keep the youth African and Rhodesian economies going in the same way that the British and American economies limp along. The prison of apartheid has failed to keep its prisoners. The blacks are quite capable of making their own gov­ ernments - and their own mistakes, as the history of Africa in the last thirty years shows. The African ruling clas­ ses can be as authoritarian and capitalis­ tic as any white man. The wild revolu­ A DIFFERENT PRISON tionary Kenyattas, the humanitarian Christian Kaundas and the good grave Doctor Bandas can be just as ruthless (for other reasons) has to make con­ IN 1960 Harold Macmillan spoke of a elder statesmen as any produced by cessions to the new African powers* •wind of change* in Africa. Since those Europe or America. days we have been subjected to what seem to be mere belches or farts from ♦ * * In breaking open the prisons o f South the decaying body of imperialism or IN the Sunday Times (Nov. 17,1974) A fric a , Mozambique and Rhodesia, the the spasms of the new infant states. David Holden reports on youth Africa Africans should beware that they do not (before Rhodesia*s volte face). He blunder into the greater gilded prison of Now, with what seems to be a rapid writes of the growth of illegal strikes a capitalist-consumer-welfare-democ­ change, a wind of what some feel to and of unrecognised black unionism. racy with all the trimmings. be cyclonic force is sweeping through An African Trade Union (all white) Africa, youth Africa is reported to Congress official told Holden: 'Event­ Jack Robinson. be moderating her outlook on apart­ ually the blacks are going to run this heid; Rhodesia Is negotiating (what country and we need a black trade uni­ HOUyING for is not quite clear) with the impri­ on movement to make a peaceful trans­ soned African national leaders and a ition possible. You con*t have any ord­ hasty truce has been patched up with er without JLt. " On the other side of the guerillas which are operating on the coin the general secretary of the GETTING the Angola border. A ll this would biggest black union (the National Cloth­ seem to spring from the change of ing Workers) said to Holdert "We don*t regime in Portugal occasioned by her want to get rid of the white man. He WORSE failure in African colonial wars. means money to us. What we want is a fair share and a right to live decent THE NEW YEAH is a time for predict­ A ll this, and a shift of power in the lives in our own country." Other peo­ ions but usually most of them are way United Nations general assembly has ple, blade and white, told Holden, nA off beam. But no one needs a crystal menaced the youth African seat in that lot of people think the blacks would ball this year to see that things are go­ body. These events, cataclysmic as kick out the whites and set up a social­ ing to get worse before they get better. they seem, are not as apocalyptic in ist dictatorship if they ever got power. their intent or origin as an optimistic ... I doubt it. Most of the blacks I This is especially true about the hous­ progressive would suppose. Behind know are natural capitalists. As long ing situation. If things weren’t bad en­ much of the creaking of the machinery as they have a chance to make money ough the present financial crisis will getting into reverse lies a general and live the way I do, they won*t mind certainly mean that more people will be thirsting for oil. The United Nations If X*m around too." homeless in the coming year. faction making the running (The Third These attitudes are probably nearer World) includes the Arab States who Even today the Greater London Coun­ and more typical of the African and his have just discovered their African cil estimates that there are a million trade unions than the revolutionary brothers. Incidentally, Nigeria can homeless. Families are finding it in­ hopes of anti-colonialists. The trade be classed among the oil-rich states creasingly difficult to pay the high unions are seen to fulfil a conservative and oil has no colour bar. rents landlords are demanding. Coun­ function (in the literal sense) in the cils find themselves paying enormous same way that they have done so in the Somewhere in the background to all sums of money to hotels for bed and United ytates and are hoping (against this is the agonising withdrawal of the breakfast accommodation for those the wishes of the rank and file) to do in United ytates from its role as a world made homeless; this can cost as much this country. Apartheid is not only busybody. This aided the Portuguese as £5,000 a year for a family of four. immoral and evil; it is also highly im­ somerB&ult and left a power vacuum A recent yhelter report said that about practical in a technological society. in Mozambique which both youth A fr i­ 2,000 homeless families were known Economically it is obvious that raising ca and Rhodesia long to fill. Rhodesia the purchasing power of the blacks will Continued on back page is the weaker party and youth Africa An-rvAvAfv t A OV6 "COME OUT. YOU COWARDLY LITTL e bOD AND T a Ke OVe R." Ml money. For this reason, whoever desires liberty, should understand these vital facts, viz: I) That every than who puts money into the hands of a "gov­ ernment** (so called), puts into its hands a sword which w ill be used ag­ they should be hundreds of thous­ TH jc, PROCEEDINGS of those robbers ainst himself, to extort more money ands; and thus strike te r r o r into and murderers, who call themselves from him, and also to keep him in all others similarly disposed, see "the government1 ', are directly the subjection to its arbitrary will, that the work of murder is thorough­ opposite of those of the single high­ 2) That those who w ill take his money, wayman. ly done; that we may have no further trouble of this kind hereafter. When without W s consent, in the firs t place, w ill use it for his further robbery and In the first place, they do not, like these traitors shall have thus been taught our strength and our determi­ enslavement, if he presume to resist him, make themselves individually their demands in the future. 3) That nation, they will .be good loyal c it i­ known; or, consequently, take upon it is a p erfect absurdity to suppose themselves personally the responsi­ zens for many years and pay their taxes without a why or a wherefore. that any body of men would ever take bility of their acts. On the contrary, a man's money without his consent, they secretly (by secret ballot) desig­ * * V for any such object as they profess to nate some one of their number to take it for, viz. , that of protecting commit the robbery in their behalf, IT la under such compulsion as this him; for why should they wish to pro­ while they keep.themselves practic­ that taxes, so called, are paid. And tect him, if he does not wish them to ally concealed. They sky to the how much proof the payment of taxes do so? To suppose that they would do person thus designated: affords, that the people consent to support "the government", it needs so, is just as absurd as it would be to suppose that they would take his money Go to A—- B----, and say to him no further argument. A ll political without his consent, fo r the purpose that "the government" has need of power, as it is called, rests practi­ of buying food or clothing for him, money to meet the expenses of pro­ cally upon this matter of money. when he did not want it. 4) If a man tecting him and his property. If he Any number of scoundrels, having wants "protection", he is competent to presumes to say that he has never money enough to start with, can make his own bargains for-it; and no** contracted with us to protect him, establish themselves as a "govern­ body has any occasion to rob him, in and that he wants' none o f our prot­ ment"; because with money, they oj*der to "rotect" him against his wilL ection, say to him that that is our can hire soldiers, and with soldiers 5) That the only security men can have business, and not his; that we extort more money; and also compel for their political liberty, consists in choose to protect him, whether hp general obedience to their will. It desires us to do so or not; and 2iat Is with government; a s Caesar said it their keeping their money in their own we demand pay, too, for protecting was in war, that money and soldiers pockets, until they have assurances him. If he dares to inquire who mutually supported each other; that perfectly satisfactory to themselves, the individuals are, who have thus with money he could hire soldiers, that It w ill be used as they wish it to taken upon themselves the title of and with soldiers extort money. no be used, for their benefit, and not ,?the governm ent", and who assume these villains, who call themselves for their injury.
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