Fax: 053-9160699 Web: www.epa.ie Email: [email protected] EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 Environmental Protection Agency Application for a Waste Water Discharge Licence Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007. CONTENTS Page SECTION A: NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY 4 SECTION B: GENERAL 8 B.1 AGGLOMERATION DETAILS 8 B.2 LOCATION OF ASSOCIATED WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT(S) 9 B.3 LOCATION OF PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINT 11 B.4 LOCATION OF SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT(S) 11 B.5 LOCATION OF STORM WATER OVERFLOW POINT(S) 12 B.6 PLANNING AUTHORITY 12 B.7 OTHER AUTHORITIES 13 B.8 NOTICES AND ADVERTISEMENTS 14 B.9 (I) POPULATION EQUIVALENT OF AGGLOMERATION 14 B.9 (II) PENDING DEVELOPMENT 15 For inspection purposes only. B.9 (III) FEES Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. 15 B.10 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMME 15 B.11 SIGNIFICANT CORRESPONDENCE 15 B.12 FORESHORE ACT LICENCES. 16 SECTION C: INFRASTRUCTURE & OPERATION 17 C.1 OPERATIONAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 17 C.2 OUTFALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 22 SECTION D: DISCHARGES TO THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT 23 D.1 DISCHARGES TO SURFACE WATERS 23 D.2 TABULAR DATA ON DISCHARGE POINTS 24 Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 2 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 SECTION E: MONITORING 25 E.1 WASTE WATER DISCHARGE FREQUENCY AND QUANTITIES – EXISTING & PROPOSED 25 E.2. MONITORING AND SAMPLING POINTS 25 E.3. TABULAR DATA ON MONITORING AND SAMPLING POINTS 27 E.4 SAMPLING DATA 27 SECTION F: EXISTING ENVIRONMENT & IMPACT OF THE DISCHARGE(S) 29 F.1. ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT ON RECEIVING SURFACE OR GROUND WATER 29 F.2 TABULAR DATA ON DRINKING WATER ABSTRACTION POINT(S) 33 SECTION G: PROGRAMMES OF IMPROVEMENTS 34 G.1 COMPLIANCE WITH COUNCIL DIRECTIVES 34 G.2 COMPLIANCE WITH WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR PHOSPHORUS REGULATIONS (S.I. NO. 258 OF 1998). 34 G.3 IMPACT MITIGATION 35 G.4 STORM WATER OVERFLOW 35 SECTION H: DECLARATION 36 SECTION I: JOINT DECLARATION 37 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. ANNEX 1: TABLES/ATTACHMENTS ANNEX 2: CHECKLIST Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 3 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 SECTION A: NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Advice on completing this section is provided in the accompanying Guidance Note. A non-technical summary of the application is to be included here. The summary should identify all environmental impacts of significance associated with the discharge of waste water associated with the waste water works. This description should also indicate the hours during which the waste water works is supervised or manned and days per week of this supervision. The following information must be included in the non-technical summary: A description of: − the waste water works and the activities carried out therein, − the sources of emissions from the waste water works, − the nature and quantities of foreseeable emissions from the waste water works into the receiving aqueous environment as well as identification of significant effects of the emissions on the environment, − the proposed technology and other techniques for preventing or, where this is not possible, reducing emissions from the waste water works, - further measures planned to comply with the general principle of the basic obligations of the operator, i.e., that no significant pollution is caused; − measures planned to monitor emissions into the environment. Supporting information should form Attachment N o A.1 A Description of the Wastewater Works and the Activities Carried Out Therein For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. The Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant is situated to the west of Rosslare Strand Village, and discharges treated effluent to the St. Georges Channel, via a sea outfall. The Rosslare Strand collection network is a partially combined network, with 3 main pumping stations on the network and a number of smaller pumping stations, some of which are in private ownership. The Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant treats the sewage generated in the greater Rosslare Strand village and Environs and is operated directly by Wexford County Council. The Rosslare Strand Wastewater Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 4 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 Treatment Plant is operated on a 7 day basis, with approximately 66 % of the permanent caretakers’ time assigned to Rosslare Strand. The plant consists of inlet works, an aeration tank and final settling tanks. The treated effluent in the final settlement tanks passes into the plant outlet pumping station, which is fitted with an ultrasonic strap-on flow meter, fitted onto the rising main from the works to the gravity outfall point. In addition the Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant is also equipped with a refrigerated flow proportional sampler to monitor effluent from the treatment plant. The plant has a design capacity of 7,500 P.E., calculated from the most recent upgrade in 2003. The sources of Emissions / Nature of emissions from the Waste Water Works The Primary and sole discharge point of the treated effluent from the For inspection purposes only. Rosslare Strand WastewaterConsent of Treatment copyright owner required Plant for anyis other throu use. gh the outfall pipe into the St. George Channel. With regard to odour and noise emissions there is no history or problems with either, however given that the design of the plant provides that all sources of odour emissions are covered and that plant items, where required are acoustically enclosed, it is envisaged that there will be no noticeable noise or odour emissions. Details of quantities of emission are not available due to technical difficulties with outlet flow meter, which was installed in late 2006. Quantities of discharge Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 5 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 The only discharge to the receiving water is the primary discharge point which discharges treated effluent from the Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant. Details of the quantities of discharges are not available, (while Rosslare Strand is equipped with a recently installed flow meter), as there are still technical issues outstanding with the operation of the flow meter. Effect of emissions The monitoring programme undertaken by Wexford County Council for the Blue Flag Scheme as part of the Bathing Waters Directive, shows that bathing water quality at the Blue Flag Beach adjacent to the outfall is in compliance with the required standards under the Blue Flag Scheme. There have been no reports of discharge plumes or floating gross solids on the surface of receiving water at or near the discharge point. The primary discharge is compliant with the design standard and is having no measurable effect on the receiving water. Additionally there are no For inspection purposes only. complaints or incidentsConsent of ofother copyright ownerdischarges required for any toother use.the general environment, therefore there is neither a demonstrated need, nor plans to reduce or mitigate discharges from the plant. Technologies Not Applicable. Techniques Not Applicable. Prevention of Pollution Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 6 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 The operation of Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant produces a treated effluent in compliance with the designed performance standards set out for the plant. However, Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant has proven to be mechanically unreliable. Over the period of operation since construction heavy repair works have been carried out. It is the ultimate intention of Wexford County Council, pending the availability of funding, to upgrade the aeration and process controls to insure reliability and effluent quality. Toxic Substances Analysis of samples taken of the receiving water at the foreshore of the sea outfall (primary discharge point) and of the final effluent from the Rosslare Strand Wastewater Treatment Plant, show that the level of dangerous substances are below the limits specified in the Dangerous Substances Regulations. The agglomeration discharges are therefore compliant with the requirements. For inspection purposes only. Measures planned to monitorConsent of copyrightemissions owner required into for the any other envi use. ronment Wexford County Council will monitor the final effluent, in accordance with our monitoring regime. This work is undertaken on behalf of Wexford County Council by an independent ILAB accredited laboratory. The contract for this testing is renewed every three years by open procurement. The current contract is with Environmental Services Limited, Acorn Business Campus, Mahon Industrial Park, Blackrock, Co. Cork. The current contract is in its third year of operation and thus the contract will have to be re-tendered under open procurement regulations in January of 2009. Rosslare Strand Application Final Page 7 of 37 Rosslare Strand & Environs September 2008 EPA Export 26-07-2013:02:29:40 WWD Application Form Version 6/08 SECTION B: GENERAL Advice on completing this section is provided in the accompanying Guidance Note. B.1 Agglomeration Details Name of Agglomeration: Rosslare Strand and Environs Applicant’s Details Name and Address for Correspondence Only application documentation submitted by the applicant and by the nominated person will be deemed to have come from the applicant.
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