Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The Johnsonian 1990-1999 The Johnsonian 2-16-1994 The Johnsonian Spring Edition Feb. 16, 1994 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The Johnsonian Spring Edition Feb. 16, 1994" (1994). The Johnsonian 1990-1999. 120. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s/120 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Johnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Johnsonian 1990-1999 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE JOHNSONIAN VPS?*:* Apathy HHr*VI plagues campus by Sam Mosher News Writer Apathy is a problem many colleges face. There will al- ways be students who would rather stay in their residence hall room or go home than get involved in on-campus life. Is this a problem? Many organizations across campus think so. "To just sit in your room and veg, to me that's not what college is about," Boyd Jones, director of Dinkins Student Union, said. "If students choose not to take advantage of what Win- throp has to offer them they are missing out," Jones said. "There are too many people who just go to class, turn in home- work and make friends in a certain group." "College is an experience," La, la, la he said. "Hie great thing about college is you can experience Winthrop Lodge Hall Council members (from left to right) Sheri Schook, Tommie Taylor and Cindy Kelley sell valentine different things to see if you Sing-A-Grams in Thomson Cafeteria last week to raise money for their hall council. Members went door to door singing like them." valentine messages to sweethearts all over campus on Monday. Phelps hall council presi- dent Holly Preston acknowl- edges the difficulty in involve- ment. Pearl Jam to perform "I understand people have lots to do with classes and work," Preston said. "They tend at Winthrop — maybe to think getting involved is to big of a hassle." by Janet A. Biindle Howard Klein, director of "Lack of involvement is News Editor athletic promotions and mar- really disappointing," Preston keting, said, "They have con- said. "I do not think people Yes. They are coming. tacted us but nothing has been should complain [about prob- As of the beginning of this absolutely finalized yet." lems on campus] if they are not week, the contracts were not "It will either be here or willing to do anything about yet finalized, but it was a fact nowhere," Klein said. "They it." that Pearl Jam had contacted were originally considering "I would like to see more Winthrop Coliseum to see if Independence Arena and Win- people get involved," she said. they could play there on April throp, but Independence was "But not if that means they're 4. booked with something else. just going to put there foot in Why? Therefore, we have the only the door for credit and not "Supposedly they like to other arena." really contribute." play small arenas," Boyd Jones, Klein said if the contract Leonore Houston, vice- student activities coordinator was were to be finalized tickets president of Resident Student said. "There is a very good would be sold through Association, agrees with chance that they are coming. If Ticketmaster and would prob- Preston. they do, they will rent the coli- ably be in the $18.50 price "Time schedules get in the seum." range. way of student involvement," Winthrop's coliseum seats The college slam dunk com- Houston said. "But if we are 6900 people and definitely petition will be in the coliseum going to be a body that can qualifies as a small arena. on Sunday, April 3, 1994. serve the students' needs then Pearl Jam, the Seattle Jones said while Winthrop we need participation." band who has become popular is not directly involved in re- Photo by Kirsten Friltici Houston pointed out a re- with the albums "Ten" and "Vs." cruiting the act, he hopes to cent example of how student involve Winthrop's Dinkins Braving the storm wanted to see the final four Stacy Samuels and Shon Pate walk outside of Thomson involvement might have made NCAA game which will be Student Union members with a difference. played in Charlotte on April 4 T-shirt sales, set-up or any- Cafeteria last week. Weather has been changing rapidly in "Thomson is getting new and then play in Concert after thing else they might be of ser- the past weeks. furniture, although Wofford the game. vice with. Winthrop is close to Char- "We will offer to help in For Stations to listen to in case of bad weather see pg. 5. See APATHY, pg. 5 lotte, which is convenient. any way," Jones said. INSIDE Confused and stressed Q News/1 - 5 Fine Arts / 8 C^> Sports /12-13 about doing taxes? c£> Opinion / 6-7 £> Spotlight / 9 c£> Lifestyles /14 See pg. 9 for help Q Announcements/ 7 0 Entertainment /10-11 Distractions /15 The JOHNSONIAN February 16,1994 Page 2 DISC JOCKEY Black History Month Teddy Pendergrass En Vogue Jody Watley A Little More Magic Runaway Love Intimacy IgastWesti Fixins' . by Kirste. n Frrllici a^$i2£ $6??«*ios? m$i3£ Melissa Blow prepares a meal in Thomson Cafeteria. Missing student DRS Tevin Campbell [mReady GANGSTA LEAN found in Virginia •b y •§*Eilee• n B«-» . Jone• s RaymonDm >TV> d JonesT An QC , nirdirecto< r of News Writer University Relations, said. Little else is known about The mystery of the miss- Adams' disappearance by uni- versity officials. I Pendulum I Qwest/Warner Bros. ing Winthrop University stu- Capitol dent has been solved. Adams would not tell the $ Todd Adams, who was re- Fairfax police department ported missing by his friends where he had been or exactly 7»8 *1288 *8&*12? *8f?« 13S on Jan. 29, went to the Fairfax why he left, The Herald said County, Va. Police Department Monday. Winthrop's public safety TONI BRAXTON The Bodyguard Keith Washington on Feb. 13 to report that he Original Scxrdtrack Album You Make It Easy wasn't missing after all. said there has been no indica- Adams withdrew from all tion of trouble or foul play sur- his classes except for one, but rounding the incident. had not attended it or used his Win throphas not been con- meal card since he was reported tacted concerning as to whether missing. or not Adams will return to "Winthrop was contacted school for the rest of the semes- Sunday afternoon by Fairfax ter. He is still currently en- [Arista! [Qwest/Warner Bros police department. They had provided him with a way to rolled and may return if he 78813% *8S&*13<S '8K.18? help him contact his family," wishes, Jones said. Ralph Tresvant It's Goh' Down VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND DISCOVER $©88 $-1*588 ©TAPE I*# CD FEATURING: • SANDWICHES • STEAK • SALADS • CASSEROLES • PIZZA •HAMBURGERS Rock Hill Galleria WINE, BT5&R, MIXED DRINKS A RELAXING ATMOSPHERE FOR 324-1986 ENJOYING GOOD FRIENDS OPEN 11:00 AM TO MIDNIGHT DISC JOCKEY 617 N. CHERRY ROAD music stores L 328-2172 The JOHNSONIAN February 16,1994 Page 3 lack History Month Sorority holds founder's week Denise Stubbs future. The Winthrop branch of News Writer Roddey traced the history Delta Sigma Theta Inc. was of African-American women started by 15 members on April The Winthrop branch of through the centuries. She 15, 1978. Delta Sigma Theta, Xi Beta, changed the word "history" to The mission of all branches holds Founder's Week annu- "herstory" during her speech of Delta Sigma Theta is sister- ally during the second week of because she was focusing on hood and the organization was February. women. built on community service. Dr. Bertha Roddey, na- Roddey said that the Bertha Rodde/s sister-in- tional president of Delta Sigma founders of Delta Sigma Theta law, Cynthia P. Roddey was Theta, Inc., was the guest "believed in respect for self and the first African-American stu- speaker at a Founder's Week others, h on esty, freedom for all dent to attend Winthrop. She event last night. Roddey is an people, and justice, with a vi- did not attend her own gradu- active member of the Rock Hill sion to bring about change in ation because she did not feel chapter of the NAACP and is race, family, community, and welcome. Cynthia Roddey re- involved in numerous commu- the world." ceived her master's degree in nities and universities affairs. According to Monique teaching while at Winthrop. The theme of Founder's Murray, historian of Xi Beta, Cynthia Roddey was Week is "ATribute to the Black Delta Sigma Theta was started awarded the master's hood dur- Photo by Amy Powell Woman." Roddey said "the on Jan. 13, 1913, by 22 black ing the program. Bertha Rod- theme is most appropiate be- women at Howard University. dey accepted the hood for Reading causeitisblack history month." The sorority is about giving Cynthia Roddey in-absentee. Student Kathleen Gore from Altoona, Penn., checks up on Rodders speech focused on assistance to the needy, and is As part of Founder's Week some information at Dinkins Information Desk. In the "Paradox with a Promise." She based on christian principles. for Xi Beta, a Cynthia P. Rod- background, Winthrop's Homecoming 1994 T-shirt is related everything in the past, Today, there are over dey scholarship was awarded. 185,000 members in the chap- shown. T-shirts are being sold for $5 and sweatshirts with present, and future as a para- the same design are being sold for $11.
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