Index of Common Plant Names Names with Identical Spelling Which Differ Only in the Use of Accents Or Capitals Have Not Been Repeated

Index of Common Plant Names Names with Identical Spelling Which Differ Only in the Use of Accents Or Capitals Have Not Been Repeated

Index of Common Plant Names Names with identical spelling which differ only in the use of accents or capitals have not been repeated. The Spanish fi follows n. The figures indicate the numbers of the plants in the Basic Part. 208 Affenseife aabda 2200 absinto 254 achicoria de rafz 620 aak 477 abu 2194 achillee millefeuille 30 aamar 1169 abu-al-misk 3 achiote 361 abaca 1502 abura-tsubaki 482 achiote de venado 1423 abacate 1691 abutilon 6 achiotillo 530, 537 abacaxi 194 Abyssinian banana 947 achipa 1601 Abaka 1502 Abyssinian kale 716 achira 502 abang 605 Abyssinian mustard 402 achita 157 abaracaatinga 1467 Abyssinian myrrh 677 achocha 777 abata kola 671 Abyssinian oat 302 achote 361 abebe 1896 Abyssinian pea 1768 achotillo 537 abelmosch 3 acacia it gomme 19, 23 acfbar 139 abelmosco 3 acacia blanc 12 acioa 32 abessinischer Kohl 402 acacia da Australia 12 Ackerbohne 2368 abieiro 1817 acacia del J apon 2108 Ackerfuchsschwanz 162 abilla 1018 acacia del Senegal 23 Ackergauchheil 190 abiria 1018 acacia dore 21 Ackerkamille 216 abish 2287 acacia du Congo 1683 Ackerknoblauch 121 abisin 1106 acacia gomffera 19 Ackerkohl 681 abiu 1817 acacia meleira 1082 Ackerminze 1448 abiu-do-Para 615 acacia negra 17, 1082 Ackerquecke 99 abiurana 1819 acacia noir 13, 17 Ackerschachtelhalm 954 ablage de Guinea 1289 acacias de tres espinas 1082 Ackersenf 2068 abobora chila 756 acacie au cachou 8 Ackersperge1 2121 ab6bora d'agua 350 a\,afriio 730 Ackerwicke 2373 abobora moranga 758 a\,afriio bastardo 532 Ackerwinde 682 abobora porqueira 760 a~friio do mato 976 ~ofeifeira 2446 ab6bora rasteira 759 a\,afroa 361 aconit napel 36 abobrinha 760 a\,af-do-Para 1000 aconite 36 abrasin 112, 114 a\,aizeiro 1000 ac6nito comun 36 abrasfn delJapon 111 acajou de Chine 2244 acopate 968 abrepufios 583 acalbir 809 acore calame 37 abriba 1934 acaya 1109 acore odorant 37 abric6-do-Para 1399 accroche-abeille 2055 acore vrai 37 abricoteiro 1399 acedera 1960 acrocome 40 abricotier 1839 acedera comun 1961 ~ufeifa menor 2447 abricotier d' Amerique 1399 acedera de Guinea 1136 adelfa 1531 abricotier de Brian\,on 1841 acederilla 1595 adelfa amarilla 2235 abricotier japonais 1849 aceitunillo 507 adha-birni 323 abrojo de agua 2256 aceituno 1555,2065,2395 adlay 670 abrojos 2260 acelga 354 Adlerfam 1867 abroma 167 acelga cardo 355 Adlerholz 230 abrome 167 acerola 1392 adormidera 1626, 1627 abrotano macho 253 acerolo 722 adormidera espinosa 245 abrotone 253 ach 1485 adzuki bean 2377 abrunheiro 1842,1856 ache 2075 Adzukibohne 2377 Absinth 254 ache des montagnes 1320 aerial yam 871 absinthe 254 achi grass 1221 afaca 1278 absinthe batard 1638 achicoria amarga 2204 afer kocher 1119 absinthe de mer 260 achicoria de Bruse1as 619 Affenbrotbaum 49 absintio 254 achicoria de cafe 620 Affenseife 949 209 Affentopf Affentopf 1298 agriao do brejo 924 ajedrea comun 2010 affun yam 872 agriao do ParA 2124 ajedrea de monte 2011 aficose 750 agrimonia 91 ajefowo 575 African arrowroot 502 agropiro 94 ajenjo 254 African bowstring hemp 2000 agropiro alargado 96 ajenjo comun 253 African breadfruit 2257 agropiro crestado 94 ajenjo marino 260 African couchgrass 864 agropyre acrete 94 ajenuz 1537 African fan palm 371 agropyre de rOuest 100 ajf 513,514,515 African foxtail 577 agr6stide blanca 103 ajf de culebra 1930 African homed cucumber 752 agrostide blanche 103 ajipo 1602 Africanlocusttree 1629,1630 agrostide commune 102 ajmud 2252 African mahogany 65 agr6stide mayor 103 ajo 131 African marigold 2188 agrostide tenue 102 ajo porro 129 African milkbush 996 aguacate 1691 ajonc 2331 African oak 605,1351 aguaje 1420 ajonjolf 2040 African oil palm 933 aguama 433 ajowan 2251 African plantain 1775 aguape 400, 927 ak 477 African plum tree 805 aguaribai 2017 aka 442 African rice 1587 aguijote 1834 akada 477 African rosewood 1868 aguja de Nuestra Senora 966 akalbir 809 African sandalwood 337 aguja de pastor 965 akar tarum 1417 African spiderflower 1109 agulha de pastor 966 akee 362 African starapple 614 agwa ocha 2388 akf 362 African teak 605 iigyptische Lotosblume 1542 aki-gumi 932 African tragacanth 2148 iigyptische Lupine 1364 Akibaum 362 African tUlip tree 2120 iigyptische Sommerwurz 1579 akund 477 African tunneric 503 iigyptisches Bilsenkraut 1165 al 1485 African valerian 1006 aha 185 al henna 1296 African walnut 2217 ababa 32 allabeh 108 African yam bean 2123 ahipa 1600 al molukhia 689 afrikanische Aubergine 2088 ahipisaka 2143 al moulinouquia 689 afrikanische Wicke 1287 aholva azul 2285 al-aenab 2405 afrikanischer Baldrian 1006 iibriger Erdbeerspinat 599 al-kacharangig 1262 afrikanischer Kinobaum 1868 ahuijote 969 alai 1632 afrikanischer Reis 1587 aiara 288 alajan 1751 afrikanischer Tulpenbaum 2120 aibika 2 alamo balsamico 1811 afrikanisches Mabagoni 1927 aigremoine odorante 91 alang-alang 1184 afrikanisches Teakholz 605 aigrette 1961 AJang-AJanggras 1184 agabancera 1940 aiguille 966 alatrique 692 agathi 2044 ail 131 alazor 532 agati 2044 ail blanc 131 albahaca 1546 agave d'Amcrique 72 ail d'orient 121 albahaca de lim6n 1548 agave verde 73 ail fistuleux 125 albahaca morada 1550 agbone 1213 aila 20 albahaca velluda 1547 ageratum 89 aipo 227,2075 albara 503 agiru 613 air potato 871 albardfn 1377 agracejo 351 aire gazonnante 824 albardine 1377 agrenette sarmenteuse 838 airelle d'Amcrique 2342 albarico 838 agria de Nuestra Senora 966 ajanhuiri 2078 albaricoquero 1839 agriao 1308,1522 ajawa 2251 albaricoquero de Brian~n 1841 agriao de horta 338 ajc 514 albaricoquero de Simon 1855 210 aJmorejo albaricoquero japones 1849 alfalfa 1432 alheH cimarron 1791 albarra 906 alfalfa amarilla 1426 alheiia 1296, 1327 alberchigo 1839 alfalfa arbOrea 295,296,1425 alho 131 albizia da China 106 alfalfa de Brasil 2165 alho-porro 129 albricoque 1399 alfalfa de las arenas 1435 alholva 2287 albudeca 636 alfalfa do Nordeste 2165 alholva corniculada 2286 alcachofa 790 alfalfa estilosante 2167 alhucema 1173, 1294 alcachofa tuberosa 2136 alfalfa gigante 1425 aligustre 1327 alcachofra 790 alfalfa hfbrida 1435 aligustre comun 1327 alc~uz 1089 alfalfa lupulina 1429 aligustre japones 1326 alc~uz da terra 1688 alfalfa montes 1369 ilimo 293 alcana 1296 alfalfa sueca 1426 alingari 929 alcanforero 627 alfalfa tree 591 aliso montano 134 alcaparra 508 alfarrobeira 584 aljOfar 1340 alcaparro 508 alfavaca 1546 alkaligrass 1871 alcaravea 533 alfavaca de vaqueiro 1547 alkanet 118 alcaravia 533 alfavaciio 1548 alkanna root 118 alcarceiia 2365 alfazema 1292, 1294 Alkannawurzel 118 alcaucil 790 alfena 1327 alkekenge 1726 alcazuz 1089 alfeneiro 1296 alkekenge doux 1731 alcea 150 alfenheiro 1327 alkekenge du Maxique 1729 alcocaz 674 alfi1aria 965 alk6kenge du Perou 1728 alcornoque 1881 alfi1er 965,966 alia 1081 alcotan 631 alfombra 314 allamanda 119 alder buckthorn 1901 alfoncigo 1765 Allamande 119 alecrim 1942 alforfon 1003 allapa 990 alegria 160 alforfon de T artaria 1004 Alleghanynessel 1273 aleluya tuberosa 1597 alforvas 2287 Allegheny blackberry 1948 aleman grass 920 Algarobalinse 2362 Alleghenybrombeere 1948 Aleppo pine 1747 algarobo 1834 allelouia 465 Aleppohirse 2115 algarobo branco 1829 allgood 597 Aleppokiefer 1747 algarroba 2370 alliez 2365 alerce africano 2218 algarroba de Castilla 2362 alligator pepper 63 alesta olorosa 220 algarrobo 584, 1834, 1835 alligatorweed 147 aleurite du J apon 111 algarrobo blanco 1829 allspice 1743 aleurites 112 algarrobo de Chile 1830 allthom acacia 15 alexanders 2075 algebrado 2356 alluia 465 Alexandrian laurel 474 Algiersalat 1006 almiicigo 451,1760 Alexandrian senna 558 algodeiro americano 1094, 1096 almecegueira 1763 Alexandrinerklee 2268 algodeiro arboreo 1093 almeidinha 996 alexandrinische Senna 558 algodeiro asiatico 1095 almendra de bajo 539 alexandrinischer Lorbeer 474 algodon de seda 477 almendra de Brasil 538 alfa 2151 algodoncillo 273, 274 almendra de Java 491 alface 1264,2347 algodoncillo. yuquillo 272 almendro 196, 1845 alface brava 1266 algodonero 1095 almendro de lalndia 2214 alface de Alger 2346 algodonero americano 1096 almendron 537 alface silvestre 1265 algodonero arbOreo 1093 almizdeiia 966 alface virosa 1266 algodonero de las Barbados 1094 almond 1845 alface-d'agua 1766 alhandal 633 almondette tree 443 alfafinha do Nordeste 2167 alharma 1673 almoradux 1449, 1572 alfajayucan 1562 alheH 1790 almorejo 2050,2057 211 almorta ahnorta 1285 amarante comestible 164 amendoim bravo 231 ahnorta tangerina 1287 amarante commune 155 ameo bastardo 172 ahnum sorghum 2112 amarante 616gante 160 ameo comun 173 alocasie 138 amarante 6taI6e 157 ameo mayor 172 aloe 139 amarante livide 161 American joint vetch 56 aloes vert 1055 amarante refl6chie 162 American agave 72 aloes vulgaire 139 amarante tricolore 164 American chestnut 562 aloes wood 230 amarante verte 165 American cranberry 2343 aloewood 696 amarantina 1092 American ginseng 1606 Alokasie 138 amarantine 1092 American oil pahn 934 aloma 2357 amarantol64 American pennyroyal 1118 AlpensiiBklee 1122 amaranto comun 162 American persimmon 894 alpine French honeysuckle 1122 amaranto de hojas estrechas 159 American plum tree 1837 alpista 1699 amarel 1848 American potatobean 226 alpiste 1699 amargon 2204 American sloughgrass 347 alpiste bulbeux 1701 amargoseira 1496 American upland cotton 1096 alpiste des Canaries 1699 amargoseira do Himalaio 1437 American wormseed 595 alpiste roseau 1698 amate kayi 2129 amerikanische Agave 72 alpiste valillo 1700 amattingula 526 amerikanische Baumwolle 1096 alquequenje 1726, 1728, 1731 amatungulu 526 amerikanische Kastanie 562 alquequenje amarelo 1731 Amazon grape 1816 amerikanische Olpalme 934 alquitira 282 ambal 1717 amerikanische Stachelbeere

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