'-V? -v^^V '^^^ ^-^ > '^ •'^^^*' \^^-^;N^ *^^X^ •*' ,% ^'7- •^^'^ *^^S ^-.^ ^ *AA -^ ^•i*. INTERVIEW ENTERTAINMENT Bob Battag^a Public Market III Tliis ISN IK • The life and times of thc • Vidcotapcr Nancy Rosin and stage doorman to the stars. thc Public Market Calendar. SMtlOfiA /..- (Lcfte the Market in 1904.) open letter to Boy Scouc Board 3 Page Newsfrofftts 4 I Inten^iew: Bob Baccaflia. ..6 Opinion: Scouts' spin doctors.—.8 Civil unions, Youch conference... 10 Makingthe Scene. ...*«..* 14 SectlMiB Entertainment: ^jbUc Markec»...... I Cdummsts.*............*.....<........*».......5 Gay Groups » 12 Convnunity Center News 14 raumber33l Dec 2000-Jan. 2001 wsfenoar *.....».>»«....>r..».....HH.wM IS A Pubiicadon of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley "win sipndls MISS Cay Rochester 2000-2001 NewsFrontis for NY ffavs • LOCAL AND STATE Save the date: GAGV Gay vote seen its significant. Pride Agenda sqys Sweetheart Baii, Feb. f 0 By Susan Jordan Siwiec commented, "I think Gore The Gay Alliance of the Genesee The unique presidential election ran a lousy campaign — he didn't ask Valley's romantk winter fundraiser of 2000 had not been resolved if we're better off than we were will take place on Feb. 10, at the when the Empty Closet went to eight years ago, he didn't emphasize Four Points Sheraton Downtown. press. For Ibgt New Yorkers, how­ choice, and so on. Nader also Im­ The ball and auction, which will ever, the strong victory of Hillary pacted his chances of winning. But run from 6:30 p.m. to I a.m.. will Rodham Clincon in the U.S. Senate whoever wins witl have a mess on provide an opportunity to cake race was generally seen as helpful his hands, with a 49-51 majority in your sweetheart out for a gala to the cause ofgay rights. the Senate and the economy cooling evening, or to meet a sweetheart, "We are extremely proud that down. Whoever wins will end up Naiomy Kane won the Miss Gay Rochester title on Nov. 12 at the Four according to the GAGV. The fes­ the lesbian and gay community's losing. Points Sheraton. For more coverage, see page A14, Making the Scene. tivities will support programs of overwhelming support for Mrs. "IfGore graciously withdrew now, The event was the 30th anniversary for MLTV's pageant. the Gay Alliance. For more infor­ Clinton played an important role he couid become president in four mation, call 244-8640. in her victory." said Matt Foreman, years. My sense is that Bush needs ARi seeics the help of executive director of the Empire this more than Gore, since I don't some Holiday Angels Stace Pride Agenda. "Al Gore's see Bush losing now and runnir>g Be a Holiday Angel and adopt a and Mrs, Clinton's margins of vic­ again in four years. Gore not only family or individual for the holi­ tory prove that being out front on ••cured a majority of che popular days, urges AIDS Rochester's gay issues is a big net plus in New vote, but also there's a message that Holiday Angel Program. York. Rick Lazio, on- the other the country wants a certain type of Many people in our community hand, clearly, gained nothing from president, and Bush wasn't that man. who have HIV/AIDS or other life- his silence on gaty issues." The public liked Gore on the issues, threatening illnesses are unable to but they didn't like him. because he Foreman siiiid that a pre-elec­ Sii|>edm«Kh^ of the Rodhester Coura^iss a member ofthe Board afford holiday gifts for their chil­ was tainted by Clinton." tion poll had shown that 84 per­ Ckjf Schoob CHIford janey has ofC>{r«ccivStiB}iedt& mentkm «f^at dren and loved ones, ARI says. cent of the gay^vote — about Of Hillary Clinton's victory. Siwiec refused repeated requests by the iheBoy $couc$havevvrappedti)em- Your contributions can help some­ 310,000 votes — would go to said, "I think we were very fortunate Gay Alliance to meet about the sdves ltn the cloA of a private one participate in holiday celebra­ Hillary Clintoh, thus maldng the that she was elected. She won by an use of the CiQr Schools by the fe%ious or^gsmixation. The Boy tions. For an individual, che cose Igbt community one of her most astounding margin. Hillary support- of America. Scoutsandthelocftf OtetiaaaC(»JA- would be $20, and co "adopc" a solid blocks of support, surpassed en were more fervent in their sup­ was contaaed c^ fuM t«» the beilcf that «R ^y family of five, che cose is $ 100, and only by the African American and port of her than Lazio's supporters «re wnor^ (wtthout mor- so on. Latino communities. were of him. His supporters were r<xri Concributions may be dropped Local Democratic activist Mark more againsc Hillary than they were off with Jamie Hawvcr at ARI, Siwiec toW the Etnpty Chset diat for L«io- For our own community, 1350 Unhrersity Ave., in the form he felt the 2000 election demon­ it's a clear victory. The combination of cash, check or credit card num­ strated the stability of our system. of Hillary and Chuck Schumer as the ber. (Allow $20 per the number "My comments, and what I'm hear­ Senate team representing New York you wish to adopt) You can also ing from people, is, it*s not so and thc N.Y. gay community is un­ purchase one gift certificate, for much lesbian and gay-related, as surpassed." $20 ptr the number of people you thinking, if this were Serbia, you'd siwiec agreed with che Pride yfish to adopt from any of these have tanics rolling down the streec,** Agenda and with other polttscai com­ stores: Toys R Us, Wegmans, Wal- Siwiec said. The Constitution is mentators that the gay vote contin­ Mart, or k>cal malls. Finally, you an incredible document, it's due to ues to bc an important factor in this may donate tickets to kxal events, the forethought of our Founding state. "It's cIcaHy trackablc." he said. such as plays or concerts. Fathers. It sounds Mice a cliche, but '"Chuck has mentioned several times Individuab and families are cho­ the reality is. the Consticiition is publlcty, and to me personally, that sen for tha program tbroMgh nomi­ astounding.'' Election condmacd on p. 3 nations by case nmnegers. who supply the names of dlems who Intimate partner violence and what we can do are not receiving holkiay gifts from other community agendes. Jamie By Cathy Mazzotta, CSW, Picnic and asked various people the thc straight comnujnity, 26-33 per­ exist about domestic violence Hawvcr. Client Support Servkes Exocutivc Director, Altam»> question, "l^lave you ever experi­ cent within the lesbian, gay and Manager, then matches up the tivas for Battarad Woman enced intimate partner violence T* Given this information, it wouM transgender community. donations to thc dientt in need Ahhough October. donr>estic vio­ The results of that survey were seem imporcant to consider how For example: battering In sama For morc Information end for ap­ lence awareness month, has come published in the Empty Ooset Ofthe we can create and support peace in sex reiationships is nuttual. There and gone, and many of us are over 450 lesbians and |pys who plication forms, call Jamie at 442- our intimate rebtionships. is no domestk violence in lesbian 2246. ext 4050. or 1-800-437- focused on the continuing presi­ responded to this survey 48 percent As in the straight community, relationships. If there is domestk of the women and 52 percent of thc 0157. You can also email dential dection procass. the issue there exist many misconceptions violence in lesbian relationships it men had experienced intimate part­ [email protected]. of domestic vfolcnce remains a n^fuding intimate partner violence is not physical There is no domes­ ner violence Help Me^ls on Wheels constant in our community, thc For example: domestic violence can tk vk>lence in the fiQr. leston and lesbte, gay and transgender conv Thc survey also indicated that thc only consist of physical violence; tranqB^'Mier community d^ver to houfebound munity. rate of intimate partner violence indhrlduals who stay with an d>u- Wc know these myths to be * * Two years ago a Task Force on probably occurs within thc lesbian, shre partner must ^'Hke itT, or thc untrue. Domestk violence cutt Meab on Whccb. a program of SanDC Sax Domestic Violence dis­ gay and transgender comnnunity at victim''mustbe doingsomcthir^ to across all soclocconomk and edu- thc Vbiting Nurse Servke. b seek­ tributed a survey at the GAGV approximately the sanrM rate as in provoke thc violence.** Myths also cadonallcvcls, edmk, and re4glous ing vokintaers to bring hot meab Violanca contimied on p. 10 and warm smiles to Monroe Nawsbrlafc cont. on p. 10 tfh 4^ 'tt we be a forum for ongoing dto-l LfTTERS TO THE EDITOil: ImMduab Wefcservel Election continued from p. I The opinions of columnists, edltortel writ­ i dMMtme4ltlor.^peAaatf^^ Newsbriefs continued fb-om p. I ers and other contrlbudng writers are '^f^'SnamyHimarWamn tf dietaatf the ^y/lesbian vote was essential In regards County's frail, elderly and homebound during their own and do not necessarily reflect and phone mimber are provided to the to his victory. Chuck had some conversa* the winter months. the collective atdcude of the Gay Alliance Editor, confldenttaaty wH be respected. tions with Hillary and she took his advice — Volunteers are urgently needed to deliver Perspectives oftheGenesee Valley or the Empty Oosec Submiiiloiit are due bythe ISth ofthe she marched in the (N.Y.C Pride) Parade, We will print letters at the editor's discre nnonthac meals In all areas of the clQf and county, on both and talked with gay communiiy leaders about tion and on a space available basis.We wiH The Emi^ Cloeet 179 Adantk Ave.
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