TH£ January i 5, 20i 2 [IVING CHURCH CATHOLIC EVANGELICAL ECUMENICAL WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY with the 55th Episcopal Musician'sHandbook Lectionary Year B, 2011-2012 The L1'piscopal ,, . ' i , .us1c1ans : andbook 55th Edition Lectionary Year B I - - Church/Shipping Name _________ ___ _________ ------------_ Shipping Address - --- --- --- -- --- ----,-,--:cc-:-- --- - (DO NOT LIST PO BOX - STREET ADDRESS ONLY} City, State, Zip ___ ____ __ _________ ___ ___ _ Telephone('-_ __ _,_ ___ ___ _ Email __ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ ORDER FORM NOTE: PLEASE FILL IN CARDHOLDER INFORMATION (Be sure to fill out form completely.) 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Or, LIVING alternatively, perhaps the urgings of unity are so many sirens of cowardly appeasers, who would either have us dodge essential matters of truth or duck the duties of justice lest someone somewhere CHURCH be offended. Against all of these views, the cause and call of visible unity - every Christian in each place, and all together, worshipping and witnessing THIS ISSUE I January 15, 2012 to the one Body of Christ - asserts itself resolutely, radiating from the heart of the Scriptures , yea, from NEWS the lips of our Lord. "We affirm the ecumenical voca­ 4 Bishops Pledge Support to Sudan tion of Anglicanism to the full visible unity of the Church in accordance with Christ's prayer that 'all FEATURES may be one,'" reads the proposed Anglican Covenant , following a venerable tradition. Early in this 8 Review Essay new year, take a simple step in obedience and hope How Can the Petrine Ministry Be a Service toward the unity we profess but do not yet fully pos­ to the Unity of the Universal Church? sess: Mend a broken relationship with a sister or brother from another Christian commun ity. edited by James F. Puglisi ON THE COVER: Statue of St. Peter by Giuseppe De Review by Mary Tanner Fabris (1840) at St. Peter's Basilica. 20 Dag Hammarskjold: Christian Peacemaker By Nigel A. Renton BOOKS 12 Harvesting the Fruits by Walter Cardinal Kasper Review by Sarah Rowland Jones 14 True and False Reform in the Church by Yves Congar Review by Jared Wicks, SJ 15 For the Communion of the Churches by the Groupe des Dombes Review by Leander S. Harding 16 Heavenly Participation by Hans Boersma Review by Samuel Keyes 18 The Accidental Anglican by Todd D. Hunter Review by Douglas LeBlanc CULTURES 22 Epiphany and Souffles CATHOLIC VOICES 24 This Wall Saves Lives By Edward S. Little II A Liv1NcCHURCH Sponsor OTHER DEPARTMENTS 0 This issue is sponsored by St. Timothy's Episcopal 26 Letters to the Editor Church, Raleigh, North Carolina [page 29]. 28 Sunday's Readings The Living Church is published by the Living Church Foundation.Our historic mission in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to support and promote the Catholic and evangelicalfaith of the one Church, to the end of visible Christian unity throughout the world. Janu ary 15, 2012 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 NEWS January 15, 2012 Bishops Pledge Support to Sudan The Rt. Rev. David Colin Jones, Bishop Lee added. "We will not allow president of the American Friends communion politics or matters of of the Episcopal Church in Sudan theological interpretation to keep us (AFRECS), is not surprised by the from following the Gospel with any Sudanese church's renewed state­ of our brothers and sisters in Christ." ment regarding the Episcopal Church Bishop Jones spoke with affection and same-sex couples. for Archbishop Daniel, whom he has Jones, who will retire in January known since the archbishop's stu­ as a bishop suffragan in the Diocese Photo courtesy of David Colin Jones dies at Virginia Theological Sem­ of Virginia, attended the Sudanese Fr. Merrow, Archbishop Daniel, and Bishop inary. The provincial synod was the church 's provincial synod Nov. 14- Jones at the provincial synod in November. third visit to Sudan for Bishop Jones, 16. He said that the synod did not who attended a bishops' retreat in discuss the Episcopal Church's 2009 and a 2010 meeting of dioceses policies on same-sex couples, and Wayne Smith of Missouri and the Rt. and other groups, including AFRECS, that bishops did not discuss the Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee of Chicago, both that work with the Sudanese church. topic in a post-synod meeting. urged Episcopalians to be cautious He praised the archbishop 's work He said a statement from Arch­ and patient in their responses to the for peacemaking and reconciliation , bishop Daniel Deng Bul, which Sudanese church's statements. often in cooperation with the United circulated through the web in late "What we know right now is just Nations. December, reaffirmed a statement the contents of this letter ," Bishop Bishop Jones said the two churches' by Sudanese bishops during the Smith said in a Dec. 19 report on his perspectives on sexuality has dis­ Lambeth Conference of 1998. The diocese's website. "I would encourage rupted neither his relationship with Sudanese church's clear affirmation the people of this diocese to avoid the archbishop nor the ministry of of the Anglican Church in North the rush to judgment until all facts AFRECS. America is new, however. are in, especially since the inner "I profoundly respect where they "We are deeply disappointed by workings of ECS are often complex." are. Daniel and I never discuss it. the Episcopal Church's refusal to Bishop Lee said in a statement We're friends," Jones said . "That abide by Biblical teaching on human Dec. 19: "The political seasons of should not get in the way of helping sexuality and their refusal to listen to the Anglican Communion come and our friends ." fellow Anglicans," the statement go, and tensions sometimes boil The Rev. Andrew Merrow, rector said, adding that the Episcopal over . That appears to have hap­ of St. Mary's Church in Arlington , Church has "pushed itself away from pened last week when Archbishop Virginia, accompanied Bishop Jones God's Word" and from the Anglican Daniel Deng Bul chose to withdraw for part of his time in Sudan. Communion. "TEC is not concerned an invitation to visit that he had Like Bishop Jones , Merrow has a for the unity of the Communion." previously made to Presiding Bishop long friendship with Archbishop The statement also said the Katharine Jefferts Schori. This was Daniel, who spoke ( as Bishop of Sudanese church will no longer offer regrettable, but disagreements among Renk) at his parish on the night of its advice to the Episcopal Church primates who are often playing to Sept. 10, 2001. A parishioner asked on these topics, since the Episcopal audiences we are not aware of that night whether Christians and Church has disregard earlier advice. should not disrupt relationships Muslims could work together, Archbishop Daniel wrote a separate among Anglicans working together Merrow said . The bishop responded letter to Presiding Bishop Katharine in mission. that they could, but it was also Jefferts Schori that she would not be "We stand with the people of important to know that radical welcome to visit the Sudanese Renk, just as we stand with lesbian, Muslims in Sudan have a different church. Bishop Jones declined gay, bisexual, and transgender temperament than Muslims down comment on Archbishop Daniel's Christians around the world, the street from St. Mary's. letter to the presiding bishop. especially in places where they The terrorist attacks of 9/11 Two bishops, the Rt. Rev. George suffer violence and persecution," (Continued on next page) Visit livingchurch .org for daily reports of news about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • January 15, 2012 ANALYSIS (Continued from previous page) reinforced the bishop's warning, 'I Like Surprises':Hitchens and Heaven Merrow said. He has visited Sudan On reading the works of the Roman idea that God may possibly have four times, and his parish helped pay Emperor and Stoic philosopher reserved a place at the heavenly for constructing a new cathedral in Marcus Aurelius (121-180), John feast for him. Renk, which was dedicated in 2006. Wesley is said to have wondered What of Christopher Eric Hitchens During Merrow's latest trip to whether here was one of the "many" (1949-2011),self-publicizing contrar­ Sudan, the hosts asked on short whom Jesus said would "come from ian and fierce critic of the Christian notice ifhe would teach at a meeting the east and the west, and take their faith, who died Dec.
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