“It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready”- Sarah Kay FREE! December 2019 TAKE ONE! Vol, 11, Is. 12 Please Patronize Our Advertisers Shoppes At Parma Has New Owner by Daniel P. McCarthy rooted in the 21st Century concept of what retail looks Allied Development of like today, and therefore the Great Neck, New York has pur- future is considerably brighter chased the 765.000 square feet than it was 8 years ago. Allied's shopping complex known as The purchase is obviously a vote Shoppes at Parma for $81.6 mil- of confidence in the Greater lion dollars, it has been reported. Parma Community, and we Parmatown Station LLC, an should be glad that business affiliate of Prep Property Group, concerns feel so strongly about had redeveloped the former Par- being confident in investing matown Mall through several here. Congratulations to Prep years of intensive reconfigura- Property Group for sticking tion. The results were apparently to their plan and successfully Shoppes at Parma very appealing to Allied Devel- performing the task of sav- opment, as they expressed great investment in Northeast Ohio was expanding constantly time, and for a time it didn't ing and re-purposing our vital optimism in what they view as for the New York based com- from what had originally been really look all that good for the retail center. There are still a promising opportunity, with pany. a strip shopping center on future of this place. Since the many questions to be answered 95% of existing space filled and Most people in Parma have Ridgewood Dr. Changes that redevelopment and transfor- concerning plans of the new an additional 10 acres available fond memories and count- occurred from the mid 1990's mation from a traditional mall owners. One of mine is: Will on the property for future retail less stories when they think led to profound decisions on to an open retail community, the Shoppes at Parma name be development. The acquisition of Parmatown Mall. When I the part of the owners at that the space now seems firmly kept? of Shoppes at Parma is the first grew up in the 1960's the mall Local Students Win Young Astronauts Day Competition Script Parma Picture Of The Month by Cindy McNaughton the moon and Mars. We are Young Astronauts Day is On November 9th local proud to announce that Birch- an outreach event of Ameri- students gathered at Cleveland wood School students met and can Institute of Aeronautics State University for the 27th excelled at these challenges and Astronautics. Each year Annual Young Astronaut Day. winning first place in the team since 1992, NASA Glen They competed in engineer- competition. They also earned Research Center hosts student ing tasks that required them awards individually in the fol- to compete in engineering to work together creating lowing events: and problem solving hands- and testing prototypes over Lego Mindstorms on activities. Their fun events a two-hour period. Students Robotic Arm: James Mamone build enthusiasm among stu- explored the same challenges (8th grade of Parma) & Qiwen dents for STEM (Science, Wu (8th grade of Cleveland)- Technology. The founders of the Parma script sign - the Brennan Family - Pat- that engineers are work- 1st place rick, Sean (Parma City Council President), Colleen and Deena. ing on to get humans back to NASA’s Super Guppy Atremis/Orion Spacecraft Cox Communications by Jim O’Bryan $5,000 Donation Ensures One of Ohio’s most inter- esting industries is Space Impact Local Students Travel. With NASA having a by Carolyn Kovach presence in 4 Ohio cities. This With an past week NASA flew the Arte- increased interest mis/Orion Spacecraft to Plum in the government Brook in Sandusky for testing. process during an The Artemis/Orion will take election year, the City the first woman to the moon, of Parma’s Leadership photos by Jim O’Bryan Jim by photos and then in 2030 on to Mars. for Tomorrow pro- And our friends and neighbors gram takes on new Northern Ohio’s favorite Weather Person Betsy Kling videos the had a huge part in it! levels of relevance in Students ask Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter arrival of the Super Guppy for her blog. its goal of educating to pose for a selfie. Parma City School District fourth graders about provides an additional boost the importance of civic engage- by covering the entire cost of ment. This year, Leadership the program, which encom- for Tomorrow has partnered passes nine visits by eight with the offices of State Rep- public schools in the district. resentative Jeff Crossman and As students explore differ- State Senator Nickie Antonio, ent functions and features of which issued proclamations their local government offices, of support for the program’s Representative Crossman and mission. A $5,000 donation This photo shows the size of the cargo. See all the photos online! from Cox Communications continued on page 6 Interested In Writing For The Observer? - Join Us At Our Public Meeting At Arabica Coffee House (6285 Pearl Rd.) Every Tuesday 7 PM Page 2 The Parma Observer Vol 11, Issue 12 December, 2019 COMMUNITY NEWS Depot/Office Max in Parma and Mid- delburg Heights, or the Parma Area The President's Corner Chamber of Commerce. by Sean Brennan, Parma City Council President Cash donations may be sent in Nine years ago I read an article others, we have raised thousands of the form of a check made payable to about rising peanut butter prices. The dollars and pounds of peanut butter All Faiths Pantry and mailed to Parma article made me think about growing that have benefitted the needy of our City Council President Sean Brennan, up the son of a single-mother, following community. 6611 Ridge Road, Parma, Ohio, 44129. my father abandoning us. As a young I am happy to report that the ninth Feel free to contact me via email with boy I never thought about why I ate rendition of the Parma Peanut Butter questions at councilmanbrennan@ so much peanut butter, but the article Drive will kick off December 1 and run msn.com. made me realize that it was our main through the end of the year. I am hope- All Faiths Pantry is a simple, source of protein in those lean years ful that you, dear reader, will be moved practical program that delivers nutri- due to its relative affordability. The to give generously to the drive this year. tious groceries to seniors and people article made me concerned for families Although jars of Peanut Butter with limited mobility once a month at like mine growing up. are truly appreciated, All Faith Pantry no cost to the recipients. With direct Smokin’ Good BBQ, the Cuyahoga These thoughts obviously weighed prefers cash donations, as they can pur- deliveries to clients’ homes, the volun- County Public Library System, the on my mind that evening, as I awoke chase peanut butter at wholesale prices, teers at All Faiths are practicing their Parma Observer, Innovative Window at 3:00 am with an epiphany that multiplying the effect of your gift. vision of a community where diverse Cleaning, Sustainawell, Chuppa’s Mar- some might call divine intervention. I Peanut Butter jars may be dropped individuals and groups unite to feed ketplace, Yorktown Service Plaza, and called my good friend John Visnaus- off at one of our special commu- the underserved. Lamar Outdoor. kas, founder and director of All Faiths nity partners: either branch of the Special thanks to the following To find out more about All Faiths Pantry, and proposed the Parma Pea- Cuyahoga County Public Library in sponsors of the Peanut Butter Drive: Pantry, check out their website at www. nut Butter Drive. Thanks to John’s Parma, University Hospitals Parma Office Depot/Office Max, Dollar Bank, allfaithspantry.org. Best wishes to you and encouragement and the generosity of Medical Center, Parma City Hall, Dol- University Hospitals, the Parma Area yours for a wonderful holiday season. many residents, business owners, and lar Bank (5219 Pearl Road), Office Chamber of Commerce, Jones’ Bones Authors To Bring Food Fun To The OBSERVER Parma • Parma Hts. • Seven Hills Parma Heights Library On December 17 The Parma Observer is a com- by Rick Haase They’ll appear in Meeting Room A of the Divinity with the purpose of infusing munity owned and operated Mark your calendars now for this library, 6206 Pearl Road. Register online the local community using the church citizen based news source. The views and opinions expressed special program at the Parma Heights for the program at Cuyahogalibrary.org. as a venue, for community outreach do not necessarily reflect the branch of the Cuyahoga County Public ERIE HEIGHTS BRASS ENSEM- in all forms of the fine and perform- views and opinions of The BLE – The group will perform in ing arts. It was founded by Greenbriar Library, which you don’t want to miss. Parma Observer staff or our Award-winning authors Fran Golden concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, December Drive residents Fredric and Marlene advertisers. and David G. Molyneaux, former travel 12 with a holiday-themed program. Dray. Mrs. Dray is the principal organ- editor of the Plain Dealer, will visit our Register online at cuyahogalibrary.org. ist of the church, and a retired Parma P.O. Box 29030 library at 7 p.m. Tuesday, December RING THOSE HOLIDAY BELLS City School District music teacher. Parma, Ohio 44129 17 to discuss their latest book, Unique -- The Celebration Ringers will present The Celebration Ringers are a 440.884.7625 • Eats and Eateries of Cleveland, and will a holiday concert at 7 p.m.
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