ACC WOMEN'S TOURNAMENT PREVIEW INSIDE Entertaining Guests Duke hosts a neighborly afternoon tea Sunday, with a bit of Tobacco Road THE CHRONICLE warfare thrown in. See Sports, p. 15. FRIDAY. MARCH 1, 1996 7 ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 91. NO. 107 Despite many candidates, DSG elections end decisively Candidates v ,C> By The Numbers Nesbit to lead Duke Student focused on DSG Official DSG Election Results Government as president similar issues '"^rn^iy (Candidates and Offices: \_ President: Executive Vice President: By DENISE DUNNING advantage and do everything Takcus Nesbit Sarah Mitchell 809 37.4% By HARRIS HWANG 834 32.2% Trinity junior Tackus Nesbit we can to fulfill all the promises Uno Marrero 524 20.2% Blair Greber-Raines 643 29.7% was victorious in his bid for the that we made during this cam­ After 10 days of blazing Renee Hurtig 512 23.7% along the campaign trail, Jodi Alexander 478 18.4% Duke Student Government paign." Randy Fink 273 10.5% John Shadle 163 7.5% presidency Thursday, in an elec­ Other winners in yesterday's Trinity junior Takcus Nesbit Write-in 35 1.6% captured the Duke Student Jason Goode 252 9,7% tion with an overall election were: Trini­ Government presidency Clem Cypra 145 5.6% voter turnout of ap- T\ Q ty freshman Sarah Write-In 2.5% V.P.. Community Interaction: proximately 43 per- //ij Mitchell, who won Thursday night with a 12 per­ Trang Nguyen 1108 50.2% Thomas Bender 0.9% cent. pBp her bid for executive cent advantage over his near­ Michael Mittman 576 26.1% V.P.. Academic Affairs: Nesbit received r n t • vice president; Trini- est challenger, doubling the Matt Ameika 502 22.7% Dan Segal 1288 66.4% 32 percent of the V J 77 'ty sophomore Dan required 6 percent margin Write-In 23 1.0% DSG bylaws deem necessary Glenn Gaviola 603 31.1% votes cast for presi- JJIJIJ Segal for vice presi­ to avoid a runoff. Write-In 35 1.6% V.P.. Facilities & Athletics: dent. "We feel really dent for academic af­ fortunate that we won, Most of the seven candi­ V.P.. Student Affairs: fairs; Trinity sophomore Chris Jamin Dixon 842 42.6% such a strong candidate field," dates vying for the presidency Chris Lam 987 45.7% Lam, elected to vice president Chris Goldsmith 473 24.0% Nesbit said. "There were a lot of campaigned on similar issues, Randy Kenna 721 33.4% for student affairs; Trinity Jon Liberman 367 18.6% good people running, and Fm re­ sophomore Trang Nguyen, the such as the need for more stu­ Parker McConville 437 20.2% Mark Johnson 271 13.7% ally glad we came out on top. winner in the race for vice pres- dent-group meeting space, Write-in 15 0.7% Write-In 22 1.1% See DSG on page 5 .V We've been given a great oppor­ V KAMM/THE CHRONICLE tunity and we want to take full See ELECTIONS on page 14 • Univeristy to look Alcohol, parties move off campus By ELIZABETH LAING town Manor Apartments, said a disturbance in their neigh­ into racial messages As students on campus set­ that one fraternity has in­ borhoods, saying more stu­ tle into their second semester creased its off-campus parties dents loiter around the streets, From staff reports checked his voice mail Mon­ under the new alcohol policy, from about once a month last and those who host parties do University officials are in­ day, Feb. 26, according to a off-campus students and their year to once a week this year. not monitor underage drinking vestigating a series of racial­ statement released by the Durham neighbors are just "They don't want to get in trou­ properly. ly biased messages recorded University. He reported the now coming to understand ble with Public Safety, and they "... The freshmen can come earlier this week in a black incident to Public Safety and what the policy means for don't want to start trouble with down here and go to parties faculty member's voice mail to Myrna Adams, vice presi­ them. Some say that the ban of the University... It's just easier and their [identifications] won't account. dent for institutional equity. kegs on campus has led stu­ to have [parties] off-campus," be checked," said Joan Austin, Fred Boadu, assistant pro­ Adams' office is responsible dents to move parties to sur­ she said. Parties may be easier a resident of Trinity Park, a fessor of civil and environ­ for handling issues related to rounding neighborhoods. to have off-campus for stu­ neighborhood bordered by mental engineering, discov­ racial harassment. Heather Young, a Trinity se­ dents, but some other residents North Buchanan Avenue, ered the messages when he See BIAS on page 5 • nior and resident of George­ have found the new policy to be See PARTIES on page 9 •* Two of a kind: No rivalry in 'Bloom' By ALEX GORDON While their respective For identical twin brothers schools revel in an intense rival­ Adam and Ryan Bloom, it ry, the Bloom brothers do not. seems that competition has ex­ "We are supportive, rather isted between them only once— than competitive. That is the at birth. foremost reason why we are not After all, they would tell you, rivalry-oriented, especially in one of them had to be born first. terms of UNC-Duke," Adam Twenty-two years after their said. "I pull for UNC when most intense "competition," the they're not playing Duke, and Bloom twins ironically find Ryan does the same for Duke." themselves on polar ends of To­ The Blooms are content with bacco Road—Adam, a Trinity their lack of rivalry, even if it senior, and Ryan, a senior at the seemingly defies conventional University of North Carolina at Duke-Carolina tradition—and Chapel Hill. even if it confuses their 16-year- "Same genes, different old brother, Ian, himself a res- EVAN RATLIFF/THE CHRONICLE schools," Adam said. See TWINS on page 6 > Trinity senior Adam Bloom (I.) and his twin brother Ryan, a UNC senior, embody the Duke-UNC rivlary. THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1996 World and National Newsfile Associated Press Republican candidates debate abortion Clinton cleared: Officials ofthe By KATHARINE SEELYE would keep it that way." would do if his wife had been raped. agency investigating fraud in the savings and loan industry said that N.Y. Times News Service But after two of his rivals, Lamar On Thursday, only Pat Buchanan there were no grounds for a civil COLUMBIA, S.C—For the first Alexander and Steve Forbes, respond­ said he would urge the woman to lawsuit against Hillary Clinton's time since the Iowa caucuses more ed that they would permit an abortion have the baby. Buchanan said: "If former law firm for work done on than three weeks ago, cultural issues, in the case of rape, Dole subsequently that happened to you, it would be a behalf of a savings and loan owned particularly abortion, were back on revised his answer, saying he, too, horrendous atrocity, and it's happen­ by a former business partner in the the table Thursday as the Republican would make such an exception. ing to too many women across this Whitewater land venture. presidential primary contest moved After the debate, both he and his country. And what I believe should South. press secretary offered further clarifi­ happen to the rapist in a case like At a debate here among the four cation ofhis position. that, if it was particularly vicious and Vitamin added: The Food and leading candidates, all were confront­ Dole's initial answer was reminis­ you had a serial rapist, I would vote Drug Administration announced for his execution." Thursday that it would require all ed with the ever-knotty abortion cent ofa debate in the 1988 presiden­ enriched foods to be fortified with issue, including whether they would tial campaign when then Gov. "As for you," Buchanan added, "I folic acid, a vitamin that can pre­ submit their vice presidents to a lit­ Michael Dukakis offered an antisep­ would try to counsel you to go to my vent spina bifida, a common and mus test on the matter. tic response when asked what he See ABORTION on page 8 • devastating type of birth defect. In addition, they were asked to take stands on the flying of the Con­ federate flag and how they felt about TV to be rated: The U.S. broad­ women entering The Citadel. casting industry promised at a Cuba prohibits foreign White House meeting on Thurs­ But the question that seemed to day to develop a ratings system for make some of them, particularly Sen. television programming that will Bob Dole, the most uncomfortable vessels, decries sanctions allow viewers to keep objection­ was a provocative one asked by a fe­ able TV shows from their children. male reporter. By JAMES ANDERSON "This is going to strengthen the gov­ "If I were raped by a vicious crimi­ Associated Press ernment" by rallying people behind it, nal and became pregnant, would you HAVANA (AP)—Cuba warned Thurs­ said Ramon Torres, a park worker. "The oppose a first-trimester abortion, day it won't permit anyone to enter its government here is fighting for every­ knowing that a continued pregnancy waters to honor four exile pilots it shot one." Weather would cause me mental and emotion­ down last weekend, and said new U.S. 'They are fencing us in," said Miguel Saturday al anguish?" sanctions would have "severe" conse­ Rodriguez, who was selling carved High:40 • Rain Dole replied: 'Tes, I would.
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