Published by Pro Sanctity East [email protected] www.nyprosanctity.org Spring-Summer 2018 Holiness!......Me? We are all called to become holy, to become saints. That certainly should not be something new to us as members of the Pro Sanctity Movement. It is the whole reason the Movement exists, to assist us in fulfilling that vocation we all share to become saints. Pope Francis has given us a gift in his newest Apostolic Exhortation, called "Gaudete et Exsultate" or "Rejoice and Be Glad." In this docu- ment, the Holy Father calls upon all people to reflect on the call to holi- ness that each of us has received. It is a call, he says, that God makes "to be holy, for I am holy." ing? Be holy by labouring with He reminds us that the call is for us integrity and skill in the service of IN THIS ISSUE all, no matter what state in life we your brothers and sisters. Are you may be in: "We are frequently a parent or grandparent? Be holy This Just In………………..p 2 tempted to think that holiness is by patiently teaching the little only for those who can withdraw ones how to follow Jesus. Are you Holiness in Beatitudes…..p 2 from ordinary affairs to spend much in a position of authority? Be holy The Pope’s May Prayer….p 3 time in prayer. That is not the case. by working for the common good We are all called to be holy by liv- and renouncing personal gain." Comedy Corner…………...p 3 ing our lives with love and by bear- Ask Pro Sanctity………… p 4 ing witness in everything we do, Even we who are members of Pro wherever we find ourselves. Are Sanctity can sometimes be misled Personal Challenge………p 4 you called to the consecrated life? into thinking that holiness is just Our Stories………………...p 5 Be holy by living out your commit- for those who are called to special ment with joy. Are you married? Be vocations: priesthood, conse- Saints - Our Models………p 6 holy by loving and caring for your crated life. It's sometimes easy for Come Grow With Us……...p 7 husband or wife, as Christ does for the Church. Do you work for a liv- Save the Dates…………… p 8 Continued on page 3 This Just In… The Thoughts of Bishop Giaquinta and Pope Francis Mirror Each Other Pope Francis has In a reflection written by Marialuisa Pugliese, Procurator for written his third Apostolic Ex- the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Bishop Wil- hortation, this time, focusing liam Giaquinta, she includes the following striking comparison on the Call to Holiness in To- between the views of our Founder and those of Pope Francis. day’s World. Gaudete Et Ex- sultate or Rejoice and Be “Father Giaquinta made the vocation to holiness the Glad, is what Jesus tells privileged object of his theological study and of his priestly those persecuted or humili- ministry. He entrusted it to his Foundation as the essential ated for his sake. The Lord goal of life, of evangelical witness, and of apostolic action. To asks everything of us, and in the end of his life he passionately explained it as a way of love return he offers us true life, traced by God for each of His children, as a the happiness for which we ‘realizable utopia’ in a society based on uni- were created. He wants us versal fraternity, as the true secret of ecu- to be saints and not to settle menical and inter-religious dialogue. Although for a bland and mediocre ex- remaining a rather solitary voice in the eccle- istence. The call to holiness sial context, his genuine, prophetic charism is present in various ways was recognized by many, and his spiritual from the very first pages of family continued to grow.” the Bible. We see it ex- pressed in the Lord’s words She continues, “Now comes the Exhortation of Pope to Abraham: “Walk before Francis ‘on the call to holiness in today’s world,’ in a sense re- me and be blame- awakening the conscience of all humanity, reviving almost with less.” (Genesis 17:1) a single word the message contained in the Gospel, telling us to openly go out to share a gift of salvation that belongs to We urge you to read everyone. With joy I receive this confirmation of ‘what has the entire Apostolic Exhorta- been’ during my long Pro Sanctity experience, yet today I feel tion on Holiness, ponder its even more strongly to join with my sisters and brothers [in the profound message and try to family of maximalism] in gazing towards new hori- incorporate it into your life as zons….Particularly touching for me was the reference to Je- you respond to your Call to sus’ Beatitudes, which Father Giaquinta had Holiness. also indicated was the ‘manifesto of holi- ness.’ This time, as though for the first time, I ————— detected a note of freshness, a key to a new The exhortation “Gaudete Et understanding. In identifying ‘happiness’ and Exsultate” “Rejoce and be ‘beatitude’ with holiness, the Pope reveals Glad” may be found at the real meaning of the Beatitudes to us, so http://www.vatican.va as to better understand them and put them into practice. Being poor in heart is holiness Pro Sanctity East Newsletter Reacting with meekness and humility is holiness Editors Mourning with others is holiness Rev. Msgr. Steven Aguggia Hungering and thirsting for righteousness is holiness Angela Di Paola, A.O. Being merciful and acting with mercy is holiness Rosemary Darmstadt Keeping a heart free of all that tarnishes love is holiness Mona Edwards Sowing peace all around is holiness Mariakutty Joseph, A.O. Accepting daily the path of the Gospel—even though it may Nina L. Riti cause us problems—is holiness. Ann Sutherland 2 Continued from page 1 us to fall back on old and erroneous of St. Thérѐse of Lisieux, who our prayer is that we always give ways of thinking that just those who raised a holy family and helped the greatest effort, with the help of spend all their time at it can achieve their daughters see the workings of God, to achieve the goal of becom- sanctity. Both Bishop Giaquinta and God in family life. We can look at ing saints. As Bishop Giaquinta Pope Francis remind us that it is for Saints Jacinta and Francisco, the said: “In living out the call to holi- everyone. young children who saw the ness – whatever the demands and Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima and details required by one’s own life – Look at those who lived lives of ho- who show us that holiness is for all everyone is loved infinitely by God liness and who were not priests, people young and old. and called by Him to respond with religious or consecrated persons. their maximum of love – holiness.” We can think of Blessed Pier Gior- The Holy Father presents the Beati- gio Frassati, a young layman, who tudes as a way of holiness. He spent his short life working for the shows us that each beatitude pre- poor and feeding his soul with the sents a way of being, a way of liv- love of the Blessed Sacrament. We ing our lives, that lead to God. We can think of Saint Gianna Beretta progress on the way of holiness Molla, a physician and a mother, using this roadmap given by Jesus who refused to abort her baby to Himself. save her own life, but gave her life for another. We can look at Saints As we strive day by day for the per- Rev. Msgr. Steven J. Aguggia Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents fection, the holiness of the Father, Pro Sanctity Spiritual Advisor and Judicial Vicar of the Dio- cese of Brooklyn and Queens Pope’s May Prayer Intention Focuses 0n the Role of the Laity “That the lay faithful may fulfill their specific mission by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today” Fr. Jacob Boddicker, S.J. asks in Zenit: “How am I ling out my baptismal call to serve Jesus in the world?” “Is this enough, or is Jesus calling me to more?” “How do I desire to serve Him?” Comedy Corner How To Get Into Heaven A man dies and meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter says to the man, “Here’s how it works. You need to have 100 points to get into heaven— so tell me about all the good things you have done. Each one is worth a certain number of points. If your total is 100 or more, you can come in.” “Well, “ says the man, “I was happily mar- ried for 52 years, I loved my wife dearly and never looked at another woman.” “That’s great” says St. Peter, “that’s worth two points.” “Hmmm,” says the man. “This is going to be harder than I thought. “Let me see, I attended church regularly, tithed faith- fully, and volunteered for charitable works often.” Wonderful,” says St. Peter. “That’s worth two points.” “Only two points,” says the man sadly, “At this rate, it’ll only be by the grace of God that I’ll ever get into heaven.” “Bingo!” says St Peter. “That’s one hundred points. Come on in.” 3 Ask Pro Sanctity… Mona Edwards How can living a holy life be promoted to Young Adults? First, we have to understand that to be holy means to be set apart and separated from sin or worldliness.
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