Post Commander: Jennifer Monserud Vol XLI, No 11 Unit President: Sandy Deacon June 2021 Squadron Commander: Bob Bellinghausen 225 Main Street Ames, IA 50010 Chapter President: Cliff Barker 515-232-9870 www.ameslegionpost37.com www.legion.org www.ialegion.org www.alaforveterans.org www.iowaala.org www.sal.legion.org www.ialegion.org/riders Ames Post Hosts Tournament Legion Family Promotes Donation Western Dubuque hosted the champi- onship trophy at the Department Baseball tournament on May Thanks to 2. The tournament the gener- was played on May 1 osity of Sam’s Club and 2 on the Ames and the reputation of and Gilbert High the Ames Legion Fami- School diamonds. ly for support of veter- The tournament ran ans, the Iowa Veterans Home was the recipient very smoothly thanks of $3,816 worth of Per- to the efforts of Ames Post baseball chair- sonal Protective Equip- man and tournament director Doug MacCrea ment (PPE) and the staff he recruited. Department Chair- Jamie Barker of the man Dick Meiners complemented Doug and Ames Unit received a phone call from a friend at Ames for having hosted one of the best tour- Sam’s Club, Wendy Anderson, that their busi- naments in recent years. ness had PPE to donate and did the Ames Le- The volunteer group from the Ames Legion gion Family knew of a place that could use this family would take too much room to list here. donation. Jamie immediately thought of the Iowa In addition to the game staff, meals were Veterans Home. As a result, 500 PPE kits (each kit includes 2 face shields, 2 masks, 1 bottle hosted for the teams, parents and fans at the cleaner, and 1 cloth) and 136 4-packs of face Post on Saturday evening after the games. shields were delivered by our Ames #37 Ameri- Thanks to everyone that helped. The reputa- can Legion Riders to the Iowa Veterans Home. tion of the Ames Legion family as being a As well as IVH, the Jewell and Cambridge volun- group that gets things done right was once teer Fire Departments also received donations of again demonstrated to be true. If you ever PPE from Sam’s Club. Thanks to Wendy, Jamie, want to volunteer somewhere, the Ames Le- the Riders and all our members for building that gion family is the place to come. reputation for support of veterans. Our comrades at IVH are safer because of them and of you. Lou Gehrig Day in Ames—June 2 at AHS Field Major League June 2, 1941 was the day he died. Baseball, Ames The American Legion is encouraging High and the every post and Legion baseball team Inside this issue: Ames American to commemorate that day not only in Legion Post will honor of Gehrig but also of all the Post Commander 2 honor New York veterans that have died from ALS. Yankee great ALS is recognized a service- Unit President 2 Lou Gehrig with connected condition as members of a day in his hon- the military and veterans are twice as Squadron Commander 2 or on June 2. A likely to contract the disease as are moment of si- members of the general public. Legion Racing 2 lence in his hon- Ames High will be hosting Des or and in honor of all the veterans who Moines Lincoln for a 5:00 game on Clubroom Events 3 have died from amyotrophic lateral June 2. A moment of silence is sclerosis (ALS). planned just ahead of the call to “Play Legion Riders 3 June 2 is a special day for Lou since Ball”. Put on your Legion family gear the first start in his string of 2,130 and join us for that game. Ames Legion Family In Action Ames Legion Family games was on June 2, 1925. Sadly, Officer Candidates Needed 3 Page 2 AMES LEGION FAMILY IN ACTION Post Commander Jennifer’s Comments Hello! well, we are currently at 95% for the We have had to make some unpopular st June is sneaking up on us and that 2021 year. July 1 marks the start of decisions, but I think we are starting to means elections at the post! The nomi- the new membership year, if you have- come through on the other side! Peo- nating committee is working hard to fill n’t paid for ‘21 please do so!! Help us ple are starting to enjoy more time at the slate of officers for the upcoming reach 100% two years in a row! We the post and Bingo has restarted! 2022 membership year. There are a only need about 25 members to renew Hopefully, our monthly steak dinners couple of open spots this year if anyone or join! can start up again in the fall! is interested in helping lead our post! I will have the 2022 membership cards Thank you for sticking with us through it We are always looking for new ideas in early June so we’ll be ready for the all and returning to the post when you and fresh perspectives! A list of the July 1st rush, get your dues paid early were/are ready! Our members have candidates can be found elsewhere in and you won’t get another renewal no- held us up during these tough times this newsletter. tice for a year! both financially and by taking care of Installation of those newly elected offic- This will likely be my last article as Post the little things when no one was look- ers will take place on July 12th and will Commander, it has been two years and ing! THANK YOU!! be joint with the Auxiliary and SAL. I am grateful to everyone for their ad- Thank you again to everyone for your Look for more details on that on Face- vice, their confidence, and for their un- kindness, your support, your generosity, book and the next edition of the news- derstanding! It has been difficult having and your encouragement over the last letter! to close the post and then navigating two years! Membership this year has been doing the COVID restrictions. I’ll see you at the post! Unit President Sandy’s Comments Legion Racing at Indy Election of officers for the coming year We will also be electing Delegates and will be held at our June meeting. The Alternates to the Department Conven- following members have stepped up tion, which will be held on July 9-11 at and agreed to run for office: the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines. President – Rachel Breyfogle This is an opportunity to hear reports of st our accomplishments during the past 1 Vice President – Jamie Barker th 2nd Vice President – Kelli Hitsman year. There will also be a 100 Birth- day of the American Legion Auxiliary That picture is The American Legion car Secretary – Keri Guy celebration. If you are interested, that will race in the Indianapolis 500 on Treasurer – Marilyn Nervig please come to the June meeting or Sunday, May 30. The car has been Chaplain – Barb Sisco email [email protected] racing in the IndyCar series this year Historian – (Vacant) As of May 17th, our unit membership with Jimmy Johnson of NASCAR fame Sergeant at Arms – (Vacant) was at 267. Our goal is 282. We only doing most of the driving. Tony Kanaan, Executive Board – Sharon Mott, need 15 more members to make goal. past IndyCar champion and Indianapo- Sharon Bellinghausen, Jan If you are one of the 25 members who lis 500 winner, will drive the car in the Schmidt, Ann Rehbein, Kathy haven’t paid your dues this year please 2021 Indianapolis 500. MacCrea send them in today. If you know of Kanaan and the car have been fast in As you can see, we still have a couple someone who might be interested, talk practice and will start the race in 5th offices to fill. Remember, any member to them about our awesome organiza- position, the middle of the second row. can run for any office. If you are inter- tion and offer them an application. We The logo at left and ested, please email are so close. Let’s get this done. on the car is the new [email protected] branding logo for The American Legion. It does not replace Squadron Commander Bob’s Comments the emblem created by our Founders but will be used when a clearer, more The elections are still open for anyone recognizable logo is needed, such as a Welcome to Summer in Iowa. race car moving at 230 mph. This means that elections for the who wishes to work within the Squad- ron’s leadership. I hope to see S.A.L. The race begins at 11:45 CDT on Sun- Squadron are coming up at the June day May 30. Coverage is on NBC be- meeting of the Squadron. The Nominat- members at the June 8th meeting. Thank you to everyone who helped ginning at 10:00 CDT. You can expect ing Committee has identified the follow- good coverage of the American Legion ing slate of officers for the 2021-22 place and pick up the grave flags for Memorial Day. We had extra work this racecar. Jimmy Johnson has been driv- year: ing the road courses and discussion of year but it is important that the grave of Commander – Doug MacCrea his move from NASCAR has gotten 1st Vice Commander – Keven Brace every veteran be decorated for Memori- al Day. much coverage. There will be commer- 2nd Vice Commander – Cort Paul cials for The American Legion during Finance Officer – Randy Freel Have a great Summer the race.
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