S2430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 11, 2019 Two weeks ago, Senator Murray and I took California at Berkeley in 1973. Eugene over County, NC, where he practiced the first step by introducing legislation that McCarthy’s 1968 Presidential campaign for 20 years. While in private practice, will extend funding for community health inspired Jim’s exploration of politics. Judge Fox served as the county attor- centers for five years at $4 billion a year in He was elected to the Wisconsin State ney for New Hanover County for 13 mandatory funding. The legislation also extends funding for Assembly in 1976 and to the State Sen- years. four additional federal health programs set ate in 1978. With his mother at his side President Ronald Reagan nominated to expire in September: the Teaching Health as his campaign manager, he ran for Judge Fox to serve as a U.S. District Center Graduate Medical Education Pro- and was elected to the U.S. House of Court Judge for the Eastern District of gram; National Health Service Corps; Spe- Representatives in 1982 from Wiscon- North Carolina on September 13, 1982. cial Diabetes Program; and Special Diabetes sin’s 5th Congressional District in Judge Fox served the residents of Program for Indians. southeastern Wisconsin, where he North Carolina for more than 35 years. Today we will hear about how the commu- nity health centers program is working and served five terms. He served as chief judge from 1990 to how to ensure 27 million Americans can con- Moody was a progressive voice in 1997 and assumed senior status on Jan- tinue to have access to quality health care Congress in the spirit of Wisconsin’s uary 31, 2001. Even after assuming sen- closer to their homes and at a more afford- greatest progressive, Robert M. ‘‘Fight- ior status, Judge Fox maintained a full able cost. ing Bob’’ La Follette. He was an early caseload until he retired in 2017. Judge Community health centers, and hospitals advocate of gay rights and wilderness Fox was known as courteous but firm across the country, rely on a well-trained preservation. In 1991, he authored a fed- and was widely respected by everyone health care workforce. erally funded universal health care bill who came into his courtroom. Two federally funded workforce programs, which train doctors and nurses, expire this to cover the 37 million Americans who In addition to his decades of public year. lacked insurance at the time, including service, Judge Fox served as director of The first is the Teaching Health Center 550,000 Wisconsinites. He proposed pay- the law alumni association for the Uni- Graduate Medical Education Program that ing for the coverage with higher taxes versity of North Carolina in 1964 and helps train primary care doctors and dentists on corporations and wealthy individ- president of the law foundation at the in community-based settings, often at com- uals. University of North Carolina from 1977 munity health centers. After an unsuccessful U.S. Senate to 1979. Judge Fox served on numerous And second, the National Health Service race in 1992, he returned to his passion civic boards, including the University Corps, which provides scholarships and loan repayment for health care professionals who for international affairs. In 1995, he be- of North Carolina Board of Visitors, go to work in rural or underserved areas. came the chief financial officer of the the Boy Scouts, the United Way, the More than half of these doctors choose to United Nation’s International Fund for Family Service Society, Opportunities, work at one of the 12,000 community health Agricultural Development, which fo- Inc., Davis Healthcare, and the Chil- centers and affiliated sites across the coun- cuses on improving the living stand- dren’s Home Society. Judge Fox was try as part of their service requirement. ards in the agricultural sectors of de- also an active member of Ducks Unlim- I look forward to hearing from the wit- veloping countries. He served on the ited. He loved the outdoors and spent nesses today and learning more about all three of these programs, and discussing how board of the National Iranian Amer- significant time and resources on con- we can work together to ensure funding for ican Council and as an elections ob- servation management efforts. these programs is extended so Americans can server in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Most importantly, Judge Fox was a continue to have access to affordable health the Ukraine. His post congressional ca- devoted husband, father, and grand- care closer to home. reer also included work as professor, an father. I am grateful to Judge Fox for f economist and a financial adviser his service and to his family for shar- Jim Moody took his role as a public ing his time with the residents of REMEMBERING JIM MOODY servant very seriously. It was a respon- North Carolina. He will be greatly Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, today sibility and an honor that he carried missed. I rise to recognize the career and leg- proudly. He cared deeply about the eco- f acy of former U.S. Representative Jim nomic stability and well-being of his Moody, who passed away on March 22, constituents and of people around the TRIBUTE TO DIANA MILETE 2019. Born James Powers Moody, he globe. He will be fondly remembered as Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I rise was an influential leader in Demo- one of Wisconsin’s great progressive today to honor the career of Diana cratic politics in Wisconsin in the 1970s leaders. Milete. Diana has spent her life in pub- and 1980s. f lic service and has made a difference in Born in 1935 in Virginia, Jim spent the lives of tens of thousands of Ohio- much of his childhood abroad. His fa- REMEMBERING JAMES C. FOX ans. ther was an official with the American Mr. TILLIS. Mr. President, Judge Diana came to my congressional of- Red Cross, and his mother worked in James C. Fox, who served as a Federal fice when I was very first elected to the relief efforts for refugees. Jim was District Court Judge for the Eastern House and has been with us ever since, heavily influenced by his parents’ District of North Carolina for more through all my time in the House and international focus, and he developed a than 35 years, passed away Saturday, my entire 12 years in the Senate. When passion for foreign cultures and global March 23, 2019, at the age of 90. she retires at the end of this month, affairs at an early age. He attended Judge Fox was born on November 6, she will have spent more than three school in Shanghai before graduating 1928, in Atchison, KS. As a young boy, decades in Federal service. from an English-language high school his family moved to Greensboro, NC, Helping Ohioans is one of the most in Athens, Greece. where he grew up. Judge Fox graduated important things our office does, and After graduating from Haverford Col- from the University of North Carolina as the head of our constituent services lege in Pennsylvania in 1957, Jim at Chapel Hill in 1950 and married program, her work has touched the worked in the former Yugoslavia and Katharine deRosset Rhett on December lives of more than 59,000 Ohioans. Iran with CARE, an international hu- 30, 1950. Judge Fox served as a corporal These were seniors trying to navigate manitarian organization. He joined the in the United States Army Reserve Federal Agencies to get the Medicare Peace Corps in the organization’s early from 1951–1959. and Social Security benefits they days and established the first Peace Judge Fox attended law school at the earned over a lifetime of work. They Corps programs in Pakistan and Ban- University of North Carolina School of were veterans and their families trying gladesh. He spoke many languages, in- Law, where he graduated in 1957 with to secure medals and VA benefits. They cluding Greek, Farsi, Croatian, Span- highest honors. Subsequently, he took were Ohio workers trying to claim the ish and French. a clerkship with Judge Donnell Gilliam tax credits they earned. Jim received a master’s degree it who predated Judge Fox as a U.S. Dis- Diana went above and beyond the public administration from Harvard trict Court Judge for the Eastern Dis- call of duty for so many Ohioans. University’s John F. Kennedy’s School trict of North Carolina. Judge Fox en- I remember 21⁄2 years ago, right be- of Government in 1967 and a doctorate tered private practice in 1959 with the fore the Fourth of July, our office re- in economics from the University of firm Carter & Murchison in New Han- ceived a request for assistance from a VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:05 Apr 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11AP6.013 S11APPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE.
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