Quit India Movement in Northern Bengal: A Study of Socio-Economic Perspective Thesis Submitted For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ARTS By INDRANIL~JlA~PADHYAY ..... ::>uperv•sor Ananda Gopal Ghosh Professor Department of History University of North Bengal Submitted To Department of History University of North Bengal Raja Rammohunpur, Dist. Darjeeling West Bengal Pin -734013 Th,. q S-4· 1-4 03 S c L\0s1 l. I ,f ~ Dr A. G. Ghosh Address: Department of Professor History Dept of History University ofNorth Bengal University of North Bengal Raja Rammohunpur, Dist. Darjeeling West Bengal Pin -734013 Telephone: 03561-231213 Cell: 09434117866 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitied Quit India Movement in Northern Bengal: A Study of Socio-Economic Perspective embodies the results of original and bona fide research work done by Sri Indranil Chattopadhyay under my supervision. Neither this thesis nor any part of it has been submitted for any degree or any other academic awards anywhere before. Sri Chattopadhyay has fulfilled all the requirements prescribed in the Ph.D. Ordinance of the University of North Bengal. I am pleased to forward the thesis for submission to the University of North Bengal for the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy (Ph.D.) in Arts. ~J.._p., ~e, Date: ~'01~ Dr. Ananada Gopal Ghosh Professor Place: University ofNorth Bengal Department of History University of North Bengal DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the content m the thesis entitled Quit India Movement in Northern Bengal: A Study of Socio-Economic Perspective is the outcome of my own research work done under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Ananada Gopal Ghosh, Professor, Department of History, University of North Bengal. To the best of my knowledge, the sources in this thesis are authentic. This thesis has submitted neither simultaneously nor before either as such or part of it anywhere for any other degree or academic awards. ~~~ ~f>{>~"""Y----, Date: ?:ltr{e't!fB-q Indranil Chattopadhyay Place: University of North Bengal Lecturer Department of History Alipurduar College Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri (])edicated to :Jvty wife Cl(af(lii Contents Acknowledgement ........................................................... 1-2 Abbreviations .................................. ········ .................. 3-4 Glossary .......................................................... 5-7 Introduction ................................................................ 8-19 Chapter- 1 Undivided Bengal: Strayed Scenario up to Quit India Movement. ................................ 20-58 Chapter- 2 Condition of Northern Bengal on the Eve of The Movement ...................................... 59-114 Chapter-- 3 Nature of the Movement in the Two zones ................................... 115-163 Chapter -4 Nationalist Movement of 1942: Review in Perspective of Alternative Politics in Northern Bengal ................................................ 164-203 Chapter-5 Closing Stages of the Movement and Its Impact On the Advance History of Northern Bengal. ............................................... 204-221 Conclusion .............................................................. 222-231 Bibliography .............................................................. 232-244 MAPS ..................................................................... Ml-Mll APPENDIX ............................................................... Al-A10 Jfctnowfecfgement rrfie present researcfi for tfiis tfiesis was inspired 6y tfie souvenir titfed 'r.Bfiarot Cfiaro }lnaoConer Pre/?fiapate Vttar6anga' edited 6y my supervisor (])r.jlnanaa <]opa( <;;fiosfi, pu6(isfied 6y tfie Jfistory (])epartment, 'University of :Nortfi r.Benga~ 1986.}ljter I started tfie work_ as a part-time researcfier in tfie (])epartment of Jiistory, Vniversity of !Nortfi (]Jenga~ I found it an upfii(( tasl( to untfertak§ tfie mu(tijacete£ 6ut cfia(fenging work:_ Jfowever, tfirougfi my 6est efforts and encouragement of tfie tfepartmenta( facu(ties, I trust, I couCd maRg some positive progress an£ contri6ution. Of tfie many cfia(fenges tfiat fiave presented tfiemsefves wfii[e writing tfiis paper, two in particufar sfiouCd 6e acl(nowfecfgetf. rrfie first is economic witli wfiicfi pofitica{ fiistory is co-refated; ana secona(y pattern of tfie poCitica( movement was infierent witfiin regiona( nature ana mood. I fee( immense pfeasure to e:>qJress my deep sense of gratitude to my generous supervisor (])r jl. q. q liosfi, Prifessor, (])epartment of Jiistory, Vniversity of !Nortfi r.Benga~ West CBenga( for liis vafua6fe guidance, suggestions, Rgen ana sustained interest, constructive criticism, an endfess stream of articfes ana intensive encouragement ana co-operation tfirougfiout my researcfi wort( witfiout wfiicfi sucfi investigation couU not fiave tak§n tlie present sfiape. I am incfeea grateful to tfie Jfeaa of tfie (])epartment and faculty mem6ers of tfie (])epartment of J{istory, Vm'versity of!Jfortfi CBenga{for provitfing me facifities as ana wfien needed. In tfiis arduous venture, I was great(y inspired 6y severa{ personafities as we(( as autfiorities. I particufar(y want to tfianl( tfie staff of tfie !Jfationa( Li6rary (1(o(k.gta), !Nortfi CBenga( Vniversity Centra( Li6rary, Centre for Jfimafayan Studies (:N.CB. V) and Li6rary of Centre for Studies in Socia( Science (1(o(k.gta). ~y gratitude 1 also goes to tfie staffs of State }lrcfiives. CJJie present work_ fiaa received va(ua6fe fie(p renderea 6y tfie qorvemment officials, tfie aaministrative Coca( 6ocfy ana some inteffectuals of :Nortfi (Benga[ }lmong tfiem, I aCso express my sincere cofossa( gratitucfe to qopa( Lafia ana (])r.q'usfiar <)(anti qfiosfi of :JvtaUfa, for providing me witli necessary facifities ana infonnation to carry out tfie present investigation. I aCso grateful(y ack_nowfecfge tfie va(ua6fe fie(p tak.fn from my dear friends CRgjenara :Jvtajumcfer ana<J(ausik_ (Banaopaafiyay. :Jvty cfeepest gratitucfe goes to my fami(y for tfieir unfCagging Cove ana support tfirougfiout my Cift; tfiis dissertation is simp(y impossi6fe witfiout tfiem. 'Tliey are my motfier smt (])ipifi.g. Cfiattetjee accfaimea ad'orea ana 6efovea tJ.ij'e smt (j(af{!ii Cfiatterjee ana my fittfe son '(8a6u '. Witfiout tlieir sacrifice, completion of tlie work_ couUf fiave 6een impossi6fe. 2 Abbreviations A A --Appendix A.I.C.C -AI/ India Congress Committee B B.A.D.A - Bengal Agricultural Debtors Act B.L.A .-Bengal Labour Organization B.L.P - Bengal Labour Party B.M.L -Bengal Muslim League B.P.C.C -Bengal Provincial Congress Committee B.P.H.M - Bengal Provincial Hindu Mahasava B.P.K.S - Bengai Provincial Kissan Sabha B.P.S.F - Bengal Provincial Students Federation B.U.M.P -Bengal United Muslim Party c C.H.S -Centre for Himalayan Studies C.L.I -Communist League of India C.P.I -Communist Party of India C.U - Calcutta University D 0.1.0 -Defence of India Ordinance E F F.B - Forward Block G H H. A -Hillman's Association H.S.R.A -Hindusthan Socialist Republican Army I J 3 K K.P.P - Krisak Praja Party L L..R.C - League of Radical Congressmen. M M -Map M.L.A - Member of Legislative Assembly M.LC - Member of Legislative Council N N.B.U - North Bengal University 0 o.c - Officer -in -Charge p Q R R.S.S.S -RashtriyaSayang Sebak Sangha R.D.C.S.P - Radical Democratic Congress Socialist Party s S.C - Schedule Caste S.D.O - Sub-Divisional Officer S.F - Students Federation S.P.I -Socialist Party of India (Bipin Gangulies Organisation S.L -SocialistLeague(Satindranath Sengupta's organization in Barisal) T u v w WWE.C -World Wide Evangelical Crusade X y z 4 Glossary Abwab -Tax. Adhiar -A sharecropper., entitled to minimum share of the harvest. The sharing was done in the Jotedar's grain collection yard where the harvested crop had to be transported by the Adhiar. Adivasi -Aboriginal, Tribal. Akhra -Institution for Physical Practice Bargadar -Sharecropper Bigha -A measure of land that varies from region to region. In Bengal, a standered bigha is one third of an acre. Bhadrolok -Gentleman. This term, used to point out 1 the Hindu class emerged in the 19 h century. From Joan.H.Broomfield to Jaya chatterjee adore to use the term. Bharot Charo Andolan - Quit India Movement Bazar -Market Bel -Certain amount of Jute Cal -Calcutta C.D Movement -Civil Disobedience Movement Chukanidar -Tenant under Jotedar. Dar-Chukanidar - Person working under Chukanidar Daroga - In Charge of a Thana. Dewani Ada/at -Civil Court Ganabhipray -Mass intention Gaddar-e-Bangla - The Betrayer of Bengal Govt - Government Haat - Weekly Rural Market 5 Hartal -Strike ljaradar - Person who got lands for paying rents from Jotedars. Jal - Jalpaiguri Jotedar -The landowner who, instead of cultivating the land himself, leases it out to sharecroppers. Kabiraj - Ayurvedic physician. Khas Mahal - Area directly under control of British Government Kisan Sabha -Peasant Association, Peasant Committee Khamar - Big area of cultivation. Kholan - Court area. Lal Nishan ~Red Flag Lathi -Stick Mahajan -Money Lender Mahila Atmarasha Samity - Society for the Defense of Women Majutdars. -Stockist Mel a -Fair Mound -About 37.50 Kilogrammes. Nari Siksha Mandir - Women education Institution Patta -Deed of Ownership of Land Praja -Tenant. Pratibad -Protest Puja -Worship Ryot -Tenant Sangha -Institution Sarboday Samaj -Gandhian Concept of ideal Society Satyagraha -Protest with Self-torture and Self restrain as a weapon. 'Sher-e-Bangia - Tiger of Bengal Sramik -Labour Suddhi -Purification Swadhinata Sangrami - Freedon Fighter 6 Swaraj -Self-Rule Suddhi -Purification
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