AESERific SPORTS ACCENT INSIDE • Hurricanes barely NEWS: The new parking get by Pitt 17-12 in • Homecoming ended with a garage is still waiting for the Orange Bowl bang with the boat burning, the its maiotjanants to move despite rain, lightning Alma Mater singing contest and the • T nnOMPl" and game delays. Homecoming parade on Friday. OPINION: Cosmetics 0 l_0T$»ffes that perform Page 10 tests on animals should be Page 8 ed Page4 ,ittto»p_i Ctje Jffltamt hurricane IUMBER CABLES. I !,"SDAY, NOVEMBER NOW fliers blocked in HALF EARTH DAY HELD ON UC PATIO Earth Alert, UM's environ­ mental organization, is hold­ Mahoney ing a "Half Earth Day Celebration" on the UC patio from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 16. By MADELINE BARO basis and very few are not Environmental organiza­ Assistant News Editor posted each semester. tions, campus clubs, food, and "Posting fliers in the resi­ music are all included in the The UM chapter of the dence halls is a privilege, not a day's events. National Organization for right," said Smart. "The reason why we're hold­ Women (NOW) recently ran According to Smart, there ing this Half Earth Day is into problems while trying to are also clear guidelines for because last year our regular distribute a controversial flier posting fliers. Earth Day event was rained in the residential colleges. Fliers cannot promote alco­ out, so we decided we'd have The flier advertised an abor­ hol, drugs or other illegal this celebration to make up for tion clinic defense and escort activities. Additionally, they that," said Greg Dehnert, training program that was must be non-commercial and known as "G," vice-president held in the Flamingo Ballroom "in good taste." of Earth Alert. on Nov. 6 and was posted in According to Christie, part of Community organizations the apartments and all resi­ the problem is that the exist­ expected to attend include the dential colleges, except ing policy allows residence Florida Water Environmental Mahoney. coordinators to decide which Organization (environmental Athalia Christie, vice presi­ fliers are to be posted in their ^ engineers), Hi-Rize Recycling, dent of UM-NOW, said the respective dormitories. € Citizens for a Better South Eroblem occurred when Gay "The problem is with the pol­ Florida, and Biscayne Nature 'unton, residence coordinator icy, not with the persons Center. Internship and job for Mahoney Residential involved," said Cnristie. opportunities are available College, decided to put one "Students should know that with Cape Florida Projects flier downstairs, but did not the events they find out about and Environmental Dynamics. give permission for the resi­ are totally at the discretion of dent assistants to distribute Campus organizations the RC." the fliers on their respective Smart agreed that the policy include Aware!, C-SAW, an floors. animal rights group, Hemp was subjective, but he said he Awareness Council, and "I thought she was curt and I saw no alternatives. PHATE, a health organiza­ wish she had taken the time to "There's no way around that. tion. explain why she didn't want to There's no way to be objective In addition to receiving give the fliers out," said about publicity," Smart said. "I information on environmental Christie. think we have a fairly objec­ issues, attendants at Half Dunton was unavailable for tive program in that we have a Earth Day can hear the music comment. priority system." of local bands including Soul James Smart, associate Smart said that one of the Station, Road Side Prophets, director of Residence Halls, problems with the UM-NOW and Time in Motion. said that posters in the dorms flier was its lack of clarity. There will also be food sam­ are distributed on a three-level "Her flier was very difficult ples provided by stores includ­ priority system. to read. It was hard to deter­ ing South Beach Smoothies The highest priority is given mine it was a UM organiza­ and Ben and Jerry's. to fliers informing students of tion," said Smart. "Several peo­ deadlines for registration or ple who read it thought it was financial aid. Second-highest pro-life thing rather than a UM DEBATE TEAM priority goes to fliers with pro-choice thing." TAKES ON RUSSIANS sign-up information for stu­ "I thought the poster was a The UM Debate Team will dents. According to Smart, little misleading," said Keith host an exhibition debate with fliers like the one for the clinic Meadows, Stanford Residential the Russian Intercollegiate SEAN HEMMERLE / Photo Editor defense program have the low­ College residence coordinator. Debate Team fro m 7 p.m. to MARCHING TO A UM TUNE: The Band of the Hour marches along San Amaro Drive during the est priority: events promoted "It left a lot of questions in 8 p.m. tonight at the Law Homecoming Parade on campus Friday night. Homecoming winners were announced Sunday by student organizations. people's minds when they first School Room 110. night, for results see Accent, page 8. Smart said that fliers are The topic will be: "Resolved, posted on a space-available See FLIERS, page 2 that the guarantee of citizen safety is more desirable than the protection of civil liber­ ties. Confiscated material destroyed The exhibition is open to the Poetry public. By BLANCA S0RD0 rooms through the course of a Staff, Resident Assistants, pro­ employee enters a room, they The event is sponsored by and EMILIO MARTINEZ semester, are kept in a safe in fessional staff members of the may confiscate any illegal the Debate Team, the Speech Of the Staff the Dean of Students' Office," Department of Residence items found in plain view. reading Communication Association said Richard Walker, associate Halls, or full-time professional However, it they suspect Committee on International On Nov. 3, 60 items of drug dean of Students. members of the Dean of other illegal items are con­ Discussion and Debate, and paraphernalia found in stu­ Walker said room searches Students staff may enter a cealed, they are required to attracts the UM School of dents' dorm rooms during were conducted as outlined in dorm, whether entry is grant­ apply for an authorization to Communication, in celebration searches conducted last semes­ the student handbook, and the ed or not. search. of its 10th anniversary. ter by the Office of the Dean of material was then given to the UM staff may enter dorm "We have had to conduct students Students were taken to the police department. rooms to perform an occupancy searches of student rooms in CSR JR HOURS Coral Gables Police According to the University check, inspect for damages, the past," said William Butler, By LOUIS FLORES Department to be destroyed. of Miami Student Life verify residency, or repair vice president for Student Hurricane Staff Writer "Any items confiscated from Handbook, Residence Halls facilities. After the University Affairs. CHANGE FOR THANKSGIVING UM students gather The modular units of Wednesday nights to hear Campus Sports and verses of their own com­ I Recreation, known as "CSR Beavis and Butthead posing in the Hall of Jr.," are located in the Poetry known as ... the Apartment Area near Building Rathskeller? 45A. CSR Jr. will have limited are accepted at Approximately 60 people hours during Thanksgiving were in attendance at the Break. These hours will be: Harvard University Rat last Wednesday night • Wednesday, Nov. 23 - 7 WWWW I ' * • to hear Todd Glider read a.m. to 9 p.m. fiction and Jen Karetnick • Thursday, Nov. 24 - By MONET FAUNTLEROY might be interested," I ^ Hurricane Staff Writer Badaracco said. t'lf. *H read poetry. Closed Julian Cohen, a gradu­ • Friday, Nov. 25 - Closed Students in the course were RI ___ **> l v--y_c*--,^-.v-r*-^ ^ yy*tsS, . jM ate student and teaching • Saturday, Nov. 26 - noon "Huh, huh, change it Beavis! shown eight minutes of Beavis That's like...educational!" and Butthead excerpts taken * t w«. J ____. V, assistant in the creative to 7 p.m. writing program, helped • Sunday, Nov. 27 - noon to Actually, Beavis and Butthead from the past three months of vvV^^___| are educational. Or so a profes­ the show, and were presented organize Wednesday 7 p.m. g 1>UTT MCAB M night's reading at the Rat. For more information, con­ sor at Harvard University with financial information thinks. regarding the show, data on [K^ According to Cohen, the tact Rhonda DuBord at 284- goal ofthe reading was, "to 6523. Professor of Business Ethics the cable industry, and argu­ Joseph Badaracco is teaching ments for and against the pro­ expand the literary com­ "Moral Dilemmas of gram. munity at UM, to get more FACE THE FACTS SEAN HEMMERLE / Photo Editor people involved in writing . Following are the changes in Management," a second-year The students then took part course at Harvard Business in a debate over the show's THAT'S COOL AND STUFF): MTV's Beavis and Butthead are the and listening to poetry." the cost of the 20-meal plan Glider, a graduate stu­ over the past five years. School, and is using the MTV worth in society. According to latest additions to Harvard University. cartoon Beavis and Butthead Professor Badaracco, the num­ dent in the master of Fine $2800 in his class as one of his case ber of students in favor of the Arts program, read the studies. show was almost equal to those According to Jerry Ussem, Beavis and Butthead are mere­ third chapter of Primer Badaracco chose to use the not in favor. head teaching fellow at ly crude, or have some redeem­ Grey Erection, a book of his show in his class to explore the "Some students thought it Harvard, by using the MTV ing multi-level humor, was dis­ in progress.
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