Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 9-4-1947 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1947). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3813. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3813 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , . FOR SALE-l02 65 acres. cultl- TIm ()EOIUJRS vatcd medium g rudu land: five. Mrs. Bob Blnnchet to und Miss 1'00111 house; three miles of Stilson; Gwen Wpsl were hostesses to the prlee $5.000, JOSIAH ZE'I·I'ER. Mi', and Mrs, Leon Newsome an­ where they attended 8 lhrec-doy Georcria Theatre Dockkers urtcl'noon WER, Wcdncsduy at nounce 0001--( the birth of n duughter srhool conference, )-O(�nrf)l'tuhly the home of the forln r. Mrs. OffiCial. Organ August lit Bulloch 2411r. Courrty • "MISS MA'rTlE'S PLAYHOUSE" Wnde Harding, of Atlnnln, won n Official --------=;;; Mrs. ,J. M. McElveen spent sev- for Organ will open 1. hostess sot. 13001< markers llospita!. • Monday. Sept, 1{ln. Big Doublc Fenture LafF Show! went to ernl lust week with her d rgarton hours: 9 to 12 Mrs.. T, G. Altmon for low VI. dnys for o'clock. lind Miss Supt. E. McElveen and .. Bulloch Classified Lurf! Lltrf! Lnfr! Supt County ·THE Supervised for' u smnt) Imogene Groover won at pluy group wllh cut, which Hope of return- daughter, Mrs. Lunior Hardman, Jackie Coogun ..Inckle Cooper Griffin, Brooklet, Bulloch of young children In lthc utter­ was llpst.lck t iasu s. The DBDICATBD BULLOCH County guests ed Irorn TO THE 'HERALD Was Sunday Lake J acksorr Covington. PROGRESS OF noon 2 to 5, Full "Kilroy Hcrc" \\ICI'e served . STATESBORO A.ND VE'I'ERANS: Learn to fly WANTED: nlcs •. roprescntnt lve. co-operntlon with cherry pic a10 mode BULLOCH COUNTY the and VOLUME VII under the G. r. 13111. HAve AVON Inc public schools. Starts at 4:41. 7:30. 10:20 coca-colas. FRJm PRODUCTS. .• needs Statesboro, - Georgia, Thursday, 1047 ror 10 students, Don't two (2) soles ALSO- Scptomber 4, opening roprcscntauves. FOR SALE-70 45 Mrs. W, P. of Nbmber 42 ucrcs. In cultl- Jones. Terry, Miss .. Laurel nnd Hardy in walt. Enr'oll now, Boshears Fly· will Good Ole Made F R SALE-House and six vatlon good six-room house, elcc. arrive next week to visit her Georgia Phone 503·J. 101, Starts 3:45. 6:34. 9:23 Final Plans Ing Service. Airport. I Mr·s. T. rooms und bath, ncar riclty, running water: three miles daughtor, E. Rushing. Miss 10·]6·1011'. school: "OUR TOWN" sturts 3:10. 5:20. • 'Comzapoppin' d ul, of Statesboro, half mile 'Irorn Jackie Rushing, who has been vis. prlc $4,500. HAS. E. CCNE pav­ and 8:55. For' ed road: price thls Is u lUng her grnnddmother for sev­ Burton's REALTY CO. INC. $6.500: good PLUS PATHE WATERMELON AND PEAR PRESERVES Opening NEWS. SEE US FOR YOUR HAY BAL· ------ Iurm and the house Is worth eral weeks will return with To Ferry' the Mrs. Highway No Increase in price, Play �ere ERS-We have 16·180z. OLIVo FOR SALE: One Internutlonul price. JOSIAH ZE'I'EROWER. Jones. They 'will travel by plane At Your Local Groccr , Schools ER ANN HARBOR Balles with 7 Saturday, 30 to Savannah. Citf h.p., wnter-cooled August engine, good FOR CHAMPION DUROC School 10·11 Timken roller bear- attend • City Superintendent S. Now rubber tires, condition. Stut esboro Machlno Tiny Ramsey has returned to September U. S. JIM·ANN H, 301 FARM'S nuctlon sale Sherman wnh or without nine horse- "Jewels of Brandenburg" Griffin where he teaches math in announced final Murk a red circle OfJicially lngs, Shop. M. E. Ginn. (8·28·21..) or 50 rcglstered Durocs at t.he farm Distributed pluns I his week motors. Also a Griffin by fOl' of �11l years of power Wisconsin Sturts 1:55, 5:53, r.J7, 10:20 High School, and will be as­ opening culcndur for uy or�r: yO�"' Thirty working and off this week as the 19th, For AI.FRED the dreaming paid Bur- - September Informationo sistant DOR1\[AN COMPANY cit.y school system. ton's few hay rakes. BULLOCH ["OR SALE: 1942 1 1·2 Western Attraction coach in football und coach 10 Ferry Highway Association was Truck, write JIM·ANN Special MI'. duy, or 11. I'hosc officially notified that the COMPANY. 48 E. FARM. Blythe- In baseball, HENRY J. ELLIS COMPANY Sherman said he would had been . highway EQUIPMI,NT tons, Granite trailer. Willard Col- Zane Grey's theSePt�mber granted U. S. Number 1V00d. S. C. make u na.:e. nightsWednCSd.chosen by the Ju- rndlo 301., Main si, Phone 582. 8·14·1f. (8·28.2tp) Mrs. Jock of fifteen-minute ad­ '. Iins Garage, E. Main st. Burney, Panurna STATF':SBORO GROCERY CO. �IIlIlS'1 The dress ninr Chamber of It) announcement come in a .Mountain" City. 1"1 a., und Mrs. Ethel of tonight over WWNS. (8·28·2tp) FOR SALE-l0 rooms. two baths. "Thunder Ray. begin. Commel:ce I letter ning al " 10 Hoke S. Brunson, sec- Bartow, are Mr. 6:00, and would explain present "Cornzapoppln' U COIl1� NOTICE: I will not be frame house, close this is u visiting and MI's. rcsponsl- in; with Tim Hoill l\1l1de to the relnry of the Burton's I'IAVE examined Homer Simmons by public about the new 12. Ferry ble for debts 1111.1de your eyes by bargain; as nn Investment will this week edy show in three nets put. on by any by any- pay Starts 3:00. 5:51. 8:42 ALBERT 1\1. BUASWEI.L JR. FOOD CO. grade school Hlghwny Association. Dr. D. R. Mr. and system which local one othel' than thos('l mAde by Dek_le. Optometrist. you 220 percent on present Income. Plue "OUI' Town" and Mr·s. H. S, Lewis had boglns talent:. Cartoon thi� year in tho Blidy in .July or this yonr the Orrlce hoUl's 9 lo ]2 a. m·2 to 5 JOSIAH as gucsts Statesboro, Georgia city system. me. J. E, WARD. Statesboro. Ga. ZETIEROWER. for during the we k MI'. The show, which is R sutire on Amet Sllcelal (\l,rt.ofln Ohlldren Registration for icon Assoclnl iOI1 of p. m. Lady ntlendant. Office 10· and Mrs. H. C, students will High­ (2tp.) at J :20 Ellis, of Savannah, hillbilly life. will FOR begin begin promptly WHY Of'Iiclals unproved tho num­ enlcd 27 Ensl Mnin Bank of RENT-One large comfort· and Mrs. Monday morning at 9:00 St., John D. RumbeRtl nnd at 8:19 bolh nnd "'ill und nights rea­ bel'ing of this I'outc as n Statesbol'o Slatesbor'o, able room: joins bath: private continue unl il every student . fedcrnl Building, Sunday. August 31 children, of Alo. 8n Trical'd, is tUl'e al1·mnle rast, six of with til(' FOR SALE-Many desirable lots, entrance; reason­ registered, lhe highwny provision that 4tp, garage; priced Mr. sllperintendent and Mrs. Loy Watcrs 1.111(1 said. whom will piny female port.s. Six Ihc SOllth Curolino CHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO. able. PI-lONE 18 .. Classes ill Illgh�vny Com­ 463. West. Gr'ady "Bedelia" .. both element'arv sons. Hal and Si. spent the wcel< mcmbcrs �f the cast will do It mission INC. street. :lI1d high school will app1'OVC I ho designation FOR SALE-Slore 21Y.. (8·28·1tp) get· undcl:­ " building by the aut hal' of "Laura" end at Yellow Bluff. chorus number. way girls' fOj' n portion of I hc I'ourl which x60 feet front on court house Tuesday morning at 9:00 and ing FOR with Margaret Lockwood, Ian will SALE-125 acres. 52 culti· An nou continue Thir'ly girls for'm fOlll' passes thl'ough that. stat.c, NOTICE: All of school square CHAS.E. CONE REALTY ncement tbrough the week. pCl'sonnel vated; four miles Hunter and choruses to take in the north; good Monday Tuesday. Sept. 1.2 The school »Ol't show all lUnch I'ooms in Bulloch county CO, INC. lunchroom is sched­ Previously, other State new Slnrts 2:00. 3:16. 5:32 and 9:30 alld A land, good house; tobacco Illed to IN STATESBORO sing hilllbilly songs, po. bonrds al'e notified that the Sul- open Thul'sday, HORSE SIIOW-"Atoin!o M..... owned by L. A. Waler 01 highwny hnd oPPI'ov('l(1 hel'eby 25 Plus color cartoon and "The Two September •• rade barn, large pecan trees; price SPOl'ts. Mrs: Carrols" 1.1, and and ridden by COnl1'eaamlUl Prince Preaton ot the First Wednesday morning wil1 ad­ such ncllon loch I-Ieallh FOR SALE-70 lICI'eS, 40 culti is expcctc_d to I'emuln in Congres· but the Sout.h Cnro­ County Department, This • sionnl District, w1ll be one· of the entrtea In the Pint vel'tlse the show.' $4.750. JOSIAH ZETIEROWER .. program sponsored by Jaycees with Alexis Stllteaboro Annual llna 7 North val cd.
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