MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine: BEING THE ANNUAL REPORTS ' . OF VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1870-71. ---·.-+·~--- AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 18 71. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THB • Librarian of the Maine State Library TO THB LEGISLATURE OF MAINE, WITH A LIST OF NEW BOOKS, FOR THE YEAR 1871. Published agreeably to an Aot passed Ma.rob 13, 1861. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATB. 1871. • MAINE STATE LIBRARY. STATUTE REGULATIONS. Books may be taken from the Library by the Governar, Members of the Council, and of the Legislature, Judges of the Judicial Courts, Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Adjutant General, Attorney General, Land Agent, Reporter of Decisions, Counsel engaged in argument of causes before the Law Courts in the, Middle District, Superintendent of Public Buildings, Superintendent of Common Schools, Superintendent of the Insane Hospital, Chaplains, Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Senate, Chaplains, Clerk and Assistant Clerk of the House, Secretary and Members of the Board of Agriculture during the session of the Board, provided that this privilege to the members of the Legislature, and those officially connected therewitli, shall he· lim­ ited to the time the Legislature shall be in session. Any person taking books from the Library. shall first give sufficient personal security for their return within twenty days. No person authorized to take books from the Library sha.Il be permitted to have at any one time more than three volumes, nor shall the same be retained more than three weeks, and all ihall be returned on or before the first day of January annually. The following books shall not be taken fromi,, the library room, except for the use of either House, or of the Committee of the Legislature during its session, or for use in the Supreme Judicial Court in term time: all books presented by the United States or any of the States; all works, books and documents relating to the laws or legislative pro­ ceedings of the United States, or other States or Countries; all digests, reports of decis­ ions, and works relating to the science of the law, and Vattemare's exchanges. Every person shall be answerable for all damage done by him to any book, and in case of the lo~s of any volume belonging to a set, the person .inswerable therefor shall procure a new volume or pay in money the value of the set. Actions for the breach of said regulations may be brought by the Librarian in his own name for the use -of the State, and in case of his death or removal from office, the action shall survive and be prosecuted by his successor. To the Hon. Enwrn B. SMITH, Speake~ ·of the House of Representatives:· Sm :-I have th.e honor to transmit herewith my Annual Report as Librarian of the Maine State Library for the year ending Dec. 31, 1870. Very respeptfully, Your obedient servant, JOS. T. WOODWARD. ST.A.TE LIBRARY, -Augusta, January 20, 1871. TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR 1871. HON. SIDNEY PERHAM, GOVERNOR. HoNs. URANUS 0. BRACKETT, Berwick, ) WILLIAM DEERING, Portland, I JOHN R. PULSIFER, Poland, HIRAM KNOWLTON, Skowhegan, >OoUNCILLORS. GEORGE WEEKS, Jefferson, I SILAS C. HATCH, Bangor, WILLIAM GRINDLE, JR., Penobscot, J The Governor and Council are, by law, declared to be, ex officio, Trustees of the State Libra.ry. COMMITTKR ON THE LIBRARY FOR 1871. MESSRS. THOMAS W. VOSE, Winterport, t REUBEN FOSTER, Waterville, of the Senate. HENRY CARVILL, Brunswick, MESSRS, FABIUS M. RAY, Westbrook, ) NATHAN CLEAVES, Portland, I PHINEAS S. HODGDON, West Gardiner, I JOHN A. EMERY, South Thomaston, lof the Howe. THEO. E. SIMON·TON, Rockland, JOSEPH SAYWARD, Thorndike, A. K. P. GREENE, Temple, J REPORT. To the Legislature of Maine : In compliance with the laws of the State, I have the honor to submit the following report and lists of additions made to the State Library during the year ending December 31, 1870: The amount received by appropriation was one thousand dol"." lars ($1,000), and a balance unexpended from thd previous year of one hundred and thirty-one dollars and seventy-six cents ($131.76), making a total of eleven hundred and thirty-one dol­ lars and seventy-six cents ( $1,131. 76) received for the use of the library during the year. The amount of expenditure for the same time, for the purehase of books, and incidental expenses, has been ten hundred and forty-eight dollars and ninety-one cents ( $1, 048. 91), leaving un­ expended a balance of eighty-two dollars and eig·hty-five cents ( $82.85) for the use of the library till the next annual appropria­ tion shall be received. A large part of this amount will be re­ quired in payment for books already ordered, but which are not yet received. The lilsts of books submitted with this report show an increase of the library by purchase of 459 volumes, con~isting of law books, 57 volumes, miscellaneous books, 358 volumes, periodicals, 44 volumes. The donations have increased to 203 books, documents and pawiphlets for the last year, while the exchanges show no material variation, 325 books, documents and pamphlets having been re­ ceived during the same time; so that the aggregate accessions of all classes has reached the number of 987 during the year. The same general attention has been given during the yea:r as formerly to the completion of imperfect sets in the various depart-· ments, so far as the library funds would warrant, and a due regard. to the purchase of later works seemed to render judicious. Such 6 STATE LIBRARY. missing parts of sets as can easily be obta1ned at reasonable prices, have been nearly all supplied, and those still needed are only to be obtained by careful search, and in process of time; so that the increase in this particular direction has apparently not been so great as the last year, though in the sets of State Reports several important spaces have been filled, and in the other departments a reasonable progress has been made. The donations, as stated above, have somewhat increased during the year in number and value, and the library is specially indebted for much of this increase to the attentions of the Senators in Con­ gress from Maine, and to the Hon. John Lynch, :M. 0., each of whom have generously supplied the library with valuable Con­ gressional documents. The exchanges have continued during this year with the several States and institutions with the same satisfactory results as in for-. mer years; in the continuation of the series of reports and laws, and the accumulation of much valuable information, that has been made the subject of judicial or legislative investigation in the sev­ eral States. During the year, lists of duplicates in the library of our own publications, and also lists showing the present condition of the publications of each State, in our possession, have been in preparation, to aid in securing complete sets of the laws and re­ ports of other States ; and from the uniform courtesy and valuable assistance already received from the various State officers, .and the generous promises of assistance so soon as they have informa­ tion to enable them to act properly in the matter, we may reason­ ably hope for considerable additions in this department during the year. Ten volumes only lrnve been lost during the year, and those in­ jured by reaso'n of the imperfections in the roof have been repaired and returned to their places upon the shelves. These defects in the roof of the Capitol building have oeen repaired, and a danger which was rapidly becoming more serious, has been removed. An enlargement of the second room in the lihrary, to which I had the honor to call the attention of the Legislature in my last report, has been made by the Superintendent of Public Buildings, under the direction of the Governor and Council, and I am confident that this appropriation of what was mere waste room in the building, to its present purposes, with due regard to economy of expendi­ ture, and the great need of the library, will commend itself to your judgment as one eminently fit to be made. It contains shelf- LIBRARIAN'S REPORT. 7 room for the State documents of the several States, so far as we now have, or shall for the present be able to obtain them, for the later CoJ?grcgationa~ documents, and a case of newspaper files ; and thus renders available a· considerable mass of information that heretofore has been, from difficulty of examination, nearly or quite useless. It was thought possible, at the issue of the last report, to ar­ range the books upon the shelves in this new room in connexion with the regular libra'ry work, after the repairs had been com- . pleted, and before the close of the year. This has been done ; but the i~1dicing and binding of pamphlets, which I had hoped to com­ plete before the present time, has not been finished. No delay will be occasioned during the present year by the presence of work­ men and the prosecution of repairs, and this work will be com­ pleted at an early date. His Excellency, the Governor, with his Council, who are the legal Board of Trustees of the State Library, have given much valuable attention during the year to the needs of this depart­ ment, and assistance in its management; and it is believed, that while it is continually enlarged by gradual accessions, its condi­ tion is one of real improvement and increasing value.
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