February 25, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E345 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EARMARK DECLARATION Domestic violence creates multiple health The objective of the ETSB project is to pro- problems among victims and causes 100,000 vide 6,000 users (first responders, police, fire, HON. PETER J. ROSKAM days of hospitalization and 30,000 Emergency homeland security & public works) with a OF ILLINOIS Room visits annually. With such startling sta- seamless 700–800MHz interoperable radio IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tistics, Advocate Good Samaritan has teamed platform throughout the county and the state Wednesday, February 25, 2009 up with the Downers Grove Police Department via STARCOM21. Each participant in the to move forward on a comprehensive ap- ETSB (which includes DuPage and portions of Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, pursuant to proach to addressing domestic violence in the Cook, Kane & Will Counties) is required to the House Republican standards on earmarks, community. purchase their own radios (6,000 countywide) I am submitting the following information for The federal funds I have obtained will be under this new system at a cost of $5,213 per publication in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD re- utilized to expand the successful partnership radio. garding earmarks I received as part of H.R. by providing internal education and debriefing/ To Federal funds obtained for this entity will 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of Fis- consultation on domestic violence cases in be used to purchase 40 radios for municipali- cal Year 2009. order to increase awareness. This funding will ties in DuPage County that will be compatible As I have stated on the floor previously, I allow Advocate Good Samaritan to provide with the new statewide interoperable radio am a true believer in the need for increased customized trainings internally within Advocate system (STARCOM21). This funding will be le- transparency through the earmark process— (including parish nurses) and to local agencies veraged with a state grant DuPage County ob- whether in appropriations, authorizing or tax- which serve as strategic points of entry (emer- tained of $430,000 that will cover the pur- writing legislation. It is important that the Illi- gency departments, local police departments, chase of 83 of the required 411 radios need- nois taxpayer can judge for themselves the and faith-based organizations). This will in- ed. The Sheriff’s Office will assume all oper- funds that we spend at the federal level. crease its outreach efforts to community orga- ations costs of the new radio system and the I appreciate this opportunity to discuss how nizations, including a major focus on large cor- cost of purchasing the remaining radios. taxpayer funds are spent in my congressional porations in the community and the training Congressman PETER J. ROSKAM (IL–6) district. As a Member of Congress I was elect- employers to recognize and work with employ- Department of Justice, COPS Law Enforce- ed to this body to fight for the needs of my ees who may be victims of domestic violence. ment Technology—$75,000 for the Northern Il- constituents. Other plans of expansion include an expand- linois Police Alarm System (675 Village Court, My constituents elected me to Congress be- ing website, a regional domestic violence Glencoe, IL 60022) cause I am serious about accountability and awareness program, and purchase and dis- The Northern Illinois Police Alarm System transparency in the budget process. I take a tribution of educational materials to increase (NIPAS) Emergency Services Team (EST) is deliberative approach to project requests to awareness among and educate the public responsible for law enforcement coverage of ensure that any request with my name on it is about domestic violence. Along with matching 68 member towns with a total population of worthy of federal funding. The key ingredients funds from the hospital of $25,000, Advocate approximately 1.8 million residents. In 1982, I look for in any project are job creation, op- will also be able to leverage its involvement in severe flooding nearly devastated several portunities to support Illinois’ efforts in keeping the Corporate Alliance to End Partner Vio- small communities along the shores of Lake us globally competitive, a guarantee that the lence for additional funds. Michigan north of Chicago. Public safety re- project will not rely solely on federal funding Congressman PETER J. ROSKAM (IL–6) sources, especially those of law enforcement and can instead become viable in the private Department of Justice, COPS Law Enforce- agencies, became stretched to the limit. Al- sector. ment Technology—$200,000 for the DuPage though neighboring communities responded Most important to me is to ensure taxpayer County Sheriff’s Department (501 N. County with assistance, police leaders realized they dollars are returned back to my constituents, Farm Road, Wheaton, IL 60187) needed an organized system with pre-planned who pay more to the federal government than One of the lessons learned from the tragedy deployment procedures. The following year, they get back in government funded projects. of September 11th was the inability of first re- fifteen police agencies in Illinois’ northern Illinois taxpayers receive less federal funding sponders and public safety agencies to com- Cook and southern Lake Counties established per dollar of federal taxes paid compared to municate. To meet the requirements of the NIPAS through an intergovernmental mutual almost any state in the country. In 2005, Illi- National Telecommunications & Information aid agreement. This authorized neighboring nois citizens received only $.75 in the way of Administration, the State of Illinois is in the agencies to work together in times of need. federal spending per dollar of federal taxes process of implementing a statewide interoper- Whether faced with a natural disaster, or the paid. This ranks the state 45th nationally and able radio system (STARCOM21). Subse- unexpected results of a special event, NIPAS highlights the importance of my work to advo- quently, the DuPage County Emergency Tele- member Police Departments may request as- cate for the priorities of my constituents on the phone System Board (ETSB) awarded a con- sistance that is needed when the individual federal level. tract based on the state bid to purchase the Police Department cannot respond accordingly This is why I stand here today to advocate interoperable radio equipment for public safety on its own to an event. They can use NIPAS for the following projects I have secured in agencies in DuPage County. in three key areas: call for additional patrol H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of In recent years, DuPage County has experi- cars, call for the NIPAS Mobile Field Force, FY09: enced a number of natural disasters including and call for the NIPAS Emergency Service FY09 COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE APPROPRIATIONS tornados, floods and last August, a major Team. Congressman PETER J. ROSKAM (IL–6) storm that cut a swath across the entire coun- Federal funds I have obtained in this bill, Department of Justice, OJP Byrne ty impairing first responder communication along with Representative SCHAKOWSKY (IL– Discretional Grants—$50,000 for Advocate among municipal police, fire agencies and 9), will be used for the purchase of atmos- Good Samaritan Hospital’s Preventing and Ad- other public safety agencies and hampering pheric detection equipment for the NIPAS dressing Domestic Violence Program (3815 rescue efforts. Over 8,000 9-1-1 calls were re- Emergency Services Team—needed equip- Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515) ceived during the storm. ment sorely lacking at NIPAS member Police With the growing numbers of reported do- Chicago and O’Hare International Airport Departments. Atmospheric detection equip- mestic violence in DuPage County and are located at the northeast border of DuPage ment is needed to allow NIPAS law enforce- throughout Illinois’ 6th Congressional District, County and it is vital for DuPage County po- ment officers the ability to respond to crimes Advocate Good Samaritan seeks to strengthen lice and fire agencies to communicate via or other incidents involving hazardous environ- and expand its current domestic violence pro- radio with Cook County and Chicago in the ments, explosive devices, arson materials, and gram to ensure that both current and expected event of a major urban or terrorists’ threat at narcotics. Communities in my district whom needs are met. O’Hare or in Chicago. A radio system con- have advocated a great need for such equip- One in three American women is abused at nected to STARCOM21 will enable regional ment included Bartlett, Elk Grove Village, Elm- some point in her life by an intimate partner. communication. hurst, Hanover Park, Mount Prospect, Roselle, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:37 Feb 26, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25FE8.001 E25FEPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 25, 2009 Streamwood, and Villa Park. Funding this one priate knowledge required to succeed in the Increase access to education and academic Regional Law Enforcement project will allow 8 growing advanced manufacturing sector, and success Police Departments
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