Jl' Miss Verna E. Web.el"'l- B8:RG8:N, Alta. PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE May 8 -14,1949 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME II-No. 19 ISSUED AT WNNIPEG. APRIL 29 5c PER COpy $1.00 PER YEAR This Week: Winnipeg Sunday Concert (Page 2) * Kerry Wood, Naturalist (Page 3) CBC Wednesday* Night- Gentlemen of the Jury (Page 5) * Summer Concert (Pace 7) Horse Racing-* The Preakness (Page 8) * Radio Actress ~ OU WOULD never guess it from the photo­ Y graph, but this young Toronto radio actress, SANDRA SCOTT, says she seldom sees a microphone without feeling a pang of fcar. Her ambition is clear and straightfoTward-"to become a better actress" and judging from the demand for her talent, which has been steady ever since her debut in the spring of 1945, she is well on the way. At present she has roles in three weekly dramas: She is John's wife, Christine, in JOHN AND JUDY on Thursdays; Brenda Walker, the woman next door, in ALAN A!\'D ME on Sundays; and Emily \Vardle in the PICKWICK PAPERS on Mondays. This week, and every third week, she replac..'Cs Dorothy Jane Coulding as the teacher on KnmERGARTEN VF/~ AIR; and she will be heard May 8 0!l STACE.:?t' A DOLL'S HOUSE, by Ibsen. Her ne?'t big J~ be a lead in TUE SAGA OF BOB EDWAR~'.Jklle drama series about the famous ~r of""th CalglU)' Eye-Opener. starting May 23. '"'&3'6 Taylor, CBC producer at Winnipeg whose chief SERVA PADRONA (The Maid as Mistress) writ­ interest is serious music. Mr. Taylor also prepares ten in 1733 by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, who in *** and produces the highly interesting series of Forthcoming'Music From Winnipeg his short twenty-six years wrote fifteen operas as recorded programs on CBW known as the Concert well ~ the great mass of sacred music for which Winnipeg's contributions to the CBC's new series Hour, in which big works such as entire sym­ of Summer Concerts (Fridays, CBW 7:00 p.m.; phonies and piano or other concertos are the order he is most famous. This is for the Summer Concert CBK 9:30 p.m.; CBX 8:30 p.m.), and the regular of the day. The Concert Hour is heard throughout of May 20. Grace Lowery, soprano, will be heard series of Winnipeg Sunday Concerts (Sundays, the week Monday to Friday, at 4:00 p.m. on'CBW. as tile Maid, and Roy Firth, baritone, as the CBW 10,30 p.m.; CBK 9,30 p.m.; CBX 8,30 Mr. Taylor's plans for the near future include a Master. The string orchestra will be conducted p.m.), are the principal concerns just now of T. M. performance of the delightful little opera LA by Eric Wild. (Tum to page 6) Page 2 CBC TIMES Prairie Region Parisian boulevards. In France, Falla); 0 Cease Thy Singing, Maiden Tohama, Ulmer, Andrex, Guetary and Fair (Rachmaninoff); Two Sketches Sunday, May 8th, 1949 Delyle are names as well known as (Cordon Jacob); Brook Grecn Suite Gisele, Bing Crosby, or Dinah Shore (Custav Holst). From Vancouver. CBW, ~IANlTOBA (990 Ke.) (CDT) in Canada. Songs written or made CBW 11000 p.m.; CBK 10,00 p.m.; 8: 5S Musical Pr09ram 12 :30 Way of the Spirit 6: 30 ChansoD Paris popular by these performers will be CBX 9,00 1'.m. 9 :00 CBe News I :00 CDC News 7:00 Fred Allen heard in this program. Among them 9:03 Weather, Interlude 1:03 Capilal Report 7:30 Comrades in Arms 9:15 World Church News 1:30 Religious Period 8:00 CDC News are: Ma vache et moi (My Cow and I) 9:30 Sunday SChool of the 2:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 8: 10 The Old Songs by MdIlc. Tohama; Pour lui (For Him) The Prairie Gardener 1lli 3:30 Church of the Au 8:30 Album of Familiar 10:00 CSC News 4:00 Male Chorus Music by Lucienne Delyle; Je chcrche un 10:02 Neighbourly News ,,: 30 Critically Speaking 9:00 Stage 49 appartement (I am Looking For An 10:15 Prairie Gardener 5:00 Alan and M. 10:00 OrqaD Music Aparbnent). by Ulmer, Danish singer Summary Of Broadcast Of May 10:30 Recital 5:25 esc News 10:30 Wpq. Sunday Concert I, 1949. 11:00 51. Margaret's 5;27 Weather 11:00 Classics For Today who writes most of his own songs; and Anglican Church 5:30 Oui. and Harriet 11 :30 Vesper Hour T.;n metre vingt, first sung by Andrex, Some May Gardening Activities: 11:S9 Dominion Time Signal 6:00 Weekend Review 12:00 CBC News 12:00 Alan MUla 6:15 John Fisher 12:10 Weather who is described as a younger version 1. Thorough preparation of the soil 12:15 Just Mary of Maurice Chevalier. Drouin and before seeding is the most important CBK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Ke.) (MDT) Mdlle. Joyal are heard with an or­ job for the gardener in early May. 1n 8:55 Musical Proqrarn 12:03 Songs and Singers 6:30 Comrades in Arms chestra conducted by Andre Durieux. easily worked, sandy loam soils shal­ 9:00 CDC News 12:30 Religious Period 7:00 CBC National News 9:02 Nelghbourly News 1:00 N.Y. Pl.ilharmonlc 7:10 The Old Songs CBW 6,30 p.m.; CBK 5,30 p.m.; low cultivation is suHicient but in 9:15 Prairie Gardener 2:30 Church of the Air 7:30 Album of Familiar CBX 4,30 p.m. heavy soils spading to a depth of nine 9: 30 Recital 3:00 Capital Report Music 10:00 BBC News 3:30 Critically Speakinq 8:00 Stage 49 -- or ten inches is necessary. But in 10:15 World Church News 4:00 Alan and Me 9:00 O%zle and Haniet either case the soil must be made firm 10:30 Quiet Music 4:25 CBC News 9:30 Wpq. Sunday Concert STAGE 49 after working to reduce moisture losses 10:59 Dominion Time 4:27 Weather 10:00 Classics For Today Signal 4:30 Harmony Harbour 10:30 Vesper Hour Drama serie! directed by Andrew through excessive aeration. If manure 11:00 Alan Mills 5:00 Weekend Review 11:00 CBC News Allan, CBC supervisor of drama; is added in the spring it should be 11:15 Just Mary 5:15 John Fisher 11:10 Weather 11:30 Way of the SpIrit 5:30 Chanson Paris 11:15 Tales of the Trolls music by Lucio Agostini. From Tor­ finely divided, well rotted, and evenly 12:00 CDC News 6:00 Fred Allen 11:30 Prelude to Midnight onto. A radio adaptation by Drew incorporated in the soil. CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Ke.) (MST) Crossan of Henrik Ibsen's play, A 2. Weed control during ~fay and 7:55 Musical Proqram 11 :03 Sonqs and Sinqers 5:30 Comrades in Arms Doll's House. Cast: Nora-Sandra early Junc is much more effective and 8 :00 CDC News 11:30 ReUqious Period 6:00 CDC National News Scott; Helmer-John Drainie; Christ­ less labour-consuming than later in 8:02 Neighbourly News 12:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 6:10 The Old Sonqs ine Linde-Ruth Springford; Nils 8:15 Prairie Gardener 1:30 Church of the Air 6: 30 Album of Familiar the season. Sowing seeds should be 8: 30 Recital 2 :00 Capital Report Music Krogstad-Alan King; Dr. Rank-Budd delayed if soil is full of weed seeds 9:00 BDC News 2: 30 Critically Speakinq 7: 00 Staqe 49 Knapp. Drew CrOS5.1n, author of this 9:15 World Church News 3:00 Alan and Me 8: 00 $zzie and Harriel until the nrst crop of weed seeds has 9: 30 Quiet Music 3:25 CBC News 8:30 Wpq. Sunday Concert adaptation, is a CBC producer. He germinated and the seedlings killed 9: 59 Dominion TIme 3:27 Weather 9:00 Classics for Today began his work on Ibsen's play while by shallow surface cultivation. Thcn Signal 3:30 Harmony Harbour 9 :30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC NfPWS studying at the Toronto Academy of 10:00 Alan Milb 4:00 Weekend Review sowing should be done with the least 10: 10 Weather Radio Arts. Joining the CBC, getting possible disturbance of the soil. Deep 10:15 Just Mary 4:15 John Fisher 10:15 Tales of the Trolls 10:30 Way of the Spirit 4: 30 Chanson Paris 10:30 Prelude to Midnight married, welcoming his first-born, and cultivation to kill weeds brings fresh 11:00 CBC News 5:00 Fred Allen II :55 CDC News finding a home delayed the work for seeds nearer the surface where they CBC DOMINION NETWORK (MDT) more than a year. Settled at last at will germinate a second crop of 3:30 Aldrich Family 6:30 Henry Morgan 8:15 Bod'. Scrapbook Lake \Vilcox, 0 n tar i o. Cr"'ssan weeds. 4:00 Hawai! Call. 7:00 NBC Theatre 8:30 DoD. Wrlqbt Chorus finished the script and took a copy to 3. Sowing seeds is not to be done 4:30 Can~dlans at Work 7'30 Smoke Ring. 9:00 Dominion New. 5: 00 Talking to the Stars _. Andrew Allan. Allan was out. Crossan carelessly or without consideration of 5:30 Amos 'n Andy 8:00 Chapman & Webb 10:15 Chapman & Webb left the script in his desk. The same 6:00 LUe Beqin.
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