Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48658-3 — Diagnosing from a Distance John Martin-Joy Index More Information Index actual malice (legal doctrine), 70, 92, American Medical Association ethics 127–128 guidelines as influence on, 139 in Goldwater v. Ginzburg,91–92, 95, development of, 139–141, 103–104, 118–119, 132 159–161 in Trump era, 219 Goldwater Rule, APA’s interpretation of, Adorno, Theodor 161–167, 169–171, 212–215. See also The Authoritarian Personality,38–39, Goldwater Rule 71–73, 117, 153 of Johnson, objections to, 151–153 on authoritarianism, 22–23 mental health funding and on Communist scare, 38–39 during Johnson administration, 138, profiling of Goldwater, influenced by, 147–148, 155–156 71–73, 117 during Nixon administration, 158–159 Agnew, Spiro, 100 Opinions of the Ethics Committee on Principles AMA. See American Medical Association of Medical Ethics with Annotations American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 140 Especially Applicable to Psychiatry, 163 American Medical Association (AMA) organizational development by, of American Psychiatric Association ethics psychiatric profession guidelines influenced by, 139 Airlie House propositions, 141–144 Fact survey on Goldwater, AMA mailing reforms, 141–144 list used for, 67 specialty models in, 139–140 Goldwater v. Ginzburg and, 98 on psychiatrist as psychohistorian, 27, 28, support of Goldwater by, 13 117 American Psychiatric Association (APA), public image of psychiatry, 137–138, 12. See also Principles of Medical Ethics 157–158, 230–232 with Annotations Especially Applicable to American Psychoanalytic Association Psychiatry (APsaA), 12 APA Commentary on Ethics in Practice guidelines on members’ comment on (2015), 290 public figures, 13 on APA members’ public evaluations loyalty oaths, 35–37 of Goldwater, 68–69, 144–148 on pluralism, 242–245 of Johnson, 151–153 “Statement on the Use of Psychiatric of Trump, D., 201–209, 211–212 Opinions in the Political Realm,” ban on comment to media on public 244–245 figures, 13 during World War II, 27–28 Barton, W., and, 144–147, 157, 158–159, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness 164, 278 (Fromm), 196 ethics rules of, 4–5, 34–35 Anderson, Jack, 38 325 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48658-3 — Diagnosing from a Distance John Martin-Joy Index More Information INDEX Anthony, Rey (Lillian Maxine Serett), 52, research sources for, 71–73, 74–75, 117 54–55 Goldwater v. Ginzburg and, 97, 121 APA. See American Psychiatric Association Fascism and the legacy of Nazism and, APA Commentary on Ethics in Practice 74–75 (American Psychiatric Association, testimony of, 116–118 2015), 290 “What Psychiatrists Say about Goldwater” Appelbaum, Paul, 4–5, 207, 237–238 (survey), 67–68, 81 APsaA. See American Psychoanalytic Bozell, L. Brent, Jr., 37, 42 Association Bradlee, Ben, 33 Arendt, Hannah, 64, 75 Brendel, Rebecca, 12–13, 171, 202–203, Arkin, Stanley, 97 207, 213–215, 246, 284–285 Associated Press v. Walker, 127–128 Brennan, William (Justice), 70–71, 126–127 Austria, 17–18 Brinkley, Alan, 47, 55, 224 The Authoritarian Personality (Adorno), Broder, David, 89 38–39, 71–73, 117, 153 Brosin, Henry W., 151 authoritarianism Brown, Pat, 66 Fromm on, 22–23 Brown v. Board of Education,11–12, 47–48 anal-sadistic character, 22–23, 74 Brussel, James A., 40–41 susceptibility to, 22–23 Buchwald, Art, 89 Trump, D., and, alleged authoritarian Buckley, William F. populism of, 196 on Ginzburg, R., 55–56, 96, 132 autonomy, limitations of, 245–247 on Goldwater, 41–42, 87–88 Avant Garde (magazine), 100, 125 Goldwater v. Ginzburg and, 91, 98, 123 survey about Johnson, by psychiatrists, on Khrushchev, 43 148–149, 150 Burger, Warren (Chief Justice), 97, 129 American Psychiatric Association Burlingham, Dorothy, 23 response to, 151–153 Bush, George H. W., 184, 189 Butterfield, Alex, 168 Bachrach, Louis, 145 Baker, Howard, 172 Cameron, Ewen, 182–183 Barbas, Samantha, 12, 71 Carter, Jimmy, 185–186 Bar-Ilan, David, 97, 269, 273 Central Intelligence Agency profiling Barton, Gail, 145, 146, 278 under, 185–186 Barton, Walter E., 12, 29, 34, 68–69, 256 Case, Clifford, 284 American Psychiatric Association and, Casey, William, 187–188 144–147, 157, 158–159, 164, 278 Castro, Fidel, 43 Menninger, W., as influence on, 144–145 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Begin, Menachem, 185–186 profiling by, 5–6 Bell, Daniel, 50 of Begin, 185–186 Belli, Marvin, 156 of Ellsberg, 173, 284 Bernstein, Carl, 183, 196 American Psychiatric Association Berryman, John, 35 response to, 184 Binger, Carl, 40 ethics of, 175–176, 179–181 Black, Conrad, 217–218 likely harm as result of, 180–181 Black, Hugo (Justice), 10, 48, 71, 128, 130, political purpose of, 173, 179–180 227, 256 source material for, 176–178 Blain, Daniel, 68–69, 141–142, 146, 160 ethical guidelines for, 188–191, 284–285 Boroson, Warren, 12, 62, 63, 64, 266. See also of foreign leaders, history of, 288 Fact of Hussein, 189, 190 “Goldwater: The Man and the Menace,” of Khomeini, 185–186 66–73 Post and, 172–173, 188–190 drafts by, 73–74, 75–76, 269–270 public view of, 182–184 326 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48658-3 — Diagnosing from a Distance John Martin-Joy Index More Information INDEX of Quadaffi, 187–188 John Birch Society, 42 of el-Sadat, 185–186 1964 presidential election as milestone Chambers, Whitaker, 40 for, 87 Chandler, Otis, 123 Trump, D., and, 196–197, 217–218 Childhood and Society (Erikson), 26–27, Coover, Darrell, 98, 150 47, 75 Corliss, Richard, 56, 57–58 China, 35 Cousins, Norman, 75 Churchill, Winston, 35 Cowley, Malcolm, 54 CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency Cronkite, Walter, 153–154 civil rights, 9–10, 60–61, 63. See also Brown Cruz, Ted, 196–197 v. Board of Education Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 64 Goldwater’s lack of interest in, 64–66, 88 Cueno, Ernest, 52 Goldwater’s opposition to Civil Rights Act Cuordileone, K. A., 83 of 1964, 143 Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 127–128 Civil Rights Act (1964), 63 Goldwater’s opposition to, 143 “Daisy Girl” ad (1964 presidential election), Clinton, Bill, 170 88 Clinton, Hillary, 198 The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump (Lee, coercive paternalism, 235–237 B.), 9, 10, 204–205 Coffey, John, 176, 178 American Psychiatric Association Cohen, Michael, 198–199 response to, 208 Cohen, Wilbur, 158–159 reviewer responses to, 207 Cohn, Roy, 193–194 Dean, John, 132 COI. See Office of the Coordinator of Deutsch, Helene, 19 Information Dickstein, Sidney, 68 Cold War era. See also nuclear weapons and Dike, Charles, 206 nuclear age Donovan, William J., 16, 19–20, 26 Communist scare in U.S., 35 Douglas, William O. (Justice), 48, 71, 227 House Committee on Un-American Dukakis, Michael, 4–5, 237–238 Activities and, 264–265 Duty to Warn (organization), 199, 216, 234 loyalty oaths as part of, 35–37, 264 duty to warn (psychiatric doctrine), 14, 173, Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 64 189, 206 impact on Goldwater v. Ginzburg, 105–109 APA’s view of, 207, 211–212 Soviet Union during, 35–36 Dworkin, Andrea, 56 Coles, Robert, 1–2, 142, 164 Communism, 35–36, 43 Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 64 Communist scare, in U.S., 35, 38–39. See also Eisenhower, Dwight D., 29–30, 41, 65, 66 McCarthy, Joseph support of Goldwater, during 1964 House Committee on Un-American presidential election, 88 Activities and, 264–265 Ellis, Albert, 55 loyalty oaths as part of, 35–37, 264 Ellsberg, Daniel, 10, 14, 173. See also Central psychoanalysts during, 35–37, 38–39 Intelligence Agency Community Mental Health Act, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency profile of, (1963), 158–159 174–181 Comstock Act, 58 and Fielding, 177–178 confidentiality, 3, 137, 162, 177, 233, 245 Nixon and, 10, 173 Conly, Sarah, 235, 236 Pentagon Papers and, 10, 285 Conscience of a Conservative (Goldwater), 37, Engle v. Vitale,47–48 42, 69 Erikson, Erik H., 14–15, 32–33, 79, 231, 251 conservative movement background and influence, 23–24 Buckley and, 41–42 Childhood and Society,26–27, 47, 75 Goldwater as symbol of, 37 Fact profile of Goldwater and, 75, 77 327 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48658-3 — Diagnosing from a Distance John Martin-Joy Index More Information INDEX Erikson, Erik H. (cont.) First Amendment protections. See free on Hitler and Nazi Germany, 25, 263 speech; libel law; New York Times decline of conscience in, 25–26 v. Sullivan identity and culture in, 26 Fischer, Bobby, 60 OSS recruitment of, 23–27 Flynn, Michael, 198 protests against loyalty oath, 36–37, Forrestal, James, 73 264 Fortas, Abe (Justice), 129 psychohistory of, 1, 4, 14–15, 117, The Fragility of Goodness (Nussbaum), 164–166, 201 236–237 Young Man Luther,1–2, 4, 26–27, 73 Frank, Jerome, 68 Erlichman, John, 174, 175, 177–178, 257 Frankfurt School, 22–23, 72 Eros (magazine), 55–60, 126–127 Frankfurter, Felix, 18–19 comparisons to Playboy,57–58 free speech, 69–71 Ervin, Sam, Jr., 143, 168 Freedom on Trial (Reitman), 51, 126 Escape from Freedom (Fromm), 22–23 Freud, Anna, 18–19, 23 ethics. See also Goldwater Rule; Principles of Freud, Sigmund, 16–17, 18, 23, 47 Medical Ethics with Annotations on anal character, 74, 79 Especially Applicable to Psychiatry Boroson influenced by, 53, 73, 116–117 APA approach to, 4–5, 34–35 Freyer, John, 155 American Medical Association (AMA) Fromm, Erich, 53, 153, 196 guidelines as influence on APA, 139 on authoritarianism, 22–23 development of, 139–141, 159–161 on anal-sadistic character, 74 CIA profiling and, 179–181, 188–191, on Marxism vs.
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