PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 22 October 2015 PART 6: Development Presentations 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This part of the agenda is for the committee to receive presentations on proposed developments, including when they are at the pre-application stage. 1.2 Although the reports are set out in a particular order on the agenda, the Chair may reorder the agenda on the night. Therefore, if you wish to be present for a particular application, you need to be at the meeting from the beginning. 1.3 The following information and advice applies to all those reports. 2 ADVICE TO MEMBERS 2.1 These proposed developments are being reported to committee to enable members of the committee to view them at an early stage and to comment upon them. They do not constitute applications for planning permission at this stage and any comments made are provisional and subject to full consideration of any subsequent application and the comments received as a result of consultation, publicity and notification. 2.2 Members will need to pay careful attention to the probity rules around predisposition, predetermination and bias (set out in the Planning Code of Good Practice Part 5.G of the Council’s Constitution). Failure to do so may mean that the Councillor will need to withdraw from the meeting for any subsequent application when it is considered. 3 FURTHER INFORMATION 3.1 Members are informed that any relevant material received since the publication of this part of the agenda, concerning items on it, will be reported to the Committee in an Addendum Update Report. 4 PUBLIC SPEAKING 4.1 The Council’s constitution only provides for public speaking rights for those applications being reported to Committee in the “Planning Applications for Decision” part of the agenda. Therefore reports on this part of the agenda do not attract public speaking rights. 5 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS 5.1 For further information about the background papers used in the drafting of the reports in part 8 contact Mr P Mills (020 8760 5419). 6 RECOMMENDATION 6.1 The Committee is not required to make any decisions with respect to the reports on this part of the agenda. The attached reports are presented as background information. PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 22 October 2015 PART 6: Development Presentations Item 6.1 1 DETAILS OF THE DEVELOPMENT Ref: 15/01778/PRE Location: Fairfield Masterplan Area (bounded by George Street, London- Brighton railway line, Barclay Road and Park Lane). Ward: Fairfield Description: Emerging proposals for a hybrid planning application for: • Outline planning permission for demolition and redevelopment to provide: flexible class A1 (shops) and/or class A2 (financial and professional services) and/or class A3 (food and drink); class B1 (business); class C1 (hotel); class C3 (dwelling houses); class D1 (non- residential institutions); class D2 (assembly or leisure), public realm and landscaping; and associated car and cycle parking, servicing, and access arrangements; and • Full planning permission for demolition including multi-storey car park and Barclay Road Annex, extensions and alterations to Fairfield Halls including ancillary class A3 (food and drink), erection of buildings for flexible class A1 (shops) and/or class A2 (financial and professional services) and/or class A3 (food and drink), class C3 (residential), class D1 (non-residential institutions), class D2 (assembly and leisure), public realm and landscaping; and associated car and cycle parking, servicing, and access arrangements. Drawing Nos: PARAMETER PLANS (19010-001P2 Application Site Boundary,LGF,19010-003P2 Demolition 19010-004P2 Development Zones, 19010-005P2 Maximum and Minimum Building Footprints,19010-006P2 Public Realm and Open Space,19010-007P2 Minimum Building Heights,19010-008P2 Maximum Building Heights,19010-009P2 Land Uses – GF,19010- 010P2 Land Uses – Typical Upper, 19010-011P2 Pedestrian Access – GF,19010-012P2 Pedestrian Access – LGF,19010- 013P2 Vehicular Access – GF,19010-014P2 Vehicular Access – LGF. EXISTING:19000-A Ownerships GF A,19000-B Ownerships GF B,19001-A Ownerships LGF A,19001-B Ownerships LGF B. ILLUSTRATIVE PROPOSAL:19011 Phasing,19012 Illustrative Proposal - Phase 1,19013 Illustrative Proposal - Phase 2,19014 Illustrative Proposal - Phase 3 [Completed Scheme]. FAIRFIELD HALLS: 607-19500 Location Plan 607-19501, Site Plan Existing 607-19502, Site Plan Proposed,607-19510 Existing Plan Basement,607-19511 Existing Plan Lower Ground,607-19512 Existing Plan Ground Level,607-19513 Existing Plan Level 01,607- 19514 Existing Plan Level 02,607-19515 Existing Plan Level 03,607-19516 Existing Plan Level 04,607-19517 Existing Plan Level 05, 607-19518 Existing Plan Level 06,607-19520 Existing Section AA + BB,607-19530P2 Demolition Plan Basement, 607- 19531P2 Demolition Plans Lower Ground,607-19532P2 Demolition Plan Ground Level,607-19533P2 Demolition Plan Level 01, 607- 19534P2 Demolition Plan Level 02, 607-19535P1 Demolition Plan Level 03, 607-19536P1 Demolition Plan Level 04, 607-19537P1 Demolition Plan Level 05, 607-19538P1 Demolition Plan Level 06, 607-19540P1 Demolition Section AA + BB, 607-19545P1 Demolition Elevation East + North, 607-19550P4 Proposed Basement Plan, 607-19551P4 Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan, 607-19552P4 Proposed Ground Floor Plan, 607-19553P4 Proposed First Floor Plan, 607-19554P4 Proposed Second Floor Plan, 607-19555P1 Proposed Third Floor Plan, 607-19559 Proposed Roof Plan 1:100 A0 P1, 607-19565P1 Proposed Section AA + BB, 607-19566P1 Proposed Section CC + DD, 607-19570P1 Proposed Elevation North + East, 607-19571P1 Proposed Elevation South + West, PHASE 1 RESIDENTIAL: 607-FF22- 12000 to 12011, 607-FF22. LANDSCAPE: 981091-10-001C GA Phase 1, 981091-10-002D GA Phase 2, 981091-10-003JC GA Phase 3, 981091-10-001C GA Phase 1, 981091-10-005D LOL and play area (1st phase), 981091-10-006D LOL and play area (later phases), 981091-10-020 to 981091-10-025E/F Detail Sheets 1- 6,981091-20-001 to 981091-20-009A/B Sections 1 to 9. 3D MODEL VIEWS Documents: Planning Position Statement, Inclusive Design Code, Play space requirements calculator (Phase 1 residential). Applicant: LBC Housing Development & Regeneration Agent: Turley Case Officer: Graham Harrington 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 This proposed development is being reported to enable Members of the Planning Committee to comment upon it before a planning application is submitted. The emerging scheme does not constitute an application for planning permission and any comments made on it are provisional and subject to full consideration of any subsequent application, including the comments received as a result of consultation . 2.2 This is the second presentation of the emerging scheme to the Planning Committee. An earlier scheme iteration was presented to the Committee on 30 July 2015. The applicant has significantly developed the emerging scheme to take account of comments raised at the Committee meeting and following extensive pre-application discussions with officers. The emerging scheme as it currently stands is described in Section 3. 2.3 The matters raised by the Planning Committee at the 30 July 2015 meeting are set out below, together with a reference to the paragraph(s) in this report that address the matter: • Principle of uses - acceptable with an active square, providing sports, skateboarding and performance areas, dynamic Box Park type activities was supported (discussed under College Green, paragraph 4.132). • Amount of affordable housing - should be maximised - targeting 30%; with right amount of family housing, with some 4-bed units (discussed under Affordable Housing, paragraph 4.55). • Appearance of development o Architectural style can be modern, imaginative and different, that fits in but is not 'Croydon vernacular'. Massing should provide a deliverable scheme, with the potential of some higher massing at the north end (discussed under Scale and Massing, paragraphs 4.89 and 4.90). o Connectivity and routes through the scheme are very important, particularly link from the station and George Street through to Park Lane. Active frontages should be around the site and fronting onto College Road (discussed under Layout, paragraph 4.82). o Needs to be level, accessible, including friendly positive spaces. Wheelchair access important for the units and around the site (discussed under Inclusive Design Safety and Security, paragraph 4.156). o Side of the Fairfield Halls has potential for projections rather than posters (discussed under Works to Fairfield Halls, paragraph 4.104). • Effects on adjacent occupiers - the servicing provision must work with young families nearby (discussed under Amenities of Future and Adjoining Occupiers, paragraph 4.178). • Quality of new residential accommodation - importance of the buildings engaging with the square; quality of design an important factor (discussed under Detailed Design of Phase 1 Housing, paragraph 4.151). • Sustainability of development - viability of the halls; the scheme should improve on the current viability (discussed under Works to Fairfield Halls, paragraph 4.104). • Parking provision - support for the removal of parking outside the halls but need to ensure an appropriate amount of parking in the scheme to take account of the requirements of Fairfield Halls (discussed under Other Parking, paragraph 4.172). 2.4 Planning policy is established by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the London Plan (2015), the Croydon Local Plan Strategic Policies (CLP1), the saved policies in the Croydon Replacement UDP (CRUDP) and the emerging Croydon Local Plan: Detailed Policies (Preferred and Alternative Options 2013) (CLP2). The area is within the Croydon Metropolitan Centre (CMC) and is also within the London Plan Croydon Opportunity Area (COA). It is also identified as being within the Fair Field Masterplan Area, an Area of High Density and an Archaeological Priority Zone. 2.5 On 21 September 2015, the Cabinet approved the publication for consultation purposes the Croydon Local Plan: Strategic Policies - Partial Review (Preferred Options and Alternatives) and Croydon Local Plan: Detailed Policies and Proposals (Preferred and Alternative Options). These documents include emerging policies and allocations that relate specifically to the Masterplan Area.
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