ISSN: 1863-5598 ZKZ 64717 02-10 Electronics in Motion and Conversion February 2010 The Power Magazine &OHYHU ± +LJK 3HUIRUPDQFH DW /RZ &RVW from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iewpoint Data Books are Smart . 4 Events . 4 News . 6-9 BlueProduct of the Month MOSFETs with Reduced Top-Side Thermal Impedance Texas Instruments . 10 Green Product of the Month Fifteen Times Higher Temperature Cycling Capability Semikron . 12 Guest Editorial As Silicon Matures, Power Conversion Seeks New Technology Platform By Graham Robertson, International Rectifier, El Segundo, Calif. 14 Market Electronics Industry Digest By Aubrey Dunford, Europartners . 16 Market Standards Drive New Products at Consumer Electronics Show By Linnea Brush, Senior Research Analyst, Darnell Group . 18-19 Market Evaluating the Manufacturing Cost of an IGBT By Michel Allain, General Manager, System Plus Consulting . 20-21 Cover Story High Energy Savings for Less Money By Juergen Hoika, Infineon Technologies . 22-25 Measurement Improved Measurement and Analysis Yields Cost-effective Standby Battery Monitoring By Loic Moreau, Lem Switzerland . 26-28 IGBT Driver Low-Cost Highly Integrated Gate Driver Core By Jan Thalheim, Olivier Garcia, Sascha Pawel, Michael Hornkamp, CT-Concept Technologie AG, Switzerland . 30-31 Power Management Power Management IC Simplifies Design for Bluetooth Headsets By Thomas Schaeffner, Texas Instruments, Freising . 32-33 Measurement Acoustic Flatness Measurement Enhances Die Attach Analysis of Power Device By Tom Adams, Consultant, Sonoscan, Inc. 34-36 Power Management Effective Battery Charging and Management By George Paparrizos, Director, Product Marketing, Summit Microelectronics, Inc. 38-39 MOSFETs Application Guides the MOSFET Selection Process By Mike Speed, Fairchild Semiconductor . 40-42 New Products . 43-46 www.bodospower.com February 2010 The Gallery 2 Bodo´s Power Systems® February 2010 www.bodospower.com Cool Power DualCool™ NexFET™ Power MOSFETs High-Performance Analog>>Your Way™ Key Benefits Thermal Performance Comparison 90 – Enables top side cooling – 80% higher power dissipation 80 – 50% more current in standard Wirebond SON footprints Copper Clip SON 70 DualCool™ SON – Energy efficient POL design 60 Junction Temperature (°C) Junction Temperature 50 40 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Power Dissipation (W) The DualCoolTM NexFETTM family of power MOSFETs delivers an industry standard footprint, while enabling thermally efficient cooling through the top and bottom of the package. This package allows power system designers to effectively direct heat away from the PCB in high-current DC/DC applications. TI’s DualCool NexFET power MOSFETs allow the heat generated by power conversion to be removed from the top side through convection cooling resulting in improved power density, higher current capability and improved system reliability. 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