Mclibel: do-it-yourself justice Dave Morris ‘The McLibel case is the trial o f the century — it concerns the most important issues that any of us have to face, living our ordinary lives. ’ Michael Mansfield QC I am a 45-year-old single parent and ex-postal worker, living in North Two non-legalpeople’s London. I have been a social and political activist for over 25 years. I challenge to a multi-national and co-defendant Helen Steel (a 33-year-old barworker) were sued for libel by the $30 billion-a-year McDonald’s Corporation in 1990 over corporation succeeds against the distribution of a 1986 six-sided factsheet prophetically titled ‘What’s Wrong With McDonald’s? — Everything They Don’t Want the odds. You To Know’, of which no more than 5000 had been published. These leaflets, issued by London Greenpeace,1 criticised the highly- influential McDonald’s Corporation, the food industry and multinationals in general for promoting unhealthy food, damaging the environment, monopolising resources, exploiting workers, targeting and exploiting children and causing animal suffering. The leaflets advocated positive alternatives. None of these views were new, having already been widely publicly expressed by trade unionists, environmentalists and nutritionists for years. Transnational corporations are now the most powerful institutions on our planet, dominating our lives and the environment. McDonald’s alone spends over $2 billion annually advertising and promoting itself and its view of these issues worldwide. In our view it is an outrage that any such bodies should be able to try to suppress the public’s right to express and consider alternative points of view. The United Kingdom’s libel laws ‘The McLibel case has achieved what many lawyers thought impossible; to lower further the reputation of our law of defamation in the minds o f all right thinking people. ’ David Pannick, QC, The Times [UK] 20 April 1999 Libel laws in the United Kingdom are notorious. A defendant is guilty until proven innocent, despite facing having to pay huge potential damages and the draconian threat to freedom of speech. Cases are massively expensive, complex and completely stacked in favour of the prosecution. There is no legal aid. Right to jury trial can be denied. Every published book, programme, newspaper etc. is subjected to Tegalling’ by lawyers — generally almost all material critical of any institution or individual that it is believed might sue is secretly removed. The public has barely any idea of all this. Most libel suits result in a pre-trial climbdown by the defence and a grovelling and false ‘apology’ which is then paraded around by the Dave Morris is one o f the defendants in the McLibel case. victor as an example of how squeaky clean they supposedly are. This Contributions to this article were also made by Helen constitutes a form of mass censorship, generally carried out in secret. Its Steel and the McLibel Support Campaign. only beneficiaries are rich and powerful institutions and individuals. It VOL. 24, NO. 6, DECEMBER • 1999 269 McLIBEL: DO-IT-YOURSELF JUSTICE has to be asked why such censorship has never been disbelief and shock, he successfully applied for our right to a successfully challenged or defied before. If not now, when? jury trial to be denied us on the grounds that the issue of links It seems that libel developed as a means of settling between diet and disease would be too ‘complex’ for disputes between the wealthy without resorting to duelling. members of the public. It was a shrewd move — we believe But this century has seen a major shift as big business and that a jury would have been outraged that such a case could other powerful institutions and individuals have taken full be brought at all. Mr Rampton confidently predicted a trial advantage of the legal machinery (including libel) to lasting ‘3-4 weeks’. We went to appeal on both points, losing suppress criticism. The public, and the many diverse social the jury issue. and protest movements which have grown during this But, in a decision significant for all future libel cases, we century, place great store in their freedom to express their succeeded in getting our full defence restored pending full views. In the USA, as a result of the 18th century victory of disclosure of McDonald’s documents and the coming cross- the American Revolution against British rule, freedom of examination of witnesses. Support and publicity began to speech was established as a constitutional right. US grow, as did our own confidence. On the eve of trial corporations are increasingly making use of other more McDonald’s issued press releases and 300,000 leaflets amenable areas of the law, bringing what are known as through their UK stores attacking Helen, myself and other ‘slapps’ suits, to try to harass and disable their critics. campaigners for spreading ‘lies’. Surely this was a International companies are now capable of ‘window breathtakingly hypocritical act by a company having cried shopping’ around the world for the most favourable arena for ‘ libel! ’, calculated to undermine our public support when we obtaining public legal rulings in their favour — like the UK needed it most, and a much more extensive and serious for example. defamation that the one we were accused of. We countersued The whole legal system is dominated by lawyers, and is for libel in order to put McDonald’s under the burden of viewed by most ordinary people as an alienating, bizarre and proving that the London Greenpeace criticisms were untrue. oppressive edifice of jargon, procedures and hierarchy The trial finally started in June 1994, and lasted 314 court generally set up to defend the status quo (namely, those with days over three years (the previous longest ever libel hearing power or money). With current government attacks here on lasting 101 days), in which we ourselves were grilling US the right to legal aid and assistance, this perception can only and UK corporate executives and officials, dozens of experts grow and ensure a climate where the public’s expectations and witness of fact, fielding our own witnesses (none of and resistance to legal injustice continue to fall. whom were paid), and also having constant legal disputes But there are developments. Recently, as the media has including four more trips to the Court of Appeal. McDonald’s expanded and public criticism (especially of politicians) has pulled out all the stops and spent an estimated £ 10 million as become increasingly hard to stifle in the modem age, the UK against our total of £35,000 raised from public donations. courts have had to recognise that governmental bodies can The Corporation’s plan for a ‘3-4 week’ show trial had turned no longer bring defamation actions.2 This was a crack in the into a comprehensive public tribunal in which ‘MeWorld’ was legal door as far as we were concerned — after all, on trial. transnational corporations are often more powerful and even The administrative and advocacy workload was huge and less accountable than local and national governments, and the proceedings alienating, exhausting and highly stressful. hence should also have no right to suppress free public We continued to get some sporadic advice on specific legal debate over their activities. points, but 99% was down to us, working from our cramped homes. Helen had her job each weekend, and I was a single In court — the legal battle parent. However, it was greatly empowering to be members of the public uniquely able to challenge the might and 7 cannot think of a case in which the legal cards have sophistication of the corporate world face to face in the been so spectacularly stacked against one party.' witness box. They could not hide behind their usual slick PR Legal commentator, Marcel Berlins department. We felt a huge responsibility. As in society at We got two hours free legal aid — the advice amounted large, it really felt like two worlds colliding. As experienced to: ‘Libel is a nightmare for any defendant — with no legal campaigners, this, and the successes we were having, is what aid you’ve probably not got a cat in hell’s chance of even drove us on. We knew we were onto something big when getting to trial, let alone winning’. We decided to fight, after only a few weeks of testimony two members of the representing ourselves through 28 pre-trial hearings, some Corporation’s Board of Directors secretly flew over from lasting up to five days. We were given occasional pro-bono Chicago at their request to meet Helen and me in an interesting advice by a barrister, Keir Starmer, involved with the Haldane but futile effort to settle the case. Society of Socialist Lawyers. The main reason that the case took so long is because It was a nightmare being litigants in person, and we had to McDonald’s insisted that almost every criticism in the leam quickly on our feet. We argued furiously, to little avail, factsheet was libellous. We believe that those criticisms are for full disclosure by McDonald’s of all relevant company common sense views on matters of great public interest, not documents. England’s top libel judge was initially in charge just directed at McDonald’s but at the food industry in of our case. As we became more experienced and assertive, general. Defending such views made the case very wide- our arguments with McDonald’s and the judge increased. A ranging.3 new judge, Mr Justice Bell, who had only been appointed the The Corporation called its big guns into the witness box. year before and had never tried a libel case, was brought in Having been denied a jury, who might not be so ready to instead.
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