Issue 7, July 2009 OO THERTHER MMINDINDSS The Unofficial Role-Playing Magazine for J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth and beyond OTHER MINDS Magazine Issue 7, July 2009 Publisher Other Minds Volunteers Co-Editors Thomas Morwinsky Hawke Robinson Proof Readers Katy Koenen Neville Percy Oliver Schick Assistant Editors Chris Seeman Chris Wade Artwork Catherine Karina Chmiel Production Staff Thomas Morwinsky Hawke Robinson “Little Brother ...” © Catherine Karina Chmiel The next Issue of Other Minds is not themed, every contribution is eligible! Submission deadline for Other Minds #8 is October 1 2009 Unless otherwise noted, every contribution in this magazine is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (b n a) 1 The exact license of a given contribution can be found at the beginning of each contribution. Other Minds Magazine CONTENTS Editorial: MAIN FEATURES A Magical Number 2 Editorial: A Magical Number by Thomas Morwinsky 3 Inside Information Seven is a magical number in by Thomas Morwinsky The Angmarrim An essay by myself Tolkien’s world; just think of the sec- dealing with the mannish population of 4 The Angmarrim by Thomas Morwinsky ond batch of the Rings of Power! We Angmar. The focus is not the demographic are sure you will find this Issue as in- aspect (i.e. the number of Men living 10 The Other Side by José Enrique Vacas de la Rosa teresting as we do—and with a little there), but their ethnic roots, composition luck its magic may entwine you too. and how they became the Angmarrim. 16 MERP Supplementary Rules by Thomas Morwinsky We all wish you a good read from Angmar is a realm designed to destroy the Other Minds, Issue 7! Dúnedain of the North. Its location on the 26 The Ebbs and Flows of Númenórean Technology It would have been desirable to fringe of civilization in a land not favour- by António Simões make this issue available in time for able for high agricultural yield makes it all MERPCon V (July 24-26), but time the more important to have a believable OTHER FEATURES constraints and real life unfortunately explanation how all this came to be. An in- 30 Fine Print and Disclaimers made this impossible. depth analysis of this topic has been needed since the publication of the last official 31 Creative Commons License This time round we have a bit less book covering this region (Angmar, in quantity of content compared to the 34 Appendix A 1995). Now I hope I have contributed a Spell Lists for “MERP Supplementary last one (which was exceptionally little piece for a more believable recon- Rules” thick), but certainly no less quality. struction of the Witch-king’s realm. 42 Appendix B Apart from the content, I am Chronologies for “The Ebbs and Flows Next in line is The Other Side by of Númenórean Technology” pleased to announce a new feature for Other Minds. This is our “translation José Enrique Vacas de la Rosa. He ex- service” for foreign language contribu- plores “The Other Side” (also regularly tions. See the section titled “Inside In- called “Shadow World”), which features so formation” for more details on this new prominently in The Lord of the Rings as the feature. This kind of feedback and con- home of the Nazgûl as well as mighty Eldar structive comments concerning missing like Glorfindel. He details the peculiarities features or opportunities for improve- of this “world” as well as rectifying its ment is extremely important for us. It common misconceptions. The most shows us where we can alter something prominent of these is probably the idea to improve the whole package. Apart that the “Shadow World” is some kind of from this specific topic, “Inside Infor- other dimension where the Undead and mation” is planned to become a semi- mighty Eldar exist. José Enrique’s detailed regular heading for issues that cover analysis is a must for anyone interested in the magazine itself. In this role it will this aspect of Tolkien Lore, as well for Ga- replace “Other Minds Conventions”. memasters striving to simulate the Profes- sor’s ideas about it as closely as possible. I This issue’s topics again am sure that this will be very useful for stretch over the whole designing supplements or adventures that range of Tolkien- make use of such creatures. themed possibilities, Next come the MERP Supplemen- from the more theoreti- tary Rules, again by myself. Naturally, cal Tolkien Lore to alternative game this is a purely game-oriented contribu- mechanics, in this case for MERP. tion. MERP’s strength always was in the In detail we have the following con- regional modules and less so the rules. tributions: 2 Issue 7, July 2009 Originally a simplified Rolemaster, they were not meant to be a close Tolkien interpretation. This has led to the unfor- tunate situation that the mechanics of a Inside Information still popular game for Middle-earth are not really suited for the setting. Instead of using a wholly new game (and there- Translating non-English Middle-earth-gaming-related material. fore having to reinvent the stats from the Currently, we can translate manu- published supplements) rules for fixing manuscripts scripts into English from the following the biggest problems are a pragmatic so- Recent talks with readers of Other languages (in alphabetical order): lution. One must still be aware that this Minds showed us that there may be a • French is still a compromise with respect to deficit or hurdle concerning contribu- • German Tolkien. tions from authors who may write arti- • Portugese Finally we have The Ebbs and cles (or already have some ready) – al- • Spanish though in languages other than English. Flows of Númenórean Technology We hope that this list will grow, thus by first-time contributor António The challenge seems to be that, while readers are able to read the magazine, increasing our range of translatable for- Simões. António develops an exciting eign languages. concept of Númenórean technology (and non-native English speakers have an addi- By offering this opportunity, we history in general) that is quite different tional hurdle in writing for an English- think that even more of your great Mid- from the usual interpretations of Middle- reading audience. dle-earth gaming stuff will be made avail- earth being generally on a pre-industrial This is of course a situation we can- able for a greater audience. technological level and especially in- not tolerate since we see ourselves as an spired by (European) ancient and medie- international magazine – open for Due to the time necessary for trans- val models. António takes a radically readers from all countries and languages. lating, contributions for a given issue of thought-provoking approach, designing a In order to make Other Minds accessible Other Minds must be submitted one “Steampunk”-style of setting, comparable even for such cases, you may now submit month prior to the deadline for English to GDW’s Space 1889, and in essence a your contribution in your native lan- manuscripts The following table shows Science Fantasy genre. Here you will guage, and we will translate it into Eng- the deadline for each quarterly issue of find electricity, missiles and computers lish. In this way we strive to make this Other Minds. as part of the Númenórean achievements magazine open to much more potential (at least for a time during the Dúnedain’s long history). I am sure this idea will be an inspiration for gamers and GM’s alike. Issue in Regular pub- Submission Deadline for manuscripts a year lication date Finally, I want to express my thanks non-English English for Catherine Karina Chmiel for her per- 1 January 31 November 30 December 31 mission to use her excellent artwork in 2 April 30 February 28 March 31 our magazine. 3 July 31 May 31 June 30 4 October31 August 31 September 30 For the Other Minds team Thomas Morwinsky July 2009 3 Other Minds Magazine The Angmarrim by Thomas Morwinsky Introduction “The inhabitants of the Iron Land are ([email protected]) © 2009 b n a ICE produced several modules cen- called the Angmarrim. Their diversity is per the terms of the CC license: a frightening manifestation of the per- tered upon Angmar, the realm of the Witch-king in the North which lasted, vasive influence and power of the Lord Among the most fascinating areas in Middle- of Morgul. Fierce and savage Sagath roughly, from ca. the late thirteenth earth Roleplaying-wise is Angmar, the dreaded and Asdriag tribes, Dunlendings, Hill- realm of the Witch-king. Despite several publica- century of the Third Age to T.A. 1975. tions on this topic, there is still a lot of lack. The men, Rhudaurim, Northmen, Dúne- As we learn from The Lord of the Rings dain, and even Men from distant Khand present article deals with a portion of these linger- (including it’s Appendices), the primary ing issues. and Far Harad, all proclaim allegiance goal of Angmar was the destruction of to the banner of the Witch-king. Many the Dúnedain of the North. of these Men live within the borders of A decisive element in convincing Angmar as warriors, priests, or ordinary story-telling with a high suspension of farmers. Still more, especially the East- disbelief is the creation of a believable erlings, dwell outside Angmar in their background for the protagonists and the traditional homelands, vassals who environment. It is here that the various fight at the Úlair's command.” incarnations of ICE’s modules covering Angmar, p.15 Angmar were, unfortunately, at their weakest. The most recent of these three Obviously, this text (and others in nd versions came into being during the 2 the Angmar module) give us the impres- edition of MERP and was published in sion of Angmar as a vast empire with 1995.
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