SPEECH Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. CAPE TOWN PREMIER HELEN ZILLE July 13, 2011 Launch of the Host City Cape www.kas.de/southafrica Town Green Goal Legacy Report The spoken word shall prevail. cesses. Host City Cape Town exceeded the national targets for waste-to-landfill reduc- A year ago today, FIFA awarded South Af- tion and the use of public and non- rica “9 out of 10 - a summa cum laude with motorised transport by a large margin, sig- highest praise” for the country’s efforts in nificantly reducing the environmental im- hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup™. South pact of the event. Throughout the World Africa became only the third host country Cup one of the important successes was the since 1930 to attract more than 3 million manner in which good waste management paying spectators; the showpiece was re- added to the general tourist appeal and fan sponsible for the word “vuvuzela” being en- experience. The Cape Town Stadium tered into the Oxford English Dictionary and achieved an estimated 15% saving in elec- the FIFA World Cup™ showcased South Af- tricity use and a 27% reduction in water rica and Host City Cape Town to the world use. Dual-flush toilets, low flow shower- in a way that no other event had done pre- heads and taps were installed, while spring viously. water from Oranjezicht on the slopes of Ta- ble Mountain irrigates the Green Point Ur- What the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ demon- ban Park, saving 580 million litres of drink- strated is that when South Africa’s decision ing water per year. Carbon mitigation pro- makers are united by a common cause they jects such as the retrofitting of street and are capable of much more than has become traffic lights, the installation of energy effi- the accepted norm. The ability to galvanise cient floodlights at Philippi Stadium and the action to achieve the extraordinary and re- supply of solar water heating to 540 low- imagine and reconfigure social and infra- income homes in Darling, compensated for structural impediments to development, 95% of the events carbon footprint. proved that a mega-event could be a major catalyst for re-development in the city and The 2010 FIFA World Cup™ also provided the region. an extraordinary opportunity for the visibil- ity, branding and communication potential Much of the focus of the 2010 World Cup of the event to be mobilised for greater en- was on event logistics, construction of the vironmental and sustainability awareness. stadium, the Fan Fest and Fan Walk, ac- The Green Goal programme used the plat- commodating the teams and visitors and form afforded by the World Cup to commu- ensuring a positive impact from the event nicate, promote and mainstream sustain- on nation building and tourism. However, ability among local fans, as well as to en- the most important issue for developing courage behaviour change, and to inspire a countries, like South Africa, is not only to shift towards more sustainable lifestyles. successfully host mega-events, but rather to leverage social, economic and environ- In the words of Andy Goth, a British fan vis- mental sustainability through the opportuni- iting the Green Goal Expo at the FIFA Fan ties that these events offer. Fest™, “the bottom line is that we've got to make use of sport and football as a driving And in this respect, the Green Goal pro- force for environmental change. We'd be gramme achieved many noteworthy suc- stupid not to. It doesn't take a think tank to 2 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. see that sports stars hold a powerful influ- When reviewing the Legacy Report, one ence over kids and adults around the world. reaches the conclusion that it took new CAPE TOWN Harnessing that influence is vital if we want models and the stretching of horizons to PREMIER HELEN ZILLE to enjoy World Cups and the planet in years ensure a positive and lasting environmental to come.” legacy. It also took partnerships between July 13, 2011 the City and the Province and the likes of But of course that is easier said than done the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and www.kas.de/southafrica and it took the combined effort of a commit- Sappi and others, organisations that were ted team, over a period of 4 years, to real- willing to fund and support an experimental ise the objectives of the Host City Cape programme that might not even have Town Green Goal 2010 programme. I was worked. Additionally, it took idea people present in 2008 when the Green Goal Action who didn’t get shot down by naysayers and Plan was launched. The Plan described the people who said that they had “been there 41 projects that would reduce the environ- and done that.” mental impact of the event. I also officiated at the handover of the Green Goal Progress A fitting end to these collective efforts was Report in 2009, which reviewed and moni- the recent acknowledgment of the Host City tored these projects against the targets and Cape Town Green Goal programme when it milestones, and highlighted any gaps in im- was awarded the International Olympic plementation so that corrective action could Committee (IOC) Sport and Environment be taken ahead of the World Cup. And now, Award at the IOC 9th World Conference on in 2011, our collective efforts have resulted Sport and Environment held in Doha, Qatar. in the publication of the Host City Cape Nominated by FIFA, the award recognised Town Green Goal 2010 Legacy Report, the efforts of the Host City to mitigate which documents the environmental meas- negative environmental impacts of the ures instituted by Host City Cape Town, as- World Cup and to maximise the positive en- sesses their effectiveness and emphasises vironmental and social legacy. the lessons learnt, all of which will be useful for those planning future events in Cape Ladies and gentlemen, the environmental Town as well as for the organisers of future baton passed from Germany in 2006 was World Cup and other major sporting events. placed firmly in our hands and through in- novative thinking, strong partnerships and It may be hard to get our minds around it - the support of everyone involved we have but the world’s future may well be decided taken positive steps forward. When com- in four months time when South Africa paring the 2006 Green Goal programme to hosts the 17th Conference of the Parties that of 2010, it should be remembered that (COP17) in Durban. Climate variability and Germany is a relatively well-resourced changing weather patterns will affect each country and, thus, for any city in South Af- one of us - and sustainability must be at the rica to have a comparable level of achieve- heart of everything we do. It will not be ment is highly commendable. Most guests easy to achieve greater resilience and re- here this morning have either contributed source efficiency, nor will it be to create a materially to the programme or will be in a lower carbon city and region that is adapt- position to assist with event greening in the ing well to the impacts of climate change, future. I want to commend everyone in- protecting its vulnerable citizens and build- volved for lending his or her talents and en- ing an economic future based on clean de- ergy to ensuring the achievement of the velopment, localisation and jobs for all. But 2010 FIFA World Cup™ environmental leg- we must do so. To use World Cup imagery: acy for the benefit of both current and fu- the world got a yellow card in Copenhagen ture generations. and Cancun and the referee's hand will edge toward the red one if we fail to deliver in Thank you. Durban and beyond. Perhaps there are les- sons to be learnt from the Green Goal proc- ess? .
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