vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: JAmeS FLAHerTy BENDIGo BOMBERS Coach: AdriAn HiCKmoTT office address: Osborne Street, Bendigo, 3550 No. Name Goals behinds Ground address: Queen Elizabeth Oval, View Street, Bendigo, 3550 1 Jay NEagle * Postal address: PO Box 470, Golden Square, 3555 3 Paul Scanlon General manager: Peter Lodewijks 5 Stewart cramEri Telephone: 544 1737 6 Josh BOWE email: [email protected] Website: www.bendigobombers.com 7 Leroy JEtta * 9 Brent PriSmall * 10 Blair HOLmES 11 David ZaHarakiS * ProudLy SPonSored by 13 Darren HuLmE 15 Joel MALONE 17 Jay Nash * 18 Simon WEEkLEY 19 James BRIStOW 20 charles SLattErY 22 James FLaHErtY 23 David MyerS * 24 John WilliamS * 26 cale HOOkEr 30 kyle MILLEr 33 rex TAYLOr 34 rhys MAGiN 35 michael Still * 36 tyson SLattErY * 37 kyle ReimErS * 38 Jarrod atkinson * 40 Bryce carroll # 41 michael Quinn # 42 Nathan Lovett-murraY * 43 Bachar HOuLi * 44 tom BellcHamberS * 45 thomas GErmaN # 3bo/star Fm 46 christian BOck # SouTHern Cross Ten 47 kade KlemkE # bendiGo AdverTiSer 49 Peter HARRISON rushed * AFL Essendon listed player # AFL Essendon rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time 1 / visit: victorianfootballleague.com.au vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: JAmeS FLAHerTy BENDIGo BOMBERS Coach: AdriAn HiCKmoTT No. Name Goals behinds No. Name Goals behinds office address: Osborne Street, Bendigo 3550 Ground address: Queen Elizabeth Oval, View Street, Bendigo 3550 1 Jay NEagle * Postal address: PO Box 470, 3 Paul Scanlon Golden Square 3555 5 Stewart cramEri General manager: Peter Lodewijks Telephone: 5444 1737 Facsimile: 5444 4899 6 Josh BOWE email: [email protected] 7 Leroy JEtta * Website: www.bendigobombers.com 9 Brent PriSmall * 10 Blair HOLmES 11 David ZaHarakiS * ProudLy SPonSored by 13 Darren HuLmE 15 Joel MALONE 17 Jay Nash * 18 Simon WEEkLEY 19 James BRIStOW 20 charles SLattErY 22 James FLaHErtY 23 David MyerS * 24 John WilliamS * 26 cale HOOkEr 30 kyle MILLEr 33 rex TAYLOr 34 rhys MAGiN 35 michael Still * 36 tyson SLattErY * 37 kyle ReimErS * 38 Jarrod atkinson * 40 Bryce carroll # 41 michael Quinn # 42 Nathan Lovett-murraY * 43 Bachar HOuLi * 44 tom BellcHamberS * 45 thomas GErmaN # 46 christian BOck # 3bo/star Fm 47 kade KlemkE # SouTHern Cross Ten 49 Peter HARRISON bendiGo AdverTiSer rushed * AFL Essendon listed player # AFL Essendon rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time VFL ReCORD / 2 vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: STeve KennA/LuKAS mArKOVIC box HiLL HAWKS Coach: brendAn bolton office address: cnr. middleborough & Whitehorse No. Name Goals behinds roads, Box Hill, 3128 Ground address: Box Hill city Oval, 1 Joel cross cnr. middleborough & Whitehorse roads, 2 Steve Kenna Box Hill, 3128 Postal address: PO Box 143, Box Hill, 3128 4 Sam Iles General manager: andrew Pirchan 5 Ben Smithwick Telephone: 9890 9442 6 Lukas markovic email: [email protected] Website: www.boxhillhawks.com.au 7 Ed curnow 8 cameron PederSEN 9 Lachlan GeorGE ProudLy SPonSored by 10 thomas WARBY 11 Beau DOWLEr * 12 Brad NEiL 13 adem YZE 15 Sam Gibson 18 Gary cONYErS 21 Lachlan mcQuEEN-miScamble 23 marco Bello 25 ryan SchoenmakErS * 26 Liam SHiels * 27 Phil SmitH 31 kris NYE 32 Josh P. Kennedy * 34 Lachlan CAREY 35 Jarryd mOrtON * 36 Jordan Lisle * 41 tim WaLSH # 43 Will SiErakowski # 44 cameron StOkES # 45 riley milne # 46 Hayden kiel # 47 Luke BrEuSt # 48 carl PEtErSON # 57 Leigh KITCHEN 59 andrew rENtON 74 clinton YOuNG* rushed * AFL Hawthorn listed player # AFL Hawthorn rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time LISTEN TO ALL GAMES LIVE ON 94.1FM 3 / visit: victorianfootballleague.com.au vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: STeve KennA/LuKAS mArKOVIC box HiLL HAWKS Coach: brendAn bolton No. Name Goals behinds No. Name Goals behinds office address: cnr. middleborough & Whitehorse roads, Box Hill, 3128 1 Joel cross Ground address: Box Hill city Oval, cnr. middleborough & Whitehorse roads, 2 Steve Kenna Box Hill, 3128 4 Sam Iles Postal address: PO Box 143, Box Hill, 3128 5 Ben Smithwick General manager: andrew Pirchan Telephone: 9890 9442 6 Lukas markovic email: [email protected] 7 Ed curnow Website: www.boxhillhawks.com.au 8 cameron PederSEN 9 Lachlan GeorGE 10 thomas WARBY ProudLy SPonSored by 11 Beau DOWLEr * 12 Brad NEiL 13 adem YZE 15 Sam Gibson 18 Gary cONYErS 21 Lachlan mcQuEEN-miScamble 23 marco Bello 25 ryan SchoenmakErS * 26 Liam SHiels * 27 Phil SmitH 31 kris NYE 32 Josh P. Kennedy * 34 Lachlan CAREY 35 Jarryd mOrtON * 36 Jordan Lisle * 41 tim WaLSH # 43 Will SiErakowski # 44 cameron StOkES # 45 riley milne # 46 Hayden kiel # 47 Luke BrEuSt # 48 carl PEtErSON # 57 Leigh KITCHEN 59 andrew rENtON 74 clinton YOuNG* rushed * AFL Hawthorn listed player # AFL Hawthorn rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time LISTEN TO ALL GAMES LIVE ON 94.1FM VFL ReCORD / 4 vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: KyLe mattheWS CASey SCorPionS Coach: PeTer GermAn office address: casey Fields, 160 Berwick- No. Name Goals behinds cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 Ground address: casey Fields, 160 Berwick- 1 kyle matthews cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 3 ryan CREED Postal address: casey city complex, Suite 10, 65 Berwick-cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 4 Ben WaitE General manager: Brian Woodman 5 michael StOckDale Telephone: 5996 1111 6 Peter FauLkS email: [email protected] Website: www.scorpions.com.au 7 Nick SCANLON 10 Glenn ChiVErS 11 James Wall ProudLy SPonSored by 13 James taylor 14 Evan Panozza 15 tim mOHr 17 rian mcGOuGH 18 Jarred matheson 22 Ben macrEaDiE 31 alex SiLVagni 36 Josh BOLtON 48 kyle cHENEY * 49 russell rOBERTSON * 51 Liam JurraH * 53 Jamie BENNELL 54 Neville JETTA * 56 Daniel BELL * 57 Shane Valenti # 58 Danny HuGHES 59 Jake SpencEr # 62 clint BARTRAM* 63 ricky PETTErD * 65 Stefan MARTIN* 66 Jordie mcKenziE # 68 Paul WHEATLEY 69 rohan BaiL * 70 michael NEWtON* 78 tom mcNamara * 80 Brad MILLEr * 81 Lynden DuNN * rushed * AFL Melbourne listed player # AFL Melbourne rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time 5 / visit: victorianfootballleague.com.au vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: KyLe mattheWS CASey SCorPionS Coach: PeTer GermAn No. Name Goals behinds No. Name Goals behinds office address: casey Fields, 160 Berwick-cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 1 kyle matthews Ground address: casey Fields, 160 Berwick- 3 ryan CREED cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 Postal address: casey city complex, Suite 10, 4 Ben WaitE 65 Berwick-cranbourne road, cranbourne East, 3977 5 michael StOckDale General manager: Brian Woodman 6 Peter FauLkS Telephone: 5996 1111 email: [email protected] 7 Nick SCANLON Website: www.scorpions.com.au 10 Glenn ChiVErS 11 James Wall 13 James taylor ProudLy SPonSored by 14 Evan Panozza 15 tim mOHr 17 rian mcGOuGH 18 Jarred matheson 22 Ben macrEaDiE 31 alex SiLVagni 36 Josh BOLtON 48 kyle cHENEY * 49 russell rOBERTSON * 51 Liam JurraH * 53 Jamie BENNELL 54 Neville JETTA * 56 Daniel BELL * 57 Shane Valenti # 58 Danny HuGHES 59 Jake SpencEr # 62 clint BARTRAM* 63 ricky PETTErD * 65 Stefan MARTIN* 66 Jordie mcKenziE # 68 Paul WHEATLEY 69 rohan BaiL * 70 michael NEWtON* 78 tom mcNamara * 80 Brad MILLEr * 81 Lynden DuNN * rushed * AFL Melbourne listed player # AFL Melbourne rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time VFL ReCORD / 6 vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: niCK carneLL CoburG TiGerS Coach: jade rawlinGS office address: moreland city council, No. Name Goals behinds 90 Bell Street, coburg, 3058 Ground address: aBD Group Stadium, 1 andrew HOrne Harding Street, coburg, 3058 2 Nick carnell Postal address: PO Box 154, coburg, 3058 General manager: ryan O’connor 3 Nick Liddle Telephone: 9354 8228 4 Jason mOrGaN email: [email protected] Website: www.coburgtigers.com.au 5 Glen carrick 8 Jack riewoldt * 9 Jarrod SilvestEr # 12 Damien RAYSON ProudLy SPonSored by 14 tim cLarkE 15 kayne pettifer * 16 James Keogh 17 Jonathon mOrriS 19 Dean Putt * 21 ryan AllaN 22 Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls * 24 Nat caruso 27 tom HiSLOP * 29 tyrone VICKErY * 33 David GOurDiS # 34 cleve Hughes * 37 Jayden Post * 38 robin NaHaS # 39 Daniel ConnorS * 43 andrew Browne # 46 Jake king * 67 adam Pattison * 68 adam Thomson * 70 Will Thursfield * 71 andrew RAINES * 73 Jordan mcmahon * 74 Dean Polo * 76 mitch mORTON * 81 Nathan G. BrOWN * 83 trent cOTCHiN * rushed * AFL Richmond listed player # AFL Richmond rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time 7 / visit: victorianfootballleague.com.au vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: niCK carneLL CoburG TiGerS Coach: jade rawlinGS No. Name Goals behinds No. Name Goals behinds office address: moreland city council, 90 Bell Street, coburg 3058 1 andrew HOrne Ground address: aBD Group Stadium, Harding Street, coburg 3058 2 Nick carnell Postal address: PO Box 154, coburg 3058 3 Nick Liddle General manager: ryan O’connor Telephone: Facsimile: 4 Jason mOrGaN 9354 8228 9350 5551 email: [email protected] 5 Glen carrick Website: www.coburgtigers.com.au 8 Jack riewoldt * 9 Jarrod SilvestEr # 12 Damien RAYSON ProudLy SPonSored by 14 tim cLarkE 15 kayne pettifer * 16 James Keogh 17 Jonathon mOrriS 19 Dean Putt * 21 ryan AllaN 22 Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls * 24 Nat caruso 27 tom HiSLOP * 29 tyrone VICKErY * 33 David GOurDiS # 34 cleve Hughes * 37 Jayden Post * 38 robin NaHaS # 39 Daniel ConnorS * 43 andrew Browne # 46 Jake king * 67 adam Pattison * 68 adam Thomson * 70 Will Thursfield * 71 andrew RAINES * 73 Jordan mcmahon * 74 Dean Polo * 76 mitch mORTON * 81 Nathan G. BrOWN * 83 trent cOTCHiN * rushed * AFL Richmond listed player # AFL Richmond rookie 1/4 Time 1/2 Time 3/4 Time FuLL Time VFL ReCORD / 8 vfl teamsheets CAPTAin: dAmien PeveriLL CoLLinGWood Coach: gavin broWn office address: Lexus
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