The Association for thetheGeologicalCollaboration Geological Collaboration in JapanJapan{AGCJ) (AGCJ) Earth Sciencc(Chikyu Kagaku) vol.51,233-244. 1997 The Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Kanbara Plain, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan and itssequence stratigraphic correlation with the Uonuma Group HiroyukiArato' Abstract The Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy ef the back-arc Niigata Sedimentary Basin has been elucidated by lithostratigraphic and tephrochronological studies of subaerial exposures along its southern margin, in the Higashikubiki-Uonuma Hills. Correlative deposits buried beneath the adjacent Kanbara Plain attain a maximum thickness of more than 5,OOO meters, but their stratigraphy has not been fully understood, Recent analysis of the latter strata using geophysical and well-geological databases resulting from petroleum exploration has clarified the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Kanbara area. In this study, these subsurface deposjts are correlated with Plio-Pleistocene strata exposed in the Higashikubjki-Uonuma area on the basis of sequence stratigraphy. The fo11owing conclusions are based on this correlation: i) Sequences F to N in the Kanbara area correspond to the middle and upper Pleistocene, ii) the uppermost part of the Upper Formation of the Uonuma Group possibly correlates with a part of Sequences F to H, iii) Sequences D to E2 mostly correlate with the Upper Formation of the Uonuma Group, iv) Sequence C corresponds, as a whole, to the Middle Formation of the Uonuma Group, and v) Sequence B probably correlates with the Lower and Lowermost Formations of the Uonuma Group. This correlation between subsurface Prio-Plejstocene strata of the Kanbara area and subaerial exposures in the Higashikubiki-Uonuma Hills provides in- sights into both the origin and the detailed strutigraphic framework of these deposits. Su¢ h an understanding is significant for studying changes jn paleoenvironments during the final Ml- ing stage of the Niigata Sedimentary Basin, and for its broader applicatiQn to sequence strati- graphic correlation in other sedimentary basins. Kay zvo7zls: Pliocene, P]eistocene, Kanbara area, depositional sequence, Uonuma Group, strati- graphic correlation, matrix trend marg{n of the basin (Uonuma Hills Collaborative Introduction Research Group 1983, Kazaoka et al. I986, Kazao- The Niigata Sedimentary Basin is one of the ka 1988, Kobayashi et al. 1988, Kobayashi and major back-arc sedimentary basins in Japan (Fig. Tateishi 1992, Kobayashi 1996). O and is filled with Neogene and Quaternary However, the stratigraphic framework in the clastic deposits to a maximum thickness of more Kanbara area, located in the central part of the than 5,OOO meters. A PIio-P]eistocene stratigraphic Niigata Sedimentary Basin, is not yet fully under- framework, largely based on lithostratigraphic stood. Most clastic deposits of the Kanbara and tephrochronolegical studies, has been con- Plajn are subsurface ancl can be observed only in- structed from surfaee exposures in the directly by geophysical and well-geological data Higashikubiki-Uonuma Hills along the southern acquired during petroleum exploration. Further- Received January 23, 1997. Mareh 26, 1997, 'Exploration Department,AcceptedTe{koku Oil Co. Ltd,1-31-IOHatagaya,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151 Japan. ( 61 ) NII-Electronic Library Service The Association for thetheGeological Geological Collaboration min JapanJapan{AGCJ) (AGCJ) 234 IIirovukiArato LEGEND Te' .NllGA7;4 PROBABLEMIDPLE- - UPPERPLEeSTOCENE DEPOSrrS Q S:iig UONUMAGReup PRE-UONUMASTAGE 3rEcr [ill] DEPOSITS MM"NllGATA.HEIYA" KEYWELLLOCATON .;/. O o eS / ttttt ttttt t - MAJORCrrYLOCATSON e''. :tc ,v o lekm - ses .. s ..r,r・:b,1.:1,・rg:'.neil{・, s 'iii;ii,..',!?F;;・:S.:E'i.:;3・:t ,.i:・rr・;itwi.I;・i:rr・/,:s: - tZLneaznm t- .el;c',p::・:,,'・::r..tt ,t ttt...t tt/:k. t ttt tttttt Si,.:t.J{X, ',..L.S.3,:: 1absi ,S F./t::E. AtDAnOUTE ... ssi sp, //s"NtsHiV;4-CAAREA- :/,i・s?,/.・#-l/1.1':・l-I,,s;i'ss'Sl ・' ,,t;'3',E,]/.,v・l,・z,/;・:r//}ti/,,///'i,ei・,i・E CHUO OIL fierD eELT ,?./lli/g'i.i;,.[/,'・Fg::,・e・ll,t;g'PX':::s.::i M4GA-Oie4 /1'sillS,geil,,,・s.ri'?.rtsRss..g:;."'lrtr::"e s.,......::.. , i"GASHIVAMA KASI-WAZAKn :?・/ MTNS. - t t:t ,lg,}itg#}}i/ii・i,i/i,l,lil・i t't.t..etttt/ :'''eil'l'i'/i:rsi.;iliffS'l'/Y;'I t..- ..ttttt"t:tttttteStP'tttt//t:tttt・'L.・,・::.:.・・1 ... !S!4cigC/"SSS. .:SSbSt tt ttt tt ';",:',,il';';l'l・1,ig,l'ti,l,tr,z?//.//e・t ttt/..pg.. , t,.:/za?pg/e t }"CMSH-CUB-C '..is/.4: ' .. 'tzaLs ., /t/ :'::l).';Il/'ie. :t eil・1,il・:.,/f・f・}・/・i・i・ll/・1・l.[,・r・r,i,:・l・ ..,teS.'tli"ss/..s:'il・'f・1,/g・s . sstl J,:,if',IF・i,gt'//i//,i.lg.i.・x,l:;,sl//?.'//・g';・ ,/Lt:UONU .,El....ii・l[I 'E,/・/.i=.;E':,ts':9:iil;:;t,//.",tl・:・/t.・,i ,ll .t steq'40'E HthLS ,g,E;il・t・i・i・:lll・i' ttttt -t #.s//f:/ll/I Fig. 2. Simplified geologic map showing the locations of "Niigata-heiya" the studied areas and the MITI well, The Fig. 1, Index map showing the location of the Niigata Uonuma Greup and its correlative strata are shown Sedimentary Basin. together with probable middle to upper Pleistocene deposits (Modified after Niigata Prefectural Government more, key volcanic ash layers recognized in the 1989). Higashikubiki-Uonuma area are not easily identifi- able in wireiine logs of exploratory wells in the is an extremely flat lowland in the central part Kanbara area. This difficulty reflects differences of the Niigata Sedimentary Basin. It is bordered in the coverage and resolution of available data to the west by the Kakuda-Yahiko rv{ountains and (Arato and Takano 1995). to the east by the Niitsu Hills and Higashiyama Recent analysis of geophysical and well- Mountains, geological databases has significantly clarified the The Higashikubiki-Uonuma area, located to the sequence stratigraphic frame"Tork in the Kanbara south of the Kanbara Plain, occupies the southern area (Arato et al, l994, 1994a, 1994b, Arato and part of the Niigata Sedimentary Basin (Fig. 2). Hoyanagi 1995). This study presents a detailed The upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene Uonuma stratigraphic analysis and correlation between sub- Group and its correlative strata are exposed in surface Pllo-Pleistocene strata in the Kanbara the Higashikubiki-Uonuma Hills. area and PIio-Pleistocene surficial exposures in Method of study the Higashikubiki-Uonuma area in terms of sequence stratigraphy. The stratigraphic subdivision of Plio-Pleistocene deposits in the Higashikubiki-Uonuma area is Study area based mainly on lithofacies and interbedded key The subjects of this study are the Kanbara and volcanic ash layers in the Higashikubiki-Uonuma Higashikubiki-Uonuma areas. The Kanbara area area (Niigata Volcanic Ash Research Group 1983, (62) NII-Electronic Library Service TheTheAssociation Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan (AGCJ){AGCJ) The Plio-Pleistocene sequences of the Niigata Sedimentary Basin 235 Uonuma Hills Collaborative Research Group 1983, Kazaoka et al. 1986, Kobayashi et al. 1986). In the rise (A) time. area, however, Kanbara the stratigraphic frame- work and its relationship to biostratigraphic 4th-order cycles datum plains are known from seismic and well- lfael log sequence analyses (Arato et al. 1994a). Strati- + graphic correlations between the Higashikubiki- -rJse Uonuma and Kanbara areas have not been suc- < time. cessful to date because the key volcanic ash layers identiiiable in the surface outcrops of the 1tall Higashikubiki-Uonuma area are not recognizable in seismic profiles and well-log data in the Kan- bara area. fam :ng 1 1 study, stratigraphic correlation 1 In this between 3rd-order cycle- , , the Higashikubiki-Uonuma area and the Kanbara area by use of a sequence stratigraphic frame- work is based on an application of the stratigra- < phic methods of Sato et al. (1987). These workers rise established the stratigraphic relationship between time. key volcanic ash layers and biostratigraphic datums based on calcareous nannofossils and plan- 1taLl ktic foraminifers, by studying a series of outcrop samples from along the Aida route at Oginojo in the Higashikubiki-Uonuma area (Fig. 2). Calcareous nannofossil datums of Plio- Pleistocene age in northwestern Atlantic DSDP- ODP cores (Takayama and Sato 1987) are adopt- ' ed as a reference scale for this study. stratigraphy Sequence "matrix Concept of trend" In general, a relative sea-level cycle at a given Fig. 3. Schematic diagram showing the relatienship Iocation is believed to be a composite of several between fourth-order cyc]es (A) and superimposed third- cycles characterized by individual frequencies, order phases {B). The curve (C) indicates effective move- ment as the sum of fourth- and third-order cycles, 1: amplitudes and wave forms. For instance, each fourth-order cyc]es on third-order falling phase, 2: fourth- fourth-order relative sea-level cycle in the Niigata order cycles on third-orcler lowstand stable phase, 3: Sedimentary Basin in late Neogene to Quaternary fourth-order cycles on thircl-order rising phase, and 4: time is divisible into following the three elements: fourth-order cyeles on third-order highstand stable phase (i) a fourth-order eustatic cycle, (ii) fifth- or (after Arato and Hoyanagi 1995), higher-order eustatic cycles, and (iii) a part of the third- and lower-order eustatic cycles and subsi- on curve (C) illustrate the wave forrns of some dence. Arato and Hoyanagi (1995) discussed the representative fourth-order cycles on the actual relationship between the elements (i) and <iii).relative sea-level curve. For instance, fourth-order Curves (A> and (B} in Fig. 3 represent the cycles cycle 1, located upon the falling phase of the of the elements (i) and (iij), respectively. Assum- third-order relative sea-level cycle, shows the gen- ing that the influence of the element (ii) is negli- eral lowering trend of sea-Ievel movement by its gible, the effective relative sea-level curve (C) is right-side-down curve-shape.
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