trafrffi dirrirffimrstmr Etfi, q-rs$ q. Ti. , o!9!9.,orgq d. iI. ' fuk : ioeq /oY /01 q-ir{r ! qa5qr rr qffir !!! k[rq : Y qBi ilr.Tq q-ErrtrrTT qqd frq{qr Tqi--q"r +tTfrtRT tRT{A fuk ?osq / oY /\1 efu Y qfei ffi{q ffitE +i{ E{ qrftI}fl{ drkq wrTrfl wrffi{ qdnsi q-q-{ffi qqqr q,-;rflR q}-{mr Tmr F€Eep M qatrrft qq rr,ror wqT roriqrf, g r d,.e/_l/n6.k/-d I 6tr-I 6 6Fuu-*q A ' vtrqEq r+R"ITqffiq Mailing Address: Gangalal Marga, Teenkune Dharan-8, Sunsari, Nepal Tel. : 97 7 -25 -520720 ls2AOqE2s 602 \Emffi Campus Chief 977-25-520410 8: Y Fax:,977-25-52ONS gotfird.rerrinrfl E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] PURWANCHAT CAMPUS www.ioepc.edu.np qwnwri. t ) a;i.{lA^bbblgbz ffi, lollRq ,,frErr( FrrR sW q gd-fr rrn srkor, g+vfr r ksq :- errfitq+, Tffiq tsrr*r.nr{ ki et r q*(q, qrtff s[ftF RT Ril-qsfr Tfr frTfu ioeqroyrJ! tfu x qte professional Leaming Course in Sanitation il-kq, Online Plateform qp qqrg'i qq4i g+rn r+v professional *rsilr gt+l 6F eTRr+-f,q arr+r{ft ,rtr* Fa-ftl qft tqq qq tr<q :qtu r (-drq'- 1) Browser. 1) Banner. t) Form. ( frq rFr-ar @ffi1 I FTrtrRI rw .Erfirutr gq!-q wlrffir zIzITE(Rr s sr<T{-q GLOBAL SANITATION CATI FOR ;B ADI JATT SCHOOL {GSGS} APPTICATION! ;T_ July, 2O2l lntoke Course Durolion: 4 Monlhs ' ,,,w?ii Contocl lnlo ;PF -----_ -d n', EMAIL: plcs@ ioepc.edu. np t - Assoc. Prol. Jowed Alom {GSGS FocolPerson & Heod of Deporlmenl) - Assl. Prof, Koii Rorn Korki (GSGS Progrom Coordinolor, Purwonchol Compus, lnstiluie of Professionql Leqrning Course Engineering Iribhuvon University in Sonitotion Technology Dhoron, Nepol (PLCS) Course Developed by A 4-rnonlhs troining coune for lhe groduotes ond IHE Delft probs$onob w,ilh rebrronl scbnce ond engineering lnslilute for Woter Educolion bockground. Netherlonds - Delivered by Purwonchol Compus, loE, Dhorqn - To become a competent professionol in the field of Globol S onilolion Grod uote sonilolion School {GSGS Proiect) ot - Delivered online by PurwoncholCompus. loE. TU Kothmondu Universily - No. of seots = 20 - 50% seots reserved for femole condidoles - Subsidized fee structure for femole condidotes Sanitatioi) Value Chain rlffiPmr TREAYI€lrf R[USElDtsprla t Professional Learning Course in Sanitation Technology PLCS) ' Delivered by Ptrwanchal Campus, IoE, Dharan To become a competei rt professional in the field of Sanitation Delivered online by Purwanchal Campus, IoE, TTJ \o. ol -at-< : l0 Corrse Duration: .1 Months 50plo seats reserved for female candidates Subsidized fee structure for female candidates t Form ^nplication 'l'ype of Application: indi, ruual / Corporate . F'ull Name: Gender: Address: Phone no. / mobile: Email Add.: Date of Birth: Oualification detail: Intermediate: Institute/College name : Passed Year: Board/University Bachehrs: Institute/College name : Passed Year: Board/University Masters : Institute/College name: Passed Year: BoardlUniversity Work F',xperi0nce(if any-' Organization Name: Employed date: Current Organization Narre ([or corporate participant): Signature of applicant Program Document On P1 rrrrssional i. Learning Course in l;i anitation Technology (pLCS) I A course develor-red nt IIIE Delft, Netherlands, under the frarnework the Globel Sar,itation Graduate School (GSGF;) Project at Kathmandu lJniversity Delivered b,v: Purwanchal Campus Institute of Engineerin g, Tribhuvan U rriversity Dharan, Nepal July 2021 i. Table r-rf Contenfs l. Background 2. Learning Objectives of the Course 3. Target Participants & Eligibility 4. Key Dates, Courss Duration, Fee, & Scholarship 5. Payment Systen-, 6. Cowse structur:: 7. Instruction Mc rd I. I l. Backgr':und Professiooal L€aming Course in Sanitation (PLCS) is a 4 mouths leaming program for professionals and graduals5 interested in upgnding their knowledge '!r expertise in Sanitation Technology. The course is developed at IHE Delft - Institute for Water Education, Netherlands. This program is a cor"nponent qf the Graduate Professional Diploma Program (GPDP), under the framework of the Girbal Sanitition Graduate School (GSGS). In Nepai, Kathmandu Uuiversity [KfD is coordinati.rg the GSGS Project with tiered parhership of Tribhuvan University (Purwanchal Camp,-s" IoE, Dharan) and Pokhara University (Facuity of'Science and Technology, Pokfiara and NEC,'. n,.''tapaur), for the period of 20 1 9 to 2023. ffis course disseminates sanitation and sanitary engineering knowlcdge to professionals or interest to pursue an MSc t.egree in this field, or with an MSc degree in a related field and a wish 'to specialize professionalll .It will be delivered through online platforr r with live sessions from national and intemational r;anitation experts and pioneers working in th.s field. .3. E,earning Ohier:'tives of the Clourse Upon completion of the program participants are expected to: - Contribute tr., the development of innovative approaches to thc provision of sustainable sanitation s'rryices, especially under challenging couditions usually prevailing in developing r runtries and countries in transition. t - Perform as a vw"-I.,( tent professional in the field of sanitation an #or cleaner pgoduction. The perticipants will be able to: - Anallyze, synthesize, integrate, interpre! and discuss scientific and practical information related to the technology, business & management in Sanitation. : - Develop businsss plaus relevant to Sanitation. - Manage and lad Sanitation related development projects. - Understand ihe relevant physical, chemical, and biological plor)€sses and their mutual "r'l15in relationship:. 'uarious components in the urban water envtionment; - Understand ano explain the role of Sanitation in the urban rryat(,r cycle and its relation to public health and emvironrnent; 4. Tarset P:rrricipants & Eligibitit-v Tergct Prticipnts: WatrrlSanitatirxr scctor pofessionals, or for those who have aspirations to work in 6e sector. Eligibility: Must have completed a Bachelor's degree with an academrc background on relevant Science or Engineering subjecf, No. ofSeats:20 *Evidence ofacaden ic baci<ground is required ** 50yo of the seats ,ire resrred for the female participants .se 5. Ke;'[}ate*, . r ]]uration. Fee.& Sr:irolarshiXr Key , ... Dates i- : .,,: ; 1 Reg-istra1ion Sf1{s 11 Jaty 2021 1 4 roontrs Course Fee Total Course fee ir : -. 40,000,,- for Inrjividuals anri : NRs.fi0,000 for Institutions participants. i - rdtr;d; i; ;;i;iy ;i$;^;;d".-aa"t", working l: - For some deserving "fi"i ^,r,',^rijJiii#3lT* mndidates that have contributed at least three yea. s in the relevant sector, GSGS-KU rT ill recommend scholarships to relevant organizaticns and donors. * Course fee will be subsidized for female candidates ** r 50olu of the total seats are reserved for female candidates -- Pat'ment ps[ails Applicants need 'ro pay ri : entire course fee at Purwanchal Campus, IoE, Dharan account below: T. f,l*tlr:slrr s{i'*r{r,r, * Following ar' .',. "-y-prograln for PLC in Sanitation Technology as prescribed by IHE Delft Netherlands; , S.No. PLC in Sauitation T'ecbnology Duration (Weeks) I Introdr. ;tiu.rr t -, Sanitation Systems '2 : Pro3c, I[ana.-ci,ianL ul Sanirauon J 3 Sanita ron Flows (Itreory and Laboratory) 3 4 l)r r ;r :t Sar itation System - Solid Waste Management 3 5 Silii'atlon Gilvcrnance 1 6 Behavior Change 1 7 Fieldworll I 8 Final Assignnrent. Present"ation zurd Reponing 2 Total Duration 16 li, lnstructicn lfethod , The course will be C.clivered through online platform with lectures frcm national or intemational pionee -s of sanitarion field. Field WorkThe ptr. ticipariu will take part in field visitto FSTP and Sotid Waste Management site for rclevant cas: studies. group participants "'GSGS Project caii also or,-rar\ize intemational industrial visits for the of with additional sponso.-shrps Fct eiimple: CEPT (Ahmedabad) and BITSPllani (Goa). 9" Ilvaluafion and {-lerfiticate Participants will have to complete practical, tests, presentations, field vrsits, and reporting at the end of courses. Each modrrle will be examined separately. Participants have to comply with the education and examination regulations ofthe course set by the course instructor. Besides, participan's will have to submit an Assignment that is provided by the course instructor. After completion cr'the lrrogtram, successful tests, and assisnment, participants will receive a Certificate of Co npletion from Tribhuvan University - Lrstitute of Engineering. rnu; rnbers & {"lonta ct Ixtormation AsstJrof. Otr, P*.; i"in"f."f Ca-p,rs Cht"f, Pwwarlina cumpus, n-l A.r*J.of - Al"E-- GSGS Focal Person fcrr Tribhuvan University astfrofiisor X"ii lia-rt X"rf.i Progra* Cool',ltna P."f. D.. Bi- P.^*i Shrtrth" Prt".tpat I"rr.st'g"to.'. GSGS Pr"Ject Ilr. SumanDhon S.rresth.r Prograrrr Coordinator for TLI) Pf.. Xir.U"lfO"aL^-- R"rearch A"t*tant at GtfCrS ProJ*t Email: es gs(g)ku.e( u.np plcs@ioepc.*du.np Contact Persons Mr.OmPrakash phakal:[email protected] Mr. Jawd AIar.:dlr,;. [email protected] Mr. Kaji R&, r i': ,.': kei:.grnkarki@[email protected] Purwanchal Larnpus Institute of Engineering,, Tribhuvan University Dharan, Nepal Mr. Nischd Khadka: oischal.khadkaiilku.edu.np Global Sanitation Gmduate School (GSGS Project) School of Engineerirrg, Kathmandu Universitys Dhulikhel, Nepal.
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