Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 3-15-1973 The rsinU us Weekly, March 15, 1973 Charles Chambers Ursinus College Joseph Van Wyk Ursinus College David Ochocki Ursinus College David Friedenberg Ursinus College John T. Fidler Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Chambers, Charles; Van Wyk, Joseph; Ochocki, David; Friedenberg, David; Fidler, John T.; Abbott, Carol; Connell, Ruthann; and Harsch, Marilyn, "The rU sinus Weekly, March 15, 1973" (1973). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 100. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/100 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Charles Chambers, Joseph Van Wyk, David Ochocki, David Friedenberg, John T. Fidler, Carol Abbott, Ruthann Connell, and Marilyn Harsch This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/100 Volume LXXII THURSDA Y, MARCH 15, 1973 Ursinus Board of Directors Meets in Regular Spring Session; Discusses Tax Proposals, Committee Reports, Appoin tmen ts In an attempt to show the reader what a Board of Director's meeting actually looks Photos by John Roy like, the Weekly photographer, John Roy burst into the meeting and napped these Dr. Helfferich, Chancellor of the ollege, Rev. Eugene Blum, D.D., Mr. Robert B. shots. The Board members from left to right are: Mr. D. Sterling Light, tr. Joseph Ander on, Mr. William F. Heefner, E q., tr. harles V. Roberts, Ir. Ru el . Ball, T. Beardwood III, Mr. E. Eugene Shelley, Esq., Mrs. Alfred L. Taxi, Jr., Ir. Thomas and Bob Lemoi, a tudent ob erver. Our apologie to tho e present but not pictured. P. Glassmoyer, Esq., Dr. Harle ton R. WOOO, Dr. Ellwood S. Paisley, Secretary-Treas­ They were-George L. Thomas, Jr., Paul I. Guest, Esq., David M. chmid, and Deborah urer, Dr. Theodore R. Schwalm, Board President, Dr. Pettit, President of the College, Henning. another tudent ob erver. The Ursinus College Board of ing. Two students attended; they activities inevitably must concen­ Code particularly as they relate to tuition. Studies show that the Directors met on the morning of were Deborah Henning and Robert trate on finance. This was reflect­ gifts of appreciated property of student tuition contribution at pri­ Friday, March 9, for their spring Lemoi. ed in Dr. Pettit's report which dealt any kind. These changes, if adopt­ vate schools comes to something session, discussing some matters While the Board has jurisdiction mainly with the implications of ed, are important to private schools less than one-third of the total and taking action on others. Twen- over all activities in the college, it possible Congressional passage of which are dependent upon gifts not cost of a college education. ty-nve members attended the meet- is the body directly responsible for certain tax "reform" proposals. only for scholarship funds and In an interview after the meet­ ing and most lunched in the Pres- the continued health of Ursinus '8S The speech reviewed the proposed yearly budget requirements but for ing, Dr. Helfferich, former Presi­ ident's dining room after the meet- a non-profit corporation, and its changes in the Internal Revenue every dollar spent not coming from (Continued on Page 3, Col. 2) USGA Fills Vacancies; USGA Secures Bike Racks; 3 New Members Elected Readies for J-Board Elections By JOE VAN WYK men's representative. The newly The Ursinus Student Government elected sophomC're class representa­ By DAVID OCHOCKI cant posts in the U.S.G.A. Chuck pus. tive is Rich Fail' who is a Political The regular weekly meeting of Chambers and Cindy Heller were The U.S.G.A. is currently work­ Association held elections on elected as Mens' and Womens' rep­ ing on plans to have the library Science major from Center Valley, the Student Government Associa­ Wednesday, March 7, to fill three Pa, resentatives from the senior class. open an extra hour, till 12 :00 mid­ vacancies-both the men's and wo­ Chuck is also the Editor in chief tion was held at 6:45 p.m. Monday, Richard Fair was elected as Mens' night, during the examination per­ men's representatives from the of the WEEKLY, on the Forum and March 5 in the conference room of representative from the sophomore iod. If the arrangements are ac­ seniol' class and the sophomore Cultural Affairs Committee and the College Union Building. After cia s. The three new members cepted by the library staff, the class men's representative. Two of dUl ing his junior year, he was an calling the meeting to order, Pres­ brings the total number of council new hours will go into effect for these races were contested. huck Andrew Mutch Scholar at Aberdeen ident Dave Zimmerman reported members to twenty. the Spring exam week. Also on Chambers a Political Science major University, Scotland. Cindy is in that the visit of the Bloodmobile Kathy Filano reported that new the agenda cUITently is the Judi­ from Dunwoody, Georgia was elect­ Phi Alpha Psi and was secretary wa a complete success. A total of bike racks are to be purchased and ciary Board appointments. The ed senior men' - representativ . Cin­ of her class Sophomore year. She 150 people gave blood which was a placed behind Paisley Hall. After council will soon be appointing four dv Helle)' a Health and Physical is also on the Hockey, Tenni , and 20'* increase over last year's total. the renovations are completed on students, from those who submitted Education major from Cranford, Badminton teams. When asked APO fraternity, Campus Gold and Bomberger Hall, a la)'ge circular petitions, to the J -Board. New Jersey is the new senior wo- about her new office, Cindy com­ the Red Cross would like to expre s rack will be placed between Bom­ The next meeting of the U.S.G.A. mented, "I am, naturally. pleased their gratitude to all blood donors. bergel' and the library. This cen­ will be held :\-10nday, after dinner, STATEMENTS to be elected; and I fe 1 that I Elections were held on Wednes­ tral location hopefully will encour­ in the Union. Everyone is invited The Ursinus Weekly Board of will be able to serve the students day, March 7 to fill the three va- age a wider use of bikes on cam- to attend. Control will hol(l its regular an­ more effectively this year than I nual meeting to select a new did during my ophomore USGA Editor-in-Chief in the week of telm becau e in the interim I have March 19, 1973. All those in­ learned mOl e about how UI. inus Old Snack Bar To Be Transformed terested in the pcsition must operates." Being a USGA repre­ submit a statement of purpose to sentative is Rich's filst office. Dr. George Storey, Or Dean H. These elections were held later By ProTheatre Into Acting Workshop Lloyd Jones, or any other mem­ than the regular council elections ber of the Board before that becau. e no one had previou ly run. By DAVID FRIEDENBERG week. Contact the present edi­ The USGA wa able to stir up some At a time when other colleges tor for further information. interest though, and the ;vacancies are putting their lab equipment in­ were finally filled. to hock and selling used apples, Ur­ sinus has a right to be proud . .First a new gym, then a new stu­ dent union, and now . The Montgomery County Center for the Performing Arts. J On Monday, March 12 at 12:30 p.m., crowds of 'ProTheatre mem­ bers and interested passers-by looked on and/or took part in a gala ribbon-cutting ceremony. Background music was provided by Zeta Chi and Sig Rho pledges as the festivities went underway. An inspiring speech was delivered by ProTheatre's distinguished president Paul Bare. The high- light of the speech was a quote from the play R05encrantz and Th.05~ members of ProTheatre present at the dedication of their new Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom buIldmg .were, from left to right: Dan Astheimer, Vince Gattone, Janet Stoppard: H_ •• Don't you see?! Dau!'1, Bl~l Jones, VP, Bud Wolter, Linda Mills, Paul Bare, P, Joan Cecil, We're actors-we're the opposite DaVId Fnedenberg, Ed Knowles, Joey Midgett, Dick Gaglio and George of people!" Paul announced that Spelvin. ' three newest members of the U GA the old snack shop will be used for rubbing alcohol (liquor is not per­ appearances of several Ursinus left: Chuck Chambers, Rich Fair, and Cindy rehearsal. The ladies rest room is mitted on campus), the building celebrities who had come for their to be used as an office, and the was christened The }10ntgomery mail. STRIKE UP THE BAND men's room will house the honorary County Center for the Performing ever let it be said that Ursinus On Tue-day. March 20 at 8:00 p.m. the Albright-Kutztcwn drama organization Alpha Psi Arts. (The selection of this name College concentrates solely on the State-Ursinus College Combined Band will give its first concert in Omega. The building will also be was a controversial issue.
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