T STATE UNIVE Inside This Issue: INO RSI - Thailand trip, Page 2 M TY - Movie review, Page 4 - Football, Page 9 - Soccer, Page 9 Red & Green - Homecoming, Page 7 Volume 96, Number 2 September 18, 2014 Minot, N.D. 58701 minotstateu.edu/redgreen Gameday excitement RIGHT: MSU’s marching band entertains the crowd between plays and during halftime at Saturday’s football game at Herb Parker Stadium. BOTTOM RIGHT: The MSU cheerleadering squad pumps up the crowd at Satuday’s football game. The cheerleaders helped keep the crowd lively during a cold evening game. BELOW: MSU students work the KMSU Broadcasting booth providing music for Ssaturday’s tailgating activities. Photo by Courtney Holman Photo by Jamie Council Photo by Courtney Holman Page 2 – September 18, 2014 News Red & Green News in Brief vs. Jets on E SPN Deportes in Hartnett the Beaver Dam. v PoAtss topcakr ta t oNf ONTOSTTSOTOCCK K, Hall 328 (Language Resource Nick Hausman, a 10+ year vet - Potsto ck wel com es guest artists, Center) Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m. eran of the Chicago Improv scene, Ned Kro use and Bra d Bac hmeier For more information, contact has been an ensemble member for Sept. 18 and 19 f rom 9 a.m. to 5 Paul Cristofaro, assistant profes - The Annoyance Theater, p.m. and Sep t. 2 0 from 10 a.m . t o sor of Spanish, at 858-4048. ComedySportz Chicago, pH 3 p.m . Productions, The Playground and There will be ceramics the iO Theater. While at iO he per - demonstr ations by g uest artists Theatre Improv Jam formed with the Harold teams, Ned Krouse and Brad The Republic, Alpine Valley and Sessions part of Bach meier, MSU faculty and stu - Whiskey Rebellion. Currently, dents, alon g wi th Rak u fi ring NOAsT pSaTrt OofC NK OTSTOCK, MSU Nick dedicates most of his time to and d emonst ration s outs ide in welco mes Th eatre Improv Jam The Rebellion Network, of which Submitted photo the Student Center Beaver Dam Sessions with Nick Hausman he is the founder and owner. MSU students gather outside a hut in Thailand with local residents picnic commons. Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. in Aleshire For more information, contact while on a study abroad trip last summer. Pictured are (from the For more information contact Theater and Sept. 20 at 1 p.m. in Carlen Gilseth at 701-858-3178. left) Lindsee Kjos, Taylor Grihorash, James Jacobson, Andrea Linda Olson at 701-858-3836. Donovan, faculty adviser, Jad e Dan yluik and Ali Coleman. Elephants, tigers and students, oh my! Homecoming royalty by Amanda Miller-Thomas not that they visited the new eleDcotni’ot nfosrg etto tdo avyote for your Staff Writer Barn es an d No ble in th e Flo ating favorite candidates in the “I think the most interesting Market Homecoming elections today, thing for everyone was getting to Bargaining at the Damneon Sept. 18, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in visit Southeast Asia. Southeast Saduak Floatin g M ark et, visiting the Beaver Dam. Asia is very different from west - majestic ancient ruins, learning ernized countries.” about Bu ddhism from on e of Wat So says Andrea Donovan, Suan Dok’s resid ent m on ks and Wild Hands album Minot State University assistant visitin g the Orchid Fa rm and San release party Sept. 19 professor of art and humanities, Kamph aeng silk f actori es w ere NOTSTO CK wi ll host Wild about the Humanities 496 class: just some of the a ctivities in their Hands' album release party Sept. 1st International Bank Thailand - the Golden Kingdom, abso lutely pa cked it ine rary. 19 from 8 to 10 p.m. in the MSU which took MSU students to Though the talk desc ription does Amphitheater! The debut album, Thailand over the summer. Now not prom ise pict ures, we can cer - "Oh, River," was written and 2x6.25 full color page 2 they are back and ready to share tain ly hope. recorded in Minot. This album is We are currently seeking candidates for a full- their experiences in their Tak e the chance to transpose full of Americana, bluegrass and time processor that will work primarily with in- Northwest Art Center lecture. your mi nd f r om our wo rld, which rock n' roll sing-alongs about They will present “Elephants, is abo ut to begin its t hree-qu arters rivers, oil booms, boomerangs, house mortgage loans. 2-3 years previous Tigers, and MSU Students in of the ye ar of rele ntl ess whiteness, love, today, tomorrow, the banking/loan processing or loan support Thailand” in Aleshire Theater to one full of vibrant c olor in the someday soon, old bones and experience preferred Sept. 24 from 7 to 8:15 p.m. mi ddle of a blisterin g su mm er, just being a human really. They Though Donovan isn’t giving with ti me les s villages, thriving will also sell "Oh, River" vinyl, away many details before the talk, natur al surrou ndings an d golden CDs, posters, T-shirts and more! it doesn’t mean I won’t. statues everywhere. Spread the word and get ready. Through Go Ahead Tours Of c ourse, this is a great oppor - This is going to be really amaz - We are seeking individuals who enjoy variety in (goaheadtours.com) the school tunity , not j ust to learn about ing! their work and offering great customer service. arranged an excursion through beautif ul Th ailan d, b ut for a nyone For more information, contact Prior bank/cash handling experience preferred exotic destinations such as the interested in a stud y abroad Laurie Geller at 701-858-3282. cities of Bangkok, Phitsanuloke coarse to g et the insight s of stu - [pít.sa.nú.lôk], and Chiang dent tr av elers wh o have alre ady Mai, to give students a chance to done it. If you’ re the sort o f person Hispanic Heritage be surrounded by “the architec - who lik es to try bef ore yo u buy, Month: Monday Night For more info or to apply: ture, literature, and cultural her - then write down your questions Football en Español itage ” of South east Asia ove r 12 The MSU Sp anish Club will and bring them with you. Also days. Pre sumably b y “lit eratu re” celebrate Hispanic Heritage consider that the students each they m eant places wh ich originat - Month with Monday Night got three credits for this trip; that’s Member FDIC/EOE/M/F/Vet/Disability ed or inspir ed grea t litera ture, and Football en Español. Enjoy Bears See Thailand — Page 5 Red & Green News Page 3 - September 18, 2014 Minot Modern music Shirley hard at work for MSU Hunger Games by Ayman AlQasem festival this weekend Staff Writer dodgeball part by Caitlin Dupras if they were there to just have fun. Minot State University’s new Comm 281 Instead of being a concert given to president, Steven Shirley, a proud Minot Modern, a festival of three an audience, this performance is North Dakota native and a prod - of intramurals distinct contemporary concerts, meant to be a shared experience for uct of the North Dakota kicks off with an outdoor perform - both the performers and the audi - University System, assumed his by Jerusalem Tukura ance Sept. 20 at 11 a.m. at Minot's ence. duties as MSU president on July 1, Sports Editor Oak Park and continues with con - Fusik said anyone interested in 2014. Before then, he served for six Intramurals is a great cert #1 Sept. 20 and concert #2 Sept. participating should contact him at years as the president of Valley opportunity for showcasing 22, both in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall [email protected]. There City State University (VCSU). your skills, sportsmanship and at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. are opportunities for the community Transition Shirley positivity. These are the three Minot State University’s Music to get involved either playing an Coming here, he did not have ingredients needed to cook up Department faculty, students and instrument or electronic music. time to spare. His last day at loyalty of MSU students, faculty, a good team. If you are inter - community members will host an "I want to impress upon the com - VCSU was June 30. staff, alumni and supporters. ested in participating in outdoor modern music festival munity that innovation in the arts is “The afternoon of June 30th, I “People are very passionate Intramurals, pick any sport Saturday at 11 a.m. in Oak Park. The by no means tied to a large popula - drove here and started the next and committed to Minot State,” he among the anticipated events concert is free and open to the pub - tion,” Fusik said. “Communities morning,” Shirley said. added. for the fall semester which are lic. It will be a casual, laid-back envi - such as Minot can support, create However, transitional efforts Shirley believes that this pas - soccer tournament, racquetball ronment; the performers will be in and appreciate modern music and had started much earlier. Shirley’s sion towards MSU will make his tournament, 3-on-3 basketball street clothes. performance in a great way.” appointment in February 2014, job as president smoother. and Hunger Games themed One interesting aspect of the fea - Minot Modern's concert #1 gave him time to facilitate transi - O Challenges dodgeball tournament. tured piece, “Decantation's III” by focuses on solo and chamber music, tions in both VCSU and MSU.
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