University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 8-31-1989 Hastings Law News Vol.23 No.1 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.23 No.1" (1989). Hastings Law News. Book 168. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/168 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. g Law News 31,1989 Volume 23, Number 1 the Hastings to Shelter Homeless 'nIeagreement seems to mark KGO Building owned by the By Christina A. Dalton gisiation ec.rEDmla a new sensitivity to community school at 227 Golden Gatc Ave- needs on the pan of Hastings, nue. While sources confarm Ihat ID III August 28 memo 10 stu- whose relations under past ad- Mayor Agnos approached the ward dents, faculty and staff, Dean ministrations with neighborhood school originally Ibout using the Read's office IIIIIIOUDCed that the activists and city planners have building as an interim sheller, the been uneasy at best. arrangement will be fonnally eft'orts of a top aide. law school and Mayor Art Ag- Sialed to become offICial by a adopted as a gift offered by The qisJarion would expand DOl' oft'ic:e are formalizing nego- resolution of the city's Board of Hastings 10 the city UDder a 1aD- Ibe&o.d from 1110 12memben tiaIionIlOllllkeaHastinpowned Supervisors, the arrangement porary license as=menL 10 include a IIIUdent dncta' .. Tenderloin building available as esaablishesacombincd shellCrand The pannership between poimecI by the Oovemor from a a ranponll')' shelru for the city's 24-hour walk-in facility at the セ@ ..,.,.II list of 4 _ldec:ted by a vote bomeIess population this year. of abe IIUdcnt body during its IIJI'iD& elec1ions. The SlUdent wouIcIlel'YelSafuil votina diJa:. aorfer aone-year lenD beaiJminI lime 1 oflbe,.. in whicb he or ... was_led. r.-. Millo SenIle Educa· doll CommiIIee 10 testify in sap- portollhe IeCiaIalion were Phyl· Us Bunb.JIraidenloflbeAsloci- _ S1aIIeaIsollflldnp(ASH), ..__ BaUIIIIine. Editor·in· I,.".". I.- . ". ".",.,. .... edhoriIlIy iZセiAセセ@ IIIPPCJdId .... 'MIIbd fer Ibe ordle "'1tM. SpeIIdna an bebIJf' oClbe 1Cu- cIeIlbody.BunbAJIIUDlIl saong IIIRJCIIlferlbebilllO ....... lIIIIleBi*ive aides. TlleideaorllaviD& VOIina SIUdenl JII1I1&:1pIlion 011 Il1o BoInI has _1liiie diIaaed by ASH fer yellS, IDd the ASH iiiiセZi]]セ@ w。ュケセ@ III ... pendias.. legislllion II its I'IIDro aT JCIIII< セ@ ..... tbiI week. Bursh 111- C"..1UIIq COllUm whlS Olll ovt, security worries as Hastillgs optns its doon 10 tilt TbeIe WIS no publicly 111- .....Ia •. ___ opposition 10 Ibe Iegis- IIdoa. bowew:r repesenlalives .... tile HlSliapadmiaislralioll Hastings Board May Be Illegal phIIeIy ..... concerDI wbicb Channell Confirmation Withheld ...,... .......,+QUIIt 10 opposi- doa to Ibe...,...... The LegisialiveCounsel opin- Board positions from 8to II. and TbeIe is .., ....... CoIIeF B J8IMS P. Ballantine ゥッョキ。ウセ「ケs・ョ。エッイnゥ」ォ@ was pan of an auempllO submit EDma-lN-OllllF paIicJ __.... k.1fUIiDp Paris. D-OakIand, a member of the Board to more public IC- III • develop- ft..t T. ReId 11M __ _ishina the Senate RulesCommiuee. who counlability.1beBoardamendcd ..... GcMnor セiGs@ ___ heis ...... - iodiatrd Iballhc: Senate should its bylaws to conform with the ..Ibe&o.d .... ,. .. 1IJPOiN"'" of JasIice William delay c:onfimWion of appoint- 1980 Iegislalion and provided for (lwwDtodleHMlillp&o.dof it. Ho .... IIaIIiItp IDCIIIS to die Hastings &o.d until Board r21if1C8lion of new man- _Gel.... CoIIuel DiIec:IDa was deaiIed" week die issue could be セカ・、N@ bers select.ed duough the new .. die s.. RaIea ConunilSae The opinioa alleges tha 1980 appoinlmelll process. セ。ャN」Fゥエャャャゥセoオii、@ Since the passage of the 1980 Jecishejop JOVUIIinI Ihc: SIruC- ...dIIIlhe ......bywbiclt lin of die ao..d is unconstilU- legislation. the new ICIecIion ...1IIIPOi ...... 1Ie IDIIIe is IioaIL T'bII JesisIIlion changed process has been followcd9time1. ..,.-_ .. .. 50 that 9 members bave been Ibe IbeD ex.- aeIC-papctI.. ing aセ@ jIISt prior to a ao.dwbich fiIkd ilsown vacan- appoin&ed by the Governor and (ji ........ _ dleClOllfir- cies to a BoenI ill which VICIII- confumed by the SenaIe. .... セ@ QwnneII, die opiaioa SenaIor Pettis requesrcd the cies lie fiIkd by the Govemdr e&ecIitcI, ,..0 :l1·s .. widt die COIIICDl of a majority of LqisIaliveCounseI opinion after p"' 1 r II • bold .. a cIeSer- Ibe SallIe. The 1980 lqisilljoo beIwing repealed allegations of .iMH. die ill IepIily c:.a be ... aIIo iDCIeaed Ihc: number of C"",;""M _ rllp II Page 2 Hastings Law News August3}, 1989 Weisberg Controversy Settled New and Improved First- By Christina A. Dalton corder, described the settlement An August 5 news article by August 21 as one calling for Year Class at Hastings COpy EDITOR Jack Viets in the San Francisco Weisberg to "write and research Chronicle was also sympathetic ate schools are represented. A settlement has been reached for the college while at her Santa to Weisberg, noting that it would By Betsy Johnsen PRODUCTION EDITOR Maintaining the usual even split in a 9-month dispute between Cruz home" at full salary. be "a long day for a baby'" if the Hastings and tenured Professor The resolution came close on in the student body,49% are fe- professor were forced to com- The composition of Hastings ' D. Kelly Weisberg over the the heels of media reports sharpl y mute to Hastings with the infant male. The average age of the school's maternity leave policy. criticizing Hastings' refusal to Class of 1992 may augur big class is 25, with a range of 47 to during the semester she had re- changes in the future profile of Weisberg has declined to make a grant Weisberg leave during the quested off. 20, both of these consistent with the average Hastings student. The previous years. statement on the matter, stating semester requested by her, and In a 35-page document dated new entering class numbers 409 How high can the median that the terms of the settlement also followed a - memorandum June 15, the school's Faculty lLs culled from a pool of 5,126 LSAT go? How competitive will bar both parties from comment- from the school's Faculty Execu- Executive Committee held that applicants - a rise ofl8% in the admission to Hastings become? ing on the litigation. Dean Frank tive Committee "strongly" urg- Weisberg was probably not man- T. Read has also refused to com- ing that Dean Read interpret per- number of applicants for a class Will Hastings continue to attract datorily entitled to the leave pe- 28% smaller than last year's class ment, noting only that the agree- sonnel policies liberally in gen- riod of her choice under the per- and admit a wide range of stu- ment gives Weisberg full-time eral and in Weisberg's case. of 565. This tight selection proc- dents? Tune in next year for the sonnel rule at issue in the case. ess led to an extraordinary rise in status but is tailored to allow her Headlined "Law School Takes However, the opinion went on to Class of 1993. to meet maternal obligations. Leave of its Senses," an August 4 the median LSAT score for a observe that the law school dean Hastings class, from last year's ''I'm delighted that the matter column by Jim Trotter in the San MR. CLEAN has wide discretion in applying 39 to a new median of 42 (94th has been resolved," Read told the Jose Mercury News found irony faculty rules and to "strongly (AIRLINE CLEANERS) Law News. "I think the resolu- in the spectacle of an internation- percentile). (Strangely enough, urge" that Dean REad be liberal the jump in LSAT scores was not PROFESSIONAL ONE· STOP CLEANERS tion has been satisfactory both to ally known family law professor in Weisberg's case. DRY CLEANING'" EXPERT ALTERATIONS accompanied by a corresponding FINIISHED laundryG セ@ WASH"N' FOLD Professor Weisberg and the like Weisberg bringing a formal Flatly rejecting as "errone- rise in undergraduate G.P.A.s for 116 Hrde Sl (near Golden G ••) n s.1656 school. Hastings is anxious to grievance against her employers ous" a November, 1988 memo to have appropriate personnel poli- for maternity leave. On the al- the new class, which actually went the school Deans by General down a little, from 3.50 to 3.40.) cies in all areas, including mater- leged refusal by school adminis- Counsel AngeleKhachadour fmd- nity policies, to enable faculty to trators to communicate with him Besides having high scores, ing "no legitimate basis" for Weis- the new group stands out for its engage in quality research and regarding the dispute, Trotter berg's leave request, the faculty teaching." wrote, "If this is what they're diversity . A full 25% of the new opinion recommends that the class are minorities, slightly Notwithstandingtheconfiden- teaching at Hastings School of administration explore "informal" tiality restrictions placed on the Law, the fewer California tax- higher than previous years. Non- channels in dealing with future residents make up 21 % of the parties by the agreement, San payers who know about it, the disputes. Francisco's legal daily, the Re- group, and in all 134 undergradu- better." Continued on Page 11 become a member of the If We Helped You Hastings Get In, You Know Law News We Can Help You staff Get Through... The Law News needs staff writers, photographers, cartoonists, production .and computer layout specialists, COIUffIDISts, advertising assistants, and an office With Distinction.
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