February 11, 2020 Council Meeting.Pdf

February 11, 2020 Council Meeting.Pdf

Deposition of: Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 In the Matter of: Talbot County Council Meeting Veritext Legal Solutions 800-734-5292 | [email protected] | Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 1 1 TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND 2 3 4 COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING 5 6 7 February 11, 2020, 6:00 p.m. 8 9 10 Talbot County Courthouse, Easton, Maryland 11 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS: 14 Corey Pack, President 15 Chuck Callahan 16 Frank Divilio 17 Pete Lesher 18 Laura Price 19 20 21 REPORTED BY: David Corbin, RPR Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 2 Page 4 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 1 that they also be accepted with unanimous 2 MR. PACK: Okay. Good evening, everyone. 2 consent. Thank you. Next item on your agenda, 3 If you wouldn't mind standing with us and 3 Council, you have a Proclamation for American 4 Mr. Lesher is going to lead us in the opening 4 Heart Month, February of 2020. We have with us 5 prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance. 5 Mr. Clay Stamp, director of emergency services 6 (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) 6 and assistant County Manager. Clay, good to 7 MR. PACK: Thank you. Welcome, everyone. 7 see. 8 Thanks for coming out with us. We do have one 8 CLAY STAMP: Good to see you, Mr. Council 9 change to the agenda. One of the public 9 President and members of the Council. I've 10 hearings that we have scheduled for this 10 invited Gary Jones from the Talbot County 11 evening on Bill 1442 will be postponed this 11 Paramedic Foundation, and Greg Fries is our 12 evening. That public hearing will be picked up 12 special program paramedic up with me. As well 13 on the 25th of this month. So Bill 1442 will 13 as Doctor Jeff Etherton, who heads the 14 be heard at a public hearing on the 25th of 14 interventional cardiology operation at Shore 15 this month. Council has the agenda in front of 15 Regional Health and a good friend many of us 16 it. Are there any additions, deletions or 16 here in Talbot County. Mr. Council President, 17 correction to the agenda. 17 I can't believe a year has gone by already. 18 MR. LESHER: Mr. Pack, I have one item to 18 This is something we do annually. It's 19 add under the County Manager's report. The 19 something that's important to Talbot County. 20 USDA reconnect grant with Easton Utilities. 20 We recognize the importance of life saving 21 And I have one item to remove under the County 21 efforts early when somebody suffers cardiac Page 3 Page 5 1 Manager's report which is a request to submit a 1 arrest. And since it's National Heart Month, I 2 grant application to the Maryland Department of 2 know you have a proclamation you want to read, 3 Natural Resources, FY 20/21 Chesapeake and 3 I just wanted to highlight the vast partnership 4 Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund. 4 that we have in this County to make sure that 5 MR. PACK: Okay. So you're adding one and 5 we're prepared to engage in early intervention 6 you're removing one. Any objections. Are 6 when somebody has a heart attack or goes into 7 there any additional deletions or corrections 7 cardiac arrest, because the data shows very 8 to the agenda. Hearing none, the Chair moves 8 clearly that early bystander CPR and the use of 9 that the agenda be accepted as amended. 9 automated external defibrillators coupled with 10 Second, Council, you have minutes from your 10 quick advance life support and deliver a 11 January the 14th meeting. You had a chance to 11 patient to definitive treatment that an 12 review those minutes. Are there any additions, 12 interventional cardiology facility saves lives. 13 deletions or corrections to those minutes. 13 So what I would like to do is pitch it over 14 Hearing none, the Chair moves that those 14 real quick to Gary Jones who is here on behalf 15 minutes be accepted with unanimous consent. 15 of the Paramedic Foundation to talk just 16 Moving on, you have disbursements from 16 quickly about some of the history in Talbot 17 February 4th and February 11th. We had a 17 County with the partnership. 18 chance to go through those, speak to Ms. Lane, 18 GARY JONES: Thank you once again for 19 our fiscal officer. Do we have any additions, 19 inviting me to speak before you. As Clay 20 deletions or corrections to those 20 indicated, these events are often called chains 21 disbursements? Hearing none, the Chair moves 21 of survival, and they really truly are linked 2 (Pages 2 - 5) Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 6 Page 8 1 together in the sense that in order to survive 1 Shore Regional Health Easton has continued to 2 a heart attack, it's very important that you 2 provide this care and save lives. We, again, 3 have bystanders trained in CPR. A number of 3 this last fiscal year took care of over 200 4 efforts have taken place for bystander CPR 4 individuals who were suffering a major heart 5 training over the years and we'll have it again 5 attack. And the work we do, there is no way we 6 this year. The other is the early recognition 6 could do it without this incredible team. So I 7 of the need to defibrillate the heart muscle. 7 really appreciate all the hard work they have 8 And that is instead of beating the way it 8 done. And we hope to continue to build our 9 should, it's quivering and fibrillating. And 9 program and continue to do what we're doing. 10 so the AED devices that have been deployed 10 Thanks. 11 throughout the County are the first line in 11 MR. PACK: I have a question, Mr. Stamp, 12 order for that to happen. Bystanders and 12 to step back. The CPR marathon, two questions. 13 people trained in CPR are also trained on AED 13 We've been doing this for a number of years, 14 devices, how to apply the device, trigger the 14 what year is this for the marathon. 15 device, and how to bring about life saving 15 CLAY STAMP: I believe this may be our 16 reversal of fibrillation to a more viable 16 sixth year. And we have trained hundreds of 17 rhythm. All of that is extremely important in 17 people every year in CPR. It's been a success 18 the chain of survival, and then hands off to 18 and it's a partnership, even with the Chamber 19 the paramedic services and transport to a 19 of Commerce and other civic organizations that 20 cardiac interventional center. 20 support that sending individuals for training. 21 CLAY STAMP: That's a good segway into 21 It's a real success. Page 7 Page 9 1 Greg Fries who is going it share that we have an 1 MR. PACK: Do those persons just show up 2 opportunity this month to offer training to the 2 or do they have to reregister. 3 public. 3 GARY JONES: There is registration 4 GREG FRIES: So we'll be having our CPR 4 available online but they can also call the 5 marathon, and that's at the community center on 5 office. 6 February 25th. And it's free CPR training. 6 MR. PACK: Want to give us the contact 7 It's not certification. It's a friends and 7 information for registration. 8 family course. And it starts at 9:00 a.m. and 8 CLAY STAMP: So that would be either call 9 is through 6:00 p.m. Each course is about 75 9 (443)770-8160 or you can sign up on online by 10 minutes. 10 contacting TalbotDES.org. 11 CLAY STAMP: So we certainly encourage the 11 MR. PACK: TalbotDES.org. 12 public to come out to that training. The more 12 CLAY STAMP: Yes. I want to highlight two 13 we train the better off we are. And if you can 13 other groups real quick. One is Team Trace. 14 continue to bear with me, I know you have a 14 We have Matt Spedin here and Derek Jans. Do 15 busy schedule, but Doctor Etherton is here on 15 you want to just speak, stand up where you are 16 behalf of Shore Regional Health and certainly 16 and tell us what you did for us because it's 17 if you have anything to say. 17 wonderful. 18 DOCTOR ETHERTON: Yeah, I would just like 18 MR. PACK: Mr. Stamp, can you bring them 19 to say that the incredible cooperation of the 19 up. It's that microphone will not carry back 20 EMS team here in Talbot County and the team 20 there and it's horrible for the listeners at 21 that Gary has helped us to put together at 21 home. Team Trace. 3 (Pages 6 - 9) Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 10 Page 12 1 MATT SPEDIN: Yes.

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