S1366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 23, 1995 family, and then business—and busi- Cup team and then professionally in Ger- Matt Laughlin, midfielder, Fairfax ness is way down on the list.’’ His con- many. Station, VA. cern for people dictates his outlook on Indiana, on the other hand, had eight sen- Matt Leanard, forward, Fairfax Sta- iors who were hungry for a title after falling business. He is a big believer in hard short of expectations in previous years. Its tion, VA. work, and his pet peeves are a wrong midfield also was rated as the nation’s best Christian Nix, midfielder, Fairfax, order and an unclean facility. But on [with two All Americans]. But none of that VA. the opposite side, his favorite way of seemed to matter once the game started. Clint Peay, defender, Columbia, MD. dealing with employees is to find a way I was fortunate to attend the NCAA Mark Peters, goalkeeper, Winchester, to compliment them. championship played at Davidson Uni- VA. Jerry is also known for his love of versity in North Carolina. I can report Brandon Pollard, defender, Rich- children—other people’s as well as his without equivocation that the UVA mond, VA. own. Locally, he is what you might call Cavaliers showed grit, determination, Key Reid, midfielder, Searchlight, the pied piper of hamburgers. He al- and heart as they successfully defended NV. ways carries coupons for free burgers their NCAA championship. Each team Yuri Sagatov, goalkeeper, Fairfax, in his back pocket and passes them out member displayed courage time and VA. to children wherever he sees them. But again in a season marked with obsta- Andriy Shapowal, midfielder, Cha- he has also shown that generosity and cles and during a championship game grin Falls, OH. compassion for children on a much described as ‘‘more like a rugby match Damian Silvera, midfielder, Hun- larger scale. In 1987, Jerry donated and than a soccer game.’’ tington, NY. dedicated the therapeutic pool at Ar- The significance of this team’s tri- kansas Children’s Hospital, the only Joaquin Targhetta, midfielder, Res- umph was best summed up by head ton, VA. one of its kind in Arkansas. In 1992 he coach Bruce Arena, who commented Billy Walsh, midfielder, Chatham was named Citizen of the Year by the that the team ‘‘accomplished some- Township, NY. Arkansas chapter of the March of thing that may never be accomplished A.J. Wood, forward, Rockville, MD. Dimes. in Division I men’s athletics again. We Jerry Hamra is truly known in Ar- knew that things were a little tough kansas as much for his benevolence and going in, but great teams rise to the f his many kindnesses to other people as occasion, and that’s what happened he is for anything he has accomplished here.’’ REGARDING PUBLIC TELEVISION in the business world. He once told me Coach Bruce Arena and his fine FUNDING he was so charitable because, as he put staff—assistant coach George Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, I am it, ‘‘Arkansas has given me so much, I Gelnovatch graduate assistant coach deeply concerned about the statements can never fully pay it back.’’ Well, on Bob Willen, trainer Sue Foreman, and made by Bell Atlantic and others con- behalf of all Arkansans, I want to tell managers Elizabeth Williams and cerning the so-called privatization of Jerry how grateful we are that, 20 Brighid O’Donnell—are to be com- public broadcasting. In my view, the years ago, he chose Arkansas as his mended for their dedication and hard so-called privatization of public broad- home. Jerry is currently battling can- work. casting could bring an end to the sys- cer, and I want him to know that he Special recognition and attention tem of public broadcasting as we know and his fine family are very much in must, Mr. President, be focused on the it. While this may be the goal of cer- the thoughts of the Pryor family and of team’s seniors. Each senior—a winner tain legislators, this is not what the countless people across the State of Ar- of four national titles—will long be re- American people want. Three recent kansas. I know my colleagues join me membered as the finest. A.J. Wood and polls have concluded that the over- in wishing Jerry a speedy recovery and Nate Friends as strikers were the best whelming majority of Americans sup- continued success. combination of speed, power, and fi- port continued funding for public f nesse in the Nation. Clint Peay over- broadcasting. came injuries and a changed position I have always supported efforts to UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA to remain a star. Tain Nix played make public broadcasting more effi- CAVALIERS SOCCER TEAM steady, stellar soccer all year. cient and less costly. In the last Con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, approxi- The fine young men who make up the gress, I introduced a bill calling for a mately 1 year ago, on February 23, 1994, team are true role models for our freeze in the authorized levels of fund- Senator WARNER remarked for this youth, and they also deserve recogni- ing for public broadcasting. Placing RECORD that the University of Virginia tion and commendation. The names of public broadcasting in the hands of pri- soccer team had reached an athletic all members of this great soccer team vate, corporate entities, however, pinnacle never before achieved: three are to be included in the CONGRES- would simply turn public broadcasting successive NCAA national champion- SIONAL RECORD where they will become into more of the same advertising-driv- ships. I joined Senator WARNER and a permanent part of our Nation’s his- en, profit-motivated commercial broad- Senator ROBB in recognizing this tory: casting that we have today. Americans team’s achievement with special cere- Tom Baker, defender, Plymouth, MI. already receive too much violence and Ryan Borst, midfielder/defender, monies in the U.S. Capitol and with profanity on the commercial broadcast Ridgefield, CT. President Clinton and Vice President stations. What America needs is more Diallo Bryan, forward/midfielder, Sil- GORE at the White House. educational programming, more chil- I mention this as a prelude to the ver Spring, MD. Sean Feary, midfielder/defender, dren’s programming, more family-ori- Cavaliers’ most recent achievement. ented programming. This is what pub- On December 11, the Virginia Cavaliers Fairfax Station, VA. Mike Fisher, midfielder, Doylestown, lic broadcasting provides. soccer team defeated the Indiana Hoo- There is no substitute for the pro- siers by a score of 1–0 to claim an un- PA. David Fitzmaurice, midfielder, Ar- gramming provided by public broad- precedented fourth consecutive Na- lington, VA. casting today. Cable television is re- tional College Athletic Association Sam Franklin, midfielder, Arlington, ceived by only 60 percent of Americans, title. VA. while public broadcasting reaches 98 The Washington Post reported that: Nate Friends, forward, Great Falls, percent of the American public. Almost The Cavaliers (22–3–1) certainly had a lot VA. twice as many children watch public to overcome. Top ranked Indiana University Scott Hodge, goalkeeper, Oakton, television than watch similar programs (23–3) was considered to have the best chance on cable. at knocking off fifth-ranked Virginia, which VA. some felt wasn’t as strong as previous years. Adam Jacoby, goalkeeper, Clifton, Congress spends only $1 per American Midfielder Claudio Reyna, the nation’s top VA. per year on public broadcasting. This is player the previous two seasons, had left a Stephen Johnson, forward/defender, a small price to pay for the education year early to play for the 1994 U.S. World Lexington, KY. of our Nation’s children and adults. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 May 25, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S23JA5.REC S23JA5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.
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