bulletin UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE PB 21756—February 8, 1990—48 Pages IB 25-Cent Wyoming Statehood Census Address Check Cards Commemorative Stamp Address cards and related materials are now being shipped for the Census Address Check The 25-cent Wyoming Statehood commemora- the Postal Service will conduct for the tive stamp goes on sale February 23 in Cheyenne, f the Census from February 26 to March Wyoming. This stamp honors the , 1990. nation's 44th state. The design featu Employees must not process these cards or ing, High Mountain Meadow, by renowned Wyo- return them to the Bureau of the Census until they ming artist Conrad Schwiering. receive instructions and training from the division or management sectional center census coordina- Do Not Place on Sale Before February 24, 1990 tor. A special 1990 Decennial Census POSTAL BULLE- TIN, to be issued on February 15, 1990, will include more detailed information and instructions about the Census Address Check. —Delivery, Distribution, and Transportation Dept., 2-8-90. CONTENTS Page $3 Beach Umbrella Stamp Booklet 3 1989 POSTAL BULLETIN Index 26 1990 FICA/Medicare Withholding 2 25-Cent Wyoming Statehood Commemorative Stamp... 1 5-Cent Luis Munoz Marin Stamp 3 APO/FPO Changes 2 Caller Service (DMM Notice) 23 Collector information is on page 21. Census Address Check Cards 1 Supply. All post offices will receive their standard Dead Mail Matter for Training (DMM Notice) 3 automatic distribution quantities for a 50-subject Death Benefits Elections Under FERS (Correction) 25 Dinosaur T-Shirts 3 commemorative stamp. The Bureau of Engraving and Directives Update (Correction) 7 Printing will not honor supplemental requisitions for Item Domestic Mail Manual: Chapter 6 (DMM Notice) 42 4474. Domestic Orders 43 Limited quantities of this stamp will be shipped Dual Labeling of Trays 42 Express Mail Costs 25 to regional accountable paper depositories Federal Tax Withholding 6 (RAPDs) for filling supplemental orders. Stamp Foreign Order No. 289 25 distribution offices (SDOs) requiring additional Form 1011, Application for Travel Advance 6 stamps may order them from their RAPD using Indebtedness Payroll Deduction (Handbook F-l Remind- separate Forms 17-A, Accountable Items Requisition er) 23 International Business Reply Service 4 From Stamp Distribution Office. All other post offices International Mail Service to Lebanon 2 requiring additional stamps should immediately International Mail—British Virgin Islands 2 requisition them from their SDOs on separate Forms Invalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers 45 17-A. Lobby Displays/Promotions for February 1990 17 MSC/Division Realignment and Consolidations 7 Before requisitioning additional stock, post of- Management Associate Program Recruitment 8 fices should consider that the stock should be de- Management Intern Recruitment Poster 24 pleted before April 23, 1990, except at authorized Meter Malfunction (Handbook F-l Revision) 25 philatelic centers. Missing Money Orders—Canadian 43 —Philatelic and Retail Services Dept, 2-8-90. Missing Money Orders—U.S 44 National Guardsmen: Restoration (ELM/Handbook EL- 311 Revision) 10 New Postal Stationery and Indicia 7 Operator Training for Sorting Machines (Handbook PO- 405 T Revision) •. 23 Sale of Postal Property to Postal Employees 7 Accidents don't just happen— Stamp Poster 90-4 (Luis Munoz Marin Stamp) 19 Stamp Poster 90-5 (Wyoming Statehood Commemorative They are caused 'Stamp) 21 Uniform Vendor Listing (Publication 136 Revision) 7 Withholding of Mail Orders 2 Page 1, 2-8-90, 21756 POSTAL BULLETIN International Mail— APO/FPO Changes British Virgin Islands Please make the following pencil changes to the table entitled Conditions Applied to Mail Ad- International exchange offices continue to re- dressed to Military Post Offices Overseas, in ceive mail addressed to the British Virgin Islands paid POSTAL BULLETIN 21746, dated October 12, 1989. for with domestic postage and addressed with the 008 ZIP Code prefix. Only mail for post offices in Mailing EMMS the United States Virgin Islands can bear the domestic APO/FPO Actions Effective ZIP Code 00801. Insufficient postage and improp- Date Restrictions Network er addressing result in lost revenue and delays in mail processing and delivery. 09658 open immediately . B-C-D-U No 09658 close 3-15-90 The addressing requirements specified in INTER- 96246 open 2-26-90 A-B No NATIONAL MAIL MANUAL (IMM) 122 apply to items 96329 open . 2-26-90 . A-B No addressed to the British Virgin Islands. The post- age rates for mail addressed to the British Virgin Islands are in the IMM Individual Country Listings. All field division general managers/postmasters A list of post offices in the British Virgin Islands must notify acceptance units of these changes. and the United States Virgin Islands follows. —Delivery, Distribution, and Transportation Dept., 2-8-90. British Virgin Islands Destinations: Anegada Tortola Jost Van Dyke Withholding of Mail Orders Peter Island Enforced by postmasters at cities listed. Virgin Gorda U.S. Virgin Islands Destinations: State/city Names covered Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00821 VA, Weems 22576-9717 Any and all of various names other than the surnames of Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00821 Paone and Rivenbark, Frederiksted, St. Croix, VI 00841 Route 1, Box 221. Kingshill, St. Croix, VI 00851 IN, Jeffersonville 47103-1232.. Any and all of various names Cruz Bay, St. John, VI 00831 other than the names of Bennett, McDowell, Accepting employees must pay particular atten- McCombs Realty, Custom- tion to the addresses on mail for the Virgin Islands. ized Services, Custom Spe- Do not accept British Virgin Islands mail bearing cialties, P.O. Box 1232. the 008 ZIP Code prefix. Ask the customer to oblit- TX, Dallas 75208-9990. Centralbanc, P.O. Box 4417. erate the ZIP Code, pay the applicable internation- al postage rate, and write British Virgin Islands below —Judicial Officer, 2-8-90. the delivery address as the country of destination. —Delivery, Distribution, and Transportation Dept., 2-8-90. 1990 FICA/Medicare Withholding International Mail The Federal Insurance Contributions Act FICA/ Medicare gross wages with related maximum limits Service to Lebanon have been adjusted for Calendar Year 1990 as fol- Limited air service has been resumed to the lows: country of Lebanon. Personnel accepting mail for Lebanon Or answering inquiries about mail to Leb- Taxable gross wages for FICA and Medicare $51,300.00 anon must advise customers of the following Employer/employee FICA/Medicare tax rate 7.65% INTERNATIONAL MAIL MANUAL regulations: Maximum withholding FICA/Medicare taxes 3,924.45 Employer/employee Medicare tax rate 1.45% Service is limited to airmail postcards, letters, Maximum withholding Medicare taxes 743.85 letter packages, small packets, printed matter in- cluding books, publisher's periodicals, not exceed- ing 4 pounds, and air parcel post items up to 11 The new maximum rates became effective Pay pounds. Period 01-90. There is no surface mail service to Lebanon. This article corrects the article in POSTAL BULLE- —Delivery, Distribution, and TIN 21752, 12-14-89 (page 19). Transportation Dept., 2-8-90. —Dept. of the Controller, 2-8-90. POSTAL BULLETIN 21756, 2-8-90, Page 3 5-Cent Luis Munoz Marin Stamp Dinosaur T-Shirts The 5-cent Luis Munoz Marin stamp goes on sale In response to numerous requests, the Prehistor- February 18 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This stamp ic Animals T-shirts procured for the Dinosaur pro- in the great Americans Series honors the founder motion will be available to the public through local of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its first post offices. Governor. On the front of the T-shirt is an enlarged repro- duction of a single stamp with the words, How to Do Not Place on Sale Before February 19, 1990 Lick a Tyrannosaurus. A large reproduction of the block of four Prehistoric Animals stamps appears on the back. The design is silk-screened on a 50- percent cotton, 50-percent polyester T-shirt. The adult-sized T-shirts are available in medium, large, and X-large at a unit cost of $6.95. No size small shirts are available for sale. The item number is 8815 and orders should include the quantity of each size needed. The T-shirts are packaged in a distinctive dinosaur envelope that also contains a Commemorative Stamp Club (CSC) cover letter, a CSC enrollment form, a Treasury of Stamps album, and Publication 225-J, Introduction to Stamp Collect- ing. Stamp distribution offices (SDOs) should imme- diately place orders with their regional accountable paper depositories (RAPDs) because supplies of the T-shirts are limited. Use Form Vt'-A, Accountable Governor, Puerto Kico Items Requisition From Stamps Distribution Office to order. All other offices should order from their SDOs. Collector information is on page 19. Offices should report all sales of the T-shirts in Supply. Only post offices with authorized philatel- the AIC 092, Philatelic Product Sales, and on Form ic centers will receive an automatic distribution. 1412-A, Daily Financial Report, and include them on Those post offices should requisition additional the quarterly Form 1079, Philatelic Product Physical stamps for their regular window transactions. All Inventory Recap, on line 5. other post offices should order sufficient quantities to meet —Philatelic and Retail Services Dept., 2-8-90. philatelic demand. Bulk Quantities. GAG A-G post offices requiring 50,000 or more stamps should immediately submit Form 3356, Stamp Requisition—Bulk Quantities, to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, using Item 1013. They must submit requisition in the standard or- $3 Beach Umbrella Stamp Booklet dering quantities for a 100-subject stamp to the maximum quantity of 2.5-million stamps per requi- Supply. An automatic distribution of the $3 Beach sition. Umbrella stamp booklet was made to post offices The bureau will fill outstanding requisitions for with authorized philatelic centers only.
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