Yo Walls Complete BL#1AC34C.Xls COMPLETE LIST

Yo Walls Complete BL#1AC34C.Xls COMPLETE LIST

yo_walls_complete BL#1AC34C.xls COMPLETE LIST OF YOSEMITE BIG WALLS Route Name Rating R? First Ascentionist(s) FA Date 2nd No Help Reference(s) Notes Ascent? Topo Ribbon Falls West Buttress (IV 5.8 A3) ? Frank Sacherer and Bob Kamps 6//62 ? *** Meyers '87; Roper (green) '71 Gold Wall (V 5.10 A3) ? Layton Kor and Tom Fender Jun-65 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Reid '94 Laughing at the Void (V 5.9 A2+) Jerry, Sigrid and Lynnea Anderson May-00 Y Obscurities Reason Beyond Insanity (VI 5.7 A4) Sean Easton and Dave Sheldon 10/17/95 ? Obscurities Hole in the Head ? Jeff Apple Benowitz and Rick Carlton Studley, III ? ? ? *** ? Hole in the Sky (VI 5.10b A3) Kevin Fosburg and Paul Turecki 10//91 ? Reid '93 West Portal (IV 5.8 A3) ? Chris Fredericks and Steve Roper Sep-63 ? NT Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71 Rainbows ? Ken Boche and Russ McLean Jun-71 ? NT *** Meyers '87; Reid '93 Dyslexia (VI 5.10d A4) Ellie Hawkins (solo) Aug-85 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 Keel Haul (VI 5.10 A3) Charlie Porter and Walter Roesenthal 1972 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 ? The Ecstacy of Gold (VI 5.10 A3) Eric Rassmussen and Doug Olmstead 1990s ? East Portal (V 5.9 A4) ? Al Steck, John Evans, Chuck Pratt and Dick Long Jun-64 ? NT Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71 Solar Power Arete (VI 5.10a A3+) Kevin Fosburg and Paul Turecki Oct-91 ? Reid '93 Gold Ribbon (VI 5.10 A3) Jim Bridwell and Mike Graham May-76 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 Vain Hope (V 5.7 A3) ? Royal Robbins, Jim Bridwell and Kim Schmitz May-70 ? NT Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71 Star Drive ? Mike Corbett and Steve Bosque ?1983 ? NT *** Meyers '87; Reid '93 Crack Me Up ? Mike Corbett and Ernie Maylon ?1983 ? NT *** Meyers '87; Reid '93 Chockstone Chimney (IV 5.6 A2) ? Les Wilson, Wolfgang Heinritz, Andrzej Ehrenfeucht & Leif Patterson Dec-62 ? *** Roper (green) '71 FFA: Ray Jardine and Mark Moore May-76 El Capitan Salami Ledge Route (IV 5.7 A2) ? Les Wilson and Wolfgang Heinritz 1965 ? ? Meyers '87; Roper (green) '71 Reach for the Sky (VI 5.11 A4+) Jim Beyer (solo) 1989 ? NT AAJ '90; Reid '93 Note: West Face (V 5.11c) TM Herbert and Royal Robbins Jun-67 Y NT Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71 Wadman '97(?) is not listed as a FFA: Ray Jardine and Bill Price May-79 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93 reference because it is duplicated by Mr. Midwest (VI 5.10 A3+) Bill Russell and Doug McDonald Aug-85 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 Wadman '99 Realm of the Flying Monkeys (VI 5.10a A3) Steve Bosque and Dan McDevitt Sep-85 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 Allied Forces (VI 5.9 A3) Steve Gerberding, Al Swanson, Mark Bowling, Odd Roar Wilk Sep-99 ? Obscurities Mirage (VI 5.9 A4) Jim Bridwell, Kim Schmitz and Jim Pettigrew May-76 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93 Lurking Fear (VI 5.9 A2) Dave Bircheff, Phil Bircheff and Jim Pettigrew 5/76 May-76 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93 Lost World (VI 5.10 A3+) Cal Folsom, Dave Anderson and Mike Warburton Apr-75 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Squeeze Play (VI 5.10 A3+) Mike Corbett, Gary Edmondson, Mike Warburton and Rich Albuschkat Apr-82 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Hole World (VI 5.10 A4) Eric Kohl (solo) Nov-90 N Reid '93; Wadman '99 West Buttress (VI 5.10 A2+) Layton Kor and Steve Roper 1963 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99 For Your Eyes Only (aka Octopussy) (VI 5.9 A3+) Dan and Sue McDevitt Mar-88 ? Reid '93; Wadman '99 Timbauktu Left (VI 5.10 A3) Franco Perlotto May-88 ? NT Reid '93; Wadman '99 Never Never Land (VI 5.9 A3+) Bruce Hawkins and Mark Chapman 1978 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Aquarian Wall (VI 5.9 A4) Jim Bridwell and Kim Schmitz Jun-71 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Winds of Change (VI 5.10 A5) ? Richard Jensen (solo) Aug-91 ? Reid '93; Wadman '99 Wings of Steel (VI 5.10+ A4) Richard Jensen and Mark Smith Jul-81 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Horse Chute (VI 5.9 A3) Charlie Porter and Hugh Burton Oct-74 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Horse Play (var.) (VI 5.9 A3) Steve Grossman and Sue Harrington 1984 ? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Dihedral Wall (VI 5.9 A3) Ed Cooper, Jim Baldwin and Glen Denny Nov-62 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99 Murcia (VI ??) Gallego Brothers ? ? *** ? Cosmos (VI 5.8 A3+) Jim Dunn (solo) 1972 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Cosmos Direct Finish (var.) (VI 5.9 A3) Jim Dunn and John Middendorf May-90 ? Reid '93; Wadman '99 Excalibur (VI 5.10 A3+) Charlie Porter and Hugh Burton 1975 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Bermuda Dunes (VI 5.11c A4) ? Steve Schneider and John Barbella 1984 Y Reid '93; Wadman '99 ? (var.) ? Ammon McNeely and Andrew Christiansen ? ? ? Pacemaker (VI 5.9 A4) Steve Bosque, Mike Corbett, Murray Barnett, and Jim Siler Jun-82 ? Reid '93; Wadman '99 Heart Route (VI 5.9 A4) Chuck Kroeger and Scott Davis Apr-70 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99 Verano Magico ? Luis Gallego and Javier Gallego 1985 ? *** Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Son of Heart (aka Heart Woute) (VI 5.10 A3+) Rick Sylvester and Claude-Wreford Brown 1971 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Sunkist (VI 5.9 A3+) Bill Price and Dale Bard Oct-78 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Jolly Roger (VI 5.10 A4+) Charles Cole and Steve Grossman 1979 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Magic Mushroom (VI 5.9 A3) Hugh Burton and Steve Sutton May-72 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Corazon (VI 5.13b) Alex Huber and M. Reichel 9//01 ? Obscurities Flight of the Albatross (VI 5.8 A3+) John Middedendorf and Will Oxx May-93 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Shield (VI 5.8 A2+) Charlie Porter and Gary Bocarde Oct-72 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Quo Vadis (VI 5.9 A4/A4+) Jacek Czyz Nov-03 N ? Dorn Direct (var.) (VI 5.9 A4) Tony Yaniro and Ron Olevsky Jun-77 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 False Shield (var.) (VI 5.9 A4) Charles Cole (solo) May-84 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Turning Point ? Steve Grossman (solo) May-84 ? NT *** Meyers '87; Reid '93 Page 1 yo_walls_complete BL#1AC34C.xls Muir Wall (VI 5.8 A2+) Yvon Chouinard and TM Herbert Jun-65 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99 ? (VI 5.? FFA: Scott Cosgrove and Kurt Smith ? ? Climbing No. ? Golden Gate (VI 5.13b) Alex and Thomas Huber Oct-00 ? Obscurities Salathe Wall (VI 5.9 A2) Royal Robbins, Tom Frost, Chuck Pratt Sep-61 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99 (VI 5.13b) FFA: Todd Skinner and Paul Piana 1988 Y Climbing No. ? Freerider (var.) (VI 5.12d) Alex and Thomas Huber Oct '98 Y Obscurities Triple Direct (var.) (VI 5.8 A2-) Jim Bridwell and Kim Schmitz 1969 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93 Mediteraneo ? Miguel Angel, José Luis, Javier, and Carlos Gallego 1981 Y *** Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 Grape Race (VI 5.9 A4) Charlie Porter and Bev Johnson May-74 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99 The Great Disgrace (var.) (VI 5.9 A3+) Jon Blair, Jeff Hornibrook and Bryan Kay 5/0/02 N topo Nose (VI 5.8 A2-) Warren Harding, Wayne Merry and George Whitmore Nov-58 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '99; Wadman '00 (VI 5.13c) FFA: Lynn Hill 1993 N NcNamara '00' Wadman '00 The Central Scrutinizer (VI 5.11c A4+) Steve Grossman and Jay Ladin Aug-88 N NT Reid '93; Wadman '00 The Real Nose (VI 5.10 A4) Charles Cole and Steve Grossman 1984 Y? Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Tribal Rite (VI 5.8 A3+) Walter Rosenthal, Tom Carter and Alan Bard Oct-78 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Disorderly Conduct (VI 5.9 A4) C Warren Hollinger, Miles Smart, Bart Groendycke May-98 Y Obscurities; Wadman '00 Genesis (VI 5.11b A4+) ? Doug Englekirk and Eric Brand May-89 Y? AAJ '90; Reid '93; Wadman '00 New Dawn (V ? Yvon Chouinard, Chuck Pratt, Dennis Hennek, and Chris Jones ? Y *** Meyers '87; Reid '93 New Dawn (complete route) (VI 5.9 A3-) Charlie Porter (solo) Summer 72 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '99; Wadman '00 Passage to Freedom (VI 5.13c A0) Leo Houlding and Jose Pereyra Summer 99 ? Wadman '00 Reticent Wall (VI 5.9 A4) C Steve Gerberding, Scott Stowe and Laurie Stowe Nov-95 Y McNamara '00; Wadman '00 Martyr's Brigade (VI 5.11 A5) Jim Beyer (solo) Summer 03 N? topo Mescalito (VI 5.9 A3-) Charlie Porter, Hugh Burton, Steve Sutton and Chris Nelson Oct-73 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Adrift (var.) (VI 5.11 A3+) Steve Quinlan and Paul Pritchard May-95 ? Wadman '00 Hockey Night in Canada (var.) (VI 5.10 A3) Perry Beckham, Scott Flavelle and Dave Lane May-80 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Wall of Early Morning Light (VI 5.8 A3) ? Warren Harding, Dean Caldwell Nov-70 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '00 Jarrett/O'Neill (var.) (VI A3) Brad Jarrett and Tim O'Neill ?/98 ? Wadman '00 Space (VI 5.10 A4) Charles Cole (solo) Jul-85 Y Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 South Seas (VI 5.8 A4) Bill Price, Charlie Row, Guy Thompson Sep-79 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Tempest (VI A4) Jeff Hornibrook, Brad Jarret and Cade Lloyd ?/93 Y Wadman '00 Every Man for Himself (VI 5.? A4) Steve Gerberding, Scott Stowe and Mark Bowling May-99 N? Obscurities; Wadman '00 Pacific Ocean Wall (VI 5.9 A3) Jim Bridwell, Bill Westbay, Jay Fiske and Fred East May-75 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Cyclops Direct (var.) (VI A3+) Javier Bongard and John Middendorf ?/90 ? Wadman '00 Sea of Dreams (VI 5.9 A4) Jim Bridwell, Dale Bard and Dave Diegelman Oct-78 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Wadman '00 Out To Pasture (var.) (VI 5.10 R) Dale Bard and Kevin Thaw ?/95 ? Wadman '00 Ring of Fire (VI 5.? A5) ? Richard Jensen and Mark Smith ?/98 N NT Wadman '00 North America Wall (VI 5.8 A3) ? Royal Robbins, Tom Frost, Chuck Pratt, Yvon Chouinard Oct-64 Y McNamara '00; Meyers '87; Reid '93; Roper (green) '71; Wadman '00 El Nino (VI 5.13c A0) Alex and Thomas Huber Oct-98 Y Obscurities; Wadman '00 Nightmare on California St.

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