DOCUMENT RESUME ED 357 716 HE 026 470 TITLE A Report of the Committee on Higher Educationto the House of Representatives 73rd Legislature.Texas House of Representatives, Interim Report 1992. INSTITUTION Texas State Legislature, Austin. House Committeeon Higher Education. PUB DATE 14 Sep 92 NOTE 35p. PUB TYPE Reports Evaluative/Feasibility (142) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS College Students; Enrollment; FinancialNeeds; *Higher Education; Long Range Planning;Mission Statements; *Public Policy; State Aid; State Colleges; State Government; State Legislation;*State Programs; *Statewide Planning; Student FinancialAid; Tuition IrENTIFIERS *Texas; Texas State TechnicalCollege Waco ABSTRACT This document reports ona range of issues, tasks, and accomplishments of the Committeeon Higher Education of the 72nd Texas Legislature of the State of Texas.The report opens by listing charges to the committee in the followingareas: (1) tuition and fees and causes and effects of recent increases;(2) need for student financial aid;(3) role, mission, and benefits ofTexas State Technical College (TSTC); and (4) enrollmentin professional schools in terms of supply and demand. Sevensubcommittees (on Enacted Legislation and Texas Performance ReviewRecommendations, Budget and Oversight, Tuition and Fees, Student FinancialAid, TSTC, Formula Funding and Deferred Maintenance, andProfessional Schools) were appointed to study the charges. Thebulk of the document takes up the findings and recommendations of eachof these subcommittees in turn. In regard to enacted legislation andperformance review, it is noted that no hearings were held during the periodof the 72nd legislature. The Budget and Oversight subcommitteemonitored the actions of the Legislative Budget Office and othertrends and indicators. Hearings on tuition and fee increases at institutions in thestate system of higher education were held andthe subcommittee in that area recommended maintaining the statusquo in regard to the current level of tuition and fees using the establishedschedule which will reach a maximum tuition rate of $32per semester credit hour in the fall of 1996. Hearings on student financial aidneeds resulted in recommendations for additional funding for existingprograms and access financial assistance given to Texas citizenscurrently unable to qualify for assistanceor to afford the rising cost of higher education. (Dataon current Texas higher education financial aid programs are appended to this section).The subcommittee on the role of the Texas State TechnicalCollege recommended focusingon the statutory roles and missions of TSTC andcommunity colleges and limiting duplication and competitionthat is damaging to both these resources. The subcommittee on formula funding and deferred maintenance issues recommended maintainingcurrent policies and structure in these areas subject to furtherstudy. Finally, recommendations regarding professional schoolenrollment issues were that the legislature should direct theappropriate agency: (1) to study shortages of primarycare and family practice physicians in Texas; and (2) to study shortages ofnurses, in order to determine the need for changes in the numberof enrollments in these fields. (JB) "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U.S. DEPARTMEAT OF EDUCATION ; MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Office of Educational Research and improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION Texas House of CENTER (ERIC) Thisdocumenl has been reproduced as ecefved from the person or organization originahng 0 Representatives C Minor changes have been made to improve rPrOduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of vfew or opiroons stated in this docu- I meet do not necessarily represent official I INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." OERI position or pacy PEST copYAVAILABLE COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES INTERIM REPORT 1992 A REPORT TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 73RD LEGISLATURE GARY L. WATKINS CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE CLERK NELSON NEASE COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 72ND LEGISLATURE September 14, 1992 The Honorable Gibson D. (Gib) Lewis Speaker, Texas House of Representatives Members of the Texas House of Representatives Texas State Capitol Austin, Texas 78768-2910 Lear Mr. Speaker and Fellow Members: The Committee on Higher Education of the Seventy-Second Legislature hereby submits its interim report including recommendations and drafted legislation by the Seventy-Third Legislature. Respectfully submitted, Gary L. Watkins, Chairman F dHill,Vice- airman Bob Hunter, Chairman, Budget Wit Paul Moreno Irma Rangel Bill Thomas D.R. (Tom) Uher P.O. BOX 2910 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78768-2910(512) 463.0782 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 INTERIM STUDY CHARGES AND SLI3COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 3 ENACTED LEGISLATION AND TEXAS PERFORMANCE REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS 6 BUDGET AND OVERSIGHT 8 TUITION AND FEES AT INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THEIR INCREASE IN RECENT YEARS 10 THE NEED FOR STUDENT FINANCIAL AID IN THE FORMS OF GRANTS AND LOANS 12 BACKGROUND 13 RECOMMENDATION #1 13 BACKGROUND 13 RECOMMENDATION #2 14 CURRENT TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS 15 THE ROLE, MISSION, SCOPE AND BENEFITS OF TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE AND ITS ROLE OF MEETING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF THE AREA IT SERVES, FUTURE FUNDING, AND CONFLICTS WITH JUNIOR COLLEGES 21 FORMULA FUNDING AND DEFERRED MAINTENANCE ISSUES AT INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION 25 PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AS IT RELATES TO THE DEMAND FOR ALL APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONS 27 BACKGROUND 28 RECOMMENDATION #1 28 BACKGROUND 28 RECOMMENDATION #2 29 BACKGROUND 29 RECOMMENDATION #3 30 5 COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION INTERIM REPORTS 1992 1 6 INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the 72nd Legislature, the HonorableGib Lewis, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, appointed nine members to theHouse Committee on Higher Education. The committee membership included thefollowing: Gary L. Watkins, Chair Fred Hill, Vice-Chair Bob Hunter, Chair, Budget and Oversight Wilhelmina Delco Dan Kubiak Paul Moreno Irma Rangel Bill Thomas Tom Uher During the interim, the Committee was assigned five chargesby the Speaker: 1) study the level of tuition and fees at institutions of highereducation across the state and the causes and effects of the increasein recent years; 2) study the increasing need for student financial aid in the forms of grants and loans;3) identify the role, mission, and benefits of Texas State Technical College (TSTC) includingits role of meeting the educational needs of the area it serves, future funding, and conflictswith junior colleges; and 4) study the enrollment at professional schools todetermine supply, as it relates to the demand for all appropriate professions. In order toundertake the charges efficiently and effectively, Chairman Watkins appointedsubcommittees to study the charges. The subcommittees have completed their hearings andinvestigations and have issued their respective reports. The Higher EducationCommittee has adopted and approved all subcommittee reports, which are incorporated as thefollowing final report for the entire committee. The members approved all sections of the reports. Finally, the committee wishes to express its appreciation to the TexasHigher Education Coordinating Board and its staff, all the various institutions ofhigher education- their officials and representatives, and the citizens and students whotestified at the hearings for their tine and efforts on behalf of the committee. 2 7 COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION INTERIM STUDY CHARGES AND SUBCOMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENACTED LEGISLATION AND TPR RECOMMENDATIONS CHARGE To monitor and oversee enacted legislation during the 72nd Legislature that was considered by the Committee on Higher Education; Texas Performance Review recommendations; and any agency-initiated changes. Tom Uher, Chair Gary Watkins Wilhelmina Delco Fred Hill Bob Hunter Dan Kubiak Paul Moreno Irma Rangel Bill Thomas SUBCOMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND OVERSIGHT CHARGE To carry out budget and oversight responsibilities for all agencies, boards and commissions listed in the House Rules, Rule 3, Section 15. To verify the number and status of outcomes and outputs as identified in the Appropriations Bill and review existing performance standards of agencies under its jurisdiction. Bob Hunter, Chair Gary Watkins Wilhelmina Delco Fred Hill Bill Thomas 3 SUBCOMMITTEE ON TUITION AND FEES CHARGE To study the level of tuition and fees at institutions of higher education across the state and the causes and effects of the increase in recent years. Paul Moreno, Chair Bob Hunter Irma Rangel SUBCOMMITTEE ON STUDENT FINANCIAL AID CHARGE To study the increasing need for student financial aid in the forms of grants and loans. Bill Thomas, Chair Irma Rangel Paul Moreno SUBCOMMITTEE ON TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE CHARGE To identify the role, mission, and benefits of Texas State Technical College including its role of meeting the educational needs of the area it serves, future funding, and conflicts with junior colleges. Wilhelmina Delco, Chair Dan Kubiak Tom Uher 4 .9 SUBCOMMITTEE ON FORMULA FUNDING AND DEFERRED MAYNI1NANCE CHARGE To monitor and coordinate with the Joint Select Committee an Higher Education as it relates to formula funding and deferred maintenance at institutions of higher education. Dan Kubiak, Chair Wilhelmina Delco Tom Uher SlUBCOMMTITEE ON PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS CHARGE To study the enrollment at professional schools to determinesupply, as it relates to the demand for all appropriate
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