COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANlA TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1971 Session of 1971 155th of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 31 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL REREPORTED AS AMENDED The House convened at 11 a.m.. e.d.t. HOUSE BILL No. 366 By Mr. M. P. MULLEN An Act amending the "Public School Code of 1949," ap- THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE (Robert K. Hamilton) roved R arch 10, 1949 (P. L. 30), prov~dingfor payment IN THE CHAIR by the Commonwealth of interest charges on certam funds borrowed by school districts. PRAYER Rereported from Committee on Appropriations. REVEREND DAVID R. HOOVER, Chaplain of the House of Representatives and pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran BILLS REPORTED AND CONSIDERED FIRST Church, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania, offered the fol- TIME lowing prayer: HOUSE BILL No. 84 By Mr. STONE' Eternal and everlasting God, Thou who art the giver of life and dost bestow that life upon all of Thy creatiou, we An Act amending the "Fiduciaries Act of 1949," ap-' proved April 1949 (P, L. 512), authorizing the payment come before Thee in this hour thanking Thee for the gen- of bank accountsdirectly to the family of a de- erousness of Thy bounty toward us. We are grateful for ceased depositor. Thy manifold blessings, and we pray that we may live Reported from on Judiciary, and enjoy our lives to the fullest. 0 God, in this hour enrich the lives of the members of HOUSE BILL N~.164 By Mr. STONE this House, so that they may not only experience the joy of these wakeful hours, but that they may also have the An Act requiring the display of the national flag and the flag of Pennsylvania in courtrooms of the Common. satisfaction of sharing those moments with Thee in the wealth while courts are in session. fulfillment of Thy will and way. Amen. Reported from Committee on Judiciary. JOURNAL APPROVED / HOUSE BILL No. 555 By Mr. STONE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Are there any corrections An Act respecting governing instruments of certain to the Journal of March 30, 1971? charitable organlzatlons. If not, and without objection, the Journal is approved. ~~~~rt~dfrom Committee on Judiciary. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED 1 HOUSE BILL No. 630 By Mr. PIEVSKY ~h~ SPEAKER pro tempore. without objection, ap- An Act amending the "Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Act," approved March 11, 1971 (Act No. 3), re- proval of the Journal for April 26, 1971 will be postponed ducing an eligibility requirement of certain persons to until printed. The Chair hears no objection. sixty years of age. Reported from Committee on Ways and Means. BILLS REPORTED AS AMENDED 682 By Mr. M. P. MULLEN HOUSE BILL No. 39 By Mr. HALVERSON A Supplement to the act of July 31, 1969 (Appropria- An Act to promote the welfare and health of the people tion Act No. 12-A), entitled "An act to provide for the of the commonwealth^ creating the State Water and expenses of the Executive, Legislati:: and Judicial Depart- Wastes Authority as a body corporate and pollti= with ments of the Commonwealth, . providing for a de- power to acquire, construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, lm- ficiency in the appropriation the of lease,. sell* convey, to D~~~~~~~~ E,J~- prove, equip, furnish, mamtain, cation made by the act for the fiscd year ending June 30, and operate water works, . ; and prov~dlngfor the 1910, transfer of projects to and from the Commonwealth and its municipalities and authorltles. Reported from Committee on Appropriations. Reported from Committee on Rules. HOUSE BILL No. 683 By Mr. M. P. MULLEN HOUSE BILL No. 41 By A Supplement to the act of July 31, 1969 (Appropria- An Act to promote the welfare and health of the people tion Act No. 12-A), entitled "An act to provide for the of the Commonwealth: providing for the establishment expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial De- of Regional Water and Wastes Management Authorities; partments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and for . and providing for the transfer of projects to and from the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 1969 to June the Commonwealth and its municipalities and authorities. 30, 1970, and for the payment of bills incurred and remain- ing unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, Reported Prom Comm~tteeon Rules. 1969," providing for a deficiency in the appropriation to 440 LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE April 27, the Department of Education made by the act for the fiscal FORMER MEMBER WELCOMED year ending June 30, 1970. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Reported from Committee on Appropriations. The Chair at this time would like to welcome a former member of this House HOUSE BILL No. 684 BY ~r.M. P. MULLEN from Allegheny County, the Honorable Edward Dardanell. Will the gentleman step forward to be welcomed by the A Supplement to the act of July 31, 1969 (Appropriation Act No. 12-A), entitled "An act to provide for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, . providing for a deficiency m the appropriation to the Department of Education made by STATE GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE MEETING the act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Reported from Committee on Appropriations. gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Comer. Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, there had been a meeting HOUSE BILL No. 693 By Mr. M. P. MULLEN of the State Government Committee scheduled for 11:30 this morning. Due to the fact that the House will be in An Act amending the act of J~~~26, (~~~~~~~l~- tion Act No. 102-A), entitled "An act making an approprla- session until approximately 12 noon, I would like to an- tion to the Downingtown Industrial and Agricultural nounce that the State Government Committee will meet School, ~owningtown,Pennsylvania," increasing the aP- propriation and deleting the eight months limitation on at 12 o'clock, immediately upon the call of the recess by spending. the Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the Reported from Committee on Appropriations. gentleman. Will the members take notice that there will be a meet- HOUSE BILL No. 739 By Mr. ing of the State Government Committee at 12 noon after An Act amending "The Bituminous Mine Subsidence we recess? and Land Conservation Act of 1966," approved April 27, 1966 (P. L. 31), extending its provisions to the mining of clay. ANNOUNCEMENT Reported from Committee on Mines and Minerals. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair would like to announce to the membership of the House that the Parlia- SENATE BILL No. 282 By Mr. mentarian's copy of Mason's Manual was removed from An Act amending the act of July 31, 1970 (Act No. 223), the table in the room to the rear of the podium by some- entitled "Appellate Court Jurisdiction Act of 1970," fur- one. Will that person kindly return this valuable and ther providing for apoeals in inheritance and estate tax matters and specifically repealing certain acts and parts necessary publication to the Parliamentarian,s or the of acts inconsistent with existmg law. Speaker's office? The Chair thanks the House. Reported from Committee on Judiciary. LEAVES OF ABSENCE BILLS REREFERRED The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the Mr. STONE from the Committee on Judiciary, returned majority whip. with the recommendation that it be rereferred to the Mr. PRENDERGAST. Mr. Speaker, I have no further Comrnittce on Law and Order, House bill No. 634, printer's requests for leaves of absence today. No. 692, entitled: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentleman. An Act relating to bail, providing for release upon de- posit of ten per cent of the amount of bail set. The Chair recognizes the minority whip. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hill is rereferred to Mr. BUTERA. Mr. Speaker, I request a leave for to- the Committee on Law and Order. day's session for the gentleman from Erie, Mr. Hopkins. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the Mr. R. K. HAMILTON from the Committee on Ways leave of absence is granted. and Means, returned with the recommendation that it be rereferred to the Committee on Judiciary, House bill No. 661, printer's No. 719, entitled: MASTER ROLL CALL An Ad amending the "Pennsylvania Cigarette Tax Act," The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair is about to take approved July 22, 1970 (Act No. 178), changing provisions up the business of today's master roll call. Members will defining "wholesalers." indicate their presence by voting "aye." The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill is rereferred to The roll was taken and was as follows: the Committee on Judiciary. Alexander Gallagher Letterman Savitt Allen. P. M. Gallen Lutty Seanlon Allen W. W. Geesey Lynch, Franeia Scheaffer JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WELCOMED ~ndekson,J.A. ~eisler Lynch,Frank Schuiae Anderson, S. A. Geka Maiady 3ci~ica tzeF elfa and Manbeck Seltzer The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair at this time Giliette Manderno Semanofi would like to welcome to the hall Of the House, a group of Bellomini Gleason Martin? Shane Junior High School students from Kane, Pennsylvania, lees son ~astrangelo Shelhmer FgCt Good McClatchy Shelton under the direction of Mrs. Luella Michener and Miss ~~~b~~ Goodman MeCue sherman Carla Bergeson. They are the guests of the gentleman Berson Greenfield McCurdy Shuman Bittle Gring McGraw Shu~fi from McKean, Mr. Westerberg. Bixler Halvemoil MeMonagle Smith 1971. LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE 44 1 Blair Hami1tan.J. H. Mebus Spencer cense Act," approvedSeptember 9, 1965 (P. L. 4991, chang- Bonetto Hamilton, R. K. Meholehick Streie 'kg certain definitions and adding a definition. Bmig Harrier Melton Stemmler Bmnner ' ' Harkell Miiie~ Stone On the question, Burkardt Hayes.
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