Inventory No. 164 k V 4" UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C., April 1966 t PLANT MATERIAL INTRODUCED JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1956 (NOS. 230877 TO 236142) CONTENTS Page Inventory 3 Index of common and scientific names 227 This inventory, No. 164, lists the plant material (Nos. 230877 to :236142) received by the New Crops Research Branch, Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, during the period from Jan- uary 1 to December 31, 1956. From 1954 to 1957, the branch was known as the Plant Introduction Section, Horticultural Crops Re- search Branch, Agricultural Research Service, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. The inventory is a historical record of plant material introduced for Department and other specialists and is not to be considered as a list of plant material for distribution. EUGENE GRIFFITH and HOWARD L. HTLAND, Botanists. Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Md. INVENTORY 230877. CITRUS SINENSIS (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae. Sweet orange. From Spain. Presented by J. R. Jurr, Almeria. Received Jan. 3, 1956. 'Castellana'. Fruits round, early. 230878 to 230924. From the United States. Plants growing at the United States Plant Introduc- tion Station, Coconut Grove, Florida. Numbered Jan. 3, 1956. 230878. ALPHONSEA LUTEA Hook. f. & Thorn. Annonaceae. No. 14171. Grown from seeds presented by R. J. Godbey, Kendall, Fla. 230879. AMOORA ROHITUKA (Roxb.) Wight & Am. Miliaceae. No. 14249. From the Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230880. ANISOMELES SALVIAEFOLIA R. Br. Menthaceae. No. 14228. From E. A. Menninger, Stuart, Fla. 230881. BILLBERGIA PORTEANA Brongn. Bromeliaceae. No. 14185. 230882. BUTEA MONOSPERMA (Lam.) Taub. Fabaceae. Bengal kino. No. 14275. From the Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230883. CALLISTEMON BRACHYANDRUS Lindl. Myrtaceae. Bottlebmsh. No. 14146. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger, Stuart, Fla. 230884. CALLISTEMON SPECIOSUS (Sims.) DC. Showy bottlebrush. No. 14040. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230885. CALLITRIS ROBUSTA (Parl.) F. M. Bailey Pinaceae. Cypress-pine. No. 14174. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230886. CARISSA CARANDAS L. Apocynaceae. Karanda. No. 14421. From the Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230887. CASSIA BREWSTERI F. Muell. Caesalpiniaceae. No. 14180. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230888. CHRYSALIDOCARPUS sp. Phoenicaceae. No. 13955. Collected by Harold E. Moore in Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230889. COLVILLEA RACEMOSA Boj. Caesalpiniaceae. No. 14165. From E. A. Menninger. 230890. COPERNICIA AUSTRALIS Becc. Phoenicaceae. Palm. No. 14101. Collected by E. D. Kitzke in Paraguay. 230891. CORDYLINE AUSTRALIS (Forst.) Hook. Liliaceae. Green dracena. No. 14158. From E. A. Menninger. 230892. DODONAEA ATTENUATA A. Cunn. Sapindaeceae. Hopbush. No. 14206. From E. A. Menninger. 230893. COMBEYA NYASICA Exell. Sterculiaceae. No. 14238. From Nyasaland, through E. A. Menninger. 4 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 164 230878 to 230924—Continued 230894. DOMBEYA ROTUNDIFOLIA Planch. No. 14239. From Nyasaland, through E. A. Menninger. 230895. DOMBEYA sp. No. 14237. From Nyasaland, through E. A. Menninger. 230896. EDYTHRINA FUSCA Lour. Fabaceae. Coraltree. No. 14177. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230897. ERYTHRINA TOMENTOSA R. Br. Coraltree. No. 14178. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230898 to 230904. From Western Australia, through E. A. Menninger. 230898. EUCALYPTUS CLOEZIANA F. Muell. Myrtaceae. Nos. 14176 and 13802. 230899. EUCALYPTUS ERYTHROCORYS F. Muell. No. 14214. 230900. EUCALYPTUS EWARTIANA Maiden. No. 14217. 230901. EUCALYPTUS KESSELLII Maid. & Blakely. No. 14209. 230902. EUCALYPTUS LEUCOPHYLLA Domin. No. 14230. 230903. EUCALYPTUS TORQUATA Luchm. No. 14207. 230904. Ficus CHRYSOCARPA Reinw. Moraceae. JPig, No. 14242. 230905. GARCINIA DULCIS (Roxb.) Kurz. Clusiaceae. No. 14248. Collected by H. F. Loomis in Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230906. KOPSIA FRUTICOSA (Ker.) A. DC. Apocynaceae. No. 14254. Collected by H, F. Loomis in Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 230907 to 230911. From Australia, through E. A. Menninger, Stuart, Fla. 230907. MELALEUCA ERICIFOLIA J. E. Sm. Myrtaceae. No. 13804. 230908. MELALEUCA GENISTIFOLIA J. E. Sm. No. 14227. 230909. MELALEUCA HUEGELII Endl. No. 14203. 230910. MELALEUCA PAUPERIFLORA F. Muell. No. 14069. 230911. MELALEUCA PUBESCENS Schauer. No. 14202. 230912. MUNDULEA sp. Fabaceae. No. 14117. From India, through E. A. Menninger. 230913. ORMOSIA MONOSPERMA (SW.) Urban Fabaceae. Necklacetree. No. 14252. Collected by H. F. Loomis in Atkins Garden, Cienfuegos, Cuba. JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 19 56 5 230878 to 230924—Continued 230914. PACHYPODIUM sp. Apocynaceae. No. 14183. From E. A. Menninger. 230915. PASSIFLORA UMBILICATA (Griseb.) Harms Passifloraceae. Granadilla. No. 14247. From Bolivia, through Park, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. 230916. PITTOSPORUM HOSMERI Rock Pittosporaceae. No. 14057. From Hawaii, through J. F. Rock. 230917. POLYGALA VIRGATA Thunb. Polygalaceae. No. 14037. From South Africa, through E. A. Menninger. 230918. RANDIA DUMETORUM (Retz) Lam. Rubiaceae. No. 13797. From Penagalura, Cuddapah, India, through E. A. Menninger. 230919. RUTTYA sp. Acanthaceae. No. 14149 and 14166. From South Africa, through E. A. Menninger. 230920. SOPHORA TETRAPTERA J. Miller Fabaceae. No. 14159. From New Zealand, through E. A. Menninger. 230921. STEREOSPERMUM KUNTHIANUM Cham. Bignoniaceae. No. 14080. 230922. STRYCHNOS POTATORUM L. f. Loganiaceae. No. 13795. From Penagalura, Cuddapah, through E. A. Menninger. 230923. TECOMARIA NYASSAE (Oliver) K. Schum. Bignoniaceae. No. 14118. From E. A. Menninger. 230924. TISSERANTODENDRON CHEVALIERI Sillans Bignoniaceae. No. 14290. 230925 to 230944. CAMELLIA sp. Theaceae. From Japan. Cuttings presented by ae Agricultural Attache, American Embassy, Tokyo. Received Jan. 3, 195656. 230925. 'Ama Obune'. 230935. 'Hasumi-Jiro'. 230926. 'Ezo-Nishiki\ 230936. 'Kara-Ito'. 230927. 'Fransu-Jiro'. (France, 230937. 'Kasuga-No'. white). 230938. 'Kayoi-Dori'. 230928. 'Fukurin-Ikky n'. 230939. 'Kuki-Sarasa'. 230929. 'Genji-Geruma'. 230940. 'Mamiji-Gori'. 230930. 'Genji-Karako'. 230941. 'Murasaki-Tsubaki'. 230931. 'Go-Ishi\ 230942. 'Oranda-Beni\ 230932. 'Haku-Gan'. 230943. <Ran-Byoshi\ 230933. 'Hakuro-Nishikf. 230944. 'Syuchu-kwa'. 230934. 'Haru-No-Utena'. 230945 to 230960. From Australia. Seeds presented by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra. Received Jan. 4, 1956. 230945 and 230946. NICOTIANA DEBNEYI i1^^8 Carnarvon Ranges, Queensland. 230945. No. 979. 230946. T.S. 111. 6 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 164 230945 to 230960—Continued 230947 to 230949. NICOTIANA EXIGUA Wheeler Tobacco. Lincoln's Gap, South Australia. 230947. No. 476. 230948. NTB 4671. 230949. T.S. 43. 230950 to 230952. NICOTIANA GOODSPEEDII Wheeler Tobacco. Peninsula, South Australia. 230950. No. 980. 230951. T.S. 6. 230952. T.S. 106. 230953 to 230955. NICOTIANA GOSSEI Domin Tobacco. 230953. No. 976. Todd River, near Alice Springs, Central Australia. 230954. NTB 4371. Todd River, near Alice Springs, Central Australia. 230955. (No number). Stanley Chasm, east of Alice Springs, South Australia. 230956 to 230958. NICOTIANA MEGALOSIPHON Heurck & Muell.-Arg. Tobacco* 230956. No. 977. Conner's River Queensland. 230957. T.S. 28. Ourigilla, Queensland. 230958. T.S. 110. Conner's River, Queensland. 230959. NICOTIANA ROTUNDIFOLIA Lindl. Tobacco. No. 978. 230960. NICOTIANA SUAVEOLENS Lehm. Tobacco. No. TS-9. Murrurundi, New South Wales. 230961 to 230964. From Portugal. Plants presented by Estacao Agronomica Nacional, Sacavem. Received Jan. 5, 1956. 230961 to 230963. COFFEA ARABICA L. Rubiaceae. Arabian coffee. 230961. No. 334 (Immune)—Sel. 228-23 (C.R.S. Balehonur, India). 230962. No. 34s (Immune)—Sel. 353 4/5 (C.R.S. Balehonur, India). 230963. No. 35g (Susceptible only to the cultures of Hem. vastatrix)—Sel. 286-7 (C.R.S. Balehonur, India). ^"230964. COFFEA CANEPHORA Pierre ex Froehn. Coffee. No, 18 (Immune)—Angola. 230965 to 230967. From Japan. Seeds presented by N. Takahashi, Hokkaido Experimental Forest, Yamabe-mura, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido. Received Jan 6, 1956. 230965. AESCULUS TURBINATA Blume Aesculaceae. Japanese horsechestnut. 230966. PICEA GLEHNII (Schmidt) Masters Pinaceae. Sakhalin spruce. 230967. PINUS KORAIENSIS Sieb. & Zucc. Pinaceae. Korean pine. h*-idgntificttiofl Summary JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1956 7 230968 to 230981. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Fabaceae. Soybean. From Japan. Seeds presented by the Agricultural Attache, American Embassy, Tokyo. Received Jan. 6, 1956. 230968. No. 1. 230975. No. 8. 230969. No. 2. 230976. No. 9. 230970. No. 3. 230977. No. 10. 230971. No. 4. 230978. No. 11. 230972. No. 5. 230979. No. 12. 230973. No. 6. 230980. No. 13. 230974. No. 7. 230981. No. 14. 230982. CYPERUS GRACILIS R. Br. Cyperaceae. From Hawaii. Plants presented by the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Re- ceived Jan. 9, 1956. Perennial sedge native to Australia and known as McCoy grass. Plants small; leaves fine; free-flowering. Resembles mascarene grass; outranks other grasses for shade tolerance. 230983 to 230985. From Australia. Seeds presented by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra. Received Jan. 10, 1956. 230983. GLYCINE FALCATA Benth. Fabaceae. From Gilruth Plains. 230984. MEDICAGO PROSTRATA Jacq. Fabaceae. Medic. Originally from Spain. 230985. MEDICAGO SATIVA var. GAETULA Urban Fabaceae. Alfalfa. Originally from Algeria. 230986 and 230987. From Australia. Seeds presented by the American Embassy, Canberra. Re- ceived Dec. 28, 1955. Originally
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