THE CONCORDIAN NUMBER 12 VOLUME LIXIII CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, NOVEMBER 19, 1971 Registration: -2 (TT) Headache # 1972 -2 (TT, -3 (TT **}*£ 1U-6 (Wf) Badudnton i.; ) uva ^ i^!L£ I -jCoqtespo Political Ida 1 7:00-10 : !351~"X*>"' Sc 259 (Th,) So 222 Educatio 261-1 Lab 261-2 lab(Th) Sc 261 >} Or Psycholog CTT) So 259 (354 lab) Arr. ! Titraonaiity £s36S3=K)nt; Consent of I _ L 404 Page 2 November 19, 1971 Cover design and photo by Reed Carlson. Communiversity offers courses Plans are now being finalized represented 40 different Roman Haney of Concordia; and "Fam- for the eighth series of adult Catholic and Protestant congre- ily Relations: Creating Person education courses offered by the gations from 12 different denom- Through Communication" by F/M Communiversity during the inations. Sister Paula Ringuette of North month of February. Some 600 Communiversity faculty are Dakota State University are the The Concordian participants were involved in drawn from a variety of sources three personal and family class- Published weekly during the school year except during va- the series last year. including local churches, social es offered. cation holiday and examination periods by the students of A total of 13 courses will be Concordia College, Moorhead. agencies, and colleges. The Uni- The civic and social topics are Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the included in the 1972 Communi- versity of North Dakota and "The Ideal City" by Professor college or student body. versity series in the areas of the- North Dakota State University Alwin Monson of Concordia; SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $6.50 per School Year ology, liberal arts and sciences, also are represented. "Black American Dilemma: In- Office: Cobber Commons Building — Phone 233-7522 personal and family and civic Registration for the Communi- Member: Associated Collegiate Press tegration, Separation, Libera- Affiliated with Colleae Press Service and social development. versity is open to interested tion?" by Dr. Richard Green of The classes will meet on the adults with a tuition fee of $5 Concordia; and "Political Issues EDITOR — Lynn Bruer four Sundays in February from for an individual, $7 for a cou- of 1972" by Dr. Harding Noblitt Associate Editor Carol Knapp Managing Editor Dale Stensganrd 7 to 9 p.m. in the Science Cen- ple, and $2 for a student. Regis- of Concordia. News Editor Carol Thysell ter and the Library Addition of tration should be sent to Dr. The Communiversity is an ecu- Business Manager Dan Price Ad Manager Patty Holmquist Concordia College. Hofrenning. menical enterprise conducted Arts Editor David Rathbun Dr. John L. McKenzie, S. J., Class offerings in theology this Sports Editor Mark Solyst under the guidance of a com- Feature Editor Cathy Olson will deliver the opening convo- year are "The Prophets Speak mittee of ten individuals from Copy Editor Colleen Sedgwick Photo Editor Reed Carlson cation address at 7 p.m. on Feb. Today" by Dr. Corwin C. Roach the various denominations in STAFF: Eric Carter. Robin Jensen, Ron McDaniel, Barry 6 in the Memorial Auditorium. of North Dakota State Universi- the Fargo-Moorhead communi- Whitney, Jan Stone. Helen Pohlig, Jan Johnson. Jon Bcrgland, Carol Sehtin, Deb Selland. Paul Trow- Dr. McKenzie, professor of ty; "Spirit Styles in the New ty: The Rev. W. Douglas Allen, er. Bob Laney, Paul Johnson, Dale Lammi, Janet Old Testament at the University Testament" by Dr. Joseph Shaw Dr. Albert Anderson, the Rev. Gallagher. Darnell Carter. Paul Smith, David Rath- bun, Jon Borgendale, Lindy Mces, Leon Webster, of Notre Dame, is one of the of St. Olaf College; "Judaism Paul Hanson, the Rev. Howard Paul Olson, Irene Mathees, Jim Kegel, Tim Kopp, most widely read biblical schol- and Man" by Rabbi Sherman Judi Lien. Randy I.eece, Daryl Kosiak, Jerra Clark Cole, Dr. Frank Melton, the Rev. and Chris Hunt. ars writing in the English lan- Stein of Temple Beth El in Far- Maurice Mueller, Mrs. J. M. Nil- guage today. go; and "Christian Dialogue les, the Rev. Ross Robson, the He is the winner of two Na- with Other Religions" by Dr. Rev. Wayne Stumme, and Dean tional Catholic Book Awards Gerald Potter of University of Harry Vere. Dr. James Hofren- and received the 1968 Cardinal North Dakota. ning of the Concordia religion Spellman Medal. Co-sponsors of In the liberal arts, classes be- department is coordinator. his lecture are the Catholic For- ing offered are "The Visual um and the Communiversity. Arts" by Cyrus M. Running, The courses are supported by free-lance artist; "Existentialism 13 class days to go the registrations and the gifts and Contemporary Literature" from the church of this area. by Father Thomas Matchie of Concordian The 601 participants in 1971 North Dakota State University; and "Poetry, God, and the Age" subscriptions by Dr. Roland Dille of Moor- head State College. are now being "Training i n Leadership mailed out. Get more out of life with Skills" by Pastor Carl Lee of Concordia; "Approaches to an Estate Life Ethic of Sex" by Dr. Eleanor Your future is bright. But you insurance protection. AAL "Estate must help the good things happen. Life" provides it at low cost. "Estate Life" insurance from The time to learn about AAL Aid Association for Lutherans can "Estate Life" is now, because your help, too. youth qualifies you for a big chunk Insurance? Of course! Because of protection for little money. along with the opportunities there Check with your AAL repre- are big responsibilities ahead. sentative. A fellow Lutheran, he Shop Perhaps a girl who will one day shares our common concern for share your hopes and dreams. human worth. 301 Broadwav A family, calling for lots of life Aid Association for Lutherans AppIeton,Wis. Fraternalife Insurance Life • Health -Retirement Serving Better Food 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Weak • Amplo Frto Parking CarptUd Dining Rooms Comptito Mtnu Stltction • Adjoining Automobilt Strvict Stations HIGHWAY HOST 2901 Main Avenue FARGO Interstate 94 —Highway 10 WEST FARGO Your AAL Representative: Other Highway Hosts at GLYNDON DEVILS LAKE John F. Helm Agency P.O. Box 153, Fergus Falls, Minn. 56537 GRAND FORKS BEMKDJI FERGUS FALLS Presidential hopeful November 19, 1971 Page 3 McCarthy to visit Fargo-Moorhead Former senator Eugene McCarthy, who un- party regular over Senator Harold Hughes for successfully sought the 1968 Democratic presi- chairman of the Credentials Committee for the dential nomination, will speak at NDSU's Old 1972 Democratic Convention. Field House Thursday, Dec. 2 at 8:15 p.m. The "The same people who mismanaged the cam- visit is sponsored by Tri-College University. paign of 1968, and who have mismanaged the McCarthy has been in 33 states since January, party since then are still in control and obviously testing the waters for a possible 1972 campaign. intend to remain there," he said. Though he has not made a formal announcement of his candidacy, McCarthy is enlarging his staff The effort "to secure convention delegates with and plans to establish a formal campaign com- views similar to ours" is the third area of concern, mittee soon, according to an Oct. 25 letter to his which McCarthy said will require involvement supporters. in both primary and non-primary states. The former senator named three main areas "The party that wins the presidency in 1972 of concern to him and his staff in his letter. Viet- must stand for something. The election should not nam and the failures of present and past Adminis- be settled by default of choice of the better of trations on domestic issues, he said, are the key two marginal alternatives," wrote the former issues. senator. Party reform is the second area of concern, McCarthy urges youth to become politically in- which was prompted by the recent choice of a volved in the 1972 elections. Students may still drop deferments Emcee Dale Lammi breaks 'em up at Tuesday's Normandy Night. Selective Service Release (Photo by Reed Carlson) Young men who wish to drop This policy was instituted in only if a major national emer- draft deferments in favor of 1-A late 1970 and was of particular gency occurs. classifications may still do so. interest to young men with with The policy was reaffirmed in Local boards will continue to random sequence (lottery) num- a Local Board Memorandum Carole Hart focuses on grant these requests even bers above the highest RSN sent out this week by Draft Di- though the young men continue called for induction. By drop- rector Curtis W. Tarr to all 4,000 to meet the conditions for which ping their deferments at the local draft boards. Registrants church and Indian people the deferments were granted. end of the year, they became who desire to take advantage of part of that year's prime selec- CATHY OLSON Six categories are included: 1-S, the policy in 1971 must have Feature Editor high school students; 2-A, occu- tion group. On January 1, they been born in 1951 or earlier, Ask a high school history teacher who discovered America pational deferments or vocation- were placed in a second priority have RSNs of 126 or above, and and the answer will be Columbus. Ask any Norwegian the same al/technical students; 2-C, agri- position. Because of this, they not be a member of the extend- question and the answer will be a resounding Leif Erickson. Ask cultural deferments; 2-D, divini- are not subject to induction un- ed priority selection group. Carole Anne Hart who discovered America and she'll tell you ty students; 2-S, undergraduate til the manpower supply in the Moreover, they must submit that the New World was discovered by her people—the American college students; and 3-A, hard- first priority selection group is their request in writing.
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