VOLUME XXXVI MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911 NUiaBER 19 ooaDOOoo<HH>oooooaua Notice. Union of Michigan and Wisconsin.<- Another Pioneer Passes Away. LhkI .Siitui'diiy Mrs. \V. L. Ulieuey AT VANDERCOOK'S At THORBURN'S GROCERY LOCAL NEWS ^. Anyone liiivltiir wdtulips, cluulcs (ir Mr.-i. OliarlotLe Lusey lioyD, I'dliui of ieweli7 at E. Oiilver's Yiir repairing, received a paper from Lorti, Wis. an- tile laie IC.M. fioyt. was I'oiind dead •„ ^ ct m i. -xi- I UOOUOClUaptMKl iXKKHHKKIDOOOOUOUIKKHKHKHIpleas e call on or before Saturday, May nouiiclug the marriage of Mrs. Edna: In tier bed al the lioine of lier son, A. 10 'DS Gran, bugar 5U cents, with This Week Kith, as store will Aie clo.sed after Iluit M. Gunnison Hawley of thai place to D Hoyi, near Battle Creek Sunday I $1,50 Other groceries. diUc. wl• Gul" . Luciu' '••s H.^Ives of Vevay, 'whic h morning when lliey went to call her. '9 lbs Rolled Oats... 25c Thoman's Moss Rose Flour 70c Farmers, Take Notice. occurred tlie week before, April 29tli, She went tu bed Saturday nighl in We will piiy 2H(! this week for biil- Contract Beans. Tile news came as a surprise to all her usual health, her dealli being the Oleomargerine .- 14c Lily White Flour 70c ter far, delivered at creiiinery In ifn'ici F. N, Lyon, ft^r Rogers Hro«., will except their most inilmaie friends, result of (lid age. Remains were Special prices on Coffee, some at Best Flour 60c cundllion. Ma.son Cuk.-\jikiiv Co. be at Hotel Sweeney, Mason, nil day but ii was an agreeable surprise ai d bi'ouglit liere from Battle Creek Tues­ 20, 22, 25 and 30 cent^. iind evening, Saturday, Mav 13tli. to Snow Flake Flour 60c all ilieir friends were ready lo extend day noun and funeral services were 7 bars of Lenox or Swift's Pride recci ve con tracts for crop 1011. 1 p hearty congratulations, 10-lb sack Graham Flour 25c Giirden swdtt, lia pkj;, «!• Qtilrk'.-*. * held at the home of her son on east Col. Ives is well known in this sec- Maple street at two o'clock, being Soa 1 ..............................25c J>llcious Ice cream .sodii at Loni;- 10-lb sack Corn Meal ,.-.22c Clean Your Alleys. lion and lias always taken an active conducted by Rev. VV. II. Simmons, Lily White Flour.... ..70c yeur'.s soda fountain. * Shredded Wheat Biscuit, \8:.12c Ymi are ordered lo clean your alleys interest in aH'airs of ilie county and with interment in Maple Grove ceme­ Thoman's Moss Rose 70c next Friday and Saturday. Place In Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg- 9c Gov. Osborn lias fiesignuLed Siinrlay, stiUc. During the war of the Rebel­ tery. Best Flour............. .......60c May Mill, as M(;tlior.s'day. piles and the rubbish will be drawn lion lie served in llie Twenty-sixth Deceased was born In the state of 2 pkgs Post's Toasties-... 25c away by ilm mnrtlial,. Micliigah Infantry and made a good New England Homemade Cookies The L. A. S. of Eden will meet iiC New York Oct. 19,1823, c:ime to Jack­ Maple Flakes, pkg 12c Dii C, E. riKNDEItSO.V, military record, since that time has son county In 1838, and was married per dozen 10c tlie cliurcli May 17tli for tea, A. & H. Soda, pkg 5c HonlUi Olllcer. been identilied with all inilitary mat­ to E. M. Hoyt in 1839. They e.v- 100 lbs Scratch Feed $1.75 9 lbs Rolled Oats 25c R. C. Dart, real estali?, loans and col- ters, being at one time member of the perienced all llie trials of pioneer life. Harper Rued lias purchased a Jack- local mlllthi, an olllcer lu the county 3 cans Tomatoes, Corn, Peas or Clothes Pins, per doz Ic lec.tltins, Olllce In Lawrence l.lloi;k. * For many years tiioy lived in Alale­ sun uuiomoblle. reunion association and Is now com­ don, just nurllrof this city. Mr.Moyi Pumpkin 25c Salsoda, per lb 2c Moiu'e'ii linusn piilniP, $2 iior gallon, mander of Steele Bros. Post of the G. died about 13 years ago. Since that Genuine Georgia Whole Cod Fish. guaranteed for (Ive years, at, Quirk's, * A good broom for 25c Saturday at 3 cans Dutch Cleanse 25c 3:00 p, m„ at Quirk's. * A, R. Is president of the Ingham time slie lias resided in this city and per pound.-.. 10c County Farmers club and has been Willi her cliildreii, Mrs. Hoyt was re­ 100 lbs Crushed Oyster Shel!s.65c Cliarles lliiycs tin Cdliitnbiii street. Potatoes, per bushel - 30c All grades and all prices In lawn president, of the State ussociailoii of markably active for a person of her Bulk and package Garden Seeds, Is giving Ills residence a fresli coat, of paint, mowers al Dean & C'nis^'. *3 these clubs. Mrs. Ives formerly lived years. At the annual meeting (if the fresh stock at reduced prices. For Marcli 87 birilis iind 03 dea(,lis In A''evay township and this city. Ingham County Pioneer society, held Both phones. Prompt delivery. Men'/.(i Ciidy, Jr., is prcparini,' lii After the death of her husband, Adel in tills City last June, she was one of D. P. WHITMORE build a barn oti liis luticl in tlie south­ were rejiorted from Inglinm county, Plymouth Rock Scratch Feed bcrt Ilawlcy, son of Henry A. Haw those called to the platform and con­ western part of the city. irred Owen lias sold to William 0. ley, one of the prominent families of gratulated on having been a resident Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Per lOOpaunds ....$1.80 Miiney loiined on personal property, Lowell, lot 1 of block 49, this city, for Vevay township, she with her chil­ of the cniinly over 70 years. She was Inahain County News Olllco Per pound 2c notes and contracts honulit- Ollice $75.-' dren moved to Wl.sconsln. She is a a staunch Metliodist iuui always at­ MASON, MICH. over Farmers liJank. N. N. Rousn. woman of more than ordinary literary tended services when able. Rpxall Siirsiipnrilla Tonic for that ability, and has written many little BUSINESS DJRECTORY. Mason's second liigli defealed the tired feeling, at Longvear's Drug gems for the farmers club and for Mrs. Hoyt was mother of nine chil­ Splendid Farms and City Properff< Store. *• dren, live of whom are still living, iis Holt liigli loy a score of 10 to 4 at the other gatherings, several of whlcii I Can Save You Titno and IMongy If You .Soutli sireetwrounds last Friday iifler- poems have been publislied In book follows; George M. of this city, Albert Fred M. Wells has a line line of wlill D. of Battle Creek, Mrs. Sarali Pryor Want lo Buy or Sell noon. paper at Ids shop on west Ash street. form, ilcr many old-time friends in Mason and vicinity will ex.lend a of Holi, Oliaocev W, of Alaledon and Big List (0 Select From M. Wiilili'a ami I'uni AselHiiu's. Old newspapers are always a neces­ Call and see it, hearty greeting to lier upop her re­ Oscar C. of Grand Rapids. Slie ahso sity during house oleatiing lime. You One lb. of Quirk's two-tone special turn here. leaves several grand and great grand­ FARMS ll. ,IO!i. K. IIAWIJCJ', Dentist. Koinieilyca n procure tiieni ai the Deinocral children. D Mackinac I.slttiid iiiiU St. iKiiaou, HiieccKSiir writint! paper and three packages of 40 acres 7 1-2 miles northvest o£ tu l)r, .Spaiildliil! and IJi', l.liislcy. Lawretice blk, olllce. Kiw;) envelopes for 39c, The LodI paper stated that Col, Ives will Tolurn home soon owing to Tourist Club. Mason, in Delhi township, D milea- Good sccond-liiinrt watches for sale Regular convocation of Ingham public duties and that Mrs. Ives and north of Lansing. Pair huildings, p:E-i-Y-sxci.A.asrs at Culver's. Some jewelry left,, ca Cliiiptcr R, A. M, next Friday "even daughter will follow at the close of The Rev. J. H. Stewart, pre.si- ?oodi land and a bargain price. II. AI.EXANDIill, I'liyslclan anil .SnrKiHiii, be had al your own price uiilll Saiur lug. All come, iinporiant business. llie scliool year. They will be at Oon't delay investigation. RI Olllce over l''iatiliKHn''.s DiliK Hum, IJcsi- day, May L'itli, wl dent of the Tourist club, having A splendid 50 acre farm in Al­ (lcticODppositu the l!a|itl.st Ohiireli. Olllco liour.s For the fiscal year eridlnu'April 30 home al Sunnyside, their pleasant accepted a call to a pastoral S to 10 a. in., i ti).| and 7 to in. ftlasmi, .|l-i aledon ancl some good money to Harvey 0, Glino and wife liiive sold Lansing's poor cost her $4,753,12, tills home, where tliey will extend genuine charge at Winterset, Iowa, and re­ 1,0 J, Julius Cook and wife, lot .'iTI liosplialiiy to their hosts of friends. 'e.xc'hange for larigor farm bn or U. Gtl.VS, S, liALLAUD. Uoineopallllo I'liy- being nearly $fiUO more than the pre­ signed his office in the club, a re­ near electric- line. D slulaii and «iifi,'enii. Diseases of the ICye, Lesliel^iirk subdivision, Lansing, con vious year. > Kar, Nose and Tliroat a specialty. ODlce—Near sideralioii $2.')0. May Term of Circuit Court. luctant fare-well was given him at ,Reiiiem'ijer I luavo a ^reat var­ Ulock, lloiir.s-8 to !1 a.
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