0-1 t/)all04de RADIO STARS Your Musical Host for the One of radio's youngest and melodic Melodiers at WOA I most charm in g is six-year-old is sm iling J ea n Sarli. Ann O'Dell, who plays Mary Elizabeth in WOAI 's "Helen's Home" series. SHE LIVES UP TO HER NAME Sunshine Su e (Mrs. John W 0 r k ma n I, who is hea rd reg ul a rl y through WHAS, Louisville . JERRY SMITH The Yod eli ng Cowboy, one of the big reasons why "Good Morning Ti me" sends a cheerful ea rfu l to WHO listeners_ THE HOOSIER HOT SHOTS Famous novelty com ­ edy foursome featured on WLS-N BC National Bar n Dance a nd on Sta­ Tio n EZRA. They're all from India na : Gabe Ward, Hezzie Tr ietsch, Frank Kettering and Ke nny Trietsch. Can you pick out the broth­ e rs? THIS LITTLE PIGGIE DIDN 'T GO TO MARKET A fa n sent him to Charlie Smithgall, conductor of WSB's Mo rning Merry-Go-Round, who wakes up the Southeast every ,!,orning. O L' MICROPHONE'S GOT HIM Owl-faced Charlie Butterworth, NBC com­ edy star, is an old fri end of the microphone Sarie does a sachet as Sam McGee does an ol d-time ii g on now. But it took him months and months the stage of the Grand Ole Opry H ouse at WSM . to get over that "queer, cold feeling in the pit of the stomach" when facing the mike. How'd you lik e to have this orga n in your home? Notice the tremendously complicated keyboard of the WHAS organ which under the ROY ACUFF masterful touch of Herbie Koch, can emulate A newcomer to SCRUB-BOARD, BUT NO KITCHEN STOVE a marching band, a symphony, a iazz band, or WSM's Grand Ole One of the most popular radio groups in the southwest, Red Hawks' cathedral organ. Koch has been staff organist Opry pictured as he Gang, are heard from the station at the sound of the cow-bell (WBAP, at WHAS for the past five years. H e's been sings "The. Great Fort Worth) . They seem to use everything but the kitchen stove. (No­ playing the o rgan si nce 1918. Speckled Bird." tice scrub-board.) Jimmy and Asher Sizemore MORGAN BLAKE Teacher o t Agoga Bible Class a nd sports E:ditor of Atlanta J ou rn a! . His Bible Class is heard over WSB. Few people kn ow it, but J udge H ay was one of the first to star Amos and A ndy o n their way to fame and fo rtune. Whe n t h, Harry McTigue, W H AM's ace baseball Judge discovered them they were "Sam and H enry"; today th e' announcer are " A mos and A ndy." On a recent visit to Nashville they d roppec by WSM t o pay their respects to the J udge. Left to right, Ha rr' Stone , Ma nager of W SM, A ndy, Judge Hay, and Amos. Bera Meade Grimes, pianist, WFAA Peaches from Georgia: Bernice Johnson, a real peach in WSB's unique '''Dogwood and Peach Bl ossoms" hea rd each Sunday afternoon. Louisiana Lou Songbird from the South When you hea r two harmonicas "bustin' through" from the WLS National Barn Dance, you can be su re it's Reggie Cross and How­ ard Black, the Hoosier Sod Bust­ ers. Both old-time and modern melodies seem to flow easily when these boys get together. Reggie is exceptiona ll y accomplished on the chromatic harmonica. PAT BUTTRAM, WLS Uncle Ezra of WLS . In rea l life , Rural Radio Columnist, author of Pat Ezra Barrett. "Whittlin's" G e ne Autry The Sing ing C owboy Fa mo us W este rn Pi cture Star-A Reg ula r Ru ra l Ra dio Re ader Salt and Peanuts, WHAS, Lo ui sv ill e Probably t he best kn ow n vOice in t he So ut hw est is that of Ke n McClure , WOAI Newscaster. Al way:. o n t he jo b wi t h the latest news, Ke n' s po pula ri ty in­ creases with eve ry b road­ cast. "WE, TH E PEOPLE" PI LOTS H a -r r y von Ze ll , a nn o un cer (l eft ), a nd G a brie l H eatter, not ed com me ntat o r a nd d i­ rector of the "We , the Peo­ ple " prog rams, caught by t ha camera du ri ng a moment of the broadcast which brings t ru e-life experiences of every­ d ay people t o the mic rophone. This feature is hea rd over the C o lu mbia network. EDWAR D MacHU G H Famed "Gospel Singer" WSB-ALL BACHELORS .. The WSB Bachelors, left to right: Marcus Bartlett, H erbert Harris, Douglas Edwards, and seated, H ugh Ivey. WSM-ALL MARRIED Left to right are Tom Stewart, Jack Harris, who also serves as asso­ ciate editor of RU RAL RADIO, Ottis Devine, and David Stone. "One - Three Ways." O'Pan, Winston, Evelyn - the Johnson Sisters, whose songs in triplicate decorate WSB's schedule. Lem and Martha, Councilman Lemuel O. Turner and his girl friend, Martha Brown, nationally famed comedy team, WHO Staff A rtists. i The SONGFELLOWS FROM WHO. Standing, CARLOS FESSLER, DICK NEHER, KENNETH BLACK, (seated) STUART STEELMAN and WILLIAM AUSTIN. LULU BE LLE AND SKYLAND SCOTTY, famed mountain singers of W LS. Both were born 40 miles apart in North Carolina but met f or the first time at WLS, Chicago. And so-they were married ! H ave two-year-old daughter, Linda Lou . In rea l life they are known as Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wiseman . You may he ar them eve ry Saturday on the WLS Barn Dance. Above: You hear these boys on the NBC FA R M AND Right: W. LEE HOME HOUR: THE O'DANIEL AND HIS RANCH BOYS. Left to HI LLBI LL Y BOYS as right, SHORTY CAR­ heard over WBAP, Fort SON, CURLY BRAD­ W 0 r t h . Remember? LEY, and JACK ROSS. His unique campaigning won him the Democratic nomi nation for Gov­ ernor of Texas. UNCLE HENRY AND HIS KENTUCKY MOUNTAINEERS. Left to ri ght, JOHNNY FORD, RANDAL ATCHER, HENRY WARREN "UNCLE HENRY," SALLY WARREN, GRADY "COON­ HUNTER" WARREN. lEROY NORTHUP "KID RUFUS," ove r WHAS. MAIDS OF THE PRAIRIE, FAYE and CLEO, bringing ' vocal and in st rum ental ar­ rangements of western ballads t o WHO listen­ ers. Beh i'nd the scenes at WBAP, Fort ... Worth, Chief Announcer HERB SOUTH­ ARD watches Director GEORGE CRAN­ As you expect ! RUFIE and GOOFIE as they STON "sign up" a new program, short­ appear over WFAA EARLY BIRD program. Early ly to come over WBAP airways. Birds celebrated their 2,500th consecutive broad­ cast Tuesday, AprilS, 1938. LITTLE BET T Y s i n g s with her father, G 0 R DON SIZEMORE a v e r WHAS. THE DE LM ORE BROTHERS get hot by the old coun­ try store stove. Left is RABON, and next, of course, ALTON . Both are stars of WSM's Grand Ole Opry. "BI G SISTER" ALICE FROST plays CORWIN RIDDLE takes no chances. the title role in Big He looks at his watch to bring the right Sister heard thing at the right time, and he has done CBS. that for WOAI audiences for the past eight years. The Dixie Dew Drop: Uncle Dave Macon, banjo, pipe and all, with son Dorris as they appear each Saturday on the WSM Grand Ole Opry. Well up in his sixties, Uncle Dave works his own farm near Readyville, Tennessee, and is in perfect health. He is known in every state in the Union. Would you believe it? Th is is a picture of Lum and Abner! Snapped as they appear out of charader. You hear Lum and Abner over the Columbia net­ work. WL W's famed news commentator who brings you news from the four corners of the globe: Paul Sul­ livan. C a roline and Mary Jane DeZurik started out entertai ning at local farm community gatherings a round their home near Royalton, Minne­ sota. Th e ir unique double yodeling and their sweet rendition of old­ time and novelty songs attracted the attention of WLS artists who played the lo cal county fair. Result: Th ey are now the famous De­ Zurik Sisters featured on the NBC Alka-SeltIer Barn Dance as well as othe r WLS programs. As usual the center of attention: Charlie McCarthy. Left, Don Ameche, Charlie, Edgar Bergen and J ohn C a rter, a new t enor soloist of the Chase and Sanborn H o ur. Sl eepy Time Down So uth. When Fred Waring a nd hi s Pennsylvanians shuffl e d off for Atlanta, Marcus Bartlett of WSB was o n ha nd with a microphone to catch their yawns. W e ll as I li ve a nd breathe! Sa rie a nd Sallie, WSM's outstanding sister team, e njoying a little choice gossip What in the world! THE MAPLE CITY FOUR, the oldest quartette in radio, joining over the party line. (Sallie holding the phone. ) the. WLS National Barn Dance in 1926. Left to right·: Pat Patterson, Art Janes, Fritz Meissner, a nd AI Rice. Fra n Allison sings blues songs, does "Aunt Fanny" imi· tations a nd wisecracks her way through two popular NBC· Blue network shows: C lub Matinee and Th e Breakfast C lub.
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