[ 1776 ] "Thomas Meyer, formerly of Catherine-Street,Strand, Middle- John Scott, (sued with William Martin), formerly of BYoad- sex, and late of Great Waterloo-Street, Waterloo Road, wall, Blackfriars-lload, afterwards of Kijig's-Bench-Wai If, . Surrey, Dealer in Lavendee Water. • Saint George's-Fields, and late of the Mint, all in Surrey, Tfcchard Phillips, late of No. 19, Mettle Qneen-Streetj West-' Bone Boiler. • ;• , , minster, Painter and Glazier. Gabriel Tabourdin, formerly of • Argyle-Street, Middlesex (in -Henry Stephens, late of George-Street, Hanover-Square, and Copartnership with Peter Taliourdin), afterwards of the also of No. 3, Queet-Street, Hanover-Square, Middlesex, Inner-Temple, afterwards of Grays-Inn-PJace, Gray's-Inn- Gilder. Square, Middlesex, and late1 of Walcott-Place, Lambeth, <John Seton, formerly of Hercules-Buildings,. Westminster- in Surrey, Solicitor. • Road, and late of Larkhall-Lane, Lambeth, both in the George Gerber Worster (sued by the name of George Gar- County of Surrey, Proctors Clerk and,Agent to the Union ber Werster), late of No. 4, Clearer-Street, Kennington- F.ire and Life Office. • '.'••'•' Cross, Surrey, Baker, arid late Inspector of Weights and William Samuell, formerly of Deptford,and late of Woolwich, Measures and Hawkers Licences. both iu Kent, Butcher. > ,<.;i } ».'..' - Richard. Waltbew, formerly of Seymour-Street, Portman- -James Wells, formerly of Wonarsh, afterwards of Abinger, Square, Middlesex, afterwards of Eguam-Hithe, in the and. late of Buckham, all in the County,of Surrey, Farmer, Parish of Kgham, Surrey, and late of Chertsey, iu the same and feinca * Bailiff or Overlooker.1" /,.'3:: ".. County, Gentleman. ._.,••: • • .' Joseph Whisker (Sued by the name;of7Josep>-WJsker)>-Jate of . Old Brnmpton, Middlesex, Chandler Shopkeeper. .Notice of opposition to the-discharge of any Tliomas CUjuincli Wadibah, formerly of No. 125, Holborn- Prisoner must be entered 'in the book at this " .Hill,1 afterwards of'Upper Craven-Place,'Bays water, next of Princes-Street, Leicester-Square,, all in Middlesex, and Office, three clear days, exclusive of Sunday, be-' late of Narrow-Wall, Lauibeth, Surrey, Clerk in the Excise fore the day of hearing. The schedules are filed, Office.. i . ,••'.•.-•: and may be inspected every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, between the hours of Ten and Four, Wednesday the 11th of October" 1820, at the sarne up to the last day for entering opposition. time and place. William Eardly Amiel, late of Clarges-Street, Piccadilly, Middlesex, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. INSOLVENT DEBTORS COURT OFFICE, • John Charles Arney, Heretofore of Brixton and Wai worth, No. 9, Essex-Street, Strand. Surrey, afterwards of PbnHers-Eud and Stamford-Hill, Middlesex, since of Camberwell, in Surrey, and late of PETITIONS of INSOLVENT DEBTORS, to Nicholas-Lane, Lombard-Street, London, Coffee and Spice- Dealer and Broker. be heard at the Lodgings of the Rev. Dr. Cooke, John Thomas Boyd-the younger (sued by the name of Jobn Corpus College, Oxford, on the 7th day of Octo- Boyd), late of Norwood, Surrey, Carrier. ber 1820, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon. William Buck, late of No. 69, Long-Lane, Bermondsey, Suirey, Carpenter and Joiner. , James Smith, late of the Parish of Shipton, in the County . John Bott, late oi Totteriuge, near Harriet, Hertfordshire, of Oxford, Publican. Hay Farmer. John Thornett, late of Letchlade, in the County of Glou- . Ambrose Colley, late of Putney, Surrey, formerly servant to cester, Farmer. the Right Honourable .the Earl of Buckinghamshire, but James Painton, late of St. Martins, in the City of Oxford, now a patrole under the Polire Establishment of Bow-Street. ' Grocer and Fruiterer. Thomas Cox, formerly ot Edward-Street, Dockbead, and late Henry Tyson, late of the Parish of All Saints, in the City of of Chappie-Place, Great Suffolk-Street, Southward, Surrey, Oxford, Cordwainer. Hatter. John Holton, late of Witney, Oxfordshire, Spirit-Merchant, Lewis Evans, formerly of Orange-Row, Lambeth, and late of and formerly of Stoke Newington, Middlesex, Innkeeper. Harleyford-Place, Kenningtou, both in Surrey, Tailor. Jeremiah Whitehouse, late of St. Thomas, in the City of George Fergus on, late of Derby, Derbyshire, Doctor of Oxford, Coal-Dealer and Currier. Medicine. - . Joseph Tidmas the younger, late of Adderbury, Oxfordshire, John Francis, formerly of Islington, afterwards of Mill-End- Butcher. Road, both in Middlesex, afterwards of Albany-Road, <,'aniberwell, and late of Princes-Street, Rotberhithe, both At the King's Head Inn, Horsham, on the 7th day in Surrey, Merchant. George Gibson, formerly of Arundel-Street, Strand, Middle- of October 1820, at Ten o'Clock in the Fore- sex, afterwards of Berbice, in the West Indies, and late of noon. Hampstead-Road, Middlesex, Surgeon. Moses Gardner (sued by the name of M.Gardner), formerly John Knight, late of Cnckfield, in the County of Sussex, of Bermondsey-Street, Surrey, afterwards'of Kensington, Farmer, and afterwards of Brighton, in the said County, Middlesex, Linen-Draper, aad late of Vauxhall, Surrey, Labourer. Accountant. John Boarer, late of Frant, in the County of Sussex, Farmer William Edward Gyles (sued by the name of William Gyles), and Carrier. late of No. 4, Swan-Place, Kent-Road, Surrey, Manner. Ana Dibben, Widow, late of Ch'rchester, in the County of John Hartley, late of Rcdgate-Court, Miuories, London, Sussex, Innkeeper. Merchant. John Hyde, formerly of Saint Georges-Place, Blackfriar's- At the Guildhall, in the City of Worcester, on the Road, and late of .Albany-Road, both in Surrey, Coril-Deulcr. 9th day of October 1820, at Ten o'Clock in the Edward Haidun, late of Colchester, iu Essex, Farmer and Forenoon. Dealer in Horses. James Jones, late of George-Street, Mansion-House, London, William Richards, late of the Parish of St. Peters, in the Pen-Cutter, and of Hoxton-Square, in the Parish of Sliore- City of Worcester, Writing-Master and Accountant. ditcb, Middlesex. Robert James, late of the Parish of Holt, in the Cqunty.of Donald Mackay, late. of No. 44, Newgate-Street, London, Worcester, Meatman. Bookseller and Stationer. Jeremiah.Blount, late of Greek-Street, Soho, in the County John Nash, late of Little John Street, Horsleydown, South- of Middlesex, and afterwards of the City of Worcester, wark, Surrey, Lighterman an'd'Waterman. Plumber, Glazier, and Victualler. George Augustus Reed, formerly of Mill-Street, Bermondsey, afterwards of Grange-Road, Beimondscy, and late of Salis- bury-Lane, Bermoudsuy-Wall, and of Peuton-Place, Wal- At the Hall ot Pleas, in the Liberty of SaiVit worth-Couirnon, all in Surrey, Sack? Bag, and Coal-Mer- Peters, York, on the 7th day of October 1820, chant. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. Edmund Rudge,' formerly of Woolwich,. Kent, and late of * Jilackfriar's-Ruad, Suriey, Tea-Dealer aud Grocer. Thomas Porcival, late of the City of York, Attorney at Law..
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