a neio WELLINGTON POLYTECHNIC STUDENT NEWSPAPER VOLUME 1/ISSUE 1 14 FEBRUARY 1994 The big triangle Past Students What does it mean for you? Was it worth it? Page 11 BRIEFS World record centipede attempt No Duets A NEW PUBLIC restaurant Next week Wellington will be opening early this year Polytechnic will try to at Wellington Polytechnic, create the world's long­ replacing Duets , says Tour­ est "human centipede". ism and Hospitality Head of By Karyn Ammundsen Department Nicki Stewart. The restaurant, un­ The event is part of named as yet , is part of reno­ Polystock '94, the Polytechnic's vations on D floor, including orientation week, which runs a new production kitchen, from Monday February 21 to wine and·bar room, laundry, Friday February 25. offices, and locker-rooms Orientation Facilitator with showers. Kirsten Sutherland has invited The floor is currently Wellington High School stu­ closed to people other than dents to help break the "human Tourism and Hospitality staff centipede" record, set in the and students so that renova­ Guinness Book of Records, of tions can be completed 1186 people travelling 30 me­ $2000 cash grant rres. All we need is another 1500 people! WPSST and WePSA staff practice for the human On Monday February 21 centipede world record attempt. From left: Jody Parker, Cheryl Lyster, Jan Summers, APPLICATIONS for the she hopes 1.500 students will be Amelia Kerr, Nick Lourantos, Ymania Von Cordtz, Hayley King, Kirsten Sutherland fifth annual Local Govern­ eagerly waiting in the carpark ment Student Study Award outside the Student Centre. She "It's just great to see the Thursday. barbecues with performers like close on March 31. will then mark out the 500m community being involved. In Victoria University Stu- Mana Tagata, workshops, and The $2000 award also route which starts at the Tasman these times of student hardship dents' Association Orientation pinball competitions. provides assistance in secur­ Street entrance into the carpark, we can only afford to spend '94, running from February 26 Evening events with all­ ing vacation or permanent travels through the Polytechnic $7500." to March 5, is a Fringe Festival New Zealand bands like work in local government. and finishes at the entrance by And all Polystockevents Event, says Campus Activities Brainchilds, Moana and the For further informa­ the Nursing School. are free, she says. Co-ordinator Kristen Elsby. Moahunters, and The tion: New Zealand Society of A team of 20 people will "I think orientation is a All daytime events are Muttonbirds have a cover Local Government Managers, tie everybody's feet together. duty. It's our duty to entertain free, except films, and include charge. PO Box 5045, DUNEDIN Kirsten Sutherland is the students. Polystock is a way $ unsure about the logisitics of the of saying to them: Thank you TELEPHONE attempt, but would like some­ for choosing Wellington You owe 13.2m one with a loud voice to oigan­ Polytech as your institution of Wellington Polytechnic ise everybody. learning and during your time Wellington Polytechnic sorial, family and bank loans 385-0559 "Hopefully someone here we will endeavour to rep- students are in the red were included in the calcula­ WePSA with military training is going resent you in the best way we tions Wellington Polytechnic 384-2856 to help us." · can." AT THE END OF 1993 Wei- students could owe $25 million. WePSA President Polystock '94 has been Polystock is a new con- lington Polytechnic students Students are being 382-0285 put together on a budget of cept in orientation, and is part owed the Government $13.2 caught in an "education trap", WPSST $7500, WePSA President of a move to create a "campus million under the student loan Ymania Von Cordtz says. 384-2731 Ymania Von Cordtz says. This culture", she says. scheme. They assume "astro- Health Resource Centre has proved challenging, but the The Student Centre, Figures released in Janu- nomical" debt levels to get an 384-2731 polytechnic have overcome this which opened on October 18 ary by the Ministry of Educa- education which doesn't guar­ last year, is part of that move, tion show an average of $3,775 antee a job, forcing them to go INDEX limitation by getting the com­ munity involved, she says. offering facilities including a was owed by eacp of the 3518 back for more education and get She is thrilled with the student common room, bar, k.i- Wellington Polytechnic stu- further into debt, she says. Comment .......... 2,3 number of businesses who have osk and Health Resource Cen- dents who drew loans in 1992 "The Government is WePSA . .... ..... 4 tre, and other services. and 1993. talking about access and equity WPSST . .. ... ... 5 sponsored prizes including Health ...... .. ..... 5 tracksuits from the Apple and "This is the first time A national total of in tertiary education, continu- Campus news ..... 6,7,8 Pear Marketing Board, haircuts Wellington Polytech will have 111,391 students took out loans ally trying to brainwash the Voluntary work ....... 9 from Bamba Zonke,lunches the facilities for such an excit- in that time and owed New Zealand public that what Features ........ 10, 11 from B ogarts Pizza and Cuba ing, imaginative and innovative $422,440,354 by the end of last they are doing is good. Arts/Entertainment : 12, 13 Cuba, shoes from Mischief, orientation," she says. year. "Well here's a bit of re- Lifestyle . .......... 14 bread for the barbecues from Each day of Polystock Wellington Polytechnic ality - the only access students Sport ..............15 Ttp Top and many other free­ has a theme, such as "wellbe- Student President Ymania Von get is to crippling debt levels. bies. ing" on Tuesday and "living" on Cordtz estimates that if per- How equitable is that?" COMMENT Student Associations-·- Editorial, For love or tnoney? Compulsory membership? Magneto asked some prominent people what they thought. As another polytechnic year starts, thousands of students begin the Hon. Lockwood Smith - Min- need to show value for the stu- membership should be main- fight to cope financially. Some will ister of Education dent's dollar, more responsibil- tained. receive an allowance, others will The Minister's Office ity will be shown." "Student unions pro­ work part-time and many will ap­ said Dr Smith has not examined vide important social, educa­ ply for loans. the issues relating to member­ Julie Douglas - APSU Presi- tional and welfare services to Meanwhile, a loophole in the gov­ shlp of students' associations in dent 1992 their members. ernment student allowance scheme sufficient detail to have devel­ "It is not possible to "These services are be­ has been in the forefront of the oped an informed opinion. compare student association coming increasingly important news recently, providing an answer However, Dr.Smith membership with membership as students face higher fees and lower Government support for to those students who are old Karyn Ammundsen has no plans to change the sta­ of industrial unions. Student as­ enough to vote, go to the pub, work tus quo. sociations operate on several their education. and have children, but who the government considers should still levels, as providers of services "Now, more that ever, be supported by their parents. Shane Frith - New Zealand and also the advocacy con­ compulsory student union If two students are married they receive $133.80 each per week, Young Nationals Chairman sumer rights area. membership must be main­ and can earn $135 per week in addition to that. So desperate "Young Nationals "Membership must remain tained." students are hitching up with friends, flatmates, boyfriends and firmly believe that membership compulsory to ensure the viabil- girlfriends in marriages of convenience, thereby gaining the right of tertiary student associations ity of the organisation and the Hon. Winston Peters - Leader to an Independent Circumstances Allowance. should be voluntary. This is pri­ continued response to the New Zealand First News of these matches has sparked off an interesting moral de­ mary because we feel that free­ changing needs of students. "Voluntary niember- bate, whereby one side is shocked at the desecration of a social dom of association is a most "Now that tertiary edu- ship is in line with the trend to­ institution and the other side acknowledges that morals have basic human right. We also feel cation is being marketed as a wards greater freedom of asso­ changed drastically in the last twenty years - de facto relation­ that if membership were made product and students are the ciation as seen in all sectors of ships are the norm and it's not only bad girls who have sex be­ voluntary, associations would consumers, the input for stu-· the community. fore marriage. B~sides, marriages have been based on less in the be more responsive to the needs dents is not only valuable but "In times of financial past. There was evidence of this in the high incidence of divorces of members. also essential to many of the constraint large numbers of stu­ in the 1970s. "We are not anti stu­ mechanisms required by Gov- dents must question what they There is another debate which hasn't been developed. Student dent associations. Indeed we ernment. · are personally receiving in re- associations throughout New Zealand are condoning the mar­ feel that many carry out a most "Part of NZQA's ac- ' turn for their contribution." riages as an appropriate way to gain extra coins. But the flipside worthwhile role. creditati_on process includes to those coins is that a few people could ruin everything for a "Unfortunately, we feedback from students. With- Dr Liz Gordon -Alliance As- genuine majority. The government could choose to close the loop­ have all seen examples where out an organisation that repre­ sociate Spokesperson on .t;du­ hole by scrapping marriage as a grounds for the Independent CiF­ student associations have sents all students, this informa­ cation cumstances Allowance, in an effort to crack down on abuse (sound shown themselves to be ex­ tion could not easily be collated.
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