·. ,.t. -.. ·· STATIONARY ENGINEERS LOCAL 39 .. ·_vg.L: J-!i~N,~) 4 :~~ . .) :· . .~.~ I Official Notice ·AU Members: Members, when. paying ( your ,due,s, ei_ther by .inaii ·r or in person, please be s·ure By VICTOR'S.-SWANSON to present your member­ . •.. :~ : : . - . f . ' ' ' ' ' ' . .. · ·· , Yoi.1 'can't- pick up '.a copy qf ari'y of the newspapers these, rroiiuced ,· oec.ause anyone believed "ficieqtly and free from one cent of ship ·card along. with your ilays ,~ithooffirtding propaganda about so-called labor rack- that the~e was 8:11ything seriously wast<:· . payment. , ,· '. l h d- ll· ; - _. ~·· · . · , · · wrong with the fmances of our or- l This is an , age when. all must -~ 11_ng S? as ~. ~-.. ~\i;~ ,Jt, ·_and.it seer:is to me. that some- ganizatiqn.. They ':ere in~rod~ced k_eep correct records of all ~inan- . This · is very important thmg-shou}d-be sa1d-,on .-oe~al,f o,f-Labor itself. ortly to assist the vice presidents to cial matters. Anyone who is mter- and will eliminf1,te the pos­ Quite recently while iri Washington, D.C.-; I had the op-. do .a ' better job for ·our member:. ested can refer to our last issue of podunity of ob~ervitig th~ ,famptlS. "McClella;n Special In- . ship a~d to P.r~>Vide_ them y.,~th i~- the Engineer~ News;· p'.1-ge 8 of ~he sib!lity. of any errors. Your vestidating. ·committee'.' in action:' While 1 do . not• wish to format10~ v~mch • ~s es.sent1al m March _1~57 l~sue, Which contains cooperation will be appre~ . ': . · , · . .. · · + order to Justify their bemg_ on the ouI· official report to the federal cntiClZE:, anyone,-"Or any group of p~ople who set out hones .. ly Board. I am sure .this will be of government and to all our mem- ciated.!!! . -expose .·crooks and racketeers:;.,--:whether in Labor or any much help and bring. about a bet~ .bers. There you may see for: your­ other· segment of :A;merkai1 ·1ife-.:. .. 1 d0 feel .that· every Amer- ter . und~rstanding a.nd improv~d self what progre:;;s we have made. icah:~hould 'have ~s-·day irr c6urtbefore he is judged guilty! operation. · THE WELFARE PLALV H is emr blessing and privilege to live under the glorious Let me say now, I do not be- I now wish to briefly refer to HONOR. ROLL. OF Stars and Stripes· and ·under the•protection of our Constitu- lieve any member of our Interna- our ,Welfa~e Plans. As .you all · , . · · · · . tional Executive Board or anyone know, some_ three years ago we tion ~h1ch IS _the: greatest document of hum~n hbert? e:7er else employed by our International !were successful in negotiating with BLOOD DONATIONS · conce~ved .. It n:iust_. never be. forgotten that this Co!1stitution is overpaid ... rather do I believe the Associate9 General ~?ntractors SAN FRANCISCO 1 ·. l~ the _· 1Ibert1es 1t secures to us were won only _through Ithat they are underpaid, and .I, for to cr~te a fund provi~mg for a Edmond R. McCulough struggle and great sacrifice of lives .. one, would not vote to cut any-1 welfare plan: However, m order to Betty J. McCupllough and· t1:easure. The right to a fair i should conduct its business in an Ione's salar:y or expenses. Many· of establis~ what we con~idered a fair Josep4 Perez - eff~ctive' and honest _manner. Tha_t our members· may·Aot realize-what- and, equitable plan, it became nee- James· ·c. Hilton. triaLand due ·process,- the_principle \·. d , th . h' h· ~ to bf F al · · that man is innocent until proven . me1 u es . e man?-er m- w 1c 1t considerable e:xcpense is involved in· essary go . e ore the eder Joe· M. _Stockton guil~y . are precious . thtp.gs . and .c~nducts 1~s elect10ns,. as :"'.ell as travelli':g J'mm state to state; ~d Courts.. Since that time· we·· have Martin G. Bray sho.uili· l;ie zealously guai:ded;' sirice 1the way it· ha:ndles,1~ finances~ from pia<:e; te~~lace; : and, ~eeting been SUCG~Sful in, ne goti.ating sev- Gene II; Sltoubo e do not -live inaRussia •'let us not Th~re: should; be ·- no skullduggery" and d~almg;:_Wlth people in the eral oth~r ·welfare· plans ' with J. s. Krantz ,,,i:actice·.:' theiJ.; tactics. ' " ' 01·.· SeGrecy. :1:1liout- thEE';.ma;nner of' co'i.1rse/ of :this, wo:rk,It m~y·seem' smaller- /{r.oup_s: . SANTA ROSA ,. · .. · ·.. ' ... c ., ., .· :: c;()_u.11,tin~).~a};le1ts: If ,.candidates and·: a Jot to·those,: whO"doinot havei the , We,,have now accumulated:in ex- . Bill Hall · · · · · ' . l ,_1~1~_k _, th,!l:1''.· e~sh:} ~oc,~l>g~!Ol}(: o,~ne(jriembe.rs · of::, {Jre:; tin}on· ~an- ·experience, ; bu,.l . t!J,<;>se ~h'o · _have· :9e~;; 'O~,.-fwo :million: d,o~l1:1rs•, ~n Ol\r . · Bo.rinie .Hall , ' · - '.'.1s _w~J!?~.,;~~Rh;:¥.11.er!'!;!\lL~z:1alr Pn~ ·D?f-"be·"f>f;esen when..:,. ballots-,.are. d<me--.it kn,ow:s othe-rwi~: . ,C,, .'!"e;~f~e-:- pI~ns-c and·: th~re: funds fil'.e• - (Wif~•of Bro.- Bili HalH: i .wn : has· ·a..,,,clear respons1b1llW'• an,d •opened ·and ..tallied : there-- is some- ~ ·. : _. · .- - · · . ·. .all: operated under: tl\e ·supel'V'isi<;m. Jli'i: ld ··D"ff1 ·. · • . · d_uty:}-0_:Pt?.O:rm.',; /i~ :~tis tj: j1.1s- : t~rg wrong ·fu--in~ -:~pifi{9if;_ ,' · & ?~·V:·~ ·~.&~?9.B : ; . ,or." a ,,;Bb¥f ot· .'Fr'i.{stees.' ;t¥ie-If1,us~! · _ro · ern . _ _ . , t1-fy·'1ts,,.:ex1stence,"''1'.hat ;; duty,. is·: to ... , 'I'hl':.\ ··,·fr' . afr'>,, ··-i_·'-..-.. · ·:.- •. d .. · ;f,. for.on~, ·do>,not'abehe,v:e"m .sta;r, Nie·s· .a-re·'>'' compnised.:: 0 f ··a:n: equal· .· - ... · SAN _RAF~EL. ,/ -i- el ·to '1t ·rthaL'·ti_i>nesty.~a:tJ.d , 'fair.: 4 ·\11~' I tll~t.,,,~e:~a;· t 11 t' ,vatiOJl· .wag¢%c f()r.i m'.ys_elf:;or:~ any;. ~umber >~f ·'· ~epi-e~ntatives:> fr.om ,. Jain~s c; Inlton ·, .. ' 1 -~.'.?' st ' ' "ay -~, J)J,'~·viµ{\There ~{is,· -tl~tf :~ji{ ,·/ :}u :'(U Y-. 8, t:: !r~ o~e.: ~1*. "Ye.;.·tn <the' I ii°bor-' n10v~ the:Urii;n; . ~ri4', trbm .. th~, ~pioy~: C ,, Jo,e ~on . ~- . 0 .;::i~~ .,J\· nev·er- should· be,. ariy. 'justification' -~ ,.a, : . _bo s_~ . , : l ' - . ad .. t .ed ·h?C . IDf:1pt . mu:;;t sp_end . 'day' and . night et' s group . ·. Needless to. say. the l.\'Irs. Grace J. Seat.on . f , , . d · f , k .... - ·. · .-" ,. ,.µmon s usmess is -con UG e , on- d. s · d. .- 'fi··· · 1-:··t·· · f · · -·· .. ·. · · - . ' · · · - (Wifeof·Bro Richard Seaton1'l1 ' : or. ~? ki!l, 0 ' rac .e ~ee:1'11!-g :l.\'l'{~~:!"' ;e.s,tii, :and:.. fairly:' Blit'•lf.fha.t" is not an. U~\~Y8< ~gf• mg ~r . 'YagfS welfare· pJans_·have •been a blessing · · · .. · ' · · · ' . l~·~r. movr!n.erit. .. Jt 1.5°-,1f:.'1~ it~;it. 111 .d.one' ,-it'. theri pecomes :the·.duty of. _a.11:<l co,~~t10ru;,) or J>_i;tf lll:em_l:>.ers;, to ,many of. our members,. and. theh: RE;DDINq !" ,,re~eilt: )'.f:~~ ,. I?~rt.Y·"- 1:ave,:'_PJ'.?~e4, .out'Interna:tior\.al.: to"' see to it, for So far as Local,} 1s ~n~rned; families, and we a.re· continually A,'. ~. Carulfield. gmlty anq ;ott.ers p~ve·,.ileen: ~on-. ·\ ft .1. ·all· ·i:. h . · d t, b · _ good wages _are paid all ·~ho work,. worki.pg, to secure additional bene- John Lell vicJed ,of graft'and -'ra:~ke~~ri~g i~ :wf coll~n as ef~1;?1tau~ e for the uhlon,_and we a~olo~ze to fits, as ,the ·funds grow! . Genera Lell -.- ~~h local :a~d foternat10nal un- . .· s g P P · no. one for this. ,O_ur uru<:>n 1s .run The WeHare · Fund money be- ,·(Sister· of John Lell) -r .ms,· but· that: pumber; is•.conipa_ra-· ,DUT\' OF THE strictly along _busmess lmes. Our lorig:S -to our members .•. they Clifford R. R()'binson, Sr; tiv~ly ,sma_ll in . relation ·to- .simifar INTERNATIONAL books are audited monthly and have earned every cent of it and Clifford E. Robinson;· Jr. kinds . of dishonesty·. among .- 1:>ank- · Over. the years . we have seen again quarterly. by Certified Pub- 110 one has any right t'o take a (Son of Clifford R. Robinson) ers, busines~ offici:al_s aJ_td '· otl:~rs, r~presentatives of local unions. of lie . A~countants. We invite any single cent away from it except FRESNO ., and _whe . _ou · cons1de1• t he total our Internationai iri the Middle- agencies, whether they be federal, that which .is provided by law and Leonard P. Marlow .number: o.f unions and· officials. : West and East go to jail for so- state or. any other, to examine o~r . which must be paid to the brokers - Jack w ;ru.tfield However,. let me say .: .this: . SQ called racketeering. -Most of this books. The record speaks for it- and administrators. No officers, or B. H. Heuston ·1.ng, ·as there .is one. croo. k in:.the. -could· have been. avoided by · our self, and we are proud of our ,rec- members of the Trustees repi·e- SACRAMENTO ..-1.bor movement, that is one too Intt rnational if it had taken prop- ord. 1 senting Local No. 3, have ever re~ Omer Christensen many! I believe that anyo_ne . who er steps to begin ·with, foJ· in many The progress which we have ceived a penny! In fact the money Frank Whitmh·e has· been honored by ·.
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