8-27 Front Page 8/28/07 8:44 AM Page 1 Monday, August 27, 2007 In Argentina, too busy to be homesick, PAGE 6 THESince 1931 AMBARThe student voice of Youngstown State University Volume 90 www.thejambar.com Issue 1 STATE OF THE UNIVERSITY THE SIDEBAR J Sweet times President talks past and future of YSU Sarah Sole He suggested collaborating “upbeat.” News Editor with local school districts to “I think we have a lot to look encourage high school students to forward to,” Castronovo said. attend college. Stressing the importance of With a centennial theme of “a The P-16 council would keeping students at the center of proud past and a promising increase preparation for high all plans, Sweet said, “This institu- future,” Youngstown State school students. While he is not tion has a proud history of adapt- University President David Sweet sure of the planning, he said the ing its programs to the needs of welcomed back faculty, students council would increase the num- our students.” He stated his goal and staff to the start of the fall ber of students that go on to col- of engaging more students in semester during his state of the lege. “We need to work to increase research projects and academic Highlights university address. the college-going rate.” internships. While outlining future plans Sweet believes part of that The new semester brings with amidst a backdrop of past and problem is the lack of a Mahoning it new academic opportunities for On university infighting: present achievements, Sweet Valley community college, which students, such as the foreign lan- Christman renovation: new look spoke of the necessity of YSU’s still hot from the oven, PAGE 3 creates an educational gap, Sweet guage department’s offering of “Those who engage in these involvement in a community col- said. The plan for implementing a Arabic and Mandarin. lege and developing a Mahoning community college should have activities will be compro- Valley P-16 council as a way to HOUSING YSU as its center, he said. mising the university as a reduce the need for remedial class- If YSU is not a part of the pro- Proud past es at YSU. More residents means posed community college, then it whole.” Sweet also answered critics, The university has obtained $32 PAGE 2 will present a major challenge to change, million of the $43 million goal for referring to previous “internal the university, Bege Bowers, asso- the Centennial Capital Campaign CAMPUS LIFE attacks” and saying that in the ciate provost said. YSU’s involve- that will go towards programs On YSU’s place in the community: future, “those who engage in these ment with the community college and scholarships. Additionally, Upperclassmen: I wish I knew activities will be compromising will be easier for us as an institu- PAGE 3 there was a 3 percent increase in “We can be proud that the then, the university as a whole.” tion, she said. enrollment last year, the highest A new area college could pres- region looks to us for leader- STUDENT GOVERNMENT since 1995. ent YSU with competition. Promising future The centennial archives will be People in the area have a need ship.” dedicated this fall at Maag SGA prepares for for a community college, said Sweet said that Eric Fingerhut, Library. coming year, PAGE 3 Frank Castronovo professor and Ohio Board of Regents chancellor, Sweet credited other positive On the centennial year: director of theater. “We should OPINION wants to increase the number of changes to the late Provost Robert make every effort to provide students attending universities Herbert. “Our future is as challeng- what they need. Growth is not a A letter fron who have completed high school Herbert’s work with CLASS President Sweet, PAGE 4 core classes while reducing the bad thing.” ing as any time in our 100 number of students who need Castronovo was also impressed PAGE year history.” SPORTS remedial classes, Sweet said. with the speech, which he called please see Sweet, 2 Peguins set to defend Gateway CAMPUS DINING YSU title, PAGE 8 TO THE POINT Pete’s place prepares for fall opening Foley SBDC seminars at Sarah Sole YSU Metro College News Editor appointed When she saw the lemon triangle, The Ohio Small Business Rachel Wightman told herself she trustee by Development Center at could still have the dessert, since she Youngstown State had organic dressing on her salad. Evidently, the dessert was worth University will hold busi- the rationalization. Governor ness seminars in September “It was amazing,” Wightman said. at the YSU Metro College. Wightman was just one of many Chelsea Pflugh YSU students employed in Kilcawley The cost for each semi- Reporter Center who took part in a complimen- nar is $25 or $80 to attend tary lunch served Wednesday at Pete’s Place, the new campus restaurant for- all four and reservations are Stephen Foley, a junior Political required. Dates for the sem- merly known as Noodles. Aside from a new look, Pete’s Place will offer a Science and Psychology major, was inars are Sept. 6, 13, 20 and buffet featuring healthier options Above, Kilcawley students sample the recently appointed by Governor Ted 27. when it opens today. new menu offered at Pete’s Place during a Strickland as a student trustee to the Students need healthy options on preview lunch held Wednesday. YSU Board of Trustees. campus, and Pete’s Place aimed to Foley was selected from several address that need, said Tomdd Right,Executive Chef Clint Kifolo sits Playhouse applicants at YSU and had to meet Totterdale, general manager of the down for lunch in Pete’s Place Dining Auditions YSU Ddining service Services.for YSU. Room, photo by Sarah Sole, The Jambar. extensive requirements to be consid- ered. His application was processed Those preparing the menu for Pete’s unique food, and its buffet- style din- The Youngstown Place met with the nutritionist at ing helps students get in and out of by several state board administra- Playhouse will hold audi- Andrews Student Recreation and the restaurant quickly. tions, and was officially appointed Wellness Center. “It kind of does a little bit of every- by Governor Strickland. tions for Disney’s Beauty Andrew’s Wellness and Recreation thing,” he said. “It’s a much better Foley will represent the entire stu- and the Beast Sept 3-5 at Center. dent body at YSU when he attends 6:30 p.m. at the Totterdale said Pete’s Place offers please see Pete’s, PAGE 3 each Board of Trustees meeting. Youngstown Playhouse. A When he applied for the position, one to two minute song is CAMPUS LIFE Foley said he realized the great requested. responsibilities that come with the job and how difficult it will be to rep- CLASSIFIED. 2 resent every student. OPINION . 4 Saddle up for Wild West Welcome Week “I plan to attend every meeting, CAMPUS LIFE . 6 Elizabeth Boon Chestnut Room in Kilcawley. Koontz stay close to the Student SPORTS . 8 Reporter said the bull is something new and fun Government Association, and I hope for the students to try. students contact me and voice their Monday will also offer video games, comments and concerns”, Foley With a new school year kicking off, henna branding and caricatures. These said. Monday, August 27 Youngstown State University wants stu- activities are located on the campus core dents to have some fun. Welcome Week and in the lower arcade of Kilcawley Foley said that he is here for every is meant to provide students with activ- Center. student. He realizes that student 81 52 ities that allow them to meet new peo- Students can also sign up for the fan opinion of the university or adminis- Tuesday Wednesday ple and help them get into the swing of bus on Monday. The bus will be going tration may be bleak at times, but he things for the new semester. to the Ohio State game on Saturday. To plans on improving it. Sponsored by Campus Rec, Student ride the bus, students must go to Bytes 84 53 80 62 He wants to boost the morale of Life, YSU Housing and Residence Life, Koontz said this week shows students ‘N Pieces and put down a $15 deposit, those in contact with students, such Center for Student Progress, and what YSU has to offer. which ensures a seat on the bus and Student Diversity Programs, the entire The newest addition to Welcome which afterward can be returned. as faculty and administrators. first week of school is packed with all Week is a mechanical bull that will be Maag Library will also be celebrating Foley’s main goals during his time Please remember to kinds of events that cover a wide variety available for rides on Monday at the Welcome Week on Monday and on the Board of Trustees will be cam- recycle your copy of interests. campus core from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If PAGE 2 pus and downtown development. of The Jambar Welcome Week coordinator Melanie there is rain, the bull will be in the please see Welcome, 8-27 Page 2 8/28/07 8:38 AM Page 1 2 The Jambar Monday, August 27, 2007 HOUSING From Sweet, PAGE 1 and STEM set the stage for a community college will ben- future development at the uni- efit YSU. versity, Sweet said. “Bob made Foley said the community a lasting contribution.” college will help YSU lead the MoreAdrienne Saboresidentsthere will be a point whenmeans we have to say 1 to Sept.
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